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The 1995 Integrated Monitoring Study (IMS95) is part of the Phase 1 planning efforts for the California Regional PM10/PM2.5 Air Quality Study. Thus, the overall objectives of IMS95 are to (1) fill information gaps needed for planning an effective field program later this decade; (2) develop an improved conceptual model for pollution buildup (PM10, PM2.5, and aerosol precursors) in the San Joaquin Valley; (3) develop a uniform air quality, meteorological, and emissions database that can be used to perform initial evaluations of aerosol and fog air quality models; and (4) provide early products that can be used to help with the development of State Implementation Plans for PM10. Consideration of the new particulate matter standards were also included in the planning and design of IMS95, although they were proposed standards when IMS95 was in the planning process.  相似文献   

The Pennsylvania Air Pollution Commission has developed a regulatory program based upon the control of local air pollution problems and reduction of pollutant levels in air basins. The geographical boundaries of 10 air basins have been established. The Commission’s air basin regulations will provide for the reduction of over-all pollutant levels and for emergency procedures in the event of adverse meteorological conditions. The paper discusses the format and objectives of the program.

In order to effectively enforce the air basin regulations and maintain the necessary surveillance of the state’s air quality, a "computerized real time on-line integrated air monitoring-data handling system" has been designed. The system will incorporate a network to constantly monitor the air in each air basin.The primary objectives of the system are: 1. Constant surveillance of air pollution in the air basins.

2. Provide information on air pollution potential alerts.

3. Aid in further development of air quality criteria and regulations.

The air monitoring network is estimated to include approximately 25 remote stations. Each remote will contain air pollution and meteorological sampling equipment and hardware to telemeter to a central station. The data will be transmitted over leased telephone lines. The central station in Harrisburg will contain the necessary hardware to receive and process data, calculate and display results and permit supervisory control of the network. Output options will include immediate display of edited data, command and alarm information, and presentation of statistical results.

Although the air monitoring system is one of the principle ingredients of the program, the air basin concept encompasses other component systems designed to knit together the entire air pollution control program in Pennsylvania.  相似文献   

In celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Air & Waste Management Association, this review examines the history of air quality management (AQM) in the United States over the last century, with an emphasis on the ambient standards programs established by the landmark 1970 Clean Air Act (CAA) Amendments. The current CAA system is a hybrid of several distinct air pollution control philosophies, including the recursive or circular system driven by ambient standards. Although this evolving system has resulted in tremendous improvements in air quality, it has been far from perfect in terms of timeliness and effectiveness. The paper looks at several periods in the history of the U.S. program, including: (1) 1900-1970, spanning the early smoke abatement and smog control programs, the first federal involvement, and the development of a hybrid AQM approach in the 1970 CAA; (2) 1971-1976, when the first National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) were set and implemented; (3) 1977-1993, a period of the first revisions to the standards, new CAA Amendments, delays in implementation and decision-making, and key science/policy/legislative developments that would alter both the focus and scale of air pollution programs and how they are implemented; and (4) 1993-2006, the second and third wave of NAAQS revisions and their implementation in the context of the 1990 CAA. This discussion examines where NAAQS have helped drive implementation programs and how improvements in both effects and air quality/control sciences influenced policy and legislation to enhance the effectiveness of the system over time. The review concludes with a look toward the future of AQM, emphasizing challenges and ways to meet them. The most significant of these is the need to make more efficient progress toward air quality goals, while adjusting the system to address the growing intersections between air quality management and climate change.  相似文献   

The air pollution potential of any area is directly related to its population and economic development. In New York State, this pollution potential ranges from that existing in the sparsely inhabited recreational zones to that prevailing in the densely populated and/or heavily industrialized areas. No one set of air quality standards or objectives can be developed which can reasonably be applied on a statewide basis. A classifications-air quality objectives system has been adopted by the State Air Pollution Control Board for application in New York State. In accordance with this system, specific areas can be classified in one of 16 categories. Air quality objectives, in keeping with each classification, are designed to protect health and to promote the maximum comfort and enjoyment and use of property consistent with the needs of the area concerned. The system was developed by the staff with the assistance of a council of technical advisors. Units of measurement related to the most important effect of specific contaminants are utilized. Methods of sampling and analysis are specified. The details of the classifications-objectives system, the place of the system in the state’s air resource management plan, the manner in which each segment of the state after study will be classified, and how attainment will be evaluated are described.  相似文献   

In the field of air pollution control, the rare event is often of more significance than the common event. This is evidenced by the content of air quality standards which define acceptable upper limits of air pollution concentrations and acceptable frequencies with which such concentrations can be exceeded. The principles of extreme value statistics provide important tools for analyzing air quality data in an appropriately significant context.

