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The results from the regional air quality analysis for the Four Corners Study are discussed in this paper. This study was one of five regional studies conducted for the National Commission on Air Quality. Potential regional air quality impacts were evaluated through the year 1995 for alternative energy scenarios under current and alternative regulatory policies. The alternative regulatory policies include emission fees, technology standards, emission ceilings, and prevention of significant deterioration class elimination. The alternatives were compared in terms of their impacts on regional visibility and on the ambient concentrations of SO2, SO4, and primary fine particulates. The fate of the pollutants was estimated. The alternative regulatory policies were quite different with respect to their control of SOX emissions and their impacts on regional visibility. Sources located outside of the study region were estimated to have a major impact on regional air quality within the study region.  相似文献   

Comprehensive surveys conducted at 5-yr intervals were used to estimate sulfur dioxide (SO,) and nitrogen oxides (NO.) emissions from U.S. pulp and paper mills for 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, and 2005. Over the 25-yr period, paper production increased by 50%, whereas total SO, emissions declined by 60% to 340,000 short tons (t) and total NO, emissions decreased approximately 15% to 230,000 t. The downward emission trends resulted from a combination of factors, including reductions in oil and coal use, steadily declining fuel sulfur content, lower pulp and paper production in recent years, increased use of flue gas desulfurization systems on boilers, growing use of combustion modifications and add-on control systems to reduce boiler and gas turbine NO, emissions, and improvements in kraft recovery furnace operations.  相似文献   

《Atmospheric environment(England)》1981,15(10-11):1929-1933
Soil dust can at times contribute significantly to atmospheric turbidity in the western U.S.A. An examination of meteorological surface observations from three sites in the west shows an increase in the number of cases of blowing dust (BD) over the past 30 years, while the mean wind speed associated with BD has decreased in growing, urban areas. Dust is reported more often in developing areas (such as Denver and Tucson) than in less disturbed areas (Winslow, AZ). Dust turbidity models, whose development was stimulated by the 1930s great plains dust bowl catastrophe are applicable to western soils as well and help explain visibility reductions caused by dust. Vehicle generated dust from unpaved roads can limit visibilities to values of one-third or less than the molecular scattering limit. The upper limits to the amounts of dust and visibility reduction to be expected in the west for differing meteorological conditions are calculated. It is estimated that dust devils may occasionally contribute 247 μg m −3 of dust to the lower atmosphere in the west and a possible correlation between dust devils and human activity is noted.  相似文献   

The weekly cycles of atmospheric ozone (O3) are of interest because they provide information about the response of O3 to changes in anthropogenic emissions from weekdays to weekends. The weekly behavior of O3 in Chicago, IL; Philadelphia, PA; and Atlanta, GA, is contrasted. In Chicago and Philadelphia, maximum 1-hr average O3 increases on weekends. In Atlanta, O3 builds up from Mondays to Fridays and declines during weekends. In all three areas, volatile organic compound (VOC)/nitrogen oxides (NOx) ratios are higher during weekends, resulting from greater than proportionate decreases in NOx relative to VOC emissions. The VOC/NOx ratios correlate with maximum 1-hr O3 concentrations in Chicago, a response consistent with a VOC-sensitive airshed. A weak correlation between O3 concentrations and VOC/NOx ratios in Philadelphia suggests the impact of transported O3, which is formed in upwind VOC-sensitive locations that may be hundreds of kilometers away. Ozone concentrations in Atlanta do not correlate with VOC/NOx ratios but with concentrations of NOx and total reactive nitrogen (NOy) carried over from the previous day. When data from 1986-1990 and 1995-1999 are compared, only small differences in the weekly behavior of O3 are observed in Chicago and Philadelphia. The day-of-week differences in O3 are amplified in the more recent period in Atlanta, a possible result of urban growth.  相似文献   

The pace and direction of electrostatic precipitator (ESP) technology evolution in the United States will be governed by two key forces. The first is new clean air legislation passed by the U.S. Congress and signed by President Bush on November 15,1990. This law requires electric utilities to further reduce SO2 and NOx emissions, which may impact particulate controls. In addition, very fine (< 10 micron) participates and potentially toxic trace emissions from utility power plants may be regulated. The second major factor is the expected upsurge in new plant construction beginning in the late 1990s. Together, these forces should define the performance requirements and market for new ESPs.

