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This paper presents an overview on air pollution assessments of new fossil energy technologies for baseload electric generating plants. The discussion is oriented towards those who must understand the broad issues affecting the design and performance of such power plants. It is motivated by the potential air pollution problems caused by the near doubling of coal use projected for the next 15 years.

The paper first reviews the applicable emissions performance standards for these plants, as well as predictions of likely future standards needed to protect the environment. The conclusion is reached that significantly tighter emissions standards will apply in the future.

Next, the cost, emissions performance, and development status of the three major technology groups for coal fired baseload plants are reviewed. It is observed that while all of the technologies can meet the current standards, only the Baseline plant with Advanced Control Technology can meet future standards, without unreasonable increases in electrical generation costs. Furthermore, since Advanced Direct Combustion Technologies and Fuel Conversion Technologies are in very early stages of development, only the Baseline plant with Advanced Control Technology will be available to the utilities in the near term. This is because it will be evolved from the current commercial Baseline Technology.

Hence, it is concluded that the utilities will use mainly the Baseline coal fired plant with Advanced Control Technology to protect the environment for the next 15-20 years.  相似文献   

This paper represents an exploratory effort to estimate a physical nonlinear function between excess mortality rates and the SO2 concentration with both considerations over econometric problems such as multicollinearity and heteroscedasticity (the residuals of regression analysis), and the threshold levels. Through a recursive and stepwise adjustment procedure, the average physical mortality function was generalized with much more complete specifications. That is, the generalized average mortality model includes not only the demographic, socioeconomic, and climatological determinants but also air pollution variable. The average pollution damage function developed in this study with observations from relevant SMSA’s which have pollution concentrations exceeding the threshold level represents an important departure from the prior studies in which sample observations were selected regardless of the SO2 concentration level.  相似文献   

The use of multistage, dry, fluidized beds of continuously recycled, coal-based activated carbon appears technically and economically attractive for both adsorption of stack gas So2 and sequential conversion to elemental sulfur. Conceptual design details and economic factors are discussed for the treatment of power plant or oil refinery SO2 effluents with by-product sulfur recovery.  相似文献   

Energy consumption requirements for air pollution control equipment were studied for varying removal efficiency levels at the Tyler Pipe Industries iron foundry in Tyler, Texas, based on plant fuel consumption data, and on field test measurements of cupola carbon monoxide and particulate control equipment. Natural gas consumption for CO removal increased from 0 in 1970 to 25.4% of the plant total in 1976. Operating costs to achieve 85% CO control increased from 0 in 1970 to $1.61/ton metal in 1976. Increasing cupola incinerator temperature from 800° to 1600° F increased CO removal efficiency from 60 to 97%, but also increased natural gas consumption by 150%. Electricity consumption requirements for 95% to 97% particulate control at the foundry increased from 0.1 % of plant total in 1970 to 18.7% in 1976. Electricity consumption for particulate controls increased plant operating costs from 0.004 in 1970 to 1.693 $/ton metal in 1976 as horsepower increased from 20 to 6,272. Cost-benefit methodology is needed to evaluate trade-offs between air pollution control, energy consumption requirements and operating costs of proposed regulations. Total air pollution control system must be considered in enforcing regulations instead of the source to be controlled alone for overall impacts. Need exists for process modifications to enhance energy recovery and development of energy-effective air pollution control equipment.  相似文献   


Results from 31 epidemiology studies linking air pollution with premature mortality are compared and synthesized. Consistent positive associations between mortality and various measures of air pollution have been shown within each of two fundamentally different types of regression studies and in many variations within these basic types; this is extremely unlikely to have occurred by chance. In this paper, the measure of risk used is the elasticity, which is a dimensionless regression coefficient defined as the percentage change in the dependent variable associated with a 1% change in an independent variable, evaluated at the means. This metric has the advantage of independence from measurement units and averaging times, and is thus suitable for comparisons within and between studies involving different pollutants. Two basic types of studies are considered: time-series studies involving daily perturbations, and cross-sectional studies involving longer-term spatial gradients. The latter include prospective studies of differences in individual survival rates in different locations and studies of the differences in annual mortality rates for various communities.

For a given data set, time-series regression results will vary according to the seasonal adjustment method used, the covariates included, and the lag structure assumed. The results from both types of cross-sectional regressions are highly dependent on the methods used to control for socioeconomic and personal lifestyle factors and on data quality. Amajor issue for all of these studies is that of partitioning the response among collinear pollution and weather variables. Previous studies showed that the variable with the least exposure measurement error may be favored in multiple regressions; assigning precise numerical results to a single pollutant is not possible under these circumstances. We found that the mean overall elasticity as obtained from timeseries studies for mortality with respect to various air pollutants entered jointly was about 0.048, with a range from 0.01 to 0.12. This implies that about 5% of daily mortality is associated with air pollution, on average. The corresponding values from population-based cross-sectional studies were similar in magnitude, but the results from the three recent prospective studies varied from zero to about five times as much. Long-term responses in excess of short-term responses might be interpreted as showing the existence of chronic effects, but the uncertainties inherent in both types of studies make such an interpretation problematic.  相似文献   


Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) analysis of the thermal flow in the combustion chamber of a solid waste incinerator provides crucial insight into the incinerator’s performance. However, the interrelation of the gas flow with the burning waste has not been adequately treated in many CFD models. A strategy for a combined simulation of the waste combustion and the gas flow in the furnace is introduced here. When coupled with CFD, a model of the waste combustion in the bed provides the inlet conditions for the gas flow field and receives the radiative heat flux onto the bed from the furnace wall and gaseous species. An unsteady one-dimensional bed model was used for the test simulation, in which the moving bed was treated as a packed bed of homogeneous fuel particles. The simulation results show the physical processes of the waste combustion and its interaction with the gas flow for various operational parameters.  相似文献   

The role of SO2 and COH (coefficient of haze) as causative factors in hospital emergency room admissions for respiratory and cardiac disease is analyzed using data from Chicago's Cook County Hospital. Some of the findings are that, while COH appears not to affect morbidity, SO2 does, with most important impacts being felt by those with cardiac disease, females, and the youngest and oldest age groups. It is concluded that marginal morbidity damages, about which little had been known, are not high relative to other damage categories. These damages are estimated to be on the order of 10 cents per microgram per cubic meter per person per year.  相似文献   

室内空气污染与控制   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
论述了造成室内空气污染的主要原因,分析了室内空气污染的特点及其危害,并结合房屋建筑过程以及人们日常生活的各个方面,提出了预防及控制室内空气污染的具体方法。  相似文献   

Air monitoring by the A.I.S.I. filter sampling device which both preceded and was concurrent with source control of particulates demonstrated air quality improvement over a ten-year period. A difference in improvement from that estimated by the pollution control agency resulted from difference in the measurement parameters.  相似文献   

Most air pollution control programs rest on one or more of the following four basic philosophies: emission standards, air quality standards, emission taxes, and cost benefit analysis. Frequently they rest on mixtures or combinations of these four. This paper examines each of the four separately, tries to show why each is different from the others, and compares their advantages and disadvantages.  相似文献   

The TR-l Research Committee of the Air Pollution Control Association conducted a survey during 1969–70 to determine what air pollution research problems require attention. All APCA committees were requested to contribute topics to this survey, especially within their area of activity. Other professional societies were contacted through liaison representatives of APCA. The responses to the survey have been reviewed, categorized, selected, and edited for inclusion in this report. Additional material and concepts have been contributed by members of the TR-l Committee.  相似文献   

The importance of public involvement in programs of air pollution control has been stressed by a number of writers in the field, most recently by Sterner in his comments to the Third National Conference on Air Pollution.1 As he points out, public apathy appears to be a critical barrier in the development and implementation of effective control programs. Along the same line, Dixon and Lodge, in a digest of the report of the AAAS Air Conservation Committee, state that, “The best program in the world can fail in the face of opposition or apathy on the part of the public.”2 It is the purpose of this paper to take a more analytical look at this problem, particularly in the light of recent data from an opinion survey in West Virginia. If such apathy exists, effective countermeasures require that we examine it more fully and understand its sources. Collective handwringing will do little to meet the problem.  相似文献   


Title III of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments designated methanol as a pollutant to be regulated. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), through a contract with Research Triangle Institute, has developed a method for measuring methanol emissions from stationary sources. The methanol sampling train (MST) consists of a glass-lined heated probe, two condensate knockout traps, and three sorbent cartridges packed with Anasorb® 747. Samples are desorbed with a 1:1 mixture of carbon disulfide (CS2) and N, N-dimethylformamide (DMF). Condensate water and CS2/ DMF samples are analyzed by gas chromatography with flame ionization detection. The MST has a practical quantitation limit of approximately 3 ppm for a 20-L sample. Samples were shown to be stable for at least two weeks after collection.

Field tests of the MST and the National Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvement (NCASI) methanol sampling method were conducted at two pulp and paper mills. Sampling and analysis procedures followed EPA Method 301 requirements.

The sampling location for the first field test was the inlet vent to a softwood bleach plant scrubber, where the methanol concentration was approximately 30 ppm. The mean recovery of spike was 108.3% for the MST method and 81.6% for the NCASI method. Although neither method showed significant bias at the 95% confidence level, the betweenmethods bias was significantly different.

A second field test was conducted at a vent from a black liquor oxidation tank where the methanol concentration was approximately 350 ppm. Mean spike recoveries were 96.6 and 94.2% for the MST and NCASI methods, respectively. The biases of the two methods and the between-methods bias were not significantly different for the second field test.  相似文献   

Confronted with shortages of low sulfur content residual fuel oil and, consequently, faced with the threat of social and economic upheaval, several air pollution control authorities in the Northeastern states were forced to relax hard-won air quality standards during the winter of 1972. The authorities did so by granting variances to their sulfur content standards for residual fuel oil. This paper examines the institutional characteristics of these variance policies from an economic incentive standpoint. After setting up desirable structural criteria for institutional design of such crisis policies, the authors examine the experience of the winter of 1972 and arrive at policy guidelines which recommend themselves for consideration in future periods of fuel oil shortages.  相似文献   

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