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Activated carbon filters were used to concentrate atmospheric mixtures of acrolein, methyl sulfide, and n-propyl mercaptan. Removal efficiency and carbon capacity for each of the odor compounds were investigated using two different carbons, Cliff char {4-10 mesh) and Barnebey-Cheney (C-4). A closed system was devised to establish a known atmospheric odor concentration for each filter run. Solvent extraction techniques were employed to desorb and recover the odor compounds from the carbon filters. All quantitative analyses were conducted with gas liquid chromatography utilizing the hydrogen flame ionization detector. The removal studies conducted indicate that the efficiency of removal of a carbon filter is essentially 100 percent up to the point of filter breakthrough. This breakthrough point is governed by the filter’s capacity for a particular compound. This study indicated that the filter capacity is dependent both on the type of carbon employed and the particular odor compound adsorbed. Solvent recovery of the odor compounds from the carbons varied from 0 to 4.5 percent for the mercaptan up to 96 to 98 percent for acrolein. Percent recovery was found to vary for a given odor compound with different carbons and for a given carbon with different odor pollutants.  相似文献   


In this study, the potential of spent activated carbon from water purifier (Aqua Guard, India) for the removal of atrazine (2 chloro-4 ethylamino-6-isopropylamino-1, 3, 5 triazine) from wastewaters was evaluated. Different grades of spent activated carbon were prepared by various pretreatments. Based on kinetic and equilibrium study results, spent activated carbon with a grain size of 0.3–0.5 mm and washed with distilled water (designated as WAC) was selected for fixed column studies. Batch adsorption equilibrium data followed both Freundlich and Langmuir isotherm. Fixed bed adsorption column with spent activated carbon as adsorbent was used as a polishing unit for the removal of atrazine from the effluent of an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor treating atrazine bearing domestic wastewater. Growth of bacteria on the surface of WAC was observed during column study and bacterial activity enhanced the effectiveness of adsorbent on atrazine removal from wastewater.  相似文献   


A microwave regeneration of activated carbon used to remove organic solvents from vented air has been investigated. Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK), acetone, and tetrachloroethylene (TCE) vapors were removed from vented air through adsorption onto granular activated carbon. The saturated carbon was then regenerated in a microwave field, where the solvent was quickly desorbed and recovered from the inner pores of the carbon granules. The microwave-induced regeneration restored the original adsorption capacity and surface area of the activated carbon.  相似文献   

Trace metals collected on filter paper by a hi-volume air sampler for 24 hours were analyzed using the X-ray fluorescence method. A gamma ray exciting source (241Am) and a bremsstrahlung exciting source (147Pm) were both used to produce the X-rays, the latter being more efficient. For the samples collected in Dayton, several metals were detected, viz.: Ti, Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, and Sn. Elements in the periodic table between Ti and Cs were seen to have a sensitivity limit of 0.5 micrograms/m3 of air.  相似文献   


Injection of powdered activated carbon (PAC) upstream of particulate removal devices (such as electrostatic precipitator and baghouses) has been used effectively to remove hazardous air pollutants, particularly mercury-containing pollutants, emitted from combustors and incinerators. Compared with commercial PACs (CPACs), an alternative PAC derived from waste tires (WPAC) was prepared for this study. The equilibrium adsorptive capacity of mercury chloride (HgCl2) vapor onto the WPAC was further evaluated with a self-designed bench-scale adsorption column system. The adsorption temperatures investigated in the adsorption column were controlled at 25 and 150 °C. The superficial velocity and residence time of the flow were 0.01 m/sec and 4 sec, respectively. The adsorption column tests were run under nitrogen gas flow. Experimental results showed that WPAC with higher Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) surface area could adsorb more HgCl2 at room temperature. The equilibrium adsorptive capacity of HgCl2 for WPAC measured in this study was 1.49 × 10?1 mg HgCl2/g PAC at 25 °C with an initial HgCl2 concentration of 25 μg/m3. With the increase of adsorption temperature ≤150 °C, the equilibrium adsorptive capacity of HgCl2 for WPAC was decreased to 1.×34 10?1 mg HgCl2/g PA≤C. Furthermore,WPAC with higher sulfur contents could adsorb even more HgCl2 because of the reactions between sulfur and Hg2+ at 150 °C. It was demonstrated that the mechanisms for adsorbing HgCl2 onto WPAC were physical adsorption and chemisorption at 25 and 150 °C, respectively. Experimental results also indicated that the apparent overall driving force model appeared to have the good correlation with correlation coefficients (r) >0.998 for HgCl2 adsorption at 25 and 150 °C. Moreover, the equilibrium adsorptive capacity of HgCl2 for virgin WPAC was similar to that for CPAC at 25 °C, whereas it was slightly higher for sulfurized WPAC than for CPAC at 150 °C.  相似文献   


