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The advent of stringent regulation of the storage of liquids in underground containers presents a new dimension to an operating practice long taken for granted. Previously, tanks went underground to provide a safe and convenient method for handling.liquids. Unfortunately, the environmental impact of leakage from those containers was not anticipated, nor were tank designs properly configured to minimize the threat. As local officials became alert to the potential for damage, public pressure forced tank owners to rethink this casual practice. Manufacturers and suppliers of tanks and associated hardware have moved rapidly to the new state of the art called for to meet the new standards for storage techniques, and to provide effective leak prevention and detection. This paper presents a chronology of the progress made to date in storage equipment and operating practices to provide the environmental protection demanded of underground tank owners and operators. Tank design, secondary containment, monitoring, spill and overfill protection, tank testing methods, and installation and closure procedures—as related to leak prevention—are presented  相似文献   

Experimental relationships between the mass concentration of suspended particulate matter and the optical density of particulates collected on paper tape have been determined for the atmospheric aerosol and for aerosols of constant optical properties. Simultaneous samples were obtained on membrane filters (for gravimetric analysis) and on Whatman No. 4 paper tape (for optical evaluation). Sampling procedures were adopted which ensured that the efficiency of sampling was the same in both cases.

Consistent relationships between mass concentrations of suspended particulate matter and optical density expressed in terms of per cent transmittance or per cent reflectance were found for dispersions of coal, limestone, fly ash, and a coal-limestone mixture.

For atmospheric aerosol samples collected on the roof of the Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh, the relationship between mass concentration and per cent transmittance or per cent reflectance was found to be linear over the range of values observed. The correlation coefficients were ?0.93 (for concentration versus per cent transmittance) and ?0.89 (for concentration versus per cent reflectance).  相似文献   

This paper presents information concerning the response to the availability of control program grants under Sect. 4 of the Clean Air Act, P.L. 88-206. Statistics concerning awards are presented together with a discussion of the nature of the projects supported and the impact of this support on air pollution control efforts throughout the country.  相似文献   

Results of this study showed that the use of a radiant-type kerosene heater or a poorly-vented wood-burning fireplace resulted in substantial increases (up to 10 times background) of benzo(a)pyrene levels (on airborne particulates) in indoor environments.  相似文献   


Since 1987, the Pollution Measurement Division of the Environmental Protection Service, Environment Canada, has operated a field program for measuring benzene in ambient air. With the cooperation of provincial and municipal environmental agencies, samples have been collected at over 30 urban and rural monitoring sites across the country. Samples are collected in evacuated canisters and analyzed by gas chromatography with a mass-selective detector. Using data from all sites, the composite average benzene concentration for Canada over the years 1989 to 1993 was 3.6 μg/m3 and the composite median was found to be 2.6 μ/m3. Benzene concentrations are highest at urban sites near major streets and at sites influenced by industrial sources. For eighteen urban and suburban trend sites (those with no nearby industrial sources), composite annual median benzene concentrations decreased by 20% between 1989 and 1993. For the same period, median benzene concentrations decreased by 33% at four trend sites with nearby industries. At most monitoring sites the parameters for benzene and CO are highly correlated; supporting the inventory estimate that most emissions of benzene are due to vehicle exhaust. For sites with nearby industrial sources of benzene, the industries are estimated to account for 35 to 70% of the benzene dose experienced at the sites. These site specific contributions are much more significant than the estimated national emissions assigned to industrial sources.  相似文献   


Ambient measurements were made using two sets of annular denuder system during the four seasons (April 2001 to February 2002) and were then compared with the results during the period of 1996–1997 to estimate the trends and seasonal variations in concentrations of gaseous and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) principal species. Annual averages of gaseous HNO3 and NH3 increased by 11% and 6%, respectively, compared with those of the previous study, whereas HONO and SO2 decreased by 11% and 136%, respectively. The PM2.5 concentration decreased by ~17%, 35% for SO4 2?, and 29% for NH4 +, whereas NO3 ? increased by 21%. Organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) were 12.8 and 5.98 μg/m-3, accounting for ~26 and 12% of PM2.5 concentration, respectively. The species studied accounted for 84% of PM2.5 concentration, ranging from 76% in winter to 97% in summer.

