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EPA has recently evaluated several automobile retrofit devices that are potentially applicable to pre-1975 vehicles. The results of this evaluation are described and used to estimate the effectiveness and cost of retrofit for reducing total automobile emissions in the period 1975-1985. It is estimated that retrofit combined with inspection/maintenance can potentially achieve reductions in automobile emissions of 33% to 60% in 1975, depending on pollutant, and 10% to 20% in 1985. The estimated present value discounted to 1972 of the average cost per retrofit vehicle is $30 to $152 over the period 1975-1985 depending on the retrofit system used. The corresponding annualized cost is $6 to $28 per vehicle.  相似文献   

Idle emissions inspection and maintenance was evaluated using a sample of 300 privately owned 1964 through 1973 model-year vehicles operating in the Denver metropolitan area. Ten privately owned stations, licensed by the State of Colorado to perform vehicle safety inspections, were utilized to conduct idle emissions inspection and subsequent maintenance of failed vehicles. Exhaust hydrocarbon (HC) and carbon monoxide (CO) reduction as measured by the 1975 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) mass emission testing procedures was indicated to be 13% and 8% respectively at a 50 % rejection rate. The average maintenance cost to achieve the reduction was $11.32 per failed vehicle.

The adjustment and repair procedures provided to participating garages were sufficient to achieve significant emissions reduction and training provided to garage personnel was adequate. However, several problems were experienced with station personnel relative to data transmittal and inspection pass/fail limits. Problems were also experienced with respect to correlations between laboratory and garage-type analytical instrumentation.  相似文献   

Different ways for modeling the impact of vehicle emission inspection and maintenance programs on fleet hydrocarbon emissions are examined. A dynamic model is developed for forecasting fleet emissions in which individual vehicle performance is modeled as a stochastic process and vehicle emissions are tracked over time. Emissions inspection and repair are incorporated into the model, allowing for the stochastic aspects of both testing and repair. This model is compared to EPA’s model for evaluating the impact of vehicle emissions inspection and maintenance. We find that the way vehicle emission equipment deterioration overtime is modeled is important for forecasting emissions from the fleet and for assessing the success of inspection and maintenance programs. For inspection programs, we find that factors such as the proportion of vehicles tested, and repair effectiveness and duration have the greatest impact on emission reductions. The ability of different emission testing regimes to identify polluting vehicles has less impact on a program’s overall potential for emissions reduction. Policy recommendations for I&M testing and predictions of emission reduction credits from these tests will depend in important ways on the methods used in the underlying emissions models.  相似文献   

A quick, simple method for identifying and distinguishing lead from other heavy metals in living plants has been developed using sodium rhodizonate (C606Na2) which forms a scarlet precipitate with lead at approximately pH 2.8. Hand sections of plant tissues are treated with rhodizonate reagent, buffered, and examined microscopically. Very little time and/or effort is required for this method. Those cells and tissues contaminated with lead turn scarlet—color intensity being directly related to concentration. Lead may be detected in quite low concentrations and, most importantly, may be observed in situ; its entry and movement through the plant can thus be followed. In an area of moderate traffic of Downey, Calif. (Southeast Los Angeles), lead was found abundantly on leaves as well as on and in roots of garden-grown lettuce; origin of this lead is presumed to be from car exhausts.  相似文献   

Conventional types of municipal incinerators generate enormous quantities of stack gas because of high excess air and high temperatures. Under these conditions the size and cost of equipment to clean the flue gas to low dust contents are large. By burning the refuse in boiler furnaces at low excess air, and generating steam, the volume of flue gas to be cleaned is reduced to a minimum. Where high efficiency of flue-dust collection is required, steam generation from refuse firing permits a major saving on the cost of dust collection.  相似文献   