The objective of this study is to develop an innovative compositive impregnation process for preparing sulfurized powdered activated carbon (PAC) from waste tires. An experimental apparatus, including a pyrolysis and activation system and a sulfur (S) impregnation system, was designed and applied to produce sulfurized PAC with a high specific surface area. Experimental tests involved the pyrolysis, activation, and sulfurization of waste tires. Waste-tire-derived PAC (WPAC) was initially produced in the pyrolysis and activation system. Experimental results indicated that the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area of WPAC increased, and the average pore radius of WPAC decreased, as water feed rate and activation time increased. In this study, a conventional direct impregnation process was used to prepare the sulfurized PAC by impregnating WPAC with sodium sulfide (Na2S) solution. Furthermore, an innovative compositive impregnation process was developed and then compared with the conventional direct impregnation process. Experimental results showed that the compositive impregnation process produced the sulfurized WPAC with high BET surface area and a high S content. A maximum BET surface area of 886 m2/g and the S content of 2.61% by mass were obtained at 900°C and at the S feed ratio of 2160 mg Na2S/g C. However, the direct impregnation process led to a BET surface area of sulfurized WPAC that decreased significantly as the S content increased.  相似文献   

活性炭纤维及其在空气净化机中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论述了活性炭纤维的基本特性以及在空气净化机中的应用,通过试验得出复合活性炭纤维对空气净化机产生的臭氧以及室内的二氧化碳有很好的去除效果。  相似文献   

介绍了将印染废水经生物活性炭深度处理后回用于印染小试实验中,进行布面质量比较,主要针对回用水质对前后工序的影响、染色深度对布面质量的影响、不同水质的影响、染色种类的影响等,并提出印染废水深度处理后的回用途径以及技术改进措施。  相似文献   

以PTA生产尾气为实验体系,讨论了在活性炭对有机气体动态吸附过程中,有机气体初始浓度的三种测定方法,即气相色谱法、吸附称量法和气体方程计算法。结果得出,吸附称量法误差最小,其次是气体方程计算法,误差最大的是气相色谱法。  相似文献   

结合微波具有的热效应、非热效应特性,利用经改装的微波反应装置,研究了微波场下柠檬酸浓度、微波作用时间、微波功率、SO2初始浓度和搅拌速率对解吸柠檬酸盐溶液中SO2的影响,得出了影响SO2解吸率的基本规律和最佳解吸条件,并进行了分析.  相似文献   

微波解吸柠檬酸盐溶液中SO2实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合微波具有的热效应、非热效应特性,利用经改装的微波反应装置,研究了微波场下柠檬酸浓度、微波作用时间、微波功率、SO2初始浓度和搅拌速率对解吸柠檬酸盐溶液中SO2的影响,得出了影响SO2解吸率的基本规律和最佳解吸条件,并进行了分析。  相似文献   


