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A method for the high resolution, high sensitivity analysis of polluted air for individual organic compounds is described. Samples collected from 50 mL of ambient air at 87 K (liquid argon) are Injected without use of a valve into a silica capillary column which Is then temperature programmed from — 30°C to 180°C. Hydrocarbons (4 to 10 carbons) as well as carbonyl compounds, chlorinated compounds and terpenes can be identified and quantified. The detection limit, not strongly dependent on carbon number, is estimated to be 0.3 ppbc in a 50 mL sample. Use of small samples eliminates the need to remove water vapor, a procedure which might jeopardize sample integrity.  相似文献   

A cyclone with a 47 mm after-filter has been developed for ambient air size-selective monitoring. It has been extensively evaluated with laboratory-generated aerosol. Variation of the pressure drop and 50% cut point with flow rate show that the cyclone operates in a single flow regime with a vortex in the outlet flow. The particle size cutoff curve is comparable in sharpness to a cascade impactor and is the same for solid or liquid particles. At 21.7 L/min, D 50 is 2.5μm and at 15.4 L/min, D 50 is 3.5 μm. Collection efficiency data for flow rates from 8 to 27 L/min fit a universal curve when plotted vs. the normalized particle diameter, (D-D 50)/D 50 Reentrainment of previously deposited particles is less than 1 % of the loading per day. In field tests the cyclone has proved to be a very satisfactory size-selective sampler.  相似文献   


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is in the process of designing a national network to monitor hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), also known as air toxics. The purposes of the expanded monitoring are to (1) characterize ambient concentrations in representative areas; (2) provide data to support and evaluate dispersion and receptor models; and (3) establish trends and evaluate the effectiveness of HAP emission reduction strategies. Existing air toxics data, in the form of an archive compiled by EPA’s Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS), are used in this paper to examine the relationship between estimated annual average (AA) HAP concentrations and their associated variability. The goal is to assess the accuracy, or bias and precision, with which the AA can be estimated as a function of ambient concentration levels and sampling frequency. The results suggest that, for several air toxics, a sampling schedule of 1 in 3 days (1:3) or 1:6 days may be appropriate for meeting some of the general objectives of the national network, with the more intense sampling rate being recommended for areas expected to exhibit relatively high ambient levels.  相似文献   

Recent investigations have indicated that ambient air CO measurements may not reflect population exposure to CO. The lack of correlation may be due to improper siting of CO instruments, improper interpretation of air quality data, or both. Studies of population carboxy-hemoglobin levels are evaluated and compared with ambient air data.,

No significant correlation was found between median population COHb levels and reductions in CO concentrations required to meet ambient air standards when calculations used to estimate reductions were based on the second highest 8 hour average. However, calculated reductions based on annual average concentrations and a trend analysis technique correlated significantly with COHb levels in five cities from which both CAMP and COHb data were available.

Studies to determine the nature of the relationship between ambient air CO concentrations and population COHb levels are needed. The differences between the Occupational Safety and Health Act Regulations and the National Ambient Air Standards for carbon monoxide should be scrutinized to determine if a redefinition of the standards or their applicability is warranted. A reevaluation of the controls necessary to make reductions in population COHb burden may be necessary.  相似文献   

Measurement of NO2 and NO has been carried out in Piedmont, N. C. and in the southern Appalachian Mountains. Average values for the Piedmont were: continuous NO2 measured 30 ft above surface, 0.76 pphm (14.3 μg/m3), 1 20 ft, 0.61 pphm (11.5 μg/m3); simultaneous values (also Piedmont) (2-hr discrete samples) taken at an earlier time at 4 ft, NO2, 0.56 pphm (10.6 μg/m3), NO, 0.19 pphm (2.34 μg/m3). The mountain top values (5120 ft, 1573 m) were: NO2, 0.46 pphm (6.4 μg/m3), NO, 0.26 pphm (2.72 μg/m3). The results of this study furnish further proof that tropospheric NO and NO2 are produced at the surface of the earth. Data obtained are consistent with the belief that a major sink for NOx is reaction with O3 and ultimate conversion to nitrate.

Ozone values frequently increased and NOx values decreased ahead of cold fronts, probably as a result of deep vertical mixing. Also, in small scale turbulence the changes in NOx values and in the O3 values tended to be “out of phase,” i.e., as O3 concentration increased, NOx concentration decreased and vice versa. Values of NOx from Green Knob, N. C. (mountain top) also tended to be higher at times when O3 values were lowest.

