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The capture of fumes from electric arc furnaces is described and the differences between foundry melting practices and steel industry practices are explained.  相似文献   

The body of information presented in this paper is directed to design engineers, operating management and others who may be concerned with the prevention of atmospheric emissions from electric arc steelmaking furnaces. Inland Steel Co. has recently begun operating its first electric furnace shop. Air pollution control equipment for the shop was installed to meet or exceed the legal requirements of applicable air pollution ordinances and regulations. General shop production requirements were established at 100 tons of steel per hour (maximum) to meet sales forecasts and intermediate production facility requirements. Conventional swing roof furnace design was selected for the pair of furnaces in the shop.  相似文献   


A detailed characterization has been made of the dust generated during steel making in basic oxygen furnaces (BOF). Chemical composition and particle size distribution have been analyzed. X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and electron probe micro-analysis techniques have been used to identify the morphology and the nature of the major iron-bearing phases as well as the gangue constituents. The dust characteristics have been found to be widely different, depending on the type of process used in BOF steel making, namely, suppressed combustion or total combustion. The type of dust abatement system (dry or wet) additionally influences the nature of the gangue constituents. The possibility of utilizing the iron-bearing major phases has been examined.  相似文献   


A field study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of watering in controlling PM10 emissions under high wind conditions. The focus of the study was the pickup of soil by a belly scraper at a landfill. Four low-volume PM10 samplers were positioned downwind of the storage pile (at two distances, 80 and 110 m, and two elevations, 1 and 3 m) and one was located upwind at 3 m elevation. Integrating nephelometers, which measure the particu-late light scattering coefficient, bsp, were also set up at locations 80 and 110 m downwind of the storage pile. Wind speed and direction were measured on-site. Samples were collected for two periods, one with and one without water being applied. Watering was effective at reducing PM10 emissions at wind speeds up to the maximum 18 m sec-1 observed at the landfill soil pickup operation. Measurement of bsp provided an indication of PM10 concentrations with better time resolution than samplers, but not with sufficient resolution, under the instrumental conditions used, to correlate with wind gusts.  相似文献   

A new real-time dust mass monitor has been developed by combining an automatic isokinetic sampling probe with a tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM). Fly ash from a room temperature wind tunnel is sampled through the isokinetic sampler and collected on an astroquartz mat filter in the TEOM detector. The filter is first excited and oscillated at low frequency (about 200 Hz). As the particles deposit on the filter, the mass increase of the filter is reflected in a frequency reduction which yields the collected particle mass directly in real time. The TEOM detector normally has a high mass resolution (10?9 g) and wide dynamic range (1055–1066). It is desensitized for high particle loading applications. Good agreement has been obtained between the mass collected through the isokinetic sampling system and the weight loss of the dust feeder, in real time. The body of information presented in this paper is directed to those concerned with particle emission and control in fossil fuel combustion systems.  相似文献   

Foliar markings on vegetation have proven a highly sensitive criterion for the presence of many air pollutants; proper evaluation of such effects can serve as a valuable and inexpensive tool for delineating an air pollution condition. Injury symptoms from fluoridt, sulfur dioxide, photochemical oxidants and other pollutants have been described and can be recognized by experienced observers. Field studies provide a valuable technique for appraising an air pollution problem when diagnosis is not confused by other factors. Careful inspection can avert difficulties arising in diagnosis where similar symptoms are produced by agents other than air pollutants. Several factors must be considered in appraising injury. These include a knowledge of the relative sensitivity of plant species to various pollutants, the syndrome of injury on a number of plants and species, and distribution and geographic relation of affected plants to the suspected source. Background information on cultural, environmental, disease and insect conditions which might be responsible for, or modify, foliar markings or chronic effects in question must also be understood. For some pollutants a chemical analysis of foliage and air may prove helpful. When these factors are studied, the presence, distribution and magnitude of an air pollution situation can be evaluated, thus providing a sensitive criterion of air quality.  相似文献   

By the fall of 1980, three new and seven retrofit casthouse emission control systems had been installed in North America. A number of prototype systems are being evaluated by steel companies and regulatory agencies. By 1981, the U.S. steel industry had made commitments to install controls on at least 58 additional casthouses in the U.S.