Air samples of particulate matter (PM) with an aerodynamic diameter less than 10 µm (PM10) were collected from six sites in Bangkok, Thailand, using high-volume air samplers. Daily samples were taken at intervals of 12 days from November 1999 to November 2000. Size-selected sampling using a multislit Andersen size-fractionated cascade impactor was undertaken at one site in central Bangkok to identify particulate size distribution. The annual average PM10 concentration at all six sites exceeded the Thailand National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) of 50 µg/m3. The daily PM10 concentrations at heavy traffic roadside areas ranged between 30 and 160 µg/m3. The highest PM10 level occurred during the winter period (November–February), which is the dry season. From our results, which are based on a 1-yr survey, it can be observed that the particulate concentrations are associated with traffic volumes and seasonal factors (temperature and rainfall). The relative importance of size fractions in contributing to PM load is presented and discussed. Twenty polycyclic aromatic hydro-carbons (PAHs) associated with PM have been identified and quantified. The summed PAHs based on the 20 species had an average concentration of 60 ng/m3. Benzo(e)pyrene, indeno(123cd)pyrene, and benzo(ghi)perylene were the major compounds with average concentrations of 8, 10, and 13 ng/m3, respectively. Results indicate that more than 97% of PAHs were found in the small particulate size range of <0.95 µm.  相似文献   

The electrodes in industrial precipitators collect many tons of dust daily, and the efficient transfer of this dust burden to the hoppers is a challenging problem in mechanical engineering. Many varieties of devices have been tried; hammers, vibrators, scrapers, water flushing, gas blasting, etc. Impact devices for this purpose are usually called “rappers.” Laboratory experiments described in this paper show that normal (perpendicular) rapping is more effective than shear rapping; that thick dust layers are more easily removed by rapping than thin ones; that rapping becomes easier with increasing temperature, within limits; and that the electrostatic forces acting upon the precipitated dust layer play an important role. Quantitative data are shown graphically. The relation of these results to previous studies by other investigators is discussed.  相似文献   

Emission data have been derived from the simulated open burning of municipal refuse, landscape refuse, and automobile components. The data confirm that disposal of refuse by open, uncontrolled burning invariably leads to higher emissions than incineration and creates an unnecessary air pollution problem.  相似文献   

Bacteriogenic production of H2S occurs in fine-grained anoxic muds, is promoted by organic and nutrient pollution of water, peaks in the warm months of the year, and is the source of most of the estimated 100 to 200 million tons of biogenic sulfur annually contributed to the global atmosphere. We tested the hypothesis that biogenic sulfur contributes to the atmospheric load of sulfate in urban and nonurban sites by statistical analyses of the 24 hour sulfate levels measured in 4 coastal and 3 Inland nonurban sites where pollutant sulfur dioxide emissions are absent or negligible, and in 8 coastal and 10 inland urban sites, all located in New England or Middle Atlantic states.

Comparisons of annual and seasonal mean sulfate levels show that in nonurban groups summertime sulfate levels significantly exceed wintertime levels, and in summer, sulfate levels in urban sites are nearly the same as in nonurban sites. Comparisons of group sulfate means in 4 New York cities near extended bodies of polluted water with those in 10 inland upstate New York cities show significantly higher levels in the cities near polluted water in spring, summer, and fall and for the year as a whole, but not in winter, when the levels were similar. When the nonurban and urban sites are grouped for proximity to coasts (where bacterial sulfate reduction is active in sediments) paired groups of coastal and inland urban and nonurban sites show no significant differences in sulfate levels in summer and fall.

Studies of the summertime sulfate means in New York state show no evidence of an elevated anthropogenic background which could explain the high summertime sulfate level observed in one nonurban site in that state, while analyses of the day to day fluctuations in urban and nonurban sites support the conclusion that nonurban sites have large local (biogenic) sulfate sources in summer and fall, and that local sulfate sources also exist in spring and may exist in winter.