Estimates indicate that approximately 2.6% of the total atmospheric pollution in this country may originate as a result of refuse disposal. Although this may appear to be a comparatively low figure, it is important to note that refuse disposal is a universal problem: wherever we go, be the area urban, or rural, waste must be disposed of and in most cases the methods of disposal produce air pollution. Tabulated data indicates that the per capita rate of production has been increasing annually. In the city of Hartford, the quantity of refuse that is being burned in the municipal incinerator has been increasing at a rate of 5%/year. A comparison of the air pollutants emitted from open burning at a refuse disposal area, backyard burning and incineration of refuse in a municipal multiple chamber incinerator indicates that the quantity of pollutants emitted from the latter source is much less than those emitted from the other sources. The effect of having legislation with, enforcement authority and a program for regular inspections, has resulted in marked improvements of refuse disposal operations in Connecticut since June, 1966. Most of the burning still being done at refuse disposal areas is limited to only brush and demolition material. A multi-purpose incinerator is presently under construction in the city of Stamford, Conn. It is planned to demonstrate that not only bulky wastes and auto bodies, but also liquid wastes can be burned in the same unit without creating any adverse effect on the environment. This incinerator will be provided with an electrostatic precipitator for removing particulate emissions.

New methods of refuse disposal which are being tried are briefly described in this paper. All these methods tend to reduce or eliminate air pollution along with eliminating the health hazards normally related with open face dump type of operations.

The continual technological progress and improvements in methods of manufacture, packaging, and marketing of consumer products along with the economic, population, and industrial growth of the nation has resulted in an ever-mounting increase and change in the characteristics of the mass of material being discarded by the purchaser. In May 1967, a Three-State Conference on Air Resource Management was held at the City College of the City University of New York. This conference consisted of a number of panels or committees which discussed specialized areas of the problem of air pollution and its control. A portion of the introductory remarks from the panel report of the Solid Waste Committee1 is as follows:  相似文献   

Mathematical modeling of ambient air photochemistry requires comprehensive mobile source hydrocarbon emission speciation. Passenger car tailpipe and evaporative hydrocarbon emissions have been examined using procedures described in the Federal Register for emissions certification. Hydrocarbon emission rates and compositions were determined for four passenger cars: a 1963 Chevrolet, a 1977 Ford Mustang II, a 1978 Mercury Monarch, and a 1979 Ford LTD-II. These vehicles are representative of a wide range of exhaust and evaporative emissions control configurations. Both emission rates and compositions were dependent on the emissions control devices used with the vehicles, and the fuel composition and vapor pressure. In agreement with the literature, tailpipe catalyst control systems removed unsaturated olefinic, aromatic, and acetylenic hydrocarbons to a greater extent than saturated paraffinic hydrocarbons. The impact of evaporative control devices on composition was not well defined, however the limited data suggested a sensitivity to fuel aromatic content. The emission rate of benzene, emphasized because of its potential carcinogenicity, was sensitive to both fuel benzene and total aromatic content.  相似文献   

As part of a major field study to understand the causes of persistent, elevated carbon monoxide pollution episodes in Los Angeles, we performed a project to understand the emissions of vehicles in use. In this experiment, we assessed the accuracy of a remote sensing instrument designed to measure CO concentrations from vehicles as they were driven on the road. The remote sensor was shown to be accurate within ten percent of the directly measured tailpipe value. We performed a roadside inspection on 60 vehicles and demonstrated that the remote sensor could be used as an effective surveillance tool to identify high CO-emitting vehicles. We also compared the roadside data set to the biennial Smog Check (I/M) tests for the same vehicles, and observed that carbon monoxide and exhaust hydrocarbons from high emitters were much higher than when the vehicles received their routine inspection. Furthermore, for the high-emitting vehicles in this data set, the length of time since the biennial Smog Check had little influence on the cars’ emissions in the roadside inspection.  相似文献   

Titus Generating Station, owned and operated by the Metropolitan Edison Company, a subsidiary of the General Public Utilities Corporation, is located in the Reading Air Basin as defined in the Pennsylvania State Law applicable to air resources. Titus Station consists of three boilers which provide steam to generate 240 megawatts of electricity. The station consumes about 600,000 tons of western Pennsylvania bituminous coal each year. Because of its location in an air basin, the operation of Titus Station in compliance with visible and SO2 emissions standards has been under close scrutiny since 1972. Since that date, Titus Station has operated under various consent orders, variances, and temporary operating permits as Issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources. During this period, efforts were made in all areas of station operation and maintenance to bring Titus Station emissions into compliance, including; Increase of precipitator collector area, revision of coal specifications, closer scrutiny of coal deliveries, implementation of comprehensive precipitator maintenance practices, revision of boiler operating procedures, installation of stack monitoring equipment, and revision of SO2 emissions regulations. These efforts resulted in continuous compliance with SO2 regulations and nearly complete compliance with opacity regulations.  相似文献   

