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Possibilities for monitoring emissions of reduced sulfur compounds in pulp and paper mills were investigated using ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) and a self-organizing map (SOM) algorithm. The reduced sulfur compounds measured were hydrogen sulfide (H2S), dimethyl sulfide (DMS), and methyl mercaptan (MM). Attention was paid to momentary concentrations because there is no monitoring device able to measure peak concentrations of reduced sulfur compounds under field conditions. These methods were evaluated by measuring the reduced sulfur compounds first in the laboratory and then at a process monitoring site at a pulp factory. The aim was to find out whether it would be possible to use the laboratory measurements to recognize the same reduced sulfur compounds at the monitoring site. Data collection was followed by analysis using the SOM algorithm and Sammon's mapping. The results showed that the IMS spectra of reduced sulfur compounds and their mixtures can be distinguished from each other by computationally intelligent methods and that the spectra from the process monitoring site corresponded with the laboratory measurements to a certain extent.  相似文献   

Experiments have been carried out to identify the mechanical properties of trees irrigated with wastewater, as well as mathematical modelling of measurement results via the group method of data handling (GMDH) method. Eucalyptus trees were cultivated and irrigated with processed wastewater from a treatment plant. Characteristics of wood quality (axial compression and bending, etc.) were measured and compared with those obtained for trees irrigated in a common way. The paper analyses the features of the GMDH method to adaptively estimate non-linear relationships between input and output variables. Modelling results are described and presented as plots and formulae. Other requirements for modelling tools are discussed: flexibility to adapt to new experimental results, and explicit representation of estimated input–output relationships to provide data structuring.  相似文献   

This study, framed within geographical epidemiology, presents preliminary findings concerning the association between the concentrations of chemical elements obtained through atmospheric biomonitoring with lichens and cancer mortality in the Portuguese population. Exploratory analyses were performed to identify potential confounders for the relationships between chemical elements and neoplasm mortality and to assess the extent of their interference. The results of this study highlight some methodological and conceptual difficulties inherent to observational and geographical studies, in the specific context of the Portuguese population, and the challenge posed by the large numbers of pollutants considered.  相似文献   

The biodegradability of polymer materials as evaluated by the modified Sturm test is labor-intensive, cumbersome and costly and also tends to cumulate errors. An automated system for the measurement of carbon dioxide would overcome many of these disadvantages. We describe here a method in which CO2 was determined by IR spectroscopy. We compared the results with those from trapping CO2 in a solution of barium hydroxide (Ba(OH)2) followed by manual titration. The automated system was more reproducible, less costly and more compact. The automated system could also be employed to measure the biodegradability of other substances such as oils and detergents.  相似文献   

This paper describes the formulation and analysis of growth dynamics models for trees irrigated with wastewater. The models can be used to obtain the characteristics of a species, depending on treatment conditions and climate factors, at all stages of growth. The experiments were carried out at the University of Patras to identify the characteristics (height rate and mortality) of the forest tree Pinus brutia cultivated under different treatment conditions. The growth dynamics models are designed on the basis of the group method of data handling. This principle generates sets of estimation models with different complexity and accuracy. By analysing their structures, qualitative features of the models may be assessed, and general linear models for different treatment cases compiled.  相似文献   

An automated water-renewal toxicity test system is described for exposing benthic invertebrates to whole sediments. The system will intermittently deliver laboratory or on-site water for overlying water replacement in sediment exposures. A range of cycle rates can be used to produce different volume additions of overlying water per day to exposure chambers. The system can be used with six different treatments and eight replicates per treatment producing 48 exposure chambers. Three formulated sediments with variable organic carbon (1.5%, 7.5%) and sand (14%, 63%) content were prepared to test the system exposing amphipods, Hyalella azteca and midges, Chironomus tentans in 10 day whole sediment tests. Intermittent water flow was used with a 90 min cycle time to create two volume additions of laboratory water per 24 h in exposure chambers (180 ml sediment, 320 ml water). Overlying water quality conditions, and survival and growth of both species were consistent and within acceptable limits for the testing requirements of the U.S. EPA guidelines for sediments with freshwater invertebrates.  相似文献   