This paper identifies and briefly describes technologies that the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) is developing to help U.S. utilities meet these challenges cost-effectively. Among the technologies addressed are: advanced digital voltage controls, flue gas conditioning, intermittent energization, temperature-controlledprecharging (i.e., two-stage ESP), wide plate spacing, positive energization of corona electrodes for hot-side ESPs, and integration of conventional ESPs with pulse-jet baghouses.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The United Nations’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is international cooperation that aims to climate change mitigation, and encourage the...  相似文献   

Sodium thiosulfate (Na2S2O3) has been tested in a pilot plant as an oxidation inhibitor in flue gas desulfurization by lime and limestone slurry scrubbing with and without MgO and adiplc acid additives. The effectiveness of thiosulfate is proportional to the inhibitor product, defined as the product of thiosulfate concentration (M), calcium concentration (M), and the moles of SO2 absorbed per hour per liter of hold tank volume. Gypsum saturation was less than 100 percent and scaling was eliminated when the inhibitor product exceeded 0.3 × 10?6(gmol/L)3/h. Thiosulfate was relatively more effective in systems with chlorides and less effective in systems promoted by MgO. An inhibitor product greater than 10?6(gmol/L)3/h significantly enhanced dewatering of solids from limestone scrubbing. SO2 removal and/or limestone utilization were increased in systems that started with less than 10 mM dissolved calcium.  相似文献   

Airborne particulate matter from three ferrous foundries was sampled in granulometric fractions and analyzed by scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray analysis (SEM-EDXA), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) to determine morphology and qualitative bulk and surface chemical compositions. Cluster and principal components analyses (PCA) were used as an aid for interpretation of results. A clear pattern of composition as a function of size emerges; in particular, trace metals accumulate in fine particles and volatile species on the surface of these. Chemical composition changes are also related to daily schedules where applicable: trace metals appear during pouring operations, silicon is generated during mold making and unmolding. Cluster and PCA greatly ease examination of data and offer pictorial representations of results; in particular, the chemical composition versus particle size relationship is very neatly illustrated by PCA graphs.  相似文献   

- Sustainable chemistry - Section editors: Klaus Günter Steinhäuser, Steffi Richter, Petra Greiner, Jutta Penning, Michael AngrickBackground, Aim and Scope Recent developments in European chemicals policy, including the Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals (REACH) proposal, provide a unique opportunity to examine the U.S. experience in promoting sustainable chemistry as well as the strengths and weaknesses of existing policies. Indeed, the problems of industrial chemicals and limitations in current regulatory approaches to address chemical risks are strikingly similar on both sides of the Atlantic. We provide an overview of the U.S. regulatory system for chemicals management and its relationship to efforts promoting sustainable chemistry. We examine federal and state and examine lessons learned from this system that can be applied to developing more integrated, sustainable approaches to chemicals management.Main Features There is truly no one U.S. chemicals policy, but rather a series of different un-integrated policies at the federal, regional, state and local levels. While centerpiece U.S. Chemicals Policy, the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976, has resulted in the development of a comprehensive, efficient rapid screening process for new chemicals, agency action to manage existing chemicals has been very limited. The agency, however, has engaged in a number of successful, though highly underfunded, voluntary data collection, pollution prevention, and sustainable design programs that have been important motivators for sustainable chemistry. Policy innovation in the establishment of numerous state level initiatives on persistent and bioaccumulative toxics, chemical restrictions and toxics use reduction have resulted in pressure on the federal government to augment its efforts.Results and Conclusions It is clear that data collection on chemical risks and phase-outs of the most egregious chemicals alone will not achieve the goals of sustainable chemistry. These alone will also not internalize the cultural and institutional changes needed to ensure that design and implementation of safer chemicals, processes, and products are the focus of the future. Thus, a more holistic approach of ‘carrots and sticks’ – that involves not just chemical producers but those who use and purchase chemicals is necessary. Some important lessons of the US experience in chemicals management include: (1) the need for good information on chemicals flows, toxic risks, and safer substances.; (2) the need for comprehensive planning processes for chemical substitution and reduction to avoid risk trade-offs and ensure product quality; (3) the need for technical and research support to firms for innovation in safer chemistry; and (4) the need for rapid screening processes and tools for comparison of alternative chemicals, materials, and products.  相似文献   

