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Dependence of the Wind Profile Power Law on Stability for Various Locations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent environmental regulations have increased the need for construction of meteorological towers at power generation facilities. Due to practical and economic considerations, tower heights are usually lower than effluent release heights. At heights where wind speed data are not available, the wind speed is usually estimated from the measured wind speed using the %th wind profile power law and assuming neutral stability conditions. This study examines published data for many locations and shows that the %th wind profile power law is often unrepresentative of actual conditions because the degree of variation of wind speed with height depends greatly on atmospheric stability. The frequency of neutral stability conditions also varies appreciably by site. These two considerations are especially important in dispersion models which extrapolate wind speed at stack height from low level wind speed data.  相似文献   

The asymmetry in calculating the Coriolis terms by Marchuk's splitting method is discussed. It was found that although some asymmetry is required for linear stability, this asymmetry should be kept to a minimum. Otherwise, for instance, if the diffusion terms are calculated in between the Coriolis terms in the u and v equations of motion, one gets cross-isobaric low-level winds, which are different depending on the geostrophic wind direction. This is the first study to show that the required asymmetry in the splitting can cause a considerable error in the boundary-layer winds of atmospheric models if not handled in a specific way.  相似文献   

German power plants are required to meet new emission standards which limit the maximum sulfur dioxide (SOs) concentration in flue gas discharges to 400 mg m−3. To achieve this level of reduction in SO2 concentration, wet scrubbing is necessary for large plants using lignite or hard coal.Wet scrubbing results in a significant reduction in the flue gas temperature leading to low effective stack heights. Instead of using stack gas reheating to achieve the plume rise necessary to satisfy local environmental standards, it was proposed to discharge the scrubbed flue gas from the existing natural-draft cooling towers (NDCT). This method should be effective in reducing local ground-level concentrations since NDCT-plumes are typically very buoyant (densimetric Froude number below 1 ) and normally reach considerable heights of rise. Only under strong wind conditions does the situation reverse itself. For such strong winds, the NDCT-plume is subject to tower and building downwash with the possibility of unacceptably high ground-level concentrations.For a 2700 MWe lignite-fired power plant near Cologne, a wind tunnel study was carried out to investigate the effects of tower and building downwash effects on the ground-level concentrations of SO2 produced by discharging the scrubbed flue gas from the natural-draft cooling towers. Also, a comparison was made between the ground-level concentrations produced by the cooling tower discharge method and those produced by a traditional stack. It was found that for low and intermediate wind speeds, the groundlevel concentrations are lower for the case of the cooling tower discharge. Only for strong winds, which occur only very rarely at most German sites, did the conventional stack discharge appear to be superior.  相似文献   


Certain widely used wind rose programs and air dispersion models use an overly simple data-transfer algorithm that induces a directional bias in their output products. The purpose of this paper is to provide a revised algorithm that corrects the directional bias that occurs from the aliasing that occurs when the sector widths used to report wind direction data are on the same order of magnitude, but not equal, to the sector widths used in the wind direction summaries. The directional bias issue arises when output products in 16 direction sectors (22.5° each) are produced from wind direction data reported in terms of 36 sectors (10° each). The result directional bias affects the results of simulations of air and surface concentrations using widely applied air dispersion models. Datasets or models with the directional bias discussed here give consistent positive biases (~30%) for cardinal direction sectors (north, south, east, and west) and consistent negative biases for all of the other sectors (around [?10%). Data summary and air dispersion programs providing outputs in direction sectors that do not match the observational sectors need to be checked for this bias. A revised data-transfer algorithm is provided that corrects the directional bias that can occur in transferring wind direction data between different sector widths.  相似文献   


Long-term wind speed variations were investigated for three midwestern cities including Indianapolis, IN; Cincinnati, OH; and Little Rock, AR in the continental United States. These cities were chosen because their topography is relatively ?at and unaffected by large mountain ranges or other topographical features, they represent important regional economic centers, and they have all undergone major air quality management efforts over the past 35 yr to attempt to meet the National Ambient Air Quality Standards. The hourly data were obtained from the National Climatic Data Center from 1943 to 2008 for Indianapolis and Little Rock and from 1948 to 2008 for Cincinnati. The analysis included calculating the frequency of calms and wind speeds over five different bins for the respective cities. The results indicate a significant increase in the frequency of calms (statistical significance >99.999%) and a decrease in the overall frequency of other wind speeds for all three cities. Increasing trend in calms is more predominant during the ozone season (April through October). The results from regression analysis, significance testing, and spatial correlation analysis support the argument that a common “midwestern” large-scale atmospheric forcing is in?uencing surface wind speed in this area. It was found that for all three cities the Pacific North American (PNA) teleconnection pattern has the highest relative association with the trends in wind speed. The results support large-scale continental effects (like teleconnections) as a hypothesis to be examined more closely along with already established evidence of the influence of the Pacific and Atlantic teleconnection anomalies. Reduced wind speed may have implications on air quality management efforts in the region. Increases in the frequency of calms would affect ozone distribution patterns and may suggest a need to make changes to their ozone mitigation strategy. Weaker winds would ventilate pollutants from these areas less effectively, which could be problematic from a human health point of view, particularly for asthmatics.  相似文献   

