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The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (CAAA90) established a national program to control sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions from electricity generation. CAAA90's market-based approach includes trading and banking of Soumissions allowances. We analyzed data describing electric utility SO2 emissions in 1995, the first year of the program's Phase I, and market effects over the 1990-1995 period. Fuel switching and flue-gas desulfurization were the dominant means used in 1995 by targeted generators to reduce emissions to 51% of 1990 levels. Flue-gas desulfur-ization costs, emissions allowance prices, low-sulfur coal prices, and average sulfur contents of coals shipped to electric utilities declined over the 1990-1995 period. Projections indicate that 13-15 million allowances will have been banked during the program's Phase I, which ends in 1999, a quantity expected to last through the first decade of the program's stricter Phase II controls. In 1995, both allowance prices and SO2 emissions were below pre-CAAA90 expectations. The reduction of SO2 emissions beyond pre-CAAA90 expectations, combined with lower-than-expected allowance prices and declining compliance costs, can be viewed as a success for market-based environmental controls.  相似文献   


Comprehensive surveys conducted at 5-yr intervals were used to estimate sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions from U.S. pulp and paper mills for 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, and 2005. Over the 25-yr period, paper production increased by 50%, whereas total SO2 emissions declined by 60% to 340,000 short tons (t) and total NOx emissions decreased approximately 15% to 230,000 t. The downward emission trends resulted from a combination of factors, including reductions in oil and coal use, steadily declining fuel sulfur content, lower pulp and paper production in recent years, increased use of flue gas desulfurization systems on boilers, growing use of combustion modifications and add-on control systems to reduce boiler and gas turbine NOx emissions, and improvements in kraft recovery furnace operations.  相似文献   


Emissions of sulfur trioxide (SO3) are a key component of plume opacity and acid deposition. Consequently, these emissions need to be low enough to not cause opacity violations and acid deposition. Generally, a small fraction of sulfur (S) in coal is converted to SO3 in coal-fired combustion devices such as electric utility boilers. The emissions of SO3 from such a boiler depend on coal S content, combustion conditions, flue gas characteristics, and air pollution devices being used. It is well known that the catalyst used in the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) technology for nitrogen oxides control oxidizes a small fraction of sulfur dioxide in the flue gas to SO3. The extent of this oxidation depends on the catalyst formulation and SCR operating conditions. Gas-phase SO3 and sulfuric acid, on being quenched in plant equipment (e.g., air preheater and wet scrubber), result in fine acidic mist, which can cause increased plume opacity and undesirable emissions. Recently, such effects have been observed at plants firing high-S coal and equipped with SCR systems and wet scrubbers. This paper investigates the factors that affect acidic mist production in coal-fired electric utility boilers and discusses approaches for mitigating emission of this mist.  相似文献   

Title IV of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 establishes a unique “market-based“ approach to reduce national electric utility sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions during the next century by about 10 million tons/year below the corresponding level in 1980. This program is designed to provide utility operators with the flexibility to achieve the applicable SO2 emissions limitations (total tons) using the most cost-effective approach. However, in reality, it is unlikely that many utility operators would have such operational flexibility, especially in the case of plants located in the Western United States. This is due to the fact that these sources may also be subject to other more stringent provisions of the Act, such as to protect public health and visibility, which override the Title IV provisions.

This paper examines the Phase II allowance allocations for the utility units located in the 11 western states and assesses the potential impacts of the current federal/state air quality regulatory programs on the allowance market in the West. This analysis shows that, even after accounting for the projected population growth and the accompanying growth in electric power demand during the next decade, the West should have a surplus of allowances, especially if new regulations are initiated to further reduce SO2 emissions, mainly for the purpose of improving visibility in Western Class I areas.  相似文献   