The NO2 hourly average values in Piedmont, N. C, demonstrated a diurnal cycle reminiscent of diurnal urban changes. An early morning peak was followed by a minimum in mid-afternoon. Next, the values rose to a broad evening peak and then decreased slowly during the night. Reported urban concentrations are usually about ten times those found in Piedmont, N. C.  相似文献   

从空气中捕集CO2是一项有前途的新CO2减排技术,具有传统CO2减排技术所没有的多项优势。文中首先介绍了从空气中捕集CO2的意义、可行性、吸收剂选择和捕集器设计原则;然后介绍了最新的原型设计及成本预计;最后讨论了该技术的现存问题和对其他技术的启发。  相似文献   

High speed instrumentation requires a colorimetric reagent capable of detecting traces of nitrogen dioxide with little delay for color development. Rate of color development and sensitivity of Griess-type reagent have been improved by adding a promoter (R-salt) and optimizing the concentrations of diazotizing and coupling reagents. Field tests show that the new instrument-reagent combination can resolve short-duration peaks in NO2 concentrations of 5 to 10 pphm.  相似文献   

The availability of reliable, accurate and precise monitoring methods for toxic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is a primary need for state and local agencies addressing daily monitoring requirements related to odor complaints, fugitive emissions, and trend monitoring. The canister-based monitoring method for VOCs is a viable and widely used approach that is based on research and evaluation performed over the past several years. This activity has involved the testing of sample stability of VOCs in canisters and the design of time-integrative samplers. The development of procedures for analysis of samples in canisters, including the procedure for VOC preconcentration from whole air, the treatment of water vapor in the sample, and the selection of an appropriate analytical finish has been accomplished. The canister-based method was initially summarized in the EPA Compendium of Methods for the Determination of Toxic Organic Compounds in Ambient Air as Method TO-14. Modifications and refinements are being added to Method TO-14 in order to obtain a Statement of Work for the Superfund Contract Laboratory Program for Air. This paper discusses the developments leading to the current status of the canisterbased method and provides a critique of the method using results obtained in EPA monitoring networks.  相似文献   


The benefits and costs of past nitrogen dioxide (NO2) control policies were calculated for Tokyo, Japan, using environmental, economic, political, demographic, and medical data from 1973 to 1994. The benefits of NO2 control were estimated as medical expenses and lost work time due to hypothetical no-control air concentrations of NO2. Direct costs were calculated as annualized capital expenditures and 1 year's operating costs for regulated industries plus governmental agency expenses. The major findings were as follows:

(1) Using Tokyo's average medical cost of pollution-related illness, the best net estimate of the avoided medical costs due to incidence of phlegm and sputum in adults was 730 billion yen ($6.08 billion; 1 U.S. dollar = 120 yen).

(2) The best net estimate of the avoided medical costs due to incidence of lower respiratory illness in children was 93 billion yen ($775 million).

(3) Using Tokyo's average duration of pollution-related illness and average wages, the best net estimate of the avoided costs of lost wages in workers was 760 billion yen ($6.33 billion).

(4) The best net estimate of the avoided costs of lost wages in mothers caring for their sick children was 100 billion yen ($833 million).

(5) Using Tokyo-specific data, the best net costs were estimated as 280 billion yen ($2.33 billion).

(6) Using human health and productivity benefits, and annualized capital cost and operating cost estimates, the best net benefits-to-costs ratio was 6:1 (upper limit 44:1; lower limit 0.3:1). Benefit calculations were sensitive to assumptions of mobile source emissions and certain health impacts that were not included. Cost calculations were highly dependent on assumptions of flue gas volume and fuel use. For comparative purposes, we identified other studies for air pollution-related illness. Assumptions that formed the basis for most of the inputs in the present study, such as duration of illness, medical treatment costs, per person illness in children, and lost wages for working mothers, were similar to those recommended in the literature. Lost wages in sick workers and per capita illness incidence in adults were higher than numbers reported elsewhere. Further advances in cost-benefit analysis (CBA) procedures to evaluate the economic effectiveness of NO2 controls in Tokyo are recommended to estimate impacts and values for additional human health benefits, ecosystem health and productivity effects, and nonliving system effects, as well as benefits of ancillary reductions in other pollutants. The present study suggests that Tokyo's past NO2 control policies in total were economically quite effective.  相似文献   

The NASN sampler for the collection of gaseous pollutants has been modified to increase its versatility and efficiency. Oxides of nitrogen are collected in bubblers employing a 70-100 μ frit with a collection efficiency of approximately 50% depending upon the frit porosity. Included in the sampler is a bubbler for the collection of aldehydes in which the aldehyde-MBTH complex is stable at least two weeks. This inert bubbler, which is constructed of polypropylene and Teflon, makes it possible for samples to be collected over the network and analyzed at a central laboratory. In addition, gaseous ammonia is collected in 0.1N H2SO4. This collecting system has an efficiency of greater than 85%. Low-level samples are analyzed automatically employing Nesslerization, whereas high-level samples from source emissions may be collected in indicating boric acid and titrated with 0.02N H2SO4. The sampler will accommodate either 50 or 100 ml polypropylene collecting tubes.  相似文献   


