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利用2014—2018年连云港地区的监测资料,分析了O3的月变化特征,得出O3与NO2、CO呈负相关关系,并给出了相对合理的解释。  相似文献   

臭氧处理高浓度有机废水   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
结合目前高浓度有机废水处理中,使用生化处理工艺的污水处理系统时常遇到的高负荷冲击,从而使出水水质不稳定的问题,采用臭氧氧化的方法,并在不同的pH、臭氧投加量、初始浓度等状态下,通过试验研究某些特定废水的氧化降解过程,探讨其氧化机理,以利于今后的实验应用。  相似文献   

The effects of removing moisture from gaseous samples on the measurement of pollutant concentration were studied. Simple mathematical analysis was conducted to derive the formula for correcting the measured results. It was found that the error increases with increase in relative humidity or increase in temperature. The error may become significant under extreme conditions.  相似文献   


A badge-type passive monitor was used to evaluate the effectiveness of four ozone trapping reagents for measuring O3 concentrations in the air. These were sodium nitrite (NaNO2), 3-methyl-2-benzothiazolinone acetone azine (MBTH), p-acetamidophenol (p-ATP), and indigo carmine. Experiments in an exposure chamber showed that only NaNO2 and MBTH monitors gave sensitive and linear responses over realistic ranges of O3 concentrations. When tested in ambient air, NaNO2 and MBTH monitors with a single-layer diffusion barrier overestimated O3 concentrations by a significant amount. This was largely canceled out in the NaNO2 monitor by using a multi-layered diffusion barrier to combat wind turbulence effects. However it had almost no effect on the MBTH monitor, and it was found that NO2 was a source of serious interference. We concluded that using the NaNO2 monitor with an effective diffusion barrier can measure O3 in ambient air with an accuracy of ±16%.  相似文献   

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in cooperation with the Toronto Harbour Commissioners (THC), conducted a Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) demonstration of the THC Soil Recycle Treatment Train. The treatment train consists of three technologies operated in sequence: a soil wash process, a metals removal process, and a biological treatment process. The THC conducted an extensive demonstration of the treatment train at a 55 tons per day pilot plant in order to evaluate an approach for remediation of industrial/commercial sites that are situated in the Toronto Port Industrial District (PID). Three soils were processed during the THC demonstration. The EPA SITE demonstration project examined, in detail, soil processing from one of the sites being evaluated as part of the overall THC project. Contaminants included organic compounds and heavy metals. It has been estimated by THC that as much as 2,200,000 tons of soil from locations within the PID may require some form of treatment due to heavy metal and/or organic contamination that resulted from various industrial processing operations. The objective of the SITE demonstration was to evaluate the technical effectiveness of the process in relation to THC’s target criteria.

Gravel and sand that met the THC target criteria for medium to fine soil suitable for industrial/commercial sites was produced. The fine soil from the biological treatment process did not meet the target level of 2.4 ppm for benzo(a)pyrene. However, there was a significant reduction in polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) compounds. The metals removal process achieved reductions of greater than seventy percent for copper, lead, nickel, and zinc.  相似文献   

Data on dally maximum ozone concentrations measured at ambient air monitoring stations operated by state and local air pollution control agencies in the Eastern United States were analyzed using principal factor analysis. Four orthogonal factors representing O3 formation potentials were derived using the statistical package SPSS; these factors accounted for over two-thirds of the variations in 1978 summer O3 levels at 21 urban-oriented stations. The analysis confirmed that O3 variations are similar among stations within defined geographical areas; this confirmation supports the widely held theory that ambient O3 formations are reglonwlde. The analysis suggested that trends analysis for determining general progress in improving O3 air quality should be based on aggregate statistics from clusters of monitors rather than from a single monitoring station within areas associated with the derived factors.  相似文献   

以PTA生产尾气为实验体系,讨论了在活性炭对有机气体动态吸附过程中,有机气体初始浓度的三种测定方法,即气相色谱法、吸附称量法和气体方程计算法。结果得出,吸附称量法误差最小,其次是气体方程计算法,误差最大的是气相色谱法。  相似文献   

Recently fifty-eight measurements of urban aerosol size distributions by Clark have shown that these distributions agree quite well with the self preserving form proposed by Friedlander within the size range of 0.05 to 5 microns radius. This paper shows that for an aerosol obeying the self preserving distribution model, the volume concentration (and, hence, the mass concentration for constant density) is directly proportional to the electric current collected when the aerosol is unipolarly charged, passed through a weak electric field to remove particles smaller than 0.05 micron and then collected by a current collector. It is shown that the linear relation between the mass concentration and collected current is independent of the unipolar charging method used. A test of this theory using Clark’s electric counter data was encouraging and suggests that the electric measurement of urban aerosol mass concentrations by properly designed instruments may be feasible.  相似文献   

For many odorous industrial gases, odor detecrability often involves such low concentrations that the sampling time factor makes physical-chemical methods of analysis impractical. However, a sensory detection method based on signal detection theory has shown itself to be well suited for such studies even at levels near the absolute threshold. Experiments undertaken to assess the method are described.  相似文献   