Supply curves were prepared for coal-fired power plants in the contiguous United States switching to Wyoming's Powder River Basin (PRB) low-sulfur coal. Up to 625 plants, representing ~44% of the nameplate capacity of all coal-fired plants, could switch. If all switched, more than $8.8 billion additional capital would be required and the cost of electricity would increase by up to $5.9 billion per year, depending on levels of plant derating. Coal switching would result in sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions reduction of 4.5 million t/yr. Increase in cost of electricity would be in the range of 0.31-0.73 cents per kilowatt-hour. Average cost of S emissions reduction could be as high as $1298 per t of SO2. Up to 367 plants, or 59% of selected plants with 32% of 44% nameplate capacity, could have marginal cost in excess of $1000 per t of SO2. Up to 73 plants would appear to benefit from both a lowering of the annual cost and a lowering of SO2 emissions by switching to the PRB coal.  相似文献   

A computer program has been written to determine the cost of building and operating wet scrubbers on individual coal fired utilities in the states where emissions are likely to affect the acid rain problem in the eastern United States. The program differs from many other estimates since it calculates the cost for each of 831 individual sites. The capital costs for installing scrubbers on the top fifty sulfur oxide emitting plants will be about $20 billion. This will result in an increase in the cost of electricity on an average of 0.88 cents/kWh and a reduction of sulfur oxide emissions from 1980 of 7,100,000 tons per year. An additional reduction of at least 1,000,000 tons per year can be obtained by requiring all plants burning oil to burn low sulfur oil. These figures assume utilities will use least emissions dispatching and will use local coals containing at least 3.5 percent sulfur. The use of local coals should result in a further saving of at least 0.2 cents/kWh. This should make available a large supply of low sulfur coal which could reduce emissions of sulfur oxides by up to 1,000,000 tons per year. The SO2 reductions will be continued for at least the next thirteen years and have a very significant effect through the year 2010.  相似文献   


Emitted pollutants from the Agios Dimitrios lignite-fired power plant in northern Greece show a very strong linear correlation with the free calcium oxide content of the lignite ash. Dust (fly ash) emissions are positively correlated to free calcium oxide content, whereas sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions are negatively correlated. As a result, at present, the Agios Dimitrios Power Plant operates very strictly within the legislative limits on atmospheric particulate emission. In the present study, the factors to be considered in assessing the impact of lignite combustion on the environment are presented and evaluated statistically. The ash appears to have a remarkable SO2 natural dry scrubbing capability when the free calcium oxide content ranges between 4 and 7%. Precipitator operating problems attributable to high ash resistivity can be overcome by injecting sulfur trioxide to reduce the ash resistivity, with, of course, a probable increase in operating costs.  相似文献   


This paper analyzes the natural desulfurization process taking place in coal-fired units using Greek lignite. The dry scrubbing capability of Greek lignite appears to be extremely high under special conditions, which can make it possible for the units to operate within the legislative limits of sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions. According to this study on several lignite-fired power stations in northern Greece, it was found that sulfur oxide emissions depend on coal rank, sulfur content, and calorific value. On the other hand, SO2 emission is inversely proportional to the parameter y CO2max, which is equal to the maximum carbon dioxide (CO2) content by vol ume of dry flue gas under stoichiometric combustion. The desulfurization efficiency is positively correlated to the molar ratio of decomposed calcium carbonate to sulfur and negatively correlated to the free calcium oxide content of fly ash.  相似文献   


Worldwide concerns about sulfur oxide (SOx) emissions from ships are motivating the replacement of marine residual oil (RO) with cleaner, lower-sulfur fuels, such as marine gas oil (MGO) and marine diesel oil (MDO). Vessel operators can use MGO and MDO directly or blended with RO to achieve environmental and economic objectives. Although expected to be much cleaner in terms of criteria pollutants, these fuels require additional energy in the upstream stages of the fuel cycle (i.e., fuel processing and refining), and thus raise questions about the net impacts on greenhouse gas emissions (primarily carbon dioxide [CO2]) because of production and use. This paper applies the Total Energy and Environmental Analysis for Marine Systems (TEAMS) model to conduct a total fuel cycle analysis of RO, MGO, MDO, and associated blends for a typical container ship. MGO and MDO blends achieve significant (70–85%) SOx emissions reductions compared with RO across a range of fuel quality and refining efficiency assumptions. We estimate CO2 increases of less than 1% using best estimates of fuel quality and refinery efficiency parameters and demonstrate how these results vary based on parameter assumptions. Our analysis suggests that product refining efficiency influences the CO2 tradeoff more than differences in the physical and energy parameters of the alternative fuels, suggesting that modest increases in CO2 could be offset by efficiency improvements at some refineries. Our results help resolve conflicting estimates of greenhouse gas tradeoffs associated with fuel switching and other emissions control policies.  相似文献   

