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Air monitoring by the A.I.S.I. filter sampling device which both preceded and was concurrent with source control of particulates demonstrated air quality improvement over a ten-year period. A difference in improvement from that estimated by the pollution control agency resulted from difference in the measurement parameters.  相似文献   


The destruction of parts per million (ppm) levels of volatile organic compounds in a dry air stream by high–energy electron–beam irradiation has been investigated in a pilot plant at the University of Tennessee Space Institute, Tullahoma, Tennessee. In a series of experiments, dry air contaminated with various VOCs in the concentration range of 50–1000 ppm were treated in the UTSI pilot plant to determine the extent of destruction at various electronbeam dose levels.

The destruction removal efficiency was determined as a function of the electron beam irradiation dose. The results suggest a charge transfer reaction as the major decomposition mechanism. A theoretical foundation of the process, along with a simple first–generation reaction kinetics model, a summary of the results from the pilot plant flow reactor, and a preliminary cost analysis for a fullscale detoxification plant using currently available electronbeam gun technology are presented in this paper.  相似文献   

室内空气污染与控制   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
论述了造成室内空气污染的主要原因,分析了室内空气污染的特点及其危害,并结合房屋建筑过程以及人们日常生活的各个方面,提出了预防及控制室内空气污染的具体方法。  相似文献   

This paper was one of several presented at the Workshop on Air Pollution Control in Portland, Oregon, on May 6, 1968. The Workshop was sponsored by the Manufacturing Chemists Association and the Chemical Industry Council of the Pacific Northwest in cooperation with the Association of Oregon Industries, Association of Washington Industries, and the Environmental Committee of the Portland Chamber of Commerce. While many of the papers were of localized interest, this paper speaks to anyone designing air pollution control systems.  相似文献   

Informative Report No. 7 on the inedible rendering industry is one of a series of survey reports prepared by APCA’ TI-2 Committee on air pollution problems and control methods encountered in the chemical industry today.  相似文献   

This guide to career opportunities in air pollution control includes resource information in this area and provides a listing of colleges and universities offering environmental science programs. The guide was prepared by the S-11 Education and Training Committee of the Air Pollution Control Association.  相似文献   

Seven general planning concepts for air pollution control are presented for industry’s consideration in this text of a speech delivered at the Air Pollution Control Workshop, New England Conference on Urban Planning for Environmental Health, Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts, September 9, 1965.  相似文献   

Over the years JAPCA has directed its attention primarily to the scientist and engineer in their roles as industrial air quality managers, consultants, control officials, educators, researchers, and manufacturers of emission control equipment and air pollution instrumentation. Largely overlooked has been the air pollution control contractor who evolved from the sheet metal industry to become a key figure in the environmental marketplace. Let's look "beyond the flange", as it were, at this contractor, his work, his association, and the professional development opportunities being offered to him.  相似文献   


The temporal and longitudinal characteristics of volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from the aeration units of a publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) have been investigated by systematic monitoring and mathematical modeling. Field tests have been conducted at a 120-mgd wastewater treatment plant to investigate the hourly, weekly, and seasonal changes of VOC emissions. Variations of VOC emissions along the length of the aeration units have been tested and modeled. Most VOCs have decreasing concentration profiles. Henry's law coefficients and biodegradation constants for the detected compounds have been validated with the improved models and the field test data. More than one-half of the emissions were found to have been generated from the first one-third of the aeration unit length.  相似文献   

When the questionnaire form for Consultant Guide/1972 was published in the APCA Journal early this year, it included space for an indication of any certifications granted to a consultant by the three Boards which have established standards for professional activity in the field of air pollution control. The editorial staff, well aware of these Boards, was surprised at the number of requests received by phone and mail for information concerning the certification programs. In response to these requests we are publishing on the following three pages invited statements from principals of the three Boards outlining the procedures involved in applying for professional certification.  相似文献   


Title III of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments designated methanol as a pollutant to be regulated. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), through a contract with Research Triangle Institute, has developed a method for measuring methanol emissions from stationary sources. The methanol sampling train (MST) consists of a glass-lined heated probe, two condensate knockout traps, and three sorbent cartridges packed with Anasorb® 747. Samples are desorbed with a 1:1 mixture of carbon disulfide (CS2) and N, N-dimethylformamide (DMF). Condensate water and CS2/ DMF samples are analyzed by gas chromatography with flame ionization detection. The MST has a practical quantitation limit of approximately 3 ppm for a 20-L sample. Samples were shown to be stable for at least two weeks after collection.

Field tests of the MST and the National Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvement (NCASI) methanol sampling method were conducted at two pulp and paper mills. Sampling and analysis procedures followed EPA Method 301 requirements.

The sampling location for the first field test was the inlet vent to a softwood bleach plant scrubber, where the methanol concentration was approximately 30 ppm. The mean recovery of spike was 108.3% for the MST method and 81.6% for the NCASI method. Although neither method showed significant bias at the 95% confidence level, the betweenmethods bias was significantly different.

A second field test was conducted at a vent from a black liquor oxidation tank where the methanol concentration was approximately 350 ppm. Mean spike recoveries were 96.6 and 94.2% for the MST and NCASI methods, respectively. The biases of the two methods and the between-methods bias were not significantly different for the second field test.  相似文献   

The importance of public involvement in programs of air pollution control has been stressed by a number of writers in the field, most recently by Sterner in his comments to the Third National Conference on Air Pollution.1 As he points out, public apathy appears to be a critical barrier in the development and implementation of effective control programs. Along the same line, Dixon and Lodge, in a digest of the report of the AAAS Air Conservation Committee, state that, “The best program in the world can fail in the face of opposition or apathy on the part of the public.”2 It is the purpose of this paper to take a more analytical look at this problem, particularly in the light of recent data from an opinion survey in West Virginia. If such apathy exists, effective countermeasures require that we examine it more fully and understand its sources. Collective handwringing will do little to meet the problem.  相似文献   

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