Part II of the paper presents applications of the theory to air quality data. First, application is made to decisions regarding the length of air monitoring experiments and the length of data records for dis-person analyses. The theory is then applied to the analysis of long term air pollution data collected by the South Coast Air Pollution Control District. The interrelations between extremes from monthly and annual samples are noted and are shown to be consistent with theory.  相似文献   

Recent air pollution legislation, introduced as a Clean Air Act into New South Wales, the most populous and most heavily industrialized Australian State relies mainly upon the establishment of maximum limits of emission of air impurities. Regulations made under the Act set out the first of a series of such limits which cover the more commonly encountered pollutants. Other limits will be included later as knowledge is accumulated but, in the meantime, where standards have not been fixed the "best practicable means" of controlling air pollution must be used. To facilitate administration and to provide financial support for scientific and engineering services in the form of the Air Pollution Control Board, industries of significant air pollution potential have been designated as scheduled premises and pay annual license fees. Further technical support for the legislation is provided by an Air Pollution Advisory Committee.  相似文献   

The Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association presents its fifth annual directory of air pollution products. This 14-page guide lists manufacturers of emission control equipment and air pollution instrumentation under product classifications which are shown below. These classifications are derived from McGraw-Hill’s Air Pollution Handbook, chapters 10, 11, and 13 . The final portion of this guide contains an alphabetical listing of manufacturers.

If any manufacturers or product categories have been inadvertently overlooked, the omission is regretted and should be brought to the attention of the editor. It will result in a more complete and accurate Product Guide/1973 to be published next December.  相似文献   

The Air Quality Control Program of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has developed an implementation plan for the Metropolitan Boston Intrastate Air Quality Control Region as required by PL 90-148. An essential part of the plan was a set of control regulations designed to achieve and maintain an air quality compatible with adopted standards. Control strategy modeling was used as a tool in selecting the most appropriate regulations to achieve this goal. The body of information presented in this paper is directed to those state and county air pollution control officials concerned with the formulation and evaluation of regulations.

The paper details the procedures developed and presents a case history of their use in the region. The system is a synthesis of generally-available software and newly-developed computer programs to provide ahighly automated computational structure. It permits rapid simulation of the emissions resulting from the application of various control regulations. Predictions on the changes expected in ambient air quality levels are then made by the use of the Air Quality Display Model (AQDM).

The initial step in the application was a calibration of the system using predicted and measured annual concentrations. This step yielded correlation coefficients of 0.92 for sulfur dioxide and 0.85 for particulates. Subsequently, the system was used to evaluate the baseline case of uncontrolled sulfur in fuel use. Alternative sulfur control strategies were tested for compatibility with air quality standards. The principal strategies tested were: (a) 1% sulfur uniformly throughout the region; (6) 1% sulfur in core area of region, 2.2% sulfur elsewhere; (c) 0.5% sulfur in core area of region, 2.2% sulfur elsewhere; (d) 0.5% sulfur in core area of region, 1.0% sulfur elsewhere.

Strategies (b) and (d) were implemented into a time phased set of control regulations for the region.

Experience with the system has shown it to be a convenient and rapid method for simulating the effects of control regulations. Furthermore, the utility of this initial model warrants expansion of its application to the other air quality control regions in the Commonwealth.  相似文献   

The Clean Air Act of 1970 requires each state to submit plans for implementation, maintenance, and enforcement of national ambient air quality standards subsequent to promulgation. Such plans have been geared to meet annual averages and maximum values. Based on experience in implementing the abatement plan it was found that air quality standards for averaging times shorter than one year are needed to shorten the time required to show contravention and to provide a basis for early corrective measures to regulate specific sources. This paper reports on the need and procedures used by New York State to develop such standards for suspended particulates. Daily suspended particulate data were analyzed by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov method goodness of fit technique to determine that the form of the distribution was log normal. A method developed by Larsen for predicting short term maximum concentrations for log normally distributed data was used to determine numerical values for one, two, and three month standards. Monthly, bi-monthly, and tri-monthly suspended particulate standards of 130, 110, and 100 µg/m3, respectively are proposed for the most extensively developed areas of New York State and correspondingly lower values for other areas. The methods used in this development are generally applicable to other air contaminants.  相似文献   

The initial state implementation plans concentrated on attainment of the ambient air quality standards in the relatively polluted areas of the country. Many of these plans must now be modified to ensure that the ambient standards will be maintained for the foreseeable future, and to ensure that significant deterioration of air quality in clean areas of the country is prevented.