Simplified algorithms are presented for estimating the cost of controlling sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions from existing coal-fired power plants on a state-by-state basis. Results are obtained using the detailed Utility Control Strategy Model (UCSM) to calculate the Impacts of emission reductions ranging from approximately 30 percent to 90 percent of projected 1995 emissions for 18 different scenarios and 36 states. Scenarios include the use of two dry SO2 removal technologies (lime spray dryers and LIMB) as potential options for power plant retrofit, in addition to currently available emission control options including coal switching, coal cleaning and wet flue gas desulfurization (FGD). Technical assumptions relating to FGD system performance and the upgrading of existing cold-side electrostatic precipitators (ESP) for reduced sulfur levels are also analyzed, along with the effects of interest rates, coal prices, coal choice restrictions, plant lifetime, and plant operating levels. Results are summarized in the form of a 3-term polynomial equation for each state, giving total annualized SO2 control cost as a function of the total SO2 emissions reduction for each scenario. Excellent statistical fits to UCSM results are obtained for these generalized equations.  相似文献   

Results from a detailed analysis of sulfur dioxide (SO2) reductions achievable through “deep” physical coal cleaning (PCC) at 20 coal-fired power plants in the Ohio-Indiana-Illinois region are presented here. These plants all have capacities larger than 500 MWe, are currently without any flue gas desulfurization (FGD) systems, and burn coal of greater than l%sulfur content (in 1980). Their aggregate emissions of 2.4 million tons of SO2 per year represents 55% of the SO2 inventory for these states. The principal coal supplies for each power plant were identified and characterized as to coal seam and county of origin, so that published coal-washability data could be matched to each supplier. The SO2 reductions that would result from deep cleaning each coal (Level 4) were calculated using an Argonne computer model that assumes a weight recovery of 80%. Percentage reductions in sulfur content ranged from zero to 52%, with a mean value of 29%, and costs ranged from a low of $364/ton SO2 removed to over $2000/ton SO2 removed. Because coal suppliers to these power plants employ some voluntary coal cleaning, the anticipated emissions reduction from current levels should be near 20%. Costs then were estimated for FGD systems designed to remove the same amount of SO2 as was achieved by PCC through the use of partial scrubbing with bypass of the remaining flue gas. On this basis, PCC was more cost-effective than FGD for about 50% of the plants studied and had comparable costs for another 25% of the plants. Possible governmental actions to either encourage or mandate coal cleaning were identified and evaluated  相似文献   

Two experimental monitoring campaigns were carried out in 2012 to investigate the air quality in the port of Naples, the most important in southern Italy for traffic of passengers and one of the most important for goods. Therefore, it represents an important air pollution source located close to the city of Naples. The concentrations of sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes) in the air were measured at 15 points inside the Naples port area through the use of passive samplers. In addition, a mobile laboratory was positioned in a fixed point inside the port area to measure continuous concentration of pollutants together with particulate matter, ambient parameters, and wind direction and intensity. The pollution levels monitored were compared with those observed in the urban area of Naples and in other Mediterranean ports. Even though the observation time was limited, measured concentrations were also compared with limit values established by European legislation. All the measured pollutants were below the limits with the exception of nitrogen dioxide: its average concentration during the exposition time exceeded the yearly limit value. A spatial analysis of data, according to the measured wind direction and intensity, provided information about the effects that ship emissions have on ambient air quality in the port area. The main evidence indicates that ship emissions influence sulfur dioxide concentration more than any other pollutants analyzed.