This paper is directed to air pollution scientists interested in special mobile emission sources. The purpose was to determine the contribution which automobile tires make to air pollution. The gaseous hydrocarbon and sulfur compounds emitted in laboratory tests were identified. Although these hydrocarbons can participate in smog reactions, their mass emission rate is less than 0.1 % of the current exhaust hydrocarbon emission rate. Hydrocarbons from tires are not measurable near a freeway. The particulate emitted from tires ranges in size from 0.01 μm to more than 30 μm, with the larger particles dominating the total mass. Measurements along a California freeway showed that most of the tire debris had settled within 5 m of the pavement edge. Airborne rubber concentrations were less than 0.5 μg/m3, or less than 5% of the total tire wear. These field measurements confirm the indoor emission pattern and verify that tire wear products are not a significant air pollution problem.  相似文献   

Potential reductions in air pollutant emissions were determined for four strategies to control aircraft ground operations at two case study airports, Los Angeles and San Francisco International Airports. Safety, cost, and fuel savings associated with strategy implementation were examined.

Two strategies, aircraft towing and shutdown of one engine during taxi operations, provided significant emission reductions. However, there are a number of safety problems associated with aircraft towing. The shutdown of one engine while taxiing was found to be the most viable strategy because of substantial emission reductions, cost benefits resulting from fuel savings, and no apparent safety problems.  相似文献   

Seventeen days of detailed measurements of NO, NO2, O3, HNO3 and the frequency of NO2 photolysis—j(NO2)—were carried out in Claremont, CA, in September 1980. Under conditions when the rate of change of NO concentration is small, there must be a balance between formation and loss processes. In the classical photostationary state this balance is between NO2 photolysis: NO2 + hv → NO + O and reaction with ozone: NO + O3 → NO2 + O2. The results show that the latter reaction with ozone is inadequate to balance the formation step; a significant contribution is required from another NO oxidation process, possibly peroxy radical oxidation. If so, the inferred concentration of peroxy radicals shows a diurnal variation, peaking around solar noon.  相似文献   


A colorimetxic method for the quantitative determination of CO by diffuse reflectance is described. This method is based on the reduction by CO of Mo (VI) from the indicator reagent molybdosilicic acid (H8Si[Mo2O7]6). The reduction yielded a change of color from clear yellow to dark green on white disk filter chart paper wetted with reagent indicator solution. The gaseous mixture containing CO was forced to pass through this chart paper, initiating the reaction. The intensity of the color produced, measured by diffuse reflectance, was proportional to the CO concentration present in exhaust gases in the range from 0.02 to 12% volume/volume (v/v). A 650-nm light-emitting diode was used as a light source. A two-fiber-optic system carried the light from the source to the detection system, which was composed of a photodiode, an amplification circuit, and a digital display. The method was applied with success in field measurements for automobiles in the Otto cycle. In a previous paper, this method was used for the quantitative determination of exhaust emissions from diesel-fueled vehicles.1  相似文献   

Air pollution abatement policies must be based on quantitative information on current and future emissions of pollutants. As emission projections uncertainties are inevitable and traditional statistical treatments of uncertainty are highly time/resources consuming, a simplified methodology for nonstatistical uncertainty estimation based on sensitivity analysis is presented in this work. The methodology was applied to the “with measures” scenario for Spain, concretely over the 12 highest emitting sectors regarding greenhouse gas and air pollutants emissions. Examples of methodology application for two important sectors (power plants, and agriculture and livestock) are shown and explained in depth. Uncertainty bands were obtained up to 2020 by modifying the driving factors of the 12 selected sectors and the methodology was tested against a recomputed emission trend in a low economic-growth perspective and official figures for 2010, showing a very good performance.

