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This paper develops an expression for the resistivity of a dust layer which takes into account its particulate nature, dependence of the surface resistivity component on water vapor pressure and temperature, the volume resistivity and the intrinsic properties of the particulate material. A new expression is given for the surface resistivity which, when combined with the equation for volume resistivity, enables the effective resistance of a dust layer to be characterized by five meaningful parameters. These parameters may be determined for a given fly ash sample from a standard set of resistivity curves. Calculated resistivity curves for an industrially produced fly ash are compared with measured curves.  相似文献   

Current-voltage relationships for negative corona are given for a pilot-scale electrostatic precipitator with 3-in. electrode spacing at 80°–1500°F and 35–80 psig. Direct comparison is made with the electrical characteristics for a 1-in. spacing at 1200°F over the same pressure range. Experimental results on both spacing agree well with electrostatic theory. Initial dust removal efficiencies for the pilot-scale precipitator ranged from 90 to 98% at 1460°F and 80 psig, but continuous operation was not achieved owing to excessive thermal expansion of the internal parts of the unit.  相似文献   

In 2-stage precipitators particles are driven to the collecting plates by electrostatic forces but then the electrostatic force reverses and tends to pull the particles off so that dust is held on the collecting electrodes only by adhesion. In Cottrell or single-stage precipitators the corona current can provide a significant force tending to hold the collected dust to the electrode provided that the resistivity of the dust is 1010 ohm-cm or more. Adhesion is still essential in the collection of lower resistivity dust and is of vital importance in the transfer of dust from the collecting electrodes to the hopper. As the dust falls from the plates to the hopper it must be held in agglomerations or chunks. There are many peculiarities in the adhesive behavior of electrostatically collected dust. A better understanding of this adhesive behavior is essential if we are to improve the transfer of dust from the collecting electrodes to the hopper.  相似文献   

High resistivity dust is normally the major problem in electrostatic precipitation. Even though the corona current is only a fraction of a microampere per cm2 the resulting RI drop exceeds the breakdown voltage gradient of the dust layer. This breakdown or sparking through the collected dust causes the familiar back corona and premature sparkover. The Trielectrode Electrostatic Precipitator (TEP) is an effort to make precipitator performance insensitive to dust resistivity. The TEP (U. S. Patent 3,915,672) is based on the concept that the layer of collected dust behaves like capacitance and resistance in parallel so that the corona can occur in short pulses and yet maintain a moderately constant current through the dust layer. In between corona pulses the precipitating field is supplied by a third set of electrodes. Initial bench scale tests using high resistivity particulate indicate that the concept is sound. Recent testing has extended the effective operating range of the TEP for particulate resistivities of 1010-1013 ohm-cm indicating that the TEP is essentially insensitive to particulate resistivity and can give a constant high collection efficiency regardless of the type of coal burned in a utility application.  相似文献   

The main characteristics of the electrostatic collection of fuel oil ash has been investigated at a pilot precipitator installed in a laboratory rig. The relationship between collection efficiency, dust concentration and air velocity is studied and the influence of the spacing between the collection plates on both efficiency and effective migration velocity is discussed. Emphasis is put on the high degrees of efficiency attainable under suitable operating conditions.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of work conducted by Research-Cottrell under EPA contract 68-02-2104. The feasibility of electrostatic precipitation at temperatures and pressures varying from ambient condition to 1366°K and 3550 kPa, respectively, has been demonstrated in a laboratory wire-pipe electrode system. Stable corona discharges are obtained at all temperatures subject to appropriate choices of electrode dimension, polarity, and pressure. Current-voltage characteristics are reported for dry air, a simulated combustion gas, and a substitute fuel gas. The effects of temperature, pressure, electrode geometry and polarity on sparkover voltage, corona-starting voltage, and current are evaluated. A precipitator performance model is included to incorporate this data into a high temperature, high pressure precipitator design. This model has been evaluated for an electrostatic (HTHP) precipitator following a pressurized fluidized bed combustor at 1089 K and 920 kPa. It is recommended that prototype HTHP electrostatic precipitators be applied to pilot coal gasifiers and fluidized bed combustors to obtain detailed design data and to verify the accuracy of the performance model under actual operating conditions.  相似文献   

Fifty years ago electrostatic precipitation, which had been used successfully for collection of sulfuric acid mist, was first applied to a power plant installation for control of fly ash from pulverized fuel. This is the history of the design and application of the principle as the power generation industry adapted to changing environmental problems and concerns.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present collection performance dependence upon the parameters of channeled electrodes in a twostage precipitator. The practical channeled electrostatic screens are classified into two types and the respective theoretical collection efficiency equations are obtained by employing idealized models. It is shown that In normal operating conditions the most effective particle collection mechanism in the device is electrostatic precipitation rather than the Inertlal separation. It is also pointed out that the channeled electrode, in comparison with the plate-type, should be a narrow width. An empirical efficiency equation is recommended and the agreement between experimental data and empirical equation is within 6%.  相似文献   

An experimental high-temperature, high-pressure electrostatic precipitator module has been designed, fabricated and then evaluated in a gaseous environment having the characteristics anticipated for the combustion chamber of a system for generating electric power from the incineration of municipal solid wastes.