Potential source contribution function (PSCF) analysis was used to identify possible source areas affecting air pollution levels at a receptor site in Seoul. High possible source areas in concentrations of PM2.5, NO3 ?, SO4 2?, NH4 +, and K+ were coastal cities of Liaoning province (possibly emissions from oil-fired boilers on ocean liners and fishing vessels and industrial emissions), inland areas of Heibei/Shandong provinces (the highest density areas of agricultural production and population) in China, and typical port cities (Mokpo, Yeosu, and Busan) of South Korea. In the PSCF map for OC, high possible source areas were also coastal cities of Liaoning province and inland areas of Heibei/Shandong provinces in China. In contrast, high possible source areas of EC were highlighted in the south of the Yellow Sea, indicating possible emissions from oil-fired boilers on large ships between South Korea and Southeast Asia. In summary, the PSCF results may suggest that air pollution levels in Seoul are affected considerably by long-range transport from external areas, such as the coastal zone in China and other cities in South Korea, as well as Seoul itself.  相似文献   

BaP is one of the most studied PAH, due to its ubiquitous presence in aquatic environments and toxicity to aquatic organisms. The main goal of this study was to assess BaP effects in Nile Tilapia after waterborne and dietary exposures, through the evaluation of EROD and GST activities in liver, gills and intestine, and BaP metabolites in bile; and also to evaluate the usefulness of these commonly used biomarkers after two different routes of exposure. Waterborne exposure to BaP led to a significant induction of EROD in all tissues analyzed (644%, 1640% and 2880% in relation to solvent in liver, gill and intestine respectively) while in dietary exposures EROD was induced only in intestine (3143%) after exposure to high BaP concentrations. GST activities with CDNB were slightly induced in liver (40%) and in gill (66%) after water exposure to BaP, and in intestine after dietary exposure to low BaP concentrations (182%). BaP metabolites in bile increased after both exposure routes, and were highly correlated with EROD activity after water exposure. In summary, this work has shown that the effects of BaP on biotransformation pathways depend on the route of exposure. Moreover, barrier tissues like gills and intestine also have an important role in the first-pass metabolism of BaP, reducing the amount of parent compound that reaches the liver to be metabolized. For that reason, EROD activity as a biomarker of exposure should also be applied in extrahepatic organs, like gills and intestine, in monitoring studies. Biliary BaP type metabolites are good reflectors of contamination levels under both exposure routes, while GST activity with CDNB as substrate, as a phase II enzyme, does not seem a reliable biomarker of exposure to BaP regardless the route of exposure.  相似文献   


This article develops an empirical relationship between the British Smoke (BS) measurement, coefficient of haze (CoH), and Total Suspended Particulate Matter (TSP) for London winter periods of the early 1950s and 1960s. A bounded nonlinear model of form BS = TSP3 / (TSP2 + [200 μg/m3]2 ) fits the available BS/TSP data and meets the urban boundary conditions that BS0 as TSP0, and BSTSP as TSP→∞. A derivation is presented for the form of the equation from basic principles. Equations of a similar form may be useful on a site- and season-specific basis for developing relations between other fractions of PM.  相似文献   