Principles are presented for standardization and establishment of maximum permissible emissions (MPE) into the atmosphere in accordance with theoretical and experimental investigations of pollutant diffusion from sources of various types, accounting for meteorological and topographical conditions. MPE refers to the amount of pollutants from a single source that together with other neighbouring sources give rise to air pollution concentrations that do not exceed the air quality standard. Due to a lack of confidence in theories it is impossible at present to prove the establishment of MPE and our present technical knowledge supports only a gradual decrease of emissions and determination of temporarily agreed emissions (TAE). For determination of MPE and TAE from multiple urban sources, calculation and analysis of their total concentration field are performed. The physical bases of the methods for standardization of industrial emissions officially adopted in the U.S.S.R. for practical use are presented. It is considered how standardization and establishment of MPE and control on their fulfillment are organized in the U.S.S.R.  相似文献   

The average concentration of Pb in urban dust in central Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, was found to be 803 ppm. On the hills in the town the level was higher, over 2000 ppm. The Pb content of dust was found to depend on the distance from the street of the sampling site, but the dependence was less than expected. Urban dust samples taken on the neighbouring island of St. Croix, where there is lower traffic density, showed an average Pb level of 327 ppm.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Understanding the factors affecting R&amp;D trends in the energy sector has a key role in overcoming environmental concerns such as combating...  相似文献   

We examined the concentration, size distribution, redox state and isotopic composition of plutonium (Pu) in groundwater at the 100K-Area at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Hanford Site. Total concentrations of Pu isotopes were extremely low (10(-4) to 10(-6) pCi/kg, approximately 10(4) to 10(6) atoms/kg) but measurable for the first time in the 100K-Area wells using mass spectrometric analyses that are much more sensitive than alpha spectroscopy methods used previously. Size fractionation data from two wells suggest that 7-29% of the Pu is associated with colloids, operationally defined here as particles between 1 kDa-0.2 microm in size. These colloids were collected using a 1 kDa cross-flow ultrafiltration (CFF) system developed specifically for groundwater actinide studies to include careful controls both in the field and during processing to ensure in situ geochemical conditions are maintained and size separations can be well characterized. Pu in this colloidal fraction was exclusively in the more reduced Pu(III/IV) form, consistent with the higher affinity of Pu in the lower oxidation states for particle surfaces. While the overall concentrations of Pu were low, the Pu isotopic composition suggests at least two local sources of groundwater Pu, namely, local Hanford reactor operations at the 100K-Area and spent nuclear fuel from the N-reactor, which was stored in concrete pools at this site. Differences between this site and the Savannah River Site (SRS) are noted, since groundwater Pu at the F-Area seepage basin at SRS has been found using these same methods, to be characterized by lower colloidal abundances and higher oxidation states. This difference is not directly attributable to groundwater redox potential or geochemical conditions, but rather the physical-chemical difference in Pu sources, which at SRS appear to be dominated downstream from the seepage basins by decay of 244Cm, resulting in more oxidized forms of 240Pu. There is no clear evidence for colloid facilitated transport of Pu in groundwater at the Hanford Site, since downstream wells have both an order of magnitude lower concentrations of Pu and a lower fractional colloidal distribution.  相似文献   

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