Dalton's law of partial pressures and the hypothesis that water vapor equilibrium in a canister is identical to that established above liquid water are used to predict the variation of the percent relative humidity (%RH) of air released from canisters used in ambient air sampling, typically 6-L canisters pressurized with 18 L of air. When (and if) the water vapor partial pressure in a canister exceeds its saturation vapor pressure, water vapor condensation begins and the condensation rate equals the sampling rate of water vapor into the canister. Under constant temperature conditions, the air subsequently released from the canister is less humid than the original sample, following the relationship %RH = 100% (6 L/Vs) for Vs> Vr, where Vs is the residual air volume (referenced to atmospheric pressure), and Vr is shown to depend on the %RH of the ambient air sample. Vr is the residual air volume at which water is completely removed (except for adsorbed water vapor) from the canister wall. For Vs < Vr, the predicted %RH is constant and equal to its value at Vr. Experimental values agree reasonably well with predictions at both high (90%) and low (34%) RH. However, experimental values are often slightly displaced (usually towards lower values of %RH) for mid-range %RH (61%) and variations in %RH near Vr change from canister to canister.  相似文献   

Recent developments in SO2 removal from combustion gases by dry techniques in this country and abroad are reviewed. Process flow-sheets, operating conditions, by-product yields, and relative costs of a purification system for an 800-megawatt powerplant are discussed.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that adverse health effects of asbestos have been known since shortly after the turn of the century,1 there has been little progress in techniques for determining the mineral in the airborne state. This absence of sampling and analysis methods appears to derive from two main sources: (1) In the environments of the asbestos using industries, asbestos concentrations tend to be high relative to other particulate species, and especially compared with other fibrous species, making estimation of concentration by microscopy relatively easy. (2) The term "asbestos" describes a crystal habit, not a chemical compound; therefore there is no unique chemical property of asbestos that can be used as the basis for its measurement. Interestingly, there appears to be no basis for distinguishing the health effects of one type of asbestos over another;2 the physiological response seems more dependent on crystal habit than on composition.  相似文献   

Air quality was comprehensively evaluated by means of sampling at 21 locations over metropolitan Birmingham during a period of one year. Thousands of integrated samples of three common atmospheric gaseous pollutants and two common particulate pollutants were collected and analyzed. Following the year of sampling in 1964, a random household survey was completed by conducting personal interviews at more than 7200 households over metropolitan Birmingham. Statistical reduction of household survey results by census tract and by neighborhood area provided domestic fuel and waste burning emission data as well as public (resident) opinion on specific air pollution effects. The relationship between ambient air quality and neighborhood opinion of air pollution effects on health and property are evaluated statistically. Ambient standards are suggested which are based upon those air pollution levels shown to have adverse effects on approximately one-third of the people.  相似文献   

盐城市区环境空气污染原因分析及对策建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对盐城市区建成空气自动监测站来的数据分析,简要说明了盐城市区环境空气质量下降的原因,并提出了改善城市大气污染的建议措施。  相似文献   

The sodium arsenite method for measurement of nitrogen dioxide in ambient air was evaluated. The method has a constant-high collection efficiency (82%) for nitrogen dioxide, and is insensitive to normal variations in operating parameters. Nitric oxide and carbon dioxide are positive and negative interferents, respectively. The combined average effect of these interferents, over ambient levels, is a positive bias of 9.9 µg/m3. This bias, although statistically significant, is minor ( 10 % ) in relation to the ambient air standard of 100 µg NO2/m3 and does not warrant modification of the method to remove the interference.  相似文献   

The role of sulfur compounds in our environment has been the subject of much speculation during the past two decades. An evaluation of the effect of man-made contributions to the biogeochemical sulfur cycle requires a comprehensive examination of source magnitudes, atmospheric concentrations and removal processes. Many voids exist in our present knowledge of these parameters despite the contributions of numerous researchers. Adequate information is needed concerning the various forms of sulfur as well as other critical constituents which exist in our biosphere so that their interrelationship and role in the mechanisms of the sulfur cycle may be more fully understood.  相似文献   

通过调查海门市城区所有NOX和NO2排放源,从排放情况和NO2月浓度变化情况分析,得出了海门市城区NO2污染物浓度呈上升趋势的结果。  相似文献   

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