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The body of information presented in this paper is directed to the operating personnel and process engineers employed in the power and recovery departments of a chemical pulping operation. The proper evaluation of the total analytical and sampling system (TASS), to be used in the determination of sulfur oxides is as important as a proper analytical and recording system (ARS). The presence of other sulfur gaseous compounds and particulates could greatly influence the results of the determination.

The analytical method employed determines sulfur dioxide and trioxide from an aliquot of the trapping solution, 3% hydrogen peroxide and 8 0% isopropyl alcohol respectively. The aliquot is titrated with barium perchlorate in the presence of Thorin indicator. The results of evaluating the method indicated negligible interference from the presence of hydrogen sulfide, mercaptans and nitrogen oxides. A blank correction of 15 parts per million (ppm) is recommended whenever 100 ppm of hydrogen sulfide or more are simultaneously present in the gas stream. Particulaies are shown to interfere either by addition or subtraction. Sulfate particulates that will add to the determination must be removed, but in doing so, care must be exerted to avoid surface-contacting conditions that promote reaction between carbonates and the sulfur oxides. The integrated method of sampling and analysis will permit determinations from a flue gas with sulfur oxides concentrations of 30 ppm and above. The relative standard deviation improves from 10% at 100 ppm SO2 to 2.6% at 1000 ppm SO2. In both cases, sulfides were present.  相似文献   


Optical measurements of particle size and concentration were made at the chromium plating tank and exhaust system at a commercial hexavalent chromium plating facility. Particles were examined at three locations in the exhaust system: 1) directly at the hexavalent chromium plating bath surface, 2) at the exit of a cyclone separator located in the exhaust system approximately three to four meters downstream of the bath, and 3) in the exhaust stack, downstream of the induced draft fan and all abatement devices. Particle diameters at the bath surface ranged from 0.3 to 25 μm. Downstream of the cyclone exit and mesh pad filters, particle top sizes were approximately 5 and 0.7 mm, respectively. On a mass basis, the collection efficiency of all abatement devices was 99.997%. Assuming that droplets in the flow consist primarily of water and chromium, correcting the total particle mass flow against water content gives a chromium emission rate of 64,000 μg/hr, which compares favorably with a value of 77,000 μg/hr measured with EPA methods. This initial agreement, which should be validated through additional measurements over a broad range of flow conditions, raises the possibility of continuous monitoring for chromium metal emissions using particle size/mass as a surrogate.  相似文献   

Particulate emission factors for two wood stove models have been determined for two types of fuel and a range of operating conditions. The emission factors range from 1 g/kg (fuel) to 24 g/kg. A model is presented which represents the emission factor as a simple function of the ratio of fuel load to combustion rate, or the length of time between refueling. This model is felt to be appropriate for evaluating the impact of wood-based residential space heating on ambient air concentrations of particulate matter If certain assumptions can be made about stove operating conditions. An application of the emission factor model to a typical community suggests that the contribution of wood stoves to ambient particulate levels might reach 100 μg/m3 if the entire heating load were carried by wood.

Preliminary analyses of the particulate matter Indicate that benzene extractables range from 42% of the total particulate mass at short refuel times to 67% at longer refuel times. About 45% of the mass of benzene extractables appeared in the neutral fraction of acid base extractions. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are expected to be included in this neutral fraction.  相似文献   

漂染废水处理工程设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过工程实例,阐述了采用催化氧化-水解酸化-接触氧化-絮凝沉淀-二级过滤-水回用工艺,处理漂染废水的工艺流程、工艺论述、技术参数.工程运行结果表明,采用该工艺不仅解决了污染问题,而且水全部回用于生产,对漂洗效果无影响,且具有良好的经济效益.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the methodology developed to analyze alternative oxidant control strategies of the 1979 Air Quality Plan for the San Francisco Bay Area. The analysis of alternative oxidant control strategies is a complex task, particularly when a grid-based photochemical model is the primary analysis tool. To handle quantitatively spatial and temporal variations in emissions under both existing and projected future conditions, as well as to simulate the effects of a wide variety of control strategies, a system of computer-based models was assembled. The models projected and distributed a number of variables in space and time: population, employment, housing, land use, transportation, emissions, and air quality. Given time and budget constraints, an approach to maximizing the information return from a limited number of model runs was developed. The system was applied in three sequences to determine (1) what future air quality would be if no further controls were implemented, (2) the degree of hydrocarbon and NOx emission control necessary to attain the oxidant standard, and (3) the effectiveness of alternative stationary source, mobile source, transportation and land use control strategies in contributing to attainment and maintenance of the oxidant standard.