The long-term observational data of wind and temperature obtained from a 213-m instrumented tower in a suburban area were analyzed to investigate the seasonal variation of the structure of the atmospheric boundary layer.It was found from the daily variations of wind and temperature and the seasonal variation of the power spectrum of wind that in the summer the atmospheric boundary layer below 200 m is well mixed by convective turbulence, but in the winter the inversion layer near the ground suppresses the turbulent mixing, and the diurnal variation caused by turbulent mixing is confined to below 50–100 m height.Power spectra of wind speed were computed for different seasons of the year. In the summer season there is no significant variation of the shape of the spectrum with height. However, in winter the spectrum varies with height. The spectrum also varies annually and the characteristic of the long period (a few days) spectral peak of wind is related closely to the synoptic weather situation, and this suggests the possibility of a spectrum climatology.  相似文献   

Experiments in a neutrally stable wind tunnel boundary layer were made for two-dimensional (quasi-line) sources of carbon dioxide dispersing over two types of uniformly spaced (billboard) surface roughness elements. Velocity and concentration measurements were made with each surface roughness over a wide range of source Richardson number by varying carbon dioxide release rate and wind speed. Concentration measurements were made with a FID gas analyzer using an ethane tracer in the source gas, and velocity measurements were made with independent LDV and HWA systems. For each surface roughness, this paper describes the wind tunnel boundary layer and presents alongwind and vertical concentration profiles in the gas plume. Vertical velocity and concentration profiles were measured at selected downwind distances, and the profiles were integrated to confirm the consistency of the measurements with the mass of carbon dioxide released. The data are intended for development of improved vertical turbulent entrainment correlations for use in dense gas dispersion models applied to hazardous chemical consequence analyses.  相似文献   

Large-eddy simulation (LES) is used to simulate neutral turbulent boundary-layer flow over a rough two-dimensional sinusoidal hill. Three different subgrid-scale (SGS) models are tested: (a) the standard Smagorinsky model with a wall-matching function, (b) the Lagrangian dynamic model, and (c) the recently developed scale-dependent Lagrangian dynamic model [Stoll, R., Porté-Agel, F., 2006. Dynamic subgrid-scale models for momentum and scalar fluxes in large-eddy simulation of neutrally stratified atmospheric boundary layers over heterogeneous terrain. Water Resources Research 42, W01409. doi:10.1029/2005WR003989]. The simulation results obtained with the different models are compared with turbulence statistics obtained from experiments conducted in the meteorological wind tunnel of the AES (Atmospheric Environment Service, Canada) [Gong, W., Taylor, P.A., Dörnbrack, A., 1996. Turbulent boundary-layer flow over fixed aerodynamically rough two-dimensional sinusoidal waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 312, 1–37]. We find that the scale-dependent dynamic model is able to account, without any tuning, for the local changes in the eddy-viscosity model coefficient. It can also capture the scale dependence of the coefficient associated with regions of the flow with strong mean shear and flow anisotropy. As a result, the scale-dependent dynamic model yields results that are more realistic than the ones obtained with the scale-invariant Lagrangian dynamic model.  相似文献   

Certain widely used wind rose programs and air dispersion models use an overly simple data-transfer algorithm that induces a directional bias in their output products. The purpose of this paper is to provide a revised algorithm that corrects the directional bias that occurs from the aliasing that occurs when the sector widths used to report wind direction data are on the same order of magnitude, but not equal, to the sector widths used in the wind direction summaries. The directional bias issue arises when output products in 16 direction sectors (22.5 degrees each) are produced from wind direction data reported in terms of 36 sectors (10 degrees each). The result directional bias affects the results of simulations of air and surface concentrations using widely applied air dispersion models. Datasets or models with the directional bias discussed here give consistent positive biases (approximately 30%) for cardinal direction sectors (north, south, east, and west) and consistent negative biases for all of the other sectors (around -10%). Data summary and air dispersion programs providing outputs in direction sectors that do not match the observational sectors need to be checked for this bias. A revised data-transfer algorithm is provided that corrects the directional bias that can occur in transferring wind direction data between different sector widths.  相似文献   