综合分析当前氰化物污染土壤处理方法的特点,提出异位筑堆淋洗-废水解毒工艺处理氰化物污染土壤的技术方法。采用装柱淋洗-废水解毒工艺对天津某氰化物污染土壤开展实验研究,结果表明:采用pH值10~11的石灰水,控制淋洗强度60 L·(m2·h)-1,淋洗时间22 d时,土壤中总氰化物平均含量从47.91 mg·kg-1降低至3.73 mg·kg-1,达到土壤污染风险筛选指导值中住宅类用地小于9.86 mg·kg-1的要求;采用碱性氯氧化法对淋洗产生的废水进行了处理,在局部氧化阶段反应pH值12.5,漂白粉用量3.5 g·L-1,反应时间1.5 h;完全氧化阶段漂白粉用量4.5 g·L-1,反应pH值8.0,反应时间1.0 h的条件下,废水中总氰化物含量可由83.9 mg·L-1降低至0.33 mg·L-1,达到GB 8978-1996中小于0.5 mg·L-1要求。研究结果初步表明,采用异位筑堆淋洗-废水解毒工艺处理氰化物污染土壤具有实际应用可行性。  相似文献   

为了解决混凝投药预测过程中的小样本问题,提出基于K-Means聚类和集成学习的PAC投加量预测方法。首先,根据原水浊度和水温2个特征采用K-Means聚类将水质分为3类,利用分层抽样从3类水质数据中抽取训练集和测试集;其次,基于Bagging集成学习算法,构建由支持向量机、随机森林、Adaboost、GBDT、Catboost、XGBoost和LightGBM共7种学习器组成的PAC投加量集成预测模型(KM-Bagging);最后,以银川市某给水厂2021—2022年的运行数据为例进行验证。结果表明,KM-Bagging模型对小样本的PAC投加量具有较高预测精度,R2超过0.8,MAPE小于5%。采用6个月和9个月的日监测数据预测PAC投加量,适合数据监测时间短、精度要求不高的情况,预测结果可为原水水质发生突变时的PAC投加量调整提供参考。采用1年的日监测数据预测PAC投加量,预测精度能够满足工程应用的要求,可为水厂实际PAC投加提供辅助指导。研究结果对小样本数据下的混凝药剂投加建模与预测具有参考价值。  相似文献   

Background, aim, and scope

The need for global and integrated approaches to water resources management, both from the quantitative and the qualitative point of view, has long been recognized. Water quality management is a major issue for sustainable development and a mandatory task with respect to the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive as well as the Swiss legislation. However, data modelling to develop relational databases and subsequent geographic information system (GIS)-based water management instruments are a rather recent and not that widespread trend. The publication of overall guidelines for data modelling along with the EU Water Framework Directive is an important milestone in this area. Improving overall water quality requires better and more easily accessible data, but also the possibility to link data to simulation models. Models are to be used to derive indicators that will in turn support decision-making processes. For this whole chain to become effective at a river basin scale, all its components have to become part of the current daily practice of the local water administration. Any system, tool, or instrument that is not designed to meet, first of all, the fundamental needs of its primary end-users has almost no chance to be successful in the longer term.

Materials and methods

Although based on a pre-existing water resources management system developed in Switzerland, the methodological approach applied to develop a GIS-based water quality management system adapted to the Romanian context followed a set of well-defined steps: the first and very important step is the assessment of needs (on the basis of a careful analysis of the various activities and missions of the water administration and other relevant stakeholders in water management related issues). On that basis, a conceptual data model (CDM) can be developed, to be later on turned into a physical database. Finally, the specifically requested additional functionalities (i.e. functionalities not provided by classical commercial GIS software), also identified during the assessment of needs, are developed. This methodology was applied, on an experimental basin, in the Ialomita River basin.


The results obtained from this action-research project consist of a set of tangible elements, among which (1) a conceptual data model adapted to the Romanian specificities regarding water resources management (needs, data availability, etc.), (2) a related spatial relational database (objects and attributes in tables, links, etc.), that can be used to store the data collected, among others, by the water administration, and later on exploited with geographical information systems, (3) a toolbar (in the ESRI environment) offering the requested data processing and visualizing functionalities. Lessons learned from this whole process can be considered as additional, although less tangible, results.


The applied methodology is fairly classical and did not come up with revolutionary results. Actually, the interesting aspects of this work are, on the one hand, and obviously, the fact that it produced tools matching the needs of the local (if not national) water administration (i.e. with a good chance of being effectively used in the day-to-day practice), and, on the other hand, the adaptations and adjustments that were needed both at the staff level and in technical terms.