A number of significant modeling assumptions had to be developed in order properly to interpret the modeled results in the context of the oxidant standard. In particular, a Larsen-type analysis was used to relate modeled atmospheric conditions to “worst case” conditions, and a proportional assumption was made to compensate model results for an imperfect validation. The specification of initial and boundary conditions for future year simulations was found to be a problem in need of further research.  相似文献   

Methods for life cycle assessment of products (LCA) are most often based on the general prevention principle, as opposed to the risk minimization principle. Here, the desirability and feasibility of a combined approach are discussed, along with the conditions for elaboration in the framework of LCA methodology, and the consequences for LCA practice. A combined approach provides a separate assessment of above and below threshold pollution, offering the possibility to combat above threshold impacts with priority. Spatial differentiation in fate, exposure, and effect modelling is identified to play a central role in the implementation. The collection of region-specific data turns out to be the most elaborate requirement for the implementation in both methodology and practice. A methodological framework for the construction of characterization factors is provided. Along with spatial differentiation of existing parameters, two newly introduced spatial parameters play a key role: the sensitivity factor and the threshold factor. The practicability of the proposed procedure is illustrated by an example of its application. Providing a reasonable data availability, the development of separate LCA characterization factors for the respective assessment of pollution levels above and below environmental threshold values seems to be a feasible task that may add to LCA credibility.  相似文献   

This paper presents a mixed methodology for the simulation of atmospheric disperson phenomena in which vertical diffusion is computed using an analytical solution of the K-theory equation, while horizontal diffusion is simulated by the Gaussian formula. This new formulation, while maintaining a simple analytical form for the concentration field, incorporates the effects of power-law vertical profiles of both wind speed and eddy diffusivity. The performance of this approach, which has been implemented into a full computer package (KAPPA-G), is evaluated by comparison with data from SF6 tracer experiments.  相似文献   

Solvent extraction of contaminated soils, sludges and sediments has been successfully completed at a number of Superfund sites. Each commercialized process uses a unique operating system to extract organic contaminants from solids. These operating systems may be classified by the properties of the solvents each utilizes: (1) standard solvents, (2) near-critical fluids/liquified gases, and (3) critical solution temperature solvents. Pretreatment and post-treatment requirements vary depending upon the operating systems of the solvent extraction system. Future demonstrations of these technologies by the U.S. EPA’s Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation Program will provide additional information regarding the efficacy of these processes.  相似文献   

The developmental status, projected costs, and environmental effects of 14 flue gas treatment processes are compared on a common basis in two consecutive issues of JAPCA. Part I summarizes the background and study basis and Part II compares environmental impact and relative costs. Each process is assumed to be associated with a grass roots installation that includes a modern 800 MW power plant burning Illinois No. 6 coal. Also considered is the effectiveness of these processes to control particulate matter, NO x , trace inorganics, and polyorganic matter.

The processes are divided into those operating once-through (Limestone, Lime, Limestone and Lime, Dual-Alkali), and with regeneration (Magnesia, Wellman-Lord, Citrate, Aqueous Carbonate, IFP-Catalytic Inc., Copper-Dry Bed, and Carbon-Dry Bed). Also analyzed are NO x control processes that are compatible with scrubbers or dry processes, and include the Exxon Thermal DeNO x , Ozone NO Oxidation, and Copper and Carbon-Dry Bed.  相似文献   

The developmental status, projected costs, and environmental effects of 14 flue gas treatment processes are compared on a common basis in two consecutive issues of JAPCA. Part I summarized the background and study basis and Part II compares environmental impact and relative costs. Each process is assumed to be associated with a grass roots installation that includes a modern 800 MW power plant burning Illinois No. 6 coal. Also considered is the effectiveness of these processes to control particulate matter, NOx, trace inorganics, and polyorganic matter.

The processes are divided into those operating once-through (Limestone, Lime, Limestone and Lime, Dual-Alkali), and with regeneration (Magnesia, Wellman-Lord, Citrate, Aqueous Carbonate, IFP-Catalytic Inc., Copper-Dry Bed, and Carbon-Dry Bed). Also analyzed are NOx control processes that are compatible with scrubbers or dry processes, and include the Exxon Thermal DeNOx, Ozone NO Oxidation, and Copper and Carbon-Dry Bed.  相似文献   

Currently available information suggests a substantial environmental impact from residential wood combustion emissions. Air pollution from this source is widespread and increasing. Current ambient measurements, surveys, and model predictions indicate winter respirable (<2 μm) emissions from residential wood combustion can easily exceed all other sources. Both the chemical potency and deliverability of the emissions from this source are of concern. The emissions are almost entirely in the inhalable size range and contain toxic and priority pollutants, carcinogens, co-carcinogens, cilia toxic, mucus coagulating agents, and other respiratory irritants such as phenols, aldehydes, etc. This source is contributing substantially to the nonattainment of current particulate, carbon monoxide, and hydrocarbon ambient air quality standards and will almost certainly have a significant impact on potential future standards such as inhalable particulates, visibility, and other chemically specific standards. Emission from this growing source is likely to require additional expenditures by industry for air pollution control equipment in nonattainment areas.  相似文献   