We conclude that biogenic sulfate sources contribute most of the sulfate observed in the cities studied during summer and fall, and in some cities also contribute in other seasons. These biogenic contributions vary with local conditions and are estimated to contribute up to 6 µg/m3 (50%) or more to the annual geometric mean sulfate levels observed in some cities located near extensive bodies of polluted water.  相似文献   

Desorption behavior of pyrene, phenanthrene and naphthalene from fullerene, single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) was examined. Available adsorption space of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) was found to be the cylindrical external surface, neither the inner cavities nor inter-wall spaces due to impurities in the CNTs and restricted spaces (0.335nm) of the MWCNTs, respectively. Desorption hysteresis was observed for fullerene but not for CNTs. Deformation-rearrangement was proposed to explain the hysteresis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) for fullerene, due to the formation of closed interstitial spaces in spherical fullerene aggregates. However, long, cylindrical carbon nanotubes could not form such closed interstitial spaces in their aggregates due to their length, thus showing no significant hysteresis. High adsorption capacity and reversible adsorption of PAHs on CNTs imply the potential release of PAHs if PAH-adsorbed CNTs are inhaled by animals and humans, leading to a high environmental and public health risk.  相似文献   

Desorption of PCBs from sediment can significantly affect the ultimate fate and effects of PCBs in aquatic systems. Using a gas purging technique to strip soluble and sorbed polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) from solutions and sediment suspensions, Henry's law constants, approach to equilibrium, and desorption rate constants for four PCB congeners were measured. Henry's law constants were on the order of 10−4 m3 atm mole−1. Desorption rate constants measured for a predominantly kaolinitic, low-organic carbon sediment were on the order of 0.03–0.1 days−1. In contrast, desorption rate constants measured for a sediment composed of montmorillonite with a 3% organic carbon content were on the order of 0.009–0.04 days−1. Desorption data suggest that equilibration times for PCBs with low chlorine content are on the order of six weeks, and months to years for PCBs with a significantly higher chlorine content.  相似文献   

Barry G. Oliver 《Chemosphere》1985,14(8):1087-1106
The desorption of 20 chlorinated organics from sediments has been studied using a nitrogen purge/Tenax trap system for separating the “dissolved” and “sorbed” fractions in sediment/water slurries. The desorption partition coefficient, KD, was found to decrease with increasing temperature and suspended sediment concentration. While some differences in KD and desorption rates were observed for the study chemicals, considering their wide range of physical/chemical properties such as KOW, these changes were small. Desorption half-lives averaged about 60d at 4°C, 40d at 20°C and 10d at 40°C under continuous gaseous purging. Estimates of the loadings of chemicals via desorption from bottom sediments in Lake Ontario are compared to loadings of these chemicals to the lake from the Niagara River.  相似文献   

The chemical release rates from a field-contaminated sediment (Lake Charles, LA) using Tenax desorption were studied. Two dichlorobenzenes (m-, p-), hexachlorobutadiene, and hexachlorobenzene were investigated. Contrary to reports that sorption rates are inversely related to K(OW), the slow desorption rates were found to be similar for the four compounds. The data were modeled by a two-compartment irreversible adsorption and radial diffusion model. Desorption kinetics from the first irreversible compartment can be modeled by radial diffusion and assume an irreversible adsorption constant and soil tortuosity of 4.3. The desorption half-life is approximately 2-7 days. Desorption from the second irreversible compartment is very slow (half-life of approximately 0.32-8.62 years) presumably caused by entrapment in soil organic matter that increases the constrictivity of the solid phase to chemical diffusion. From the kinetic data, it is deduced that the diffusion pore diameter of the second irreversible compartment is approximately equal to the critical molecular diameter. The mass of chemicals in this highly constrictive irreversible compartment is approximately one-fourth of the maximum irreversible, or resistant, compartment. The slow kinetics observed in this study add additional support to the notion that the irreversibly sorbed chemicals are 'benign' to the environment.  相似文献   

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