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This paper discusses the approach used by the City of Chicago to encourage the implementation of an air resource management program in the metropolitan area. It explores the many facets that were helpful in designing and implementing the City of Chicago’s Five-Year Air Resource Management Program and the progress to date. Also highlighted is the social geography of the metropolitan area and the relationship of population growth and rapid industrial expansion to the area’s air pollution problem. Existing control programs in the Chicago Metropolitan Area are reviewed and are used to document the various elements essential for the success of an air resource management program. These include the Chicago Program, the Cook County Program, the State of Illinois Program and the Interstate Program between Illinois and Indiana. The authors devote considerable discussion to the methodology used to develop an air resource management program, including selection of goals, design of organization, technical development, definition of sources and effects, systems approach, and long- and short-range objectives. The importance of a public information and education program and its relationship to various segments of community leadership are also covered in this paper  相似文献   

A review of the methodology used in the development and implementation of a comprehensive emission inventory survey with emphasis on manufacturing plants. This inventory, a major goal in the Dynamic Air Resource Management Program for the City of Chicago, is a principal objective of a Five-Year Technical Assistance Agreement with the United States Public Health Service, Division of Air Pollution and Chicago’s Department of Air Pollution Control. Information obtained through a 75 percent response from a questionnaire mailed to 7312 manufacturing firms provided the basis for this inventory. Data on the delinquent firms was obtained from on-site evaluation by department engineers. This report will also cover computer processing and tabulation of survey data.  相似文献   

In 1964, as part of the Northeastern Illinois Metropolitan Planning Commission's Air Resource Management Study, an examination was made of citizen complaints of air pollution registered with air pollution control agencies representing the City of Chicago, outlying Cook County, and the State of Illinois. The complaint files of the City of Chicago were found to contain the addresses of some 9500 air pollution sources specified by complainants in complaints covering the time period from approximately 1954 to 1964. A statistical sample of these sources showed more than 70% to be of a nonindustrial nature, with domestic fuel burning or incineration by neighbors most often specified. There were 1119 industrial process source snamed in the Chicago files; 588 nonmanufacturing and 531 manufacturing. Fabricated metal industries, primary metal industries, chemical manufacturers, and food processing plants were cited more often than other industrial categories. Complaint sources named in complaints filed by citizens with the State of Illinois, and with Cook County, differed with those of Chicago in that industrial sources were specified more often than nonindustrial ones. The reason for this is believed to lie in the reduced residential densities and the relatively great use of pollution-free fuels in the metropolitan area outside of the City of Chicago.  相似文献   

This marks the 30th year of the Air & Waste Management Association's Critical Review Program. The Critical Review is a feature of A&WMA's Annual Conference, and is directed by the Critical Review Committee. The committee evaluates several topics each year, selects the best for presentation, and invites an individual (or group) to prepare the Critical Review Paper. This paper is thoroughly reviewed by the committee members and a panel of experts. After presentation of the review by the authors (typically on the Wednesday of the Annual Conference), there is a panel discussion and question-and-answer session. Panel members are invited to prepare their comments on the Critical Review, which, along with audience comments and the author's closing statements, are published in the Journal.  相似文献   

All U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) facilities are required under Executive Order (EO) 13148, "Greening the Government through Leadership in Environmental Management," to establish quality-based environmental management systems (EMSs) that support environmental decision-making and verification of continuous environmental improvement by December 31, 2005. Compliance with EO 13148 as well as other federal, state, and local environmental regulations places a significant information management burden on DoD facilities. Cost-effective management of environmental data compels DoD facilities to establish robust database systems that not only address the complex and multifaceted environmental monitoring, record-keeping, and reporting requirements demanded by these rules but enable environmental management decision-makers to gauge improvements in environmental performance. The Enterprise Environmental Safety and Occupational Health Management Information System (EESOH-MIS) is a new electronic database developed by the U.S. Air Force to manage both the data needs associated with regulatory compliance programs across its facilities as well as the non-regulatory environmental information that supports installation business practices. The U.S. Air Force, which has adopted the Plan-Do-Check-Act methodology as the EMS standard that it will employ to address EO 13148 requirements.  相似文献   

Data obtained by the Continuous Air Monitoring Program (CAMP) in six cities during two years are summarized. Six gaseous pollutants were monitored in Cincinnati, Chicago, New Orleans, Philadelphia, San Francisco, and Washington, D. C. during 1962 and 1963. The data serve as a basis for describing several contrasts and similarities in the nature of air pollution experienced in six cities, which represent a broad geographical and climatological range of urbayi environments. Specific topics covered are: typical pollutant levels, patterns of daily and seasonal variations, and unusual phenomena such as atmospheric stagnation periods and photochemical smog formation.  相似文献   