浅论生物除磷脱氮的机理及工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对污水生物法除磷脱氮的机理作了简要分析,并介绍了几种高效、经济、实用的生物除磷脱氮工艺。  相似文献   

Methods of quantifying the roles of atmospheric acid inputs and internal acid generation by carbonic, organic, and nitric acids are illustrated by reviewing data sets from several intensively studied sites in North America. Some of the sites (tropical, temperate deciduous, and temperate coniferous) received acid precipitation whereas others (northern and subalpine) did not. Natural leaching by carbonic acid dominated soil leaching in the tropical and temperate coniferous sites, nitric acid (caused by nitrification) dominated leaching In an N-fixing temperate deciduous site, and organic acids dominated surface soil leaching in the subalpine site and contributed to leaching of surface soils in several other sites. Only at the temperate deciduous sites did atmospheric acid input play a major role in soil leaching. In no case, however, are the annual net losses of cations regarded as alarming as compared to soil exchangeable cation capital.

These results were used to illustrate the methods of quantifying the effects of atmospheric inputs and internal processes on soil leaching rates, not to draw broad generalizations as to acid rain effects on soils. However, there are predictable patterns in natural soil leaching processes which relate to climate, soil properties, and vegetation that may help in predicting the relative importances of natural vs. atmospheric acid inputs to soil leaching.  相似文献   

通过对沭阳县生活垃圾的现状调查与监测,并对国内外垃圾处理技术进行比较和优化,重点介绍垃圾处理新技术ITAD垃圾处理的方法,实现垃圾完全资源化利用,具有良好的经济效益和环境效益。  相似文献   

Fourteen sulfur and/or sulfuric acid producing regenerate FGD processes were discussed at the 1974 FGD Symposium in Atlanta. During the period elapsed since then, considerable status change has occurred on many of these regenerable processes. Other regenerable processes which were not as well known during 1974 have surfaced in 1975. The problems of obtaining reducing gases (hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, and hydrogen) for the reduction of sulfur dioxide product streams to elemental sulfur have become severe due to shortages of natural gas or other petroleum based feedstock. A new sulfur producing process which employs CO and H2 directly (rather than the H2S required for liquid and vapor base Claus reactions) is gaining attention. This paper discusses briefly: (1) the announced status of the many regenerable FGD processes, (2) the problem of reductant gas supply, and (3) the effect on FGD processes of using coal based reducing gas instead of reformed natural gas.  相似文献   


In this study, the photochemical degradation of livestock wastewater was carried out by the Fenton and Photo-Fenton processes. The effects of pH, reaction time, the molar ratio of Fe2 +/H2O2, and the Fe2 + dose were studied. The optimal conditions for the Fenton and Photo-Fenton processes were found to be at a pH of 4 and 5, an Fe2 + dose of 0.066 M and 0.01 M, a concentration of hydrogen peroxide of 0.2 M and 0.1 M, and a molar ratio (Fe2 +/H2O2) of 0.33 and 0.1, respectively. The optimal reaction times in the Fenton and Photo-Fenton processes were 60 min and 80 min, respectively. Under the optimal conditions of the Fenton and Photo-Fenton processes, the chemical oxygen demand (COD), color, and fecal coliform removal efficiencies were approximately 70–79, 70–85 and 96.0–99.4%, respectively.  相似文献   

Fenton试剂氧化苯酚的影响因素与过程研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
考察了H2O2与Fe^2+剂量、反应时间、初始pH值、无机离子(Cl^-、SO4^2-)和进料方式对Fenton氧化降解苯酚效率的影响,测定了Fenton试剂氧化苯酚过程中的Fe^2+和高锰酸钾消耗量。实验结果表明,在H2O2与Fe^2+剂量分别为20和2mmol/L、初始pH为4.00、反应30min的条件下,酚去除率约为97%,COD去除率约为87%。并获得了在初始pH值为4.00时的COD去除率最高;Cl^-的存在将显著降低COD的去除率;SO4^2-对COD去除无显著影响;分批次加入药剂对COD去除效果明显优于一次性加入。在Fenton发生反应的第1min,Fe^2+浓度可降低到初始浓度的65%左右,大约在20minFe^2+浓度降到最小值(H2O2接近耗尽),然后随着反应的继续再增大,这说明了中间产物还原Fe^3+作用的存在。  相似文献   

In order to determine what effects human activities have on natural processes, it is important to thoroughly understand those processes. Unfortunately, we know little about what natural processes are operating, and even less about how they have functioned historically. This paper discusses the importance of natural processes in affecting surface water acidification and the necessity for developing quantitative estimates of natural, as well as anthropogenic, contributions to the acidification of surface waters. A review of the literature and the analysis of chemistry data from six limed lakes in New York and Massachusetts have identified a number of possible processes that may play important roles in acidifying surface waters. At present, these processes are poorly understood and require further research. Once we have such knowledge, we will be able to clearly see the effects of human activities on natural processes and modify those activities in ways that will mitigate negative impact in a predictable manner.  相似文献   

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