Huang L  Wang C  Zhang Y  Li J  Zhong Y  Zhou Y  Chen Y  Zuo Z 《Chemosphere》2012,87(4):369-375
It is reported that the most abundant polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in weathered crude oils are cardiotoxic. However, the action mechanism of PAHs on vertebrate cardiovascular development and disease is unclear. In the present study, the cardiac morphology and functioning of zebrafish embryos exposed to benzo[a]pyrene [B(a)P], as a high-ring PAHs, for 72 h were observed and determined. The results showed that B(a)P exposure resulted in cardiac developmental defects in zebrafish embryos. Significant changes in expression level of multiple genes potentially critical for regulating the B(a)P-induced cardiovascular developmental defects were also found. A gene network regulating cardiac development perturbed by B(a)P exposure was identified and established by computational analysis and employment of some databases. The information from the network could provide a clue for further mechanistic studies explaining molecular events regulating B(a)P-mediated cardiovascular defects and consequences.  相似文献   

Cuttings of Populus nigra L. cv. Loenen were cultivated in sand treated with one of the following PAHs: phenanthrene (Phen), fluoranthene (Flt), pyrene (Pyr), chrysene (Chr) and benzo[a]pyrene (BaP). The PAHs were applied at varying levels of concentration to each test series. After 6 weeks the concentration and the distribution of the PAHs in the substrate of the various sets of tests were compared with the concentration in the substrate of the control. Additionally the substrate and the plant roots were tested for evidence of degradation products of PAHs. The results revealed that the levels of concentration of Phen and Pyr detected in the substrate surrounding the roots was in some cases significantly lower than in the corresponding section of substrate in the unplanted set (= control). This phenomenon did not occur for Flt and BaP and in the case of Chr only in those substrates, which had been treated with the highest levels of concentration. As the presence of lesser amounts of Phen and Pyr in the plant pots cannot only be attributed to their accumulation and metabolism in the roots, it is fair to assume that the chemical transformation of these three PAHs took place outside the roots. The set of tests treated with Phen revealed the presence of 2- or 3-hydroxy-Phen (main components), a hydroxy-methoxy-Phen, 9,10-Phenanthrenequinone and one unidentified compound in metabolite form. Altogether eleven metabolites of Pyr were identified in the root extracts, which can be divided into three groups: 1-Hydroxy-Pyr and derivatives, dihydroxy-Pyr and derivatives and ring fission products (4-Hydroxy-Pyr and a derivative of the 4-Phen-carbonic acid). However, the metabolite mass detected for Phen and Pyr represents only an insignificant percentage in comparison with the lesser amounts of PAHs observed in the planted set of tests. This indicates that the three PAHs were reduced to lower molecular compounds, which are methodically impossible to record, and subsequently translocated to other parts of the plant and integrated into the biomass. Although no lesser amount for Flt and BaP was found in the plant pots, 1-Hydroxy-Flt, an unidentified compound of Flt and 1-Methoxy-BaP were detected. These are presumably end products which were enhanced in the roots. It was not possible to identify any transformation products of Chr. It can be assumed that the majority of metabolites were not synthesised in the roots but are a result of microbial degradation in the rhizosphere. The test plants improved the conditions for the biotransformation of Phen and Pyr significantly and accumulated Flt, Pyr, Chr and BaP in their roots. It can therefore be concluded that the use of plants in the bioremediation of contaminated soils is a promising option.  相似文献   

Benzo[a]pyrene, a high molecular weight (HMW) polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) was removed from solution by Sphingomonas yanoikuyae JAR02 while growing on root products as a primary carbon and energy source. Plant root extracts of osage orange (Maclura pomifera), hybrid willow (Salix albaxmatsudana), or kou (Cordia subcordata), or plant root exudates of white mulberry (Morus alba) supported 15-20% benzo[a]pyrene removal over 24 h that was similar to a succinate grown culture and an unfed acetonitrile control. No differences were observed between the different root products tested. Mineralization of (14)C-7-benzo[a]pyrene by S. yanoikuyae JAR02 yielded 0.2 to 0.3% (14)CO(2) when grown with plant root products. Collectively, these observations were consistent with field observations of enhanced phytoremediation of HMW PAH and corroborated the hypothesis that co-metabolism may be a plant/microbe interaction important to rhizoremediation. However, degradation and mineralization was much less for root product-exposed cultures than salicylate-induced cultures, and suggested the rhizosphere may not be an optimal environment for HMW PAH degradation by Sphingomonas yanoikuyae JAR02.  相似文献   