A review of air pollution control activities since 1881, and the current needs to change from a smoke abatement to an air resource management program are presented. The rapid and dynamic transition made by the City of Chicago since 1962 in its air pollution control activities are explored in terms of organizational changes, training of professional and nonprofessional personnel, ambient air quality measurements, emission inventory of commercial and industrial operations directed toward issuance of certificates of operation, evaluation of health effects and materials damage, modifications to the municipal code, and the interrelationship of air pollution control activities with urban planning and the regional complex. The multidiscipline Public Health Service, Division of Air Pollution, Technical Assistance program initiated in October 1962, and planned for a period of five years, is discussed. The achievements, particularly since 1962, in the many faceted Chicago air resource management program together with some of its longrange plans are delineated.  相似文献   

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration recently sponsored the New England Forecasting Pilot Program to serve as a "test bed" for chemical forecasting by providing all of the elements of a National Air Quality Forecasting System, including the development and implementation of an evaluation protocol. This Pilot Program enlisted three regional-scale air quality models, serving as prototypes, to forecast ozone (O3) concentrations across the northeastern United States during the summer of 2002. A suite of statistical metrics was identified as part of the protocol that facilitated evaluation of both discrete forecasts (observed versus modeled concentrations) and categorical forecasts (observed versus modeled exceedances/nonexceedances) for both the maximum 1-hr (125 ppb) and 8-hr (85 ppb) forecasts produced by each of the models. Implementation of the evaluation protocol took place during a 25-day period (August 5-29), utilizing hourly O3 concentration data obtained from over 450 monitors from the U.S. Environment Protection Agency's Air Quality System network.  相似文献   


The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration recently sponsored the New England Forecasting Pilot Program to serve as a “test bed” for chemical forecasting by providing all of the elements of a National Air Quality Forecasting System, including the development and implementation of an evaluation protocol. This Pilot Program enlisted three regional-scale air quality models, serving as prototypes, to forecast ozone (O3) concentrations across the northeastern United States during the summer of 2002. A suite of statistical metrics was identified as part of the protocol that facilitated evaluation of both discrete forecasts (observed versus modeled concentrations) and categorical forecasts (observed versus modeled exceedances/nonexceedances) for both the maximum 1-hr (125 ppb) and 8-hr (85 ppb) forecasts produced by each of the models. Implementation of the evaluation protocol took place during a 25-day period (August 5–29), utilizing hourly O3 concentration data obtained from over 450 monitors from the U.S. Environment Protection Agency’s Air Quality System network.  相似文献   

结合浙江省环保局环境监理信息系统的课题,对环境监理计算机管理信息系统软件进行了总体设计,该软件选择Win95为操作平台,VisualBasic5.0为编程软件及Access2.0为数据软件。  相似文献   

An international specialty conference cosponsored by the Air & Waste Management Association's New England Section and the WF-2, EE-5 and EP-1 technical committees was held in Boston, Massachusetts on November 7-9, 1990. The technical program consisted of 39 presentations, held in eight technical sessions, exploring a wide range of topics related to the development of cleanup criteria for contaminated soil and groundwater. Supported by 11 exhibitors, the conference was attended by more than 350 professionals from the United States and other countries. This overview by the Technical Program Chair highlights a selection of the technical presentations.  相似文献   

An international specialty conference cosponsored by the Air & Waste Management Association's New England Section and the WF-2, EE-5 and EP-1 technical committees was held in Boston, Massachusetts on November 7-9, 1990. The technical program consisted of 39 presentations, held in eight technical sessions, exploring a wide range of topics related to the development of cleanup criteria for contaminated soil and groundwater. Supported by 11 exhibitors, the conference was attended by more than 350 professionals from the United States and other countries. This overview by the Technical Program Chair highlights a selection of the technical presentations.  相似文献   

The objective of this project is to demonstrate how the ambient air measurement record can be used to define the relationship between O3 (as a surrogate for photochemistry) and secondary particulate matter (PM) in urban air. The approach used is to develop a time-series transfer-function model describing the daily PM10 (PM with less than 10 microm aerodynamic diameter) concentration as a function of lagged PM and current and lagged O3, NO or NO2, CO, and SO2. Approximately 3 years of daily average PM10, daily maximum 8-hr average O3 and CO, daily 24-hr average SO2 and NO2, and daily 6:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m. average NO from the Aerometric Information Retrieval System (AIRS) air quality subsystem are used for this analysis. Urban areas modeled are Chicago, IL; Los Angeles, CA; Phoenix, AZ; Philadelphia, PA; Sacramento, CA; and Detroit, MI. Time-series analysis identified significant autocorrelation in the O3, PM10, NO, NO2, CO, and SO2 series. Cross correlations between PM10 (dependent variable) and gaseous pollutants (independent variables) show that all of the gases are significantly correlated with PM10 and that O3 is also significantly correlated lagged up to two previous days. Once a transfer-function model of current PM10 is defined for an urban location, the effect of an O3-control strategy on PM concentrations is estimated by calculating daily PM10 concentrations with reduced O3 concentrations. Forecasted summertime PM10 reductions resulting from a 5 percent decrease in ambient O3 range from 1.2 microg/m3 (3.03%) in Chicago to 3.9 microg/m3 (7.65%) in Phoenix.  相似文献   