Ozone exposure     
Increased tropospheric ozone concentrations cause damage to both human health and the environment. To assess the exposure of forest areas and selected tree species to ozone, it is necessary to calculate the ozone exposure distribution. The present article describes the application of an ozone interpolation model to the calculation of the ozone exposure distribution in combination with forest inventory data. The exposure of forest regions to ozone was assessed by means of an AOT40 map (accumulated ozone exposure over a threshold of 40 ppb). The calculation was performed by hourly running of the model during the summer term and accumulation of the patterns that exceeded 40 ppb. The exposure of the primary Austrian tree species to ozone can be assessed due to the spatial relation of ozone exposure and tree species patterns. This spatial relation also allows the verification of assumptions concerning ozone-related tree damage.  相似文献   

Ozone Transport     
Elevated concentrations of ozone, often above the national ambient air quality standard for photochemical oxidants, have been measured in both urban and rural areas of Connecticut. One such episode took place on June 10, 1974. Ozone levels, after stabilizing at values slightly above the standard (i.e., 80 to 110 ppb; Connecticut generated ozone concentrations), rose sharply late in the afternoon reaching concentrations as high as 310 ppb (almost 4 times the standard) in Hartford. The trajectory of the air mass, which arrived in Hartford at the time of maximum O3 occurence, had its origin in the metropolitan New York area during the early morning rush hour on the episode day. This illustrates that the advective transport of O3 and O3 precursors into Connecticut from New York are probably responsible for a significant portion (approximately two-thirds) of the elevated O3 concentrations measured throughout Connecticut on days when winds are from the south-southwest direction. The fact that peak O3 levels occur late in the afternoon, several hours after maximum sunlight intensity, reinforces the conclusion that excessive O3 concentrations developed as O3 and ozone precursors were generated in the vicinity of New York City and then drifted inland into Connecticut on the afternoon sea breeze.

It appears to be unrealistic to develop a hydrocarbon control strategy for Connecticut in order to meet the photochemical oxidant ambient air quality standard when O3 and/or ozone precursors ad-vectively transported into the State cause oxidant levels to exceed the standard. The complete cessation of all anthropogenic hydrocarbon emissions in Connecticut would not necessarily assure that the standard would be attained here. The implication is that a regional (i.e., the eastern part of the United States) hydrocarbon control strategy is needed to reduce adequately ozone formation and transport so as to allow Connecticut to meet the current oxidant standard.  相似文献   


Ozone and several polar volatile organic compounds (VOCs) including organic acids and carbonyls (aldehydes and ketones) were measured over an approximately 24 hour period in four residences during the winter of 1993 and in nine residences during the summer of 1993. All residences were in the greater Boston, Massachusetts area. The relation of the polar VOCs to the ozone concentration was examined. Indoor carbonyl concentrations were similar between the summer and winter, with the total mean winter concentration being 31.7 ppb and the total mean summer concentration being 36.6 ppb. However, the average air exchange rate was 0.9 hr?1 during the winter and 2.6 hr?1 during the summer. Therefore, the estimated carbonyl emission rates were significantly higher during the summer. Indoor organic acid concentrations were about twice as high during the summer as during the winter. For formic acid, the indoor winter mean was 9.8 ppb, and the summer indoor mean was 17.8 ppb. For acetic acid, the indoor winter mean was 15.5 ppb, and the summer indoor mean was 28.7 ppb. The concentrations of the polar VOCs were found to be significantly correlated with one another. Also, the emission rates of the polar VOCs were found to be correlated with both the environmental variables such as temperature and relative humidity and the ozone removal rate; however, it was difficult to apportion the relative effects of the environmental variables and the ozone removal.  相似文献   

It has been recognized for several years that ozone in rural areas can exceed the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for photochemical oxidant whirh was 0.08 ppm for one hour, not to be exceeded more than once per year. During the summer of 1973, the NAAQS was exceeded from 15 to 37% of the time at four rural monitoring sites in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia.1 This is a greater violation rate than is found in many urban areas. Dimitriades and Altshuller2 have enumerated four possible sources for this rural ozone: (a) transport from urban areas, (b) local photochemical generation from urban ozone precursors, (c) local photochemical generation from precursors of rural origin which may be man-made or natural, and (d) injection of stratospheric ozone into the rural area. This paper considers the chemistry pertinent to the first two of these possible sources of rural ozone, namely the long distance (overnight) transport of ozone and ozone precursors.  相似文献   