Implications: Two monitoring campaigns were carried out to measure BTEX, SO2, NO2, and PM10 (particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter <10 μm) air concentrations in the port of Naples. NO2 hourly average and PM10 daily average comply with European legislative standards. Spatial variation of pollutants long the axis corresponding to the prevailing wind direction seems to indicate a certain influence of ship emissions for SO2. For NO2 and PM10, a correlation between concentrations in the harbor and those measured by the air quality monitoring stations sited in the urban area of Naples was observed, indicating a possible contribution of the near road traffic to the air pollution in the port of Naples.  相似文献   

The anthropogenic emissions of SO2 and NOx for 25 Asian countries east of Afghanistan and Pakistan have been calculated for 1975, 1980, 1985, 1986 and 1987 based on fuel consumption, sulfur content in fuels and emission factors for used fuels in each emission category. The provincial- and regional-based calculations have also been made for China and India. The total SO2 emissions in these parts of Asia have been calculated to be 18.3 and 29.1 Tg in 1975 and 1987, respectively. The calculated total NOx emissions were 9.4 and 15.5 Tg in 1975 and 1987, respectively. The SO2 and NOx emissions in East Asia (China, Japan, South Korea, North Korea and Taiwan) were 23.4 and 10.7 Tg in 1975 and 1987, respectively.Keyword: Emission inventories, sulfur dioxide emissions, nitrogen oxide emissions, Asian emissions, anthropogenic emissions.  相似文献   

Rapid economic growth in China has resulted in a significant increase in particulate matter (PM2.5) and sulfur dioxide (SO2), the reduction of which has become a primary government focus. However, as the energy consumption and air pollutant emissions in Chinese cities have very significant regional characteristics, individual governance measures are necessary. This study used 2013 to 2016 energy consumption data from 31 Chinese cities to evaluate the dynamic efficiency of the urban environments. Labor, fixed assets, and energy consumption were taken as the inputs, gross domestic product (GDP) was taken as the output, and particulate matter (PM2.5) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) were taken as the carry-over variable indicators. Using a meta-frontier dynamic DEA model, the 31 cities were classified into high-income and upper-middle-income cities, the overall 2013–2016 energy consumption and air pollutant efficiency scores were analyzed, and improvements and changes were recommended to increase the efficiencies. Large differences were found in the energy consumption and air pollution emissions efficiency scores and the needed improvements, with the hig-income cities performing better overall than the upper-middle-income cities. While there have been some significant improvements in SO2 emissions, PM2.5 improvements have been far slower. Therefore, in most cities, more control measures are needed to control PM2.5 emissions. However, in addition to improving PM2.5 in the upper-middle-income cities, SO2treatments are also needed.

Implications: There are big differences in the expectation of improvement of the two pollutants in all cities. In many Western cities, the expectation of PM2.5 improvement in the past years has not been reduced, but has been expanding. This shows that the central government has unified the air pollution control policies and the existing air pollution control measures formulated and implemented by the local governments.  相似文献   

A manual method for measuring reduced sulfur compounds in kraft pulp mill and sulfur recovery plant emissions was evaluated. The method involves removing SO2 from the gas stream (if present) with a citric acid-potassium citrate buffer that passes reduced sulfur compounds; thermal oxidation of all reduced sulfur compounds to SO2; collection of the SO2 in H2O2; and a titrimetric analysis of the H2O2 for SO4 2?. A heated filter removes alkaline particulate matter that would produce a negative interference if absorbed by the buffer. When used at kraft pulp mills, the method agrees closely with Reference Method 16, provided that nonregulated reduced sulfur compounds, such as carbonyl sulfide, are not present in the emissions. At sulfur recovery plants, nonregulated reduced sulfur compounds, such as thiophene, are likely to be present in the emissions and will produce a positive bias in the results obtained with this method. The precision of the method ranges from 1 to 7 percent relative standard deviation.  相似文献   

Soils have long been recognised as sulfur dioxide (SO2) sinks, but we show that they can also be sources of atmospheric SO2. Using static chambers and micrometeorological techniques, we have measured emissions of SO2 from coastal lowland soils containing sulfides (mostly pyrite), commonly referred to as acid sulfate soils in Australia. SO2 evolution seems coupled to evaporation of soil water containing sulfite. The global emissions of S from acid sulfate soils is estimated at about 3 Tg/year, which is of the same order as emissions from terrestrial biogenic sources and biomass burning and is about 3% of known anthropogenic emissions of S.  相似文献   