Effective August 1, 1978 the Government of Canada ordered that all future federal regulations of significant economic import, covering the subjects of health, safety and fairness be preceded by the publication of a formal socioeconomic impact analysis (SEIA). Environmental protection regulations are included. I encountered my first public reaction to this announcement at a conference in Ottawa on the subject of “Jobs and the Environment”. A union official duly observed that the SEIA was obviously industry’s answer to having to carry out Environmental Impact Assessments. Not much later, I was told by a senior environmental official of an overseas country that what SEIA really did was to place the burden of proof on governments as to the need for control, rather than leaving industry to show that their activities were not damaging to the environment.  相似文献   

Orally administered 3H-benzo(a)pyrene (BP) was concentrated in liver, kidney and lung of rat. Liver contained BP-diols, BP-quinones and 3-hydroxy-BP, and extremely high amounts of BP-quinones and unmetabolized BP were found in lung until after 7 hr of administration. In kidney, BP-quinones and BP-diols were major metabolites, but not BP or 3-hydroxy-BP. Low level of metabolites as conjugates with glucuronate and more polar compounds were also detected in kidney. These results suggested that an orally administered BP was metabolized to BP-diols and 3-hydroxy-BP mainly in liver, to BP-quinones mainly in lung, and to BP-diols and glucuronides or more polar compounds mainly in kidney.  相似文献   

The capacity of Phanerochaete chrysosporium grown on soil with added sugarcane baggase (BP) and pine sawdust (PS) to remove benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) was studied. A half factorial two-level experiment 2(4-1) was designed to determine the effect of: type of lignocellulosic material (BP and PS) for fungus growth, age of fungus (5 and 10d), amount of lignocellulosic material (10% and 15% w/w) and soil moisture content (water holding capacity of 45% and 56% w/w). Inoculum obtained at different ages showed that the capacity of P. chrysosporium to remove BaP depends on the lignocellulosic used and on inoculum age. Abiotic BaP removal was affected significantly (p<0.05) by inoculum age, type of lignocellulosic added and soil moisture content. The removal of BaP by lignocellulosic material was more effective by young inocula (71.97 mg BaP kg(-1) dry soil), with high percentage of added lignocellulosic (71.57 mg BaP kg(-1) dry soil) and at low soil moisture content (73.07 mg BaP kg(-1) dry soil). When fungus was grown on BP, maximum BaP removal rate was obtained at 5d of incubation (10.85 mg BaP d(-1)l(-1) and 50.12 mg BaP kg(-1) dry soil), while in PS maximum BaP removal was obtained at 10d of incubation (12.06 mg BaP d(-1)l(-1) and 39.94 mg BaP kg(-1) dry soil).  相似文献   

The removal of pyrene and benzo(a)pyrene from contaminated water by sequential and simultaneous ozonation-bioremediation techniques was investigated. During the sequential treatment, ozonation using 0.5 or 2.5 mg/L ozone was used as a pretreatment process, whereas, during the simultaneous treatment process, ozonation of hydrocarbon-contaminated water at a predetermined duration using 0.5 mg/L ozone was made in the presence of microbial biomass. Ozonation was not beneficial for the removal of pyrene. However, despite a decreased specific biodegradation rate, ozonation improved the overall elimination of benzo(a)pyrene during both treatment processes. The overall removal of benzo(a)pyrene increased from 23 to 91% after exposure of the water to 0.5 mg/L ozone for 30 minutes during the simultaneous treatment process and further to 100% following exposure to 2.5 mg/L ozone for 60 minutes during the sequential treatment mode, demonstrating the benefits of combined ozonation-biological treatment for the removal of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

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