Implications:?A solid understanding and quantification of uncertainties related to atmospheric emission inventories and projections provide useful information for policy negotiations. However, as many of those uncertainties are irreducible, there is an interest on how they could be managed in order to derive robust policy conclusions. Taking this into account, a method developed to use sensitivity analysis as a source of information to derive nonstatistical uncertainty bands for emission projections is presented and applied to Spain. This method simplifies uncertainty assessment and allows other countries to take advantage of their sensitivity analyses.  相似文献   


Airborne fine particle sulfur data from the summer intensive of Project MOHAVE (Measurement of Haze and Visual Effects) was analyzed by the Receptor Model Applied to Patterns in Space (RMAPS) model, a novel multivariate receptor-oriented model that applies to secondary and primary species. The sulfur data from 17 sites were found to be well predicted by three spatial patterns interpreted as sources along the valley of the Colorado River; transport from sources located to the southwest; and transport from sources located to the southeast. The model was tested by using parameters derived from the 17-site data set to apportion sulfur for six sites that were not part of the original data set. The sulfur apportionment for these six sites was in agreement with the original apportionment and the physical interpretation of the spatial patterns given above. The effects of systematic and random error on the sulfur apportionment were estimated. The amount of sulfur associated with the Colorado River valley sources was rather insensitive to both types of error. For the two sites in the Grand Canyon National Park, the fraction of total particulate sulfur from the Colorado River valley source is estimated to be in the range of 27-65% at Meadview and 11-28% at Hopi Point.  相似文献   


This study attempts to assess the effectiveness of control strategies for reducing volatile organic compound (VOC) emission from the polyvinyl chloride (PVC) wallpaper production industry. In Taiwan, methyl ethyl ketone, TOL, and cyclohexanone have comprised the major content of solvents, accounting for ~113,000 t/yr to avoid excessive viscosity of plasticizer dioctyl phthalate (DOP) and to increase facility in working. Emissions of these VOCs from solvents have caused serious odor and worse air quality problems. In this study, 80 stacks in five factories were tested to evaluate emission characteristics at each VOC source. After examining the VOC concentrations in the flue gases and contents, the VOC emission rate before treatment and from fugitive sources was 93,000 and 800 t/yr, respectively. In this study, the semiwet electrostatic precipitator is recommended for use as cost-effective control equipment.  相似文献   


A study was performed at a Gordon-Darby centralized inspection and maintenance (I/M) test lane in Phoenix, AZ, in December 1999 for the purpose of evaluating the accuracy of production Vehicle Mass Analysis System (VMAS) equipment relative to standard IM240 equipment. Simultaneous transient mass measurements were made on random vehicles using VMAS and IM240 systems on two test lanes during regular I/M testing. Cumulative mass emissions for 846 valid tests were correlated using least-squares regression analysis. Correlation indices were >0.99 for both carbon monoxide (CO) and nitric oxide (NO) and 0.93 for hydrocarbon (HC), and the standard errors of regression were 1.38 g/mi, 0.123 g/mi, and 0.245 g/mi for CO, NO, and HC, respectively. These strong correlation results are reflected by high excess emission identification rates of 99.4% for CO, 99.3% for NO, and 94.5% for HC when applying final IM240 cut points with a <2% error of commission for all pollutants.  相似文献   


Zhuhai, a relatively less developed city on the western coast of the Pearl River Delta (PRD) of China, is planning to undergo major development in coming years. A Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge project has been approved by the Central Government of China. The project will have great impact on the driving pattern and vehicular emissions to the city. This baseline study collected speed-time data of two instrumented private cars in morning and evening periods, as well as a daytime nonpeak period of >10 consecutive days in the spring and winter of 2003. The authors used the microwave speed sensor and global positioning system installed in the instrumented cars and used car-chasing technique to perform the data collection. They used the statistical package SPSS to assess the consistency, as well as to evaluate the variability of the data. Nine parameters, namely, average speed, average running speed, average acceleration rate, average deceleration rate, mean length of a driving period, time proportions of driving modes, average number of acceleration-deceleration changes, root mean square acceleration, and positive acceleration kinetic energy are calculated to represent the driving characteristics. A driving cycle for private cars was developed. If emission tests were conducted using the Zhuhai driving cycle, the level of vehicle emissions measured is likely to be in between that of the Federal Test Procedure (FTP) cycle and the Melbourne Peak cycle.  相似文献   

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