The Atmospheric Oxidation Program (AOP) is a computer program that estimates the rate constant for the atmospheric, gas-phase reaction between photochemically produced hydroxyl radicals (OH) and organic chemicals. It also estimates the rate constant for the gas-phase reaction between ozone and olefinic/acetylenic compounds. AOP, which uses estimation methods developed by Atkinson and co-workers, estimates more accurate rate constants than the PCFAP (Fate of Atmospheric Pollutants) program that was part of the U.S. EPA's Graphical Exposure Modeling System (GEMS). Due to its superior predictive ability, the EPA is currently using AOP to evaluate the atmospheric fate of compounds defined under Sections 4, 5 and 6 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).  相似文献   

ISO14000环境管理系列标准是国际标准化组织制定的关于环境管理体系的国际通用标准。目的在于激发企业自觉采取预防措施和持续性改善措施来改善环境。推行ISO14000认证不仅可以规范环境管理行为,而且提高绿色管理水平和资源利用效率,从而促进中国经济发展。需要政府进一步采取积极措施推广ISO14000环境管理体系认证。  相似文献   

环境监测现场室管理工作是环境监测中一项基础性管理和技术工作,监测现场的管理工作是否科学有序,关系到环境监测效率的高低,对环境监测数据质量的准确性、可靠性、可比性、完整性和公正性也有着十分重要影响。因此,做好环境监测现场室管理工作已成为环境监测管理工作者必须掌握的一项基础性科学技术。文中从环境监测现场室管理工作的实践经验出发,进一步进行探索研究,力求环境监测现场室管理工作高效可行。  相似文献   

从ISO14000环境管理体系与清洁生产两者产生的背景及涵义出发,讨论了两者的同一性和差异性,提出了在21世纪的新形势下,把清洁生产与ISO14000两者有机的结合,是实现可持续发展的重要手段。  相似文献   

The weekly cycles of atmospheric ozone (O3) are of interest because they provide information about the response of O3 to changes in anthropogenic emissions from weekdays to weekends. The weekly behavior of O3 in Chicago, IL; Philadelphia, PA; and Atlanta, GA, is contrasted. In Chicago and Philadelphia, maximum 1-hr average O3 increases on weekends. In Atlanta, O3 builds up from Mondays to Fridays and declines during weekends. In all three areas, volatile organic compound (VOC)/nitrogen oxides (NOx) ratios are higher during weekends, resulting from greater than proportionate decreases in NOx relative to VOC emissions. The VOC/NOx ratios correlate with maximum 1-hr O3 concentrations in Chicago, a response consistent with a VOC-sensitive airshed. A weak correlation between O3 concentrations and VOC/NOx ratios in Philadelphia suggests the impact of transported O3, which is formed in upwind VOC-sensitive locations that may be hundreds of kilometers away. Ozone concentrations in Atlanta do not correlate with VOC/NOx ratios but with concentrations of NOx and total reactive nitrogen (NOy) carried over from the previous day. When data from 1986-1990 and 1995-1999 are compared, only small differences in the weekly behavior of O3 are observed in Chicago and Philadelphia. The day-of-week differences in O3 are amplified in the more recent period in Atlanta, a possible result of urban growth.  相似文献   

During the past two years, the Chicago Department of Environmental Control chemistry laboratory has developed a prototype sensor for measuring low levels of mercury found in the free or ambient atmosphere. Earlier studies of mercury in the Chicago area postulated that most of the mercury in the atmosphere should condense onto particulates and be collectable on filters. The results of the work presented here show that this may not occur. Analysis of composites of Chicago high volume particulate filters results in an average of 4 nanograms/m3 (range 2-10 nanograms/m3). This compared with a typical average of elemental mercury measurements of 22 nanograms/m3 (range 5-60 nanograms/m3). Thus, it is obvious that particulate borne mercury, at least as analyzed from a high volume filter paper, is not as significant as the total or elemental mercury existing in the metropolitan area. A direct method for collecting mercury and measuring in a flameless atomic absorption unit yields very good results.  相似文献   

In May 2000, seven residents of Walkerton, Ontario, died, and hundreds more became seriously ill as a result of the contamination of the town's water supply. Immediately, residents and environmental activists pointed to the weakening of the province's environment ministry as the principal cause. Since coming to power in 1995, the Progressive Conservatives had taken steps to privatise and deregulate a number of public services, which are two policy instruments of the New Public Management (NPM). Drawing on the conclusions of the inquiry into the underlying causes of the water contamination, this article suggests that Walkerton is not the knock-out punch for NPM that many had predicted.  相似文献   

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