A simple but physically realistic model is shown to be adequate for estimating pollutant concentrations due to area sources in cities. In this model, the surface concentration is directly proportional to the local area source strength and inversely proportional to the wind speed. The model performs nearly as well as much more complex models that require the use of digital computers.  相似文献   

The assessment of air quality impacts from roadways is a major concern to urban planners. In order to assess future road and building configurations, a number of techniques have been developed, including mathematical models, which simulate traffic emissions and atmospheric dispersion through a series of mathematical relationships and physical models. The latter models simulate emissions and dispersion through scaling of these processes in a wind tunnel. Two roadway mathematical models, HIWAY-2 and CALINE-4, were applied to a proposed development in a large urban area. Physical modelling procedures developed by Rowan Williams Davies & Irwin Inc. (RWDI) in the form of line source simulators were also applied, and the resulting carbon monoxide concentrations were compared. The results indicated a factor of two agreement between the mathematical and physical models. The physical model, however, reacted to changes in building massing and configuration. The mathematical models did not, since no provision for such changes was included in the mathematical models. In general, the RWDI model resulted in higher concentrations than either HIWAY-2 or CALINE-4. Where there was underprediction, it was often due to shielding of the receptor by surrounding buildings. Comparison of these three models with the CALTRANS Tracer Dispersion Experiment showed good results although concentrations were consistently underpredicted.  相似文献   

A 20-m Asian dust monitoring tower was installed at Erdene in Dornogobi, Mongolia in later 2008, which is one of the high Asian dust source regions in the Asian domain, to investigate meteorological conditions for the dust events. The tower was equipped with meteorological sensors (temperature, humidity and wind speed at four levels, precipitation and pressure near the surface), radiation sensors (solar radiation, net radiation) and soil measurement sensors (soil moisture and soil temperature at three levels and soil heat flux at one level) and turbulent measurement (sonic anemometer) at the 8 m height and PM10 concentration measurement (beta guage) at the 3 m height. Measurement was made for a full year of 2009. The observed data indicated that dust events occur all year round with the maximum hourly mean maximum concentration of 4107 μg m?3 in the early May to a minimum of 92 μg m?3 in later August. It was found that the dust concentration at this site is directly related to the wind speed exceeding the threshold wind speed (likewise the corresponding friction velocity) during the winter to early spring. However, the observed dust concentration is not only related to the wind speed exceeding the threshold wind speed but also to the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) during the late spring to the late autumn due to the growth of vegetation. It was also found that the surface soil moisture content does not affect the dust concentration due to the relatively short residence time of the soil moisture in the surface soil. The presently monitored data can be used to verify parameters used in the Asian Dust Aerosol Model (ADAM) that is the operational forecasting dust model in the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA).  相似文献   

A three-dimensional Joint frequency distribution (3DJFD) map of Florida is developed based upon wind rose data available for 10 cities. This map may be used in conjunction with the analytic polar coordinate Gaussian Plume Model or conventional dispersion models to calculate the approximate incremental pollution concentration contours associated with an emission source at any site in Florida. Possible means of generalizing the work to other geographic regions, to stack height altitudes, and to incorporate time dependence are discussed.  相似文献   

The information presented in this paper is directed to air pollution scientists with an interest in applying air quality simulation models. RAM is the three letter designation for this efficient Gaussian-plume multiple-source air quality algorithm. RAM is a method of estimating short-term dispersion using the Gaussian steady-state model. This algorithm can be used for estimating air quality concentrations of relatively stable pollutants for averaging times from an hour to a day in urban areas from point and area sources. The algorithm is applicable for locations with level or gently rolling terrain where a single wind vector for each hour is a good approximation to the flow over the source area considered. Calculations are performed for each hour. Hourly meteorological data required are wind direction, wind speed, stability class, and mixing height. Emission information required of point sources consists of source coordinates, emission rate, physical height, stack gas volume flow and stack gas temperature. Emission information required of area sources consists of south-west corner coordinates, source area, total area emission rate and effective area source height. Computation time is kept to a minimum by the manner in which concentrations from area sources are estimated using a narrow plume hypothesis and using the area source squares as given rather than breaking down all sources to an area of uniform elements. Options are available to the user to allow use of three different types of receptor locations: 1 ) those whose coordinates are input by the user, 2) those whose coordinates are determined by thé model and are downwind óf significant point and area sources where maxima are likely to occur, and 3) those whose coordinates are determined by the model to give good area coverage of a specific portion of the region. Computation time is also decreased by keeping the number of receptors to a minimum.  相似文献   

