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The effect of three different arrangements of two water manifold injection systems on the performance of a venturi scrubber was studied. Velocities ranging from 23.4 to 49.7 m/sec were used with aerosol diameters of 0.8, 1.6, 2.9 and 5.0 microns. Scrubber efficiency was found to be larger than predicted theoretically with the larger particles, and smaller than predicted theoretically with the smaller particles. The spacing, diameter, and location of the injection orifices were found to have an effect on scrubber efficiency.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of a survey of mercury concentrations in coal, ash, water, fly ash, and flue gas discharges from a 5.5 × 106 Ib/hr steam generator serving a 775 MW (net) turbine-generator set. Representative composite or grab samples were obtained for inlet coal and outlet ash and water. Stack samples were obtained for fly ash and mercury vapor emissions while the unit was operated at 660 MW (net) (85% of full load). Samples were analyzed by anodic stripping voltammetry, plasma emission spectroscopy, and neutron activation analysis to determine mercury concentration entering the furnace in the coal and leaving the furnace in the flue gas, fly ash, bottom and hopper ash, and water. Method inter-comparisons are discussed. A material balance for mercury has been calculated from fuel, ash, and stack gas flow rates. About 90% of the mercury in the coal is released and appears as vapor discharged in the stack gas while 10% remains in the residual ash. For a 700 MW (net) unit, about 5 lb/day of mercury vapor is released to the atmosphere.  相似文献   

采用化学还原与电沉积方法制备了钯和石墨烯复合膜碳纸(Pd/rGO/C)电极。以制备的Pd/rGO/C电极为阴极,通过电化学还原法处理水中硝酸盐。结果表明,与碳纸(C)、石墨烯修饰碳纸(rGO/C)、钯修饰碳纸(Pd/C)电极相比,Pd/rGO/C电极对于硝酸盐还原具有更高的电催化活性及N2选择性。Pd和rGO具有良好的协同催化还原硝酸盐作用。当外加电压由-0.75 V降至-1.0 V时,Pd/rGO/C电极还原速率k值由0.001 min-1快速提高至0.061 min-1。中性条件更利于Pd/rGO/C电极还原硝酸盐及N2生成。同时,Pd/rGO/C电极对浓度区间为6.8~22.6 mg (NO3--N)/L硝酸盐催化还原效率较高,且反应液中未检测到金属Pd,无二次污染。  相似文献   

以乙酸钠作为碳源,给阴阳极外加2V的直流电压,考察了不同低C/N对连续运行的生物膜-电极反应器反硝化的影响。结果表明,当C/N从1.5∶1减少到0.8∶1时,生物膜-电极反应器NO-3-N去除率从99.5%下降至64.1%,出水NO-3-N的浓度从0.27mg/L增加到17.96mg/L,出水NO-2-N的浓度从0.24mg/L增加到2.6mg/L,出水NH+4-N浓度从4.93mg/L下降至3.35mg/L。当C/N为1.5∶1时,生物膜-电极反应器的自养反硝化率仅为8.0%,当C/N降至1∶1时,自养反硝化率增加至30.4%,然而,当C/N从1∶1进一步降低至0.8∶1时,自养反硝化率却从30.4%下降至21.8%。各C/N条件下,生物膜-电极反应器出水的SCOD浓度均高于对照生物膜反应器。生物膜-电极反应器的自养反硝化率与其出水pH呈正相关。  相似文献   


The presence of high levels of salts because of produced brine water disposal at flare pits and the presence of metals at sufficient concentrations to impact microbial activity are of concern to bioremediation of flare pit waste in the upstream oil and gas industry. Two slurry-phase biotreatment experiments based on three-level factorial statistical experimental design were conducted with a flare pit waste. The experiments separately studied the primary effect of cadmium [Cd(II)] and interaction effect between Cd(II) and salinity and the primary effect of zinc [Zn(II)] and interactioneffect between Zn(II) and salinity on hydrocarbon biodegradation. The results showed 42–52.5% hydrocarbon removal in slurries spiked with Cd and 47–62.5% in the slurries spiked with Zn. The analysis of variance showed that the primary effects of Cd and Cd–salinity interaction were statistically significant on hydrocarbon degradation. The primary effects of Zn and the Zn-salinity interaction were statistically insignificant, whereas the quadratic effect of Zn was highly significant on hydrocarbon degradation. The study on effects of metallic chloro-complexes showed that the total aqueous concentration of Cd or Zn does not give a reliable indication of overall toxicity to the microbial activity in the presence of high salinity levels.  相似文献   