This research showed that a GIS-based water management system needs to be backed by some basic data management tools that form the necessary support upon which a GIS can be deployed. The main lesson gained is that technology transfer has to pay much attention to the differences in existing situations and backgrounds in general, and therefore must be able to show much flexibility. The fact that the original objectives could be adapted to meet the real needs of the local end-users is considered as a major aspect in achieving a successful adaptation and development of water resources management tools. Time needed to setup things in real life was probably the most underestimated aspect in this technology transfer process.

Recommendations and perspectives

The whole material produced (conceptual data model, database and GIS tools) was disseminated among all river basin authorities in Romania on the behalf of the national water administration (ANAR). The fact that further developments, for example, to address water quantity issues more precisely, as envisaged by ANAR, can be seen as an indication that this project succeeded in providing an appropriate input to improve water quality in Romania on the long term.



Background, aim, and scope  

The need for global and integrated approaches to water resources management, both from the quantitative and the qualitative point of view, has long been recognized. Water quality management is a major issue for sustainable development and a mandatory task with respect to the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive as well as the Swiss legislation. However, data modelling to develop relational databases and subsequent geographic information system (GIS)-based water management instruments are a rather recent and not that widespread trend. The publication of overall guidelines for data modelling along with the EU Water Framework Directive is an important milestone in this area. Improving overall water quality requires better and more easily accessible data, but also the possibility to link data to simulation models. Models are to be used to derive indicators that will in turn support decision-making processes. For this whole chain to become effective at a river basin scale, all its components have to become part of the current daily practice of the local water administration. Any system, tool, or instrument that is not designed to meet, first of all, the fundamental needs of its primary end-users has almost no chance to be successful in the longer term.  相似文献   


Background, aim, and scope

The need for global and integrated approaches to water resources management, both from the quantitative and the qualitative point of view, has long been recognized. Water quality management is a major issue for sustainable development and a mandatory task with respect to the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive as well as the Swiss legislation. However, data modelling to develop relational databases and subsequent geographic information system (GIS)-based water management instruments are a rather recent and not that widespread trend. The publication of overall guidelines for data modelling along with the EU Water Framework Directive is an important milestone in this area. Improving overall water quality requires better and more easily accessible data, but also the possibility to link data to simulation models. Models are to be used to derive indicators that will in turn support decision-making processes. For this whole chain to become effective at a river basin scale, all its components have to become part of the current daily practice of the local water administration. Any system, tool, or instrument that is not designed to meet, first of all, the fundamental needs of its primary end-users has almost no chance to be successful in the longer term.

Materials and methods

Although based on a pre-existing water resources management system developed in Switzerland, the methodological approach applied to develop a GIS-based water quality management system adapted to the Romanian context followed a set of well-defined steps: the first and very important step is the assessment of needs (on the basis of a careful analysis of the various activities and missions of the water administration and other relevant stakeholders in water management related issues). On that basis, a conceptual data model (CDM) can be developed, to be later on turned into a physical database. Finally, the specifically requested additional functionalities (i.e. functionalities not provided by classical commercial GIS software), also identified during the assessment of needs, are developed. This methodology was applied, on an experimental basin, in the Ialomita River basin.


The results obtained from this action-research project consist of a set of tangible elements, among which (1) a conceptual data model adapted to the Romanian specificities regarding water resources management (needs, data availability, etc.), (2) a related spatial relational database (objects and attributes in tables, links, etc.), that can be used to store the data collected, among others, by the water administration, and later on exploited with geographical information systems, (3) a toolbar (in the ESRI environment) offering the requested data processing and visualizing functionalities. Lessons learned from this whole process can be considered as additional, although less tangible, results.


The applied methodology is fairly classical and did not come up with revolutionary results. Actually, the interesting aspects of this work are, on the one hand, and obviously, the fact that it produced tools matching the needs of the local (if not national) water administration (i.e. with a good chance of being effectively used in the day-to-day practice), and, on the other hand, the adaptations and adjustments that were needed both at the staff level and in technical terms.


