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In New York State there is a tradition of teamwork between industry and government toward air pollution control programs. This was demonstrated initially when Associated Industries assisted in writing New York State’s Air Pollution Control Law. Industry in New York State has accepted a two-way responsibility for educating industry and the public. New York State’s Department of Public Health has organized an “Action for Clean Air” program and Associated Industries of New York has joined with official agencies in promoting the public information program to lessen the possibility of hysteria.  相似文献   

The air pollution potential of any area is directly related to its population and economic development. In New York State, this pollution potential ranges from that existing in the sparsely inhabited recreational zones to that prevailing in the densely populated and/or heavily industrialized areas. No one set of air quality standards or objectives can be developed which can reasonably be applied on a statewide basis. A classifications-air quality objectives system has been adopted by the State Air Pollution Control Board for application in New York State. In accordance with this system, specific areas can be classified in one of 16 categories. Air quality objectives, in keeping with each classification, are designed to protect health and to promote the maximum comfort and enjoyment and use of property consistent with the needs of the area concerned. The system was developed by the staff with the assistance of a council of technical advisors. Units of measurement related to the most important effect of specific contaminants are utilized. Methods of sampling and analysis are specified. The details of the classifications-objectives system, the place of the system in the state’s air resource management plan, the manner in which each segment of the state after study will be classified, and how attainment will be evaluated are described.  相似文献   

The chemical and optical properties of particle emissions from onroad vehicles were investigated at the Allegheny Tunnel on the Pennsylvania Turnpike during July 1981. The optical results are in agreement with earlier data: (1) in terms of light extinction per km driven, diesel particle emissions are at least an order of magnitude more important than particle emissions from spark-ignition vehicles; (2) for diesel particle emissions, light absorption is about twice as efficient as light scattering. Chemical analyses showed that: (1) 24% of the vehicle aerosol was extractable material, (2) 75% of the total mass was carbon, (3) 55% of the total mass was unextractable (elemental) carbon, and (4) the stoichiometry of the extractable fraction of the diesel particle emissions was CnHt.7nN0.05n , i.e., the extractable material was composed predominantly of alkanes. The results of the chemical analyses allow the calculation of the massspecific light absorption coefficient for the elemental carbon component of the diesel particle emissions, i.e., 10.9 ± 1.8 m2/g (500 nm).  相似文献   

The Province passed an Air Pollution Control Act in 1958 which delegated control of all types of air pollution to the municipalities. This was amended in 1963 with the Province assuming control of industrial sources of air pollution and the municipalities retaining control of combustion sources. The paper outlines the comprehensive program adopted by the Province. It points out that while control is a primary function, other functions such as ambient air quality sampling, the collection of micro meteorological data, co-operation with other governmental agencies in agriculture, planning and zoning, economics and development, and water pollution are a vital part of the program. In light of the experience to date, an attempt is made to predict the organization necessary for the future.  相似文献   

Pulmonary function was measured in 163 primary school children before, during and after an air pollution episode. During the episode, TSP, RSP and SO2 concentrations were each in the range of 200-250 μg/m3, whereas during the baseline measurements, they were generally below 100 μg/m3. During the episode, pulmonary functions were significantly lower by 3-5 percent compared to the baseline measurements. The decline was still observed 16 days after the episode, but not 25 days after the episode. Differences in pulmonary function technician, pulmonary function test appliance and in the prevalence of colds between baseline and follow-up measurement were not able to explain the findings. These results suggest that an air pollution episode of a few days, with 24-hour average TSP, RSP and SO2 concentrations in the range of 200-250 μg/m3, was associated with a decrease in pulmonary function of primary school children.  相似文献   

This paper examines the history of air pollution control in the State of New Jersey, particularly, how it relates to the development of the state-local governmental relationship, and to the coordination of their respective control efforts. It also describes the methodology for developing local control programs. The information presented in the paper is directed to those individuals who may be able to analogize the experience in New Jersey to situations developing in their own jurisdictions.  相似文献   

The 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments added a new Title V to the Act which establishes an operating permit program for numerous sources of air pollution. Certain sources are currently required to obtain a construction or “new source review” permit; the 1990 Amendments will require many more sources to apply for a permit which will give them permission to operate. CAA Title V was modeled on the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit provisions of the Clean Water Act, but there are important differences between the two statutes.

Although many states already have their own operating permit programs, by late 1993 every state must establish a program that meets the requirements of Title V and EPA’s implementing regulations. EPA recently proposed these regulations, and by the statutory deadline of November 15, 1991 hopes to issue final regulations establishing the minimum elements of state operating permit programs. These regulations will significantly affect implementation of air pollution measures for years to come because a Title V operating permit will have to assure compliance with all applicable CAA requirements. In addition, permitted sources will be required to pay fees to cover the costs of the permit program.  相似文献   

The Pennsylvania Air Pollution Commission has developed a regulatory program based upon the control of local air pollution problems and reduction of pollutant levels in air basins. The geographical boundaries of 10 air basins have been established. The Commission’s air basin regulations will provide for the reduction of over-all pollutant levels and for emergency procedures in the event of adverse meteorological conditions. The paper discusses the format and objectives of the program.