This paper describes the current status of casthouse control technology in the U.S. and Canada as of the spring of 1981, addresses future trends, and presents emissions test data collected in 1980 and 1981. Mass emissions and inhalable particulate test results from sampling at DOFASCO’s No. 3 blast furnace casthouse are presented. Roof monitor visible emissions data are also provided to describe performance of installed and demonstration systems including three J&L plants, Wheeling-Pittsburgh and Bethlehem Steel, and Inland’s new furnace.  相似文献   

分析了质量法烟尘监测过程中影响监测质量的常见因素,相应地提出了排除这些影响因素的具体方法。  相似文献   

提出了影响电炉除尘的三大因素,分析了控制的主要途径。  相似文献   

龚文兵 《污染防治技术》2003,16(Z1):169-170
介绍了旋流喷雾花岗岩除尘装置的结构性能和特点,及其具有在中小锅炉上使用的广阔前景.  相似文献   


Recent regulations have required reductions in emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) from electric utility boilers. To comply with these regulatory requirements, it is increasingly important to implement state-of-the-art NOx control technologies on coal-fired utility boilers. This paper reviews NOx control options for these boilers. It discusses the established commercial primary and secondary control technologies and examines what is being done to use them more effectively. Furthermore, the paper discusses recent developments in NOx controls. The popular primary control technologies in use in the United States are low-NOx burners and overfire air. Data reflect that average NOx reductions for specific primary controls have ranged from 35% to 63% from 1995 emissions levels. The secondary NOx control technologies applied on U.S. coal-fired utility boilers include reburning, selective noncatalytic reduction (SNCR), and selective catalytic reduction (SCR). Thirty-six U.S. coal-fired utility boilers have installed SNCR, and reported NOx reductions achieved at these applications ranged from 15% to 66%. Recently, SCR has been installed at >150 U.S. coal-fired utility boilers. Data on the performance of 20 SCR systems operating in the United States with low-NOx emissions reflect that in 2003, these units achieved NOx emission rates between 0.04 and 0.07 lb/106 Btu.  相似文献   

This article concerns the control of emissions from a local dolomite plant through a series of corrective measures. With a new State regulation on particulate emissions (process weight table) passed in 1965, and with a new local control program, a goal was established toward which control measures were directed. Inplant investigations revealed that measures would be necessary to eliminate emissions from the pulverizer and conveyor belts. In order to meet State requirements, a better method of collection for the dryer was required. In order to evaluate the effect of these changes on the ambient air, dustfall jars and high-volume air samplers were used and stack sampling was conducted at and around the local dolomite plant and also at another such plant in Venice, Fla. Through successive control and testing, emission factors for dolomite plants, as well as reduction of plant emissions and resident complaints, were established.  相似文献   


This paper summarizes information on the spatial and temporal variability of selected air toxics pollutants collected on a national basis primarily for a period encompassing 1990–2003. Spatial information on pollutant concentrations is characterized in terms of within-city and between-city variability. Temporal information is summarized as diurnal and seasonal variability and in multiyear trends. The information on variability is presented in the framework of a larger need for systematic documentation of information on air toxics pollutants to assess progress in air pollution control programs.  相似文献   

Load-shifting, a relatively inexpensive approach to air pollution control, involves transferring the generating load from one power plant to another according to meteorological conditions. In this paper, an atmospheric dispersion model is adapted to estimate the exposure of the urban population to sulfur dioxide from operating the power system in different ways. Then a mathematical model of the power system of a metropolitan area is constructed to determine the reduction in pollution exposure which could be achieved, and the costs involved. As a case study, the application of the model to St. Louis, Missouri, is simulated. Under favorable conditions, load shifting could reduce pollution exposure up to 95%, while increasing the costs of electric power generation by only 4%. The load-shifting model has use not only as an operational control strategy, but also as an analytical tool to evaluate alternative pollution control measures in the electric power industry.  相似文献   

This report deals with the entrapment, pickup, and transfer of hot gases during a typical coke oven push. Background information that led to the development of the Great Lakes Coke Oven Pushing Emission Control System is presented along with the problems that were encountered and solved during the design, construction, installation, and start-up of a pilot plant entrapment structure on a battery of 40 Simon Carves coke ovens. This unique entrapment structure has operated successfully since April 1972, and has been visited by representatives from almost all coke manufacturers in the U.S., as well as interested groups from several foreign countries. In addition to these operation groups, we have been visited by various state and federal pollution authorities, such as the Environmental Protection Agency, Battelle Institute, and National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health. At the present time we are erecting a similar entrapment structure on the north side of our plant, comprising 18 Koppers and 35 Wilputte ovens.  相似文献   

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