Information on the vertical distribution of air pollution is important for understanding its sources and processes and validating satellite retrievals and chemical transport models. This paper reports the results of the measurements of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and aerosol scattering coefficient (Bsp) obtained from several aircraft campaigns during summer and autumn 2007 in the north-eastern (NE), north-western (NW), and central-eastern (CE) regions of China. Their vertical profiles over the three regions with contrasting emission characteristics and climates are compared. Very high concentrations/values of SO2 and Bsp (with a value of up to 51 ppbv and 950 Mm?1, respectively) were recorded in the lower planetary boundary layer in CE China, indicating high SO2 emissions in the region. The SO2 column concentrations determined from the in-situ measurements were compared with Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) SO2 retrievals. The results show that the OMI data could distinguish the varying levels of SO2 pollution in the study regions, but appeared to have underestimated the SO2 column in the highly polluted region of CE China.  相似文献   

Burton AW  Aherne J 《Ambio》2012,41(2):170-179
A re-survey of acid-sensitive lakes in Ireland (initial survey 1997) was carried out during spring 2007 (n = 60). Since 1997, atmospheric emissions of sulfur dioxide and deposition of non-marine sulfate (SO4 2−) in Ireland have decreased by ~63 and 36%, respectively. Comparison of water chemistry between surveys showed significant decreases in the concentration of SO4 2−, non-marine SO4 2−, and non-marine base cations. In concert, alkalinity increased significantly; however, no change was observed in surface water pH and total aluminum. High inter-annual variability in sea salt inputs and increasing (albeit non-significant) dissolved organic carbon may have influenced the response of pH and total aluminum (as ~70% is organic aluminum). Despite their location on the western periphery of Europe, and dominant influence from Atlantic air masses, the repeat survey suggests that the chemistry of small Irish lakes has shown a significant response to reductions in air pollution driven primarily by the implementation of the Gothenburg Protocol under the UNECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution.  相似文献   

Emissions from the Black Triangle Region were considered to be the major source of air pollution problems in Europe during the 1990s. This discussion reviews the changes in emissions and pollution concentrations in the Krusne Hory Region (Czech Republic) in the winter half of the year during most of the past decade, and describes the relationships with meteorology. Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is used as the example pollutant. The results show a decrease in pollution concentrations since 1996, as air pollution control and management strategies for important point sources take effect. The winter of 1995–1996 was especially harsh in the number of pollution episodes. Correlations between SO2 and meteorological parameters are inconsistent. Wind direction provides the best relationship at monitoring stations along the Krusne Hory Plateau, with wind speed and temperature more variable depending on month and location. For the valley stations, higher SO2 concentrations are strongly related to colder temperatures, higher relative humidities, and lower wind speeds. A case study during the winter of 1995–1996 (November 9–15) illustrated the importance of synoptic high pressure and a low-level inversion in minimizing plume dispersion from point sources. Specific sources of SO2 affecting each station could thus be identified.  相似文献   


In Mexico City, the use and composition of fuels determine that carbon monoxide (CO) comes mostly from mobile sources, and sulfur dioxide (SO2) from fixed and mobile sources. By simultaneously measuring hydrocarbons (HC), CO, and SO2 in the atmosphere of Mexico City, the relative amounts coming from different sources can be estimated. Assuming that some HC are emitted proportionally to CO emissions, we can establish that [HC]1= m1? [CO], where the proportionality constant ml corresponds to the ratio of emissions factor for HC and CO in mobile sources. Similarly for fuels containing sulfur, it can be assumed that [HC]2 = m2 ? [SO2]. In this way, the total HC are [HC]total=[HC]0+ ml ? [CO]+ m2 ? [SO2], where [HC]0 corresponds mainly to other sources like solvent evaporation, gas consumption, and natural emissions. In this way, it can be estimated that in Mexico City 75% of average HC comes from mobile sources, 5% from sulfur-related sources, and 19% from natural sources and solvent evaporation. Compared with the HC/CO ratio measured in the exhaust pipe of vehicles, we estimated that 70% of HC emitted from mobile sources are evaporative losses, and only 30% come through the exhaust system.  相似文献   

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