In order to effectively enforce the air basin regulations and maintain the necessary surveillance of the state’s air quality, a "computerized real time on-line integrated air monitoring-data handling system" has been designed. The system will incorporate a network to constantly monitor the air in each air basin.The primary objectives of the system are: 1. Constant surveillance of air pollution in the air basins.

2. Provide information on air pollution potential alerts.

3. Aid in further development of air quality criteria and regulations.

The air monitoring network is estimated to include approximately 25 remote stations. Each remote will contain air pollution and meteorological sampling equipment and hardware to telemeter to a central station. The data will be transmitted over leased telephone lines. The central station in Harrisburg will contain the necessary hardware to receive and process data, calculate and display results and permit supervisory control of the network. Output options will include immediate display of edited data, command and alarm information, and presentation of statistical results.

Although the air monitoring system is one of the principle ingredients of the program, the air basin concept encompasses other component systems designed to knit together the entire air pollution control program in Pennsylvania.  相似文献   

The effects of ozone on the profitability of Illinois cash grain farms is investigated by utilizing a profit function framework. This approach uses individual farms as the observational unit so the data are generated under field conditions. Hence, experimental plot data are not used although results from past biological experiments are utilized to frame initial hypotheses and for evaluation of the estimated model. This study demonstrates the benefits of combining economic data and biological science results to estimate the economic reactions of producers in terms of input and output (production) response to an ambient environmental characteristic.

A time series of cross sectional data on cash grain farms in Illinois is used to estimate two profit functions. Ozone data are measured on a growing season basis by county. The estimated model shows ozone has a negative effect on profits. Increases in ozone levels tend to depress output levels and lessen the demand for variable inputs. Additionally, a production function is derived from one of the profit functions. The impact of ozone is found to be in general agreement with dose-response data obtained in Illinois by plant scientists.  相似文献   

On April 16, 1970, the States of New Jersey, New York, and Connecticut designated the Interstate Sanitation Commission as the official Planning and Coordinating Agency for the Federally-designated New Jersey-New York-Connecticut Air Quality Control Region (a seventeen-county tri-state area). The Commission is the first such agency to function in this capacity.  相似文献   

Selection of acceptable sites for industrial facilities, especially hazardous waste management facilities, can be made using a relatively new technique referred to as “fuzzy set analysis.” The methodology presented is applicable to multiple alternative decision making, when criteria are of unequal importance, and is based on the concept of establishing a subjective value for each alternative according to each criterion, and then raising the subjective value to a power commensurate with the relative importance of the criterion. This exponential weight is calculated on the basis of a preferential analysis of criteria comparisons. Apart from the ranking of the alternatives, fuzzy set analysis provides a quantitative representation of the community opinion of the order of importance of the criteria, regardless of the sites being considered. Based on the importance factors averaged from a cross section of the community, public concern could also be ranked.  相似文献   

There seems to be a general impression on the part of the public and many technical people that dust collecting systems on the open hearth furnace are simply a matter of giving a contract for a duplicate system to that previously installed; signing a check for a sum to cover the cost of the cleaning equipment itself, pressing the start-up button and then sitting back to receive the plaudits of a grateful community. This paper will briefly present some of the problems common to all of the installations to date. It will also explain why the cost of the cleaning equipment itself is such a small portion of the total cost.  相似文献   

Title V of the Clean Air Act requires tens of thousands of air pollution sources to obtain an operating permit incorporating all applicable requirements under the Act. EPA recently promulgated its controversial Title V regulations, which establish the minimum elements for state permit programs.

The new permit system is among the most important changes made by the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments, and will significantly alter the way companies comply with air pollution requirements. Previously, the Act only required certain sources to obtain a new source review permit before constructing or modifying the facility (although many states established operating permit systems on their own). Now, all states must adopt operating permit programs consistent with the minimum federal requirements, and submit them to EPA by November 1993. Even though EPA has established minimum requirements, these programs are likely to vary widely from state to state.  相似文献   

The bi-state area around Cincinnati has more than a million people in 70 political jurisdictions located in four counties. An air pollution survey was organized to prepare a plan for an air resource management program for the area. The author chaired the air quality subcommittee which recommended air quality criteria and emission regulations to the Technical Committee of SWO-NK. This paper outlines the recommendations which were subsequently adopted by the Technical Committee and the basis for them.  相似文献   

Editor’s note: Donald F. Adams was Past President of the Air Pollution Control Association in 1983 when he led a delegation of air quality experts to the People’s Republic of China for a technical information exchange. Professor Adams has provided an informative (and humorous) report of this technical exchange and we are pleased to share it with the readers of JAPCA.  相似文献   

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