The existing implementation plans currently contain many measures which are applicable to the maintenance and deterioration efforts, but additional measures must also be developed. Many of these additional measures will involve future planning activities—most common of which will be land use planning activities.

The point is made that, after existing sources have reduced their emissions to the lowest practical level, further air pollution control can only be accomplished by implementing rational planning procedures for management of any new sources of air pollution. This will require extensive cooperation among the air pollution control community; regional, state, and local planning agencies; state and local governments; and the general public in order to ensure that future land use plans include appropriate air quality considerations.  相似文献   

The Third Government Affairs Seminar sponsored by the Air Pollution Control Association was held in Washington, D. C. on April 16-17, 1975. The APCA South Atlantic Section was host for this very successful meeting. The General Chairman of the Seminar Committee was John V. Brink and the Program Chairman was Richard D. Grundy.

The seminar this year was conducted in three sessions. The first session, entitled “The Clean Air Act: State vs Federal Roles,” considered a topic that is receiving increasing emphasis as the national air pollution control program matures. This discussion was chaired by M. Barry Meyer, Chief Counsel and Chief Clerk, Senate Committee on Public Works.

The second session was “Land Use Planning Aspects of the Clean Air Act—Federal, State and Regional Roles.” Mrs. Mary Jane Due, Chairman of the Public Land and Land Use Committee, Natural Resources Section, American Bar Association, served as Moderator of this discussion of indirect source regulations, no significant deterioration, air quality maintenance—concepts that rely heavily on comprehensive land use planning.

“Clean Air Priorities—The Need for Flexibility,” was the title of the third session which was chaired by Austin H. Phelps, Manager Corporate Air Pollution Control, Procter and Gamble Company and President of APCA. The panelists considered the question of how appropriate the standard setting mechanisms of the Clean Air Act are for the resolution of present and future problems.

In this report condensed versions of the prepared statements of the participants are presented. A more extensive summary of the Proceedings, which includes questions and answers, is available from APCA headquarters. The remarks of John R. Quarles, EPA Deputy Administrator, who was the luncheon speaker, were summarized in the June APCA Journal(p. 642).  相似文献   


This paper summarizes the Air & Waste Management Association’s International Specialty Conference, "Regional Photochemical Measurement and Modeling Studies," held in San Diego, California, on November 8-12,1993. The purpose of the conference was to facilitate exchange of information and to initiate better communication and interaction among scientists, air quality managers, regulators, and others involved in or applying tools (models and measurements to support the modeling efforts) that can be used to develop equitable and effective emissions management practices for attainment of ozone standards. Attendees heard more than 350 presentations from authors representing nearly 30 air quality and meteorological measurement and modeling studies from 18 countries. While the primary emphasis of the conference was technical, two policy sessions were included (Plenary and Concluding Sessions) to place the technical results in perspective with the policy issues. The technical agenda was divided into three subjects: Analysis of Field Measurements (results and interpretation), Modeling (status and results), and Other Topics. Papers presented at the conference are being published in a variety of journals or books to meet the needs of the scientific and policy communities. A complete bibliographical listing of the papers presented at the conference is included with this paper.

An unexpected outcome of the conference has been the development of an initiative for continuing the intercomparison of goals and scientific findings from regional air quality studies in Europe and North America, entitled “Regional Oxidants Programs Intercomparison” (ROxPIn). This paper will also discuss the goals and objectives of ROxPIn.  相似文献   

In 2010, the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) initiated the Air Quality Applied Science Team (AQAST) as a 5-year, $17.5-million award with 19 principal investigators. AQAST aims to increase the use of Earth science products in air quality-related research and to help meet air quality managers’ information needs. We conducted a Web-based survey and a limited number of follow-up interviews to investigate federal, state, tribal, and local air quality managers’ perspectives on usefulness of Earth science data and models, and on the impact AQAST has had. The air quality managers we surveyed identified meeting the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for ozone and particulate matter, emissions from mobile sources, and interstate air pollution transport as top challenges in need of improved information. Most survey respondents viewed inadequate coverage or frequency of satellite observations, data uncertainty, and lack of staff time or resources as barriers to increased use of satellite data by their organizations. Managers who have been involved with AQAST indicated that the program has helped build awareness of NASA Earth science products, and assisted their organizations with retrieval and interpretation of satellite data and with application of global chemistry and climate models. AQAST has also helped build a network between researchers and air quality managers with potential for further collaborations.