在SBR内接种活性污泥,研究了进水C/N比对好氧颗粒污泥的影响。结果表明,在高C/N比的条件下污泥不易快速颗粒化,沉降性能差,低C/N比有利于反应器内微生物的积累,MLSS最高可达8 740 mg/L,然而过低的C/N比将导致颗粒粒径增加,结构疏松以致解体,丝状微生物过度繁殖,不利于系统的稳定。对有机物的去除受进水C/N比的影响不明显,颗粒初步形成后对COD的去除率基本维持在87%左右;在C/N比为6.67~2.86之间时,除磷效果较好,平均去除率稳定在80%以上,而C/N比过高或过低,污泥颗粒化程度差,体系内缺乏除磷所需的微观环境,不利于磷的去除;进水C/N比对NH4+-N的去除效果影响明显,C/N比为10时,好氧颗粒污泥具有良好的脱氮效果,NH4+-N的平均去除率达90.59%,但低C/N比能抑制硝化菌和反硝化菌的活性,当进水C/N比由5降低至2时,反应器对NH4+-N的去除率由65.23%下降到38.77%。  相似文献   

Inhalation of ambient particulate matter causes morbidity and mortality in humans. One hypothesized mechanism of toxicity is the particle-induced formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) - including the highly damaging hydroxyl radical ((·)OH) - followed by inflammation and a variety of diseases. While past studies have found correlations between ROS formation and a variety of metals, there are no quantitative measurements of (·)OH formation from transition metals at concentrations relevant to 24-hour ambient particulate exposure. This research reports specific and quantitative measurements of (·)OH formation from 10 individual transition metals (and several mixtures) in a cell-free surrogate lung fluid (SLF) with four antioxidants: ascorbate, citrate, glutathione, and uric acid. We find that Fe and Cu can produce (·)OH under all antioxidant conditions as long as ascorbate is present and that mixtures of the two metals synergistically increase (·)OH production. Manganese and vanadium can also produce (·)OH under some conditions, but given that their ambient levels are typically very low, these metals are not likely to chemically produce significant levels of (·)OH in the lung fluid. Cobalt, chromium, nickel, zinc, lead, and cadmium do not produce (·)OH under any of our experimental conditions. The antioxidant composition of our SLF significantly affects (·)OH production from Fe and Cu: ascorbate is required for (·)OH formation, citrate increases (·)OH production from Fe, and both citrate and glutathione suppress (·)OH production from Cu. MINTEQ ligand speciation modeling indicates that citrate and glutathione affect (·)OH production by changing metal speciation, altering the reactivity of the metals. In the most realistic SLF (i.e., with all four antioxidants), Fe generates approximately six times more (·)OH than does the equivalent amount of Cu. Since levels of soluble Fe in PM are typically higher than those of Cu, our results suggest that Fe dominates the chemical generation of (·)OH from deposited particles in the lungs.  相似文献   

pH值和碳氮比对亚硝酸型反硝化影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用序批式反应器中长期驯化好的以亚硝酸盐为主要基质的纯种污泥,做锥形瓶实验,分别研究pH和碳氮比对亚硝酸型反硝化的影响。结果表明,亚硝酸型反硝化适宜的pH范围在7.7~8.6,最佳pH值在8.2左右;碳氮比(C/N)大于1.94,可实现连续稳定的脱氮效果,起始亚硝氮比基质降解速率随C/N的增加而增加,大于3.11速率几乎不再增加,通过动力学分析,得出该实验条件下C/N的饱和常数Ks为9.36。  相似文献   

低C/N比水产养殖废水生物脱氮实验研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
随着短程硝化-反硝化理论研究的发展,在低C/N比条件下,实现污水的生物脱氮处理已成为可能。为此,设计了水产养殖用水的三级生物膜短程硝化-反硝化处理工艺,并对该工艺在去除模拟水产养殖废水主要污染物的作用进行了初步研究。研究结果表明,在进水pH值7.5~8.5,温度为28~32℃,溶解氧为0.5~1 mg/L,游离氨浓度为5~10 mg/L的条件下,模拟废水的COD、NH4+-N和TN的平均去除率分别达到94.4%、91.6%和70.1%;并且低C/N比对出水氨氮NH4+-N的去除率影响不大,NO2--N的平均浓度控制在5.2 mg/L以下,低于鱼类的耐受浓度。表明该短程硝化-反硝化工艺设计,可用于低C/N比水产养殖废水主要污染物的生物处理,尤其是可消除NO2--N对水产养殖的潜在威胁,基本达到养鱼回用标准。  相似文献   