This research showed that a GIS-based water management system needs to be backed by some basic data management tools that form the necessary support upon which a GIS can be deployed. The main lesson gained is that technology transfer has to pay much attention to the differences in existing situations and backgrounds in general, and therefore must be able to show much flexibility. The fact that the original objectives could be adapted to meet the real needs of the local end-users is considered as a major aspect in achieving a successful adaptation and development of water resources management tools. Time needed to setup things in real life was probably the most underestimated aspect in this technology transfer process.

Recommendations and perspectives

The whole material produced (conceptual data model, database and GIS tools) was disseminated among all river basin authorities in Romania on the behalf of the national water administration (ANAR). The fact that further developments, for example, to address water quantity issues more precisely, as envisaged by ANAR, can be seen as an indication that this project succeeded in providing an appropriate input to improve water quality in Romania on the long term.

自动混合呼吸测量仪的开发与验证   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
呼吸测量技术通过测量和解析氧利用速率(OUR)能够反映活性污泥微生物代谢状态、监控废水处理工艺运行状况、获取反应动力学参数和污水组分参数.混合呼吸测量原理即是为满足这些应用而提出的具有高测试精度和频率的OUR测试方法.依据该原理,本研究提出了一种新的具体实现形式.实验证实,所研制的自动混合呼吸测量仪通过测量室的设计解决了流速和流态差异对DO电极测量值的影响,通过温控和磁力搅拌系统实现了系统整体恒温,通过测试软件开发,减小了干扰,提高了测试精度,实现了测量过程可视化.实用结果表明,自动混合呼吸测量仪具有很好的精度和长期稳定性,有较好的应用前景,值得进行深入研究.  相似文献   

新型湿式湍流除尘器及在电厂输煤系统中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了针对火电厂输煤系统作业环境粉尘治理而研制开发的新型湿式湍流除尘器的设计思路、设备结构、技术特点及在电厂输媒系统的应用情况。  相似文献   

介绍了针对火电厂输煤系统作业环境粉尘治理而研制开发的新型湿式湍流除尘器的设计思路、设备结构、技术特点及在电厂输煤系统的应用情况.  相似文献   

An automated air sampling system has been designed for use with the annular denuder system (ADS). The automated air sampling system allows for accurate measurements of air volume and day-night sampling while preventing the accumulation of moisture within the ADS caused by condensation or cloud events. The sampling system consists of air flow, monitoring and control subsystems. Calibration of the sampling system against a Hoffer turbine flow meter indicated accurate measurement of air flow volumes. Field testing and preliminary data have shown that the sampling system functions well in a remote mountain forest site, and was relatively unaffected by condensation, fog, or cloud events.  相似文献   

焦炉装煤和推焦烟气合用 1套收集系统。除尘废水经吸附后用于熄焦 ,熄焦水经吸附后用于湿式除尘 ,实现循环零排放。煤气洗涤水循环为废水中氨氮的处理提供了可行的方法  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Understanding the factors affecting COVID-19 transmission is critical in assessing and mitigating the spread of the pandemic. This study investigated...  相似文献   

An investigation of high volume particle sampling and sample handling procedures was undertaken to evaluate variations of protocols being used by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. These protocols are used in urban ambient air studies which collect ambient and source samples for subsequent mutagenicity analysis of the organic extracts of the aerosol fraction. Specific protocol issues investigated include: (a) duration of sampling period, (b) type of filter media used to collect air particles, (c) necessity for cryogenic field site storage and dry ice shipping of filter samples, and (d) sample handling at the receiving laboratory. Six PM10 Hi-Vol samplers were collocated at an urban site in downtown Durham, North Carolina and operated simultaneously to evaluate 12 h versus 24 h collection periods and filter media choices of glass fiber, Teflon impregnated glass fiber (TIGF), and quartz fiber. Filters from the samplers plus field blanks were collected during each of 25 sampling periods. TIGF filters from two samplers were immediately placed on dry ice in the field and transported directly to cryogenic storage. TIGF, quartz, and glass fiber filters from three samplers were transported at ambient and maintained at room temperature for three to six days prior to cryogenic storage. One TIGF sample, which was collected on a previously tared filter, was subjected to controlled environment equilibration (40 percent relative humidity, 22 degrees C) for 8 to 24 h and weighed prior to cryogenic storage. All filters were subsequently stored at -70 degrees C to -80 degrees C prior to a one-time extraction and Salmonella (Ames) mutagenicity bioassay of the entire sample set.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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