Implications: NASA’s Air Quality Applied Science Team (AQAST) aims to increase the use of satellite data and global chemistry and climate models for air quality management purposes, by supporting research and tool development projects of interest to both groups. Our survey and interviews of air quality managers indicate they found value in many AQAST projects and particularly appreciated the connections to the research community that the program facilitated. Managers expressed interest in receiving continued support for their organizations’ use of satellite data, including assistance in retrieving and interpreting data from future geostationary platforms meant to provide more frequent coverage for air quality and other applications.  相似文献   

Air pollution regulation in the United States has come under repeated attack over the years for a number of reasons. Early in the past decade, prevention of significant deterioration (PSD) legislation, which protects currently clean areas, came into conflict with domestic energy production goals. This paper presents an applied analysis of present and alternative regulations for achievement of PSD air quality goals. A model of the Four Corners region of the Southwest is developed, and several policy alternatives tested in terms of economic efficiency and ability to achieve air quality goals. Alternatives examined include emission fees, marketable emission permits, and technological standards.  相似文献   


China is undergoing rapid urbanization because of unprecedented economic growth. As a result, many cities suffer from air pollution. Two-thirds of China’s cities have not attained the ambient air quality standards applicable to urban residential areas (Grade II). Particulate matter (PM), rather than sulfur dioxide (SO2), is the major pollutant reflecting the shift from coal burning to mixed source pollution. In 2002, 63.2 and 22.4% of the monitored cities have PM and SO2 concentrations exceeding the Grade II standard, respectively. Nitrogen oxides (NOx) concentration kept a relatively stable level near the Grade II standard in the last decade and had an increasing potential in recent years because of the rapid motorization. In general, the air pollutants emission did not increase as quickly as the economic growth and energy consumption, and air quality in Chinese cities has improved to some extent. Beijing, a typical representative of rapidly developing cities, is an example to illustrate the possible options for urban air pollution control. Beijing’s case provides hope that the challenges associated with improving air quality can be met during a period of explosive development and motorization.  相似文献   

Air quality can be affected by weather and thus is sensitive to a changing climate. Wildfire (influenced by weather), consecutive high temperature summer days, and other extreme events are projected to become more severe and frequent with climate change. These may create challenging conditions for managing air quality despite policy targets to reduce precursor and pollutant emissions. Although extreme events are becoming more intense and interest in climate adaptation is increasing among public health practitioners, little attention in scholarly literature and policy covers climate adaptation for air quality governance. Understanding the management and managers’ perspectives at the local level provides insight about the needs for climate adaptation, including their adaptation status, perspectives, responsibilities, and roles. This study explores local manager perspectives and experiences of managing air quality within a changing climate as one puzzle piece to understand the gap in climate adaptation within the air quality sector. A broader goal is to contribute to the discussion of developing a multi-jurisdictional vision for reducing the impacts of air quality in a changing climate. In 2016 local air quality district managers in California were invited to participate in an online survey of 39 questions focused on extreme event impacts on air quality. The questionnaire focused on present air quality threats and extreme event challenges, adaptation status and strategies, adaptive capacities, perceived barriers to adaptation, and jurisdictional responsibilities and roles. Over 85 percent of the 35 local air districts in California participated in the survey, which represents 80 percent of the state’s population. High awareness and knowledge of climate change among local managers indicates they are ready to adopt and take action on policies that would support climate adaptation, but barriers reported suggests they may need policies and adequate funding to take action and make necessary changes.