采用ASBR厌氧氨氧化(ANAMMOX)反应器,考察了不同C/N(NH4+-N)比时厌氧氨氧化与反硝化协同脱氮性能表现,并与无机环境下反应器的脱氮性能相比较。研究结果表明,C/N比决定了ANAMMOX/反硝化耦合反应的发展方向。当C/N4+-N和NO2--N的去除率分别为92%、95%、COD去除率大于96%,实现了氨氮及COD的同时去除;当C/N=1.33时,反硝化反应逐渐占据优势;当C/N>2.96时,反硝化作用成为主导反应,厌氧氨氧化反应受到明显抑制,氨氮去除率下降。采取批次实验方法研究了厌氧氨氧化与反硝化协同反应的动力学特性。用基质抑制动力学Haldane模型拟合不同基质浓度下的厌氧氨氧化活性,得到氨氮最大比增长速率为0.09 kg/(kg·d)(以VSS计),半饱和常数为8.4 mg/L、半抑制常数为1 198.2 mg/L;亚硝态氮最大比增长速率为0.27 kg/(kg·d)(以VSS计),半饱和常数为10.2 mg/L、半抑制常数为300.1 mg/L。采用Monod模型和Haldane模型分别拟合不同COD浓度和亚硝酸盐浓度下的反硝化性能,得到反硝化亚硝态氮最大比增长速率为0.2 kg/(kg VSS·d),半饱和常数为17.4 mg/L、半抑制常数为128.4 mg/L,COD半饱和常数为83.3 mg/L。  相似文献   


The problem of producing strong greenhouse gas of nitrous oxide (N2O) from biological nitrogen removal (BNR) process in wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) has elicited great concern from various sectors. In this study, three laboratory-scale wastewater treatment systems, with influent C/N ratios of 3.4, 5.4, and 7.5, were set up to study the effect of influent C/N ratio on N2O generation in anaerobic/anoxic/oxic (A2O) process. Results showed, with the increased influent C/N ratio, N2O generation from both nitrification and denitrification process was decreased, and the N2O-N conversion ratio of the process was obviously reduced from 2.23 to 0.05%. Nitrification rate in oxic section was reduced, while denitrification rate in anaerobic and anoxic section was elevated and the removal efficiency of COD, NH4 +-N, TN, and TP was enhanced in different extent. As the C/N ratio increased from 3.4 to 7.5, activities of three key denitrifying enzymes of nitrate reductase, nitrite reductase, and nitrous oxide reductase were increased. Moreover, microorganism analysis indicated that the relative abundance of ammonium-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB) were positively correlated with N2O generation, which was reduced from (8.42 ± 3.65) to (3.61 ± 1.66)% and (10.38 ± 4.12) to (4.67 ± 1.62)%, respectively. NosZ gene copy numbers of the A2O system were increased from (1.19 ± 0.49) × 107 to (2.84 ± 0.54) × 108 copies/g MLSS with the influent C/N ratio elevated from 3.4 to 7.5. Hence, appropriate influent C/N condition of A2O process could optimize the microbial community structure that simultaneously improve treatment efficiency and decrease the N2O generation.


碳氮比对堆肥过程NH3挥发和腐熟度的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过强制通风静态堆肥试验,研究了不同碳氮干质量比(简写为C/N)处理(17.6、24.0、32.4、40.3)对猪粪堆肥NH3挥发和腐熟度的影响.结果表明:(1)不同C/N处理间NH3变化存在极显著差异.低C/N处理的NH3挥发明显大于高C/N处理;(2)当C/N为17.6、24.0、32.4和40.3时,其氮素的损失率分别为32.19%、20.80%、13.65%和7.66%,说明C/N越低,其氮素损失越大;(3)低C/N堆肥盐分过高,会抑制种子发芽率,而高C/N会导致堆肥肥料养分含量不达标.相比之下,C/N为24.0和32.4的处理较有利于减小氮素的损失和促进堆肥的腐熟.因此,综合考虑各方面因素,堆肥的C/N控制在25~30为宜.  相似文献   