Meteorological conditions have a decisive impact on surface ozone concentrations. In this study, an empirical model is used to explain the interdependence of ozone and grosswetterlagen. Different meteorological parameters such as air temperature, global solar radiation, relative humidity, wind direction and wind speed are used. Additional nitric oxide (NO) was taken as a representative for the emission situation and ozone maximum of the preceding day in order to evaluate the development of the photochemical situation. The dataset includes data collected over a period of three years (1992–1994) from three stations outside of Munich and one in the center of Munich. All values become variables by calculating means, sums or maxima of the basic dataset consisting of half-hour means. Seasonal periodicity of data is detected with Fourier analysis and eliminated by a division method after computing a seasonal index. The dataset is divided into three different grosswetterlagen groups, depending on main wind direction. One mostly cyclonic (westerly winds), onemixed (alternating winds) and one onlyanticyclonic (easterly winds). The last is completed with one summertime group including values from April to August. Factor analysis is performed for each group to obtain independent linear variable combinations. Overall, relative humidity is the dominant parameter, a typical value indicating meteorological conditions during a grosswetterlage. Linear multiple regression analysis is performed using the factors obtained to reveal how the ozone concentrations are explained in terms of meteorological parameters and NO. The results improve from cyclonic to anticyclonic grosswetterlagen in conformance with the increasing significance of photochemistry, indicated by the high solar radiation and high temperature, and the low relative humidity and low wind speed. The explained variance r2 reaches its maximum with more than 50 % of the time in Munich center. This empirical model is applicable to the forecasting of local ozone maximum concentrations with a total standard error deviation of 8.5 to 12.8 % and, if ozone concentrations exceed 80 ppb, with a standard error deviation of 5.4 to 9.5 %.  相似文献   

Meteorological conditions have a decisive impact on surface ozone concentrations. In this study, an empirical model is used to explain the interdependence of ozone and grosswetterlagen. Different meteorological parameters such as air temperature, global solar radiation, relative humidity, wind direction and wind speed are used. Additional nitric oxide (NO) was taken as a representative for the emission situation and ozone maximum of the preceding day in order to evaluate the development of the photochemical situation. The dataset includes data collected over a period of three years (1992–1994) from three stations outside of Munich and one in the center of Munich. All values become variables by calculating means, sums or maxima of the basic dataset consisting of half-hour means. Seasonal periodicity of data is detected with Fourier analysis and eliminated by a division method after computing a seasonal index. The dataset is divided into three different grosswetterlagen groups, depending on main wind direction. One mostly cyclonic (westerly winds), one mixed (alternating winds) and one only anticyclonic (easterly winds). The last is completed with one summertime group including values from April to August. Factor analysis is performed for each group to obtain independent linear variable combinations. Overall, relative humidity is the dominant parameter, a typical value indicating meteorological conditions during a grosswetterlage. Linear multiple regression analysis is performed using the factors obtained to reveal how the ozone concentrations are explained in terms of meteorological parameters and NO. The results improve from cyclonic to anticyclonic grosswetterlagen in conformance with the increasing significance of photochemistry, indicated by the high solar radiation and high temperature, and the low relative humidity and low wind speed. The explained variance r2 reaches its maximum with more than 50 % of the time in Munich center. This empirical model is applicable to the forecasting of local ozone maximum concentrations with a total standard error deviation of 8.5 to 12.8 % and, if ozone concentrations exceed 80 ppb, with a standard error deviation of 5.4 to 9.5 %.  相似文献   

Indoor and outdoor ozone concentrations were measured from late May through October at three office buildings with very different ventilation rates. The indoor values closely tracked the outdoor values, and, depending on the ventilation rate, were 20 to 80 percent of those outdoors. The Indoor/outdoor data are adequately described with a mass balance model. The model can also be coupled with reported air exchange rates to estimate indoor/outdoor ratios for other structures. The results from this and previous studies indicate that Indoor concentrations are frequently a significant fraction of outdoor values. These observations, and the fact that most people spend greater than 90 percent of their time indoors, indicate that indoor ozone exposure (concentration × time) is greater than outdoor exposure for many people. Relatively Inexpensive strategies exist to reduce indoor ozone levels, and these could be implemented to reduce the public’s total ozone exposure.  相似文献   


Temperature-adjusted trends in 1-hr and 8-hr ozone averages were calculated for ten sites near Lake Michigan for 1980-1995. Results show that ozone trends declined similarly according to both metrics for sites on the west side of the lake. This suggests that the factors underlying the trends were similar. These factors include, among others, ozone control programs designed to address the 1-hr standard. Thus, these control programs may have been similarly effective in moving these sites toward compliance with the 8-hr standard.  相似文献   


Ozone prediction has become an important activity in many U.S. ozone nonattainment areas. In this study, we describe the ozone prediction program in the Atlanta metropolitan area and analyze the performance of this program during the 1999 ozone-forecasting season. From May to September, a team of 10 air quality regulators, meteorologists, and atmospheric scientists made a daily prediction of the next-day maximum 8-hr average ozone concentration. The daily forecast was made aided by two linear regression models, a 3-dimensional air quality model, and the no-skill ozone persistence model. The team's performance is compared with the numerical models using several numerical indicators. Our analysis indicated that (1) the team correctly predicted next-day peak ozone concentrations 84% of the time, (2) the two linear regression models had a better performance than a 3-dimensional air quality model, (3) persistence was a strong predictor of ozone concentrations with a performance of 78%, and (4) about half of the team's wrong predictions could be prevented with improved meteorological predictions.  相似文献   

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