Stable positive and negative corona discharges were established in combustion gases from the burning of methanol and air (temperature and pressure approximately 1700°F and 100 psig, respectively) without any apparent deleterious effects due to thermal ionization and/or emission. At gas conditions of about 1700°F and 50 psig, positive polarity energization of the discharge electrode appeared superior to that of negative polarity in terms of voltage level that could be applied and electrical stability.

However, precipitator performance on removal of alumina dust injected under controlled conditions with the methanol fuel, showed negative polarity to be superior to positive polarity at the selected conditions of 1650°F and 100 psig which closely correspond to those required for optimum operation of the gas turbine presently under consideration. Removal efficiencies ranging from 25% for positive polarity to as high as 87% with negative polarity were measured.

In order to check whether materials having a low ionization potential would thermally ionize to such an extent that the voltage-corona current characteristics of the precipitator would be impaired, rendering it ineffective, potassium chloride salt in solution was injected with the fuel. Results indicated that amounts of approximately one part by weight of potassium ion in 2500 to 3000 parts by weight of gas at 1700°F tripled the current measured for a given voltage when compared to non-injection.

Although a limited test program was conducted, sufficient data were obtained to allow preliminary design and sizing of larger scale units.  相似文献   

Proper electrical energization methods and equipment are the keys to successful electrostatic precipitation. The design, operation, and application of conventional high voltage power supplies in this process are reviewed. Emphasis is on requirements and methods of achieving the high performance and reliability necessary in modern air pollution control systems. Typical field data on operations and effects in various precipitator applications, including high resistivity ash, high temperature, and/or high pressure gas treatment, are discussed.  相似文献   

The pace and direction of electrostatic precipitator (ESP) technology evolution in the United States will be governed by two key forces. The first is new clean air legislation passed by the U.S. Congress and signed by President Bush on November 15,1990. This law requires electric utilities to further reduce SO2 and NOx emissions, which may impact particulate controls. In addition, very fine (< 10 micron) participates and potentially toxic trace emissions from utility power plants may be regulated. The second major factor is the expected upsurge in new plant construction beginning in the late 1990s. Together, these forces should define the performance requirements and market for new ESPs.

This paper identifies and briefly describes technologies that the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) is developing to help U.S. utilities meet these challenges cost-effectively. Among the technologies addressed are: advanced digital voltage controls, flue gas conditioning, intermittent energization, temperature-controlledprecharging (i.e., two-stage ESP), wide plate spacing, positive energization of corona electrodes for hot-side ESPs, and integration of conventional ESPs with pulse-jet baghouses.  相似文献   

The Deutsch equation assumes that all particles are identical and that there is complete mixing of the gas at any point along the gas path. In industrial precipitators complete mixing is probably a good approximation but the diversity of sizes and kinds of particles results in an efficiency curve which increases less rapidly with precipitator length than would be predicted by the Deutsch equation. By choosing a different drift velocity for each condition, the Deutsch equation can be effectively used by an expert but this procedure can be very confusing to the engineer with limited experience.  相似文献   


A laboratory-scale electrostatic precipitator has been designed and constructed in which the grounded collector plate has been substituted by a set of wire screens placed perpendicularly to the gas flow. Particles are deposited onto the screens by two mechanisms—electrostatic deposition and diffusional deposition—which act simultaneously. On the one hand, electrostatic deposition is effective for relatively large particles, but it is quite ineffective for the smallest ones because their charging probability in the corona field is too low. On the other hand, the diffusional collection efficiency of particles on fibers is high for small particles but low for the larger ones. Therefore, the simultaneous diffusional-electrostatic precipitation may become a useful technique for efficient filtration of particles below 0.1 μm. A preliminary experimental evaluation of this filtering device has shown that submicrometer particles with diameters down to a few nanometers can be collected with number efficiencies greater than 99%.  相似文献   

测定总氮时影响空白吸光值的因素   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对测定水质中总氮时遇到实验空白值偏高的情况,分析了实验用水、试验及环境因素对空白值的影响。  相似文献   

It is well known that dust with high electrical resistivity is difficult to collect in electrostatic precipitators (ESP). The difficulty is primarily due to poor particle charging. This poor particle charging is not because particles having high electrical resistivity are intrinsically difficult to charge, but because back corona (which results from deposition of material on the collection electrode) produces a bipolar ion field. When ions of both positive and negative polarity are present in the charging region, the competing effects of the two, plus low values of electric field, produce low electrical charge on particles.  相似文献   

文中通过对酚二磺酸分光光度法测定水中硝酸盐氮的各个环节的分析探讨,得出影响地表水中硝酸盐氮测定原因,为实验室分析人员提供一些参考。  相似文献   

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