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A procedure is described for producing a sulfur dioxide (SO2) contaminated atmosphere within a body plethysmograph, exposing man to this atmosphere while maintaining the SO2 concentration at a given level, and measuring the concentration with less than a oneminute lag time. A syringe is used to introduce incremental volumes of SO2 limiting the maximum SO2 concentration in the chamber and assuring safety of the subject. A Titrilog SO2 analyzer with its rapid response characteristics provides quick measurement of the SO2 concentration. The body plethysmograph used in this manner serves simultaneously as a pulmonary function measuring device and as an exposure chamber.  相似文献   

The precursors used to conduct and the results of a cost-effectiveness study of photochemical oxidant episode control actions for the State of Illinois are analyzed. The method is general enough to be used in analyzing short-term episode regulations in other geographical areas and for other types of pollutants. Real costs and the probable emission reductions of the precursor compounds to oxidant formation, hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides, are estimated for each of twenty-two control actions and for sets of control actions that are implemented at four episode stages. Control actions affect the use of motor vehicles and parking facilities; scheduling of road repairs; and the operation of manufacturing and other facilities having process emissions, electric power plants, commercial establishments, and refuse incinerators. The actions are analyzed and compared on the basis of relative economic efficiency. The expected annual cost of the regulation and the distribution of cost across sectors are also discussed. The annual cost of the oxidant episode regulation in the Chicago SMSA Is estimated to be $12.9 million; expected annual emission reductions are 1180 ton hydrocarbons and 970 ton nitrogen oxide. It is concluded that the expected cost of the regulation is not overly restrictive if the frequency of major curtailments in manufacturing and transportation is low; the cost is relatively small compared with the estimated annual cost of sulfur dioxide and particulate controls.  相似文献   

The role of nucleating particulates in the formation of photochemical aerosols has been studied in a steady, laminar flow of ultrafiltered air containing NO2 and octene-1 in the concentration range of (30 to 170 ppm) when subjected to intense irradiation under isothermal conditions. The particulates consisted of monodisperse polystyrene latex (d = 0.36 μ.) in concentrations similar to those in the atmosphere (6 × 101 to 3 × 103 cm–3); the irradiation intensity varied between (6 to 40 × 103 lumen/liter) and the mean exposure duration between 30 and 180 sec. Samples of the flow prior to and after its photoactivation were withdrawn either by an Aerosol Spectrometer (AS) or by a Royco Aerosol Photometer (PH). While these indications refer thus to the same system, they differ, because the photometric data include all colloidal components in the airborne state, whereas the counts obtained from the AS deposits refer only to the nucleated latex particles. The following pattern becomes evident: The photochemical reaction yields fractional products (less than three percent) which have the tendency to agglomerate (or polymerize) due to their relatively low volatility—independent of the presence or absence of nucleating particulates. In their presence, this reaction becomes kinetically more probable and thus faster, hence the accumulant formation occurs preferably on the nuclei and causes their growth such that, e.g., a 10-fold higher nuclei concentration will produce under the same conditions 10 times the accumulant mass while autonucleation is suppressed. The growth process appears thus principally different from that of fog formation by H2O-condensation, whereas for identical super saturation it is inversely proportional to the nuclear concentration. In the absence of nuclei autonucleation, i.e., self-agglomeration, occurs at a much lesser reaction rate and higher photon demand. The growth rate of the nuclei, when present, depends on the concentration of the oxidation catalyst (NO2), its interaction with the nuclei surface is indicated. Under identical conditions the mass of nuclear accumulant is directly proportional to the concentration of the reactive hydrocarbon, while the growth rate depends on the light intensity and the exposure duration. The findings indicate that density and nature of particulate matter present in an air mass prior or during photo-activation are—aside from the chemical reactant levels—of major significance in aerosol formation.  相似文献   