Implications: Downscaled global climate models project an increasing severity and frequency of extreme events. In the southwestern United States, these include wildfire, heat events, and dry periods, among others, all of which can place an extra burden on air quality managers and emitters to achieve air quality standards even as they reduce emissions. Despite climate change presenting increasing challenges to meet air quality standards, in the southwestern United States, policy and action to mitigate these impacts have been surprisingly absent. California presents a valuable case study on the topic because of its historic leadership in air quality management for the United States and also because of its initiatives in combating climate change. Yet still we found that adaptation has not been incorporated into air quality management thus far, but local managers seem sufficiently knowledgeable and willing.  相似文献   

Air quality was comprehensively evaluated by means of sampling at 21 locations over metropolitan Birmingham during a period of one year. Thousands of integrated samples of three common atmospheric gaseous pollutants and two common particulate pollutants were collected and analyzed. Following the year of sampling in 1964, a random household survey was completed by conducting personal interviews at more than 7200 households over metropolitan Birmingham. Statistical reduction of household survey results by census tract and by neighborhood area provided domestic fuel and waste burning emission data as well as public (resident) opinion on specific air pollution effects. The relationship between ambient air quality and neighborhood opinion of air pollution effects on health and property are evaluated statistically. Ambient standards are suggested which are based upon those air pollution levels shown to have adverse effects on approximately one-third of the people.  相似文献   


Annoyance caused by air pollution is a matter of public health as it can cause stress and ill-health and affect quality of life, among other burdens. The aim of this study is to apply the multiple correspondence analyses (MCA) technique as a differential tooling to explore relationships between variables that can influence peoples’ behaviour concerning annoyance caused by air pollution. Data were collected through a survey on air pollution, environmental issues and quality of life. Face-to-face survey studies were conducted in two industrialized urban areas (Vitoria in Brazil and Dunkirk in France). These two regions were chosen as their inhabitants often report feeling annoyed by air pollution, and both regions have similar industrial characteristics. The results showed a progressive correspondence between levels of annoyance and other active variables in the “air pollution” factor group: as the levels of annoyance increased, the levels of the other qualitative variables (importance of air quality, perceived exposure to industrial risk, assessment of air quality, perceived air pollution) also increased. Respondents who reported feeling annoyed by air pollution also thought that air quality was very important and were very concerned about exposure to industrial risks. Furthermore, they often assessed air quality as horrible, and they could frequently perceive air pollution by dust, odours and decreased visibility. The results also showed a statistically significant association between occurrence of allergies and high levels of annoyance.



Distributed power generation—electricity generation that is produced by many small stationary power generators distributed throughout an urban air basin—has the potential to supply a significant portion of electricity in future years. As a result, distributed generation may lead to increased pollutant emissions within an urban air basin, which could adversely affect air quality. However, the use of combined heating and power with distributed generation may reduce the energy consumption for space heating and air conditioning, resulting in a net decrease of pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions. This work used a systematic approach based on land-use geographical information system data to determine the spatial and temporal distribution of distributed generation emissions in the San Joaquin Valley Air Basin of California and simulated the potential air quality impacts using state-of-the-art three-dimensional computer models. The evaluation of the potential market penetration of distributed generation focuses on the year 2023. In general, the air quality impacts of distributed generation were found to be small due to the restrictive 2007 California Air Resources Board air emission standards applied to all distributed generation units and due to the use of combined heating and power. Results suggest that if distributed generation units were allowed to emit at the current Best Available Control Technology standards (which are less restrictive than the 2007 California Air Resources Board standards), air quality impacts of distributed generation could compromise compliance with the federal 8-hr average ozone standard in the region.

IMPLICATIONS The San Joaquin Valley is a fast growing region that demands increasing power generation to sustain the economic development, and at the same time it is one of the worst polluted areas in the United States. Hence, the region demands alternatives that minimize the air quality impacts of power generation. This paper addresses the air quality impacts of distributed generation of power, an alternative to central power generation that can potentially reduce greenhouse gas and pollutant emissions throughout the United States.  相似文献   

The information presented in this paper is directed to those individuals interested in future air quality control programs aimed at areas that are attaining one or more air quality ambient standards. Section 116 of the Clean Air Act, as amended, requires the Environmental Protection Agency to promulgate regulations for the prevention of significant deterioration (PSD) of air quality in order to protect the nation's clean air resources from hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, ozone, nitrogen oxides, and lead (Set II pollutants). This program will affect industry siting in many areas of the country, particularly in the rural, undeveloped areas. Among the many alternatives currently being considered by EPA to meet the PSD Set II goals are emission management systems, marketable emission permits, air quality increments, emission fees, and control of transportation related sources. The final regulation may be a combination of several options or may present several alternatives from which a State would choose its specific program.  相似文献   

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