在序批式反应器(SBR)中,采用乙酸钠为碳源,通过硝酸钠和硝酸钙的交替投加、微量元素的投加以及碳氮比(COD/NO3-N)的改变,探究了不同控制条件对反硝化性能及NO2-N积累的影响,并分析了反应器中微生物种群演替特征。结果表明,在以乙酸钠为碳源的SBR中,Ca2+浓度过高会抑制反硝化。以NaNO3为NO3-N来源时,硝酸盐氮还原率维持在50%左右;相同条件下,以Ca(NO3)2为NO3-N来源时,硝酸盐氮还原率仅有20%。反应器中补充适量磷元素后,硝酸盐氮还原率提高至62%,同时有少量的亚硝酸盐氮积累。当C/N比提高为4后,硝酸盐氮还原率大于98%,长期运行下亚硝酸盐氮积累率平均为83.8%。高通量测序分析结果表明,变形菌门和拟杆菌门在系统中占主导地位。NO2-N积累的关键功能菌属是Thauera菌属,其最高占比为17.25%。以Ca(NO3)2为NO3-N来源时,Thauera菌属占比仅为0.14%。以上研究结果为短程反硝化的快速启动和稳定运行提供参考。  相似文献   

采用溶胶-凝胶法合成Sb、Ce共掺杂SnO2/C/Ti电极,经XC-72R炭黑吸附后得到钛基炭载金属氧化物SnO2-Sb(2.5%(质量分数,下同))-Ce(2.5%)/C/Ti电极,利用电化学交流阻抗法(EIS)测试电极的交流阻抗值随电位和不同浓度苯酚的变化情况。结果表明,在不同电位(0.10、0.95、1.01V)时,SnO2-Sb(2.5%)-Ce(2.5%)/C/Ti电极的膜电阻、电化学电阻、总电阻和苯酚氧化阻力随着电位的增加而减小;此外,在恒电位(0.95V)、不同质量浓度(100、200、300mg/L)苯酚溶液的条件下,电极的膜电阻、电化学电阻、总电阻和苯酚氧化阻力随着苯酚浓度的增加而增大。电极在反应过程中表现良好的活性,对苯酚的催化氧化较彻底。  相似文献   

碳氮比对人工湿地污水处理效果的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
采用表面流人工湿地系统静态小试装置,考察了低、中、高3组不同进水COD/N(2,5,10)对系统中氮、磷及COD去除效果的影响。结果表明:进水C/N的变化对COD的去除率影响不大,平均去除率达到94.6%。TN的去除率随着COD/N的增大而逐渐升高,在C/N=5时达到63.8%,继续提高COD/N,TN的去除率变化不大。NH4+-N去除率随着COD/N的增加而降低。随着碳源的增加,释磷菌能够从进水中获得充足的碳源,从而可以比较充分地释磷,因此,磷的去除率随COD/N的增加而提高。  相似文献   

碳氮比对鸭粪中温厌氧消化的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李礼  徐龙君 《环境工程学报》2010,4(8):1903-1906
在中温(35±1)℃、6%的料液浓度、pH为中性条件下,采用10 L玻璃瓶作为反应器对碳氮比(C/N)分别为15、20、25和35的4组鸭粪溶液进行厌氧消化实验,系统运行30 d,分析了厌氧消化过程中的COD(化学需氧量)、pH、VFA(挥发性脂肪酸)和产气量的变化。结果表明,碳氮比是影响鸭粪厌氧消化过程的重要因素,调节鸭粪碳氮比至25,可以使其厌氧消化获得最佳的产气效果,COD去除率为24.06%,原料干物质产气率为0.178 m3/kg,产气中甲烷含量为71.5%,产甲烷率为0.127 m3/kg。  相似文献   

以乙酸钠为碳源,分别考察了以石英砂和生物陶粒为滤料的2种反硝化滤池在不同C/N比条件下的脱氮效果,并对生物膜量和微生物种群进行了分析。结果表明:2种滤池对硝酸盐和TN都有较好的去除效果,且生物陶粒滤池要明显优于石英砂滤池;从经济性考虑,C/N比为4时的碳源投加量是最佳的,此时石英砂池和生物陶粒池出水TN平均浓度分别低于10 mg·L-1和5 mg·L-1,亚硝酸盐含量在0.5 mg·L-1以下。2柱的生物膜量沿着水流方向都逐渐减少,且生物陶粒池的生物膜量明显高于石英砂池。高通量测序结果表明,2滤池系统的物种多样性相差不大,在门的分类水平上,2个系统的主要优势菌群都属于Proteobacteria(变形菌门),含量在94%以上;在属的分类水平上,2柱的反硝化功能菌都主要是Dechloromonas(脱氯单胞菌属)和Thauera(陶厄氏菌属),但含量上存在一定差异。  相似文献   

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