The excessive cracking of rubber products was one of the earliest indicators of the presence of atmospheric photochemical oxidants. It has been demonstrated that this excessive cracking of rubber is caused by atmospheric ozone formed in the photochemical smog formation process. Depending on the formulation of the rubber, cracking under stress can readily be detected within 3/4 hr when atmospheric oxidant levels are as low as 0.03 ppm. Natural and certain synthetic rubbers are particularly vulnerable. These rubbers when stressed show cracking when exposed to 0.02 ppm laboratory ozone for about 1 hr. Other materials known to deteriorate under atmospheric photochemical smog conditions are textiles and certain dyed fabrics, particularly under conditions of high humidity. Loss of tensile strength of cotton textiles when wet or moist, and similar fading of these dyed fabrics, particularly under high humidity, can be also produced by laboratory exposure of these textiles to pure ozone. Ozone effects on asphaltic materials ate also reported.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to describe ozone production in forest slash burn plumes. Plumes from controlled fires in the state of Washington were monitored using an instrumented aircraft. Ozone, oxides of nitrogen, condensation nuclei, and visual range (nephelometer) were measured continuously on board the plane. Airborne grab samples were collected for detailed hydrocarbon analysis.

The slash burn plumes were found to contain significant quantities of ozone. A buildup of 40–50 ppb above the ambient background ozone concentrations was not unusual. Hydrocarbon analyses revealed the presence of many photochemically reactive olefins in the plume. Hydrocarbon/NO x ratios were favorable for photochemical oxidant production.  相似文献   

Additional inhibitors for the conversion of NO to NO2 in C3H6—NO—02 irradiated mixtures have been tested at 25°C. These mixtures initially contained 16 mTorr C3H6, 8 mTorr NO, 0.012 mTorr NO2, additive, and enough O2 to bring the total pressure to 100 Torr. The NO2 pressure was monitored photometrically. In the absence of additive, the NO2 pressure first increases with irradiation time reaching a maximum conversion at about 15 minutes. As the irradiation time increases beyond 15 min, the NO2 pressure drops. Before adding the inhibitors, runs were done with 10 Torr of CO added, and in these runs the conversion was speeded so that the maximum in NO2 pressure occurred at 10 min. This enhancement in conversion rate is considered to be diagnostic for the presence of HO radicals. Next 10-min irradiations were done with various amounts of hexafluorobenzene (C6F6), nitrobenzene (C6H5NO2), or naphtha lene (C10H8) added. The NO2 pressure was reduced to one-half its value in the absence of inhibitor with 270 mTorr C6F6’, 220 mTorr C6H5N02, or 4 mTorr C10Hg. The C10H8 is a very efficient inhibitor, but additions of up to 1 8.5 mTorr C10H8 did not reduce the N02 pressure to zero. Studies of the percent conversion of NO to NO2 vs. irradiation time were done with either 4.2 mTorr C10H8 or 40 mTorr 2,6-di-ferf-butyl-4-methylphenol (Ph) added. In the former case the peak conversion was delayed from 15 to 22 min, while in the latter case no delay occurred. However, with the Ph added, there appeared to be some reduction in the maximum value of percent conversion.  相似文献   

One of the most annoying aspects of photochemical air pollution, particularly in the Southern California Air Basin, has been eye irritation. The most aggravating combination of driving in heavy traffic in Los Angeles, suffering from tearing and burning of the eyes together with very limited visibility, was a strong motivation for the public to demand that effective control actions be taken.  相似文献   

The body of information presented in this paper is directed to those individuals concerned with the effect of urban pollution on downwind areas. Concern has been expressed over the appropriate hydrocarbon and NO x control strategy to be used in minimizing the effects of ozone and NO2 on urban population centers and their downwind environs. O3 and NO2 formation were studied in smog chamber irradiations as a function of the initial NO x concentration at three hydrocarbon concentrations. By carrying out the irradiations for a period of time equivalent to one solar day in a continuously diluting system, smog formation in a chemically reacting pollutant system under transport was simulated. The results of this experimental simulation suggest that hydrocarbon reduction reduces O3 in urban as well as downwind areas while NO x reduction increases O3 in the urban area and has little effect on O3 in downwind areas. Both hydrocarbon and NO x reduction will reduce atmospheric NO2 levels, with the effect of NO x reduction generally being more pronounced.  相似文献   

Experiments have been carried out to assess the effect of ammonia injection upstream of a small-scale fabric filter which collects ash from the burning of coal in Australia. The ammonia injection resulted in an increase in the pressure drop across the filter. This was apparently due to an increase in the cohesivity of the ash, which made dislodgement during cleaning more difficult. There were some indications that the ammonia-conditioned ash formed a more porous dust cake during the filtration cycle.  相似文献   

张红健  潘王 《污染防治技术》2003,16(Z2):203-204
草甘膦是目前国内外通用的一种高效、低毒、低残留的除草剂.通过对草甘膦生产工艺中主要产生污染物的双甘膦工段的改造,用三氯化磷一次合成双甘膦,可提高反应转化率,降低物料消耗,减少废水排放,达到实现减污增效的目的.  相似文献   

Oxidant air pollution effects on plants of Joshua Tree National Monument   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Joshua Tree National Monument (JOTR) is located about 100 km east of the Los Angeles Basin, site of the heaviest concentration of photochemical oxidant (O(3)) air pollution in the US. This investigation was conducted to measure O(3) concentrations in JOTR and to determine the effects of O(3) on vegetation in the park. Potentially phytotoxic concentrations of O(3) were recorded in JOTR in 1984 and 1985, but peak concentration occurred at night, when most plant species would be less sensitive to O(3). No O(3) effects were observed on permanent vegetation observation plots in JOTR in 1984 or 1985. Controlled exposures of native summer annual and woody perennial species to O(3) showed that most did not develop visible O(3) injury symptoms except at concentrations higher than those expected in the park. However, Rhus trilobata Nutt. was injured at 0.10 ppm O(3), 4 h per day for 4 days. This species would be a useful bioindicator to assess the effects of O(3) on native desert plants.  相似文献   

本文首先简要介绍了光化学反应的基本原理。然后 ,重点介绍了研究表层土壤中有机污染物光化学行为的实验方法 ,影响光化学行为的因素及影响机理 ,光化学反应与吸附、迁移等的互相作用。最后阐述了这方面存在的问题 ,并且提出了一些建议  相似文献   

Emergency plans for oxidant controls provide the basis for taking preventive action to protect public health. Historic oxidant data (1970 to Sept. 1974) from the South Coast Air Basin (SCAB), were evaluated to assess episode characteristics in an area where emergency strategies are most likely to be enforced. These findings, together with an objective study of a test case episode (June 1974) using a photochemical air quality simulation model, suggest that the currently conceived emergency plans for oxidant control are unlikely to be effective. It is concluded that, because of the chemical and mefeorofogfcal complexities of the episodes, they are extremely difficult both to predict and concurrently to control over their short-lived duration.  相似文献   

Diesel exhaust related airborne Particulate Matter (PM) has been linked to a myriad of adverse health outcomes, ranging from cancer to cardiopulmonary disease. The underlying toxicological mechanisms are of great scientific interest. A hypothesis under investigation is that many of the adverse health effects may derive from oxidative stress, initiated by the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) within affected cells. In this study, the main objective was to determine whether aged-diesel exhaust PM has a higher oxidant generation and toxicity than fresh diesel exhaust PM. The diesel exhaust PM was generated from a 1980 Mercedes-Benz model 300SD, and a dual 270 m3 Teflon film chamber was utilized to generate two test atmospheres. One side of the chamber is used to produce ozone–diesel exhaust PM system, and another side of the chamber was used to produce diesel exhaust PM only system. A newly optimized dithiothreitol (DTT) method was used to assess their oxidant generation and toxicity. The results of this study showed: (1) both fresh and aged-diesel exhaust PM had high oxidant generation and toxicity; (2) ozone–diesel exhaust PM had a higher toxicity response than diesel exhaust PM only; (3) the diesel exhaust PM toxicity increased with time; (4) the optimized DTT method could be used as a good quantitative chemical assay for oxidant generation and toxicity measurement.  相似文献   

Carbon bond (CB-III) fractions for non-methane organic carbon compounds (NMOC) measured in the background alrmass adverted into several urban areas in the eastern and southern United States are reported. These, together with ozone measured aloft, were used In an Empirical Kinetic Modeling Approach (EKMA) to model urban ozone production and urban ozone control strategies.

Over a range of zero to double the mean of the measured NMOC concentrations aloft (0 to 70 ppbC) and zero to the highest ozone levels recorded aloft (0 to 65 ppb), it was found that urban ozone production and control strategies were relatively insensitive to NMOC from aloft. However, urban ozone production was sensitive to ozone from aloft, while ozone control strategies were insensitive to ozone from aloft.  相似文献   

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