In this study, the concept of scale analysis is applied to evaluate two state-of-science meteorological models, namely MM5 and RAMS3b, currently being used to drive regional-scale air quality models. To this end, seasonal time series of observations and predictions for temperature, water vapor, and wind speed were spectrally decomposed into fluctuations operating on the intra-day, diurnal, synoptic and longer-term time scales. Traditional model evaluation statistics are also presented to illustrate how the method of spectral decomposition can help provide additional insight into the models’ performance. The results indicate that both meteorological models under-represent the variance of fluctuations on the intra-day time scale. Correlations between model predictions and observations for temperature and wind speed are insignificant on the intra-day time scale, high for the diurnal component because of the inherent diurnal cycle but low for the amplitude of the diurnal component, and highest for the synoptic and longer-term components. This better model performance on longer time scales suggests that current regional-scale models are most skillful for characterizing average patterns over extended periods. The implications of these results to using meteorological models to drive photochemical models are discussed.  相似文献   

A mathematical model is developed for the transport of momentum and matter within a canopy consisting of identical elements protruding vertically from a smooth substrate. Turbulent flux is modelled using a mixing-length approach. The loss of momentum (or matter) to individual elements is related to the mean wind speed, and the element-element interaction via the turbulent wind field is represented by a sheltering factor. Careful consideration is given to the formulation of lower boundary conditions. The model assumptions are compared with those of other models.The model predictions are compared with measurements on a vertically- and horizontally-uniform artificial canopy in a wind-tunnel. The model reproduces well the observed relationship between the parameters of the logarithmic wind speed profile above the canopy and the observed deposition velocities of thorium-B (ThB) atoms and particles in the diameter range 0.08–32 μm, using a sheltering factor which is little dependent on wind speed and has the same magnitude for momentum, gas and particles. The predicted dependences of deposition velocity on friction velocity and, for particles, on diameter shed light on the performance of semi-empirical correlations proposed in the literature. For ThB atoms, the calculated deposition velocities are compared with those of other mathematical canopy models: a comparable degree of agreement is obtained here with fewer free parameters.The fraction of deposit on the substrate is underpredicted by an order of magnitude in some cases, pointing to the limitations of the modelling of conditions near the substrate in terms of quasi-shear flow.  相似文献   

For evaluation of environmental problems in urban areas, models are needed. Physical models and mathematical models are the tools of the trade. Both types of models have advantages and limitations. The emphasis here is on boundary layer wind tunnels, which are well suited for the study of many urban climate situations. The boundary layer flow along the floor of a meteorological wind tunnel is a real flow which approximately represents a scaled down version of the atmospheric boundary layer under conditions of neutral stratification. Therefore, important practical problems involving urban atmospheric conditions can be studied in such wind tunnels by means of geometrically similar models of the urban area. Such problems involve wind forces on structures, pedestrian comfort, and diffusion processes from point sources, such as chimneys, tunnel exhausts and gaseous spills, or from line sources, such as traffic lines. The investigation of these processes in a wind tunnel must be seen, however, as one link only in a chain of actions.  相似文献   

The Nested Grid Model (NGM) is a primitive-equation meteorological model that is routinely exercised over North America for forecasting purposes by the National Meteorological Center. While prognostic meteorological models are being increasingly used to drive air quality models, their use in conducting annual simulations requires significant resources. NGM estimates of wind fields and other meteorological variables provide an attractive alternative since they are typically archived and readily available for an entire year. Preliminary evaluation of NGM winds during the summer of 1992 for application to the region surrounding the Grand Canyon National Park showed serious shortcomings. The NGM winds along the borders between California, Arizona and Mexico tend to be northwesterly with a speed of about 6 m/sec, while the observed flow is predominantly southerly at about 2-5 m/sec. The mesoscale effect of a thermal low pressure area over the highly heated Southern California and western Arizona deserts does not appear to be represented by the NGM because of its coarse resolution and the use of sparse observations in that region. Tracer simulations and statistical evaluation against special high resolution observations of winds in the southwest United States clearly demonstrate the northwest bias in NGM winds and its adverse effect on predictions of an air quality model. The "enhanced" NGM winds, in which selected wind observations are incorporated in the NGM winds using a diagnostic meteorological model provide additional confirmation on the primary cause of the northwest bias. This study has demonstrated that in situations where limited resources prevent the use of prognostic meteorological models, previously archived coarse resolution wind fields in which additional observations are incorporated to correct known biases provide an attractive option.  相似文献   

By analytical and numerical analysis of solutions of the advection-diffusion equation for continuous line-sources in highly simplified models of breeze circulation with wind direction reversal in space and/or in time, it is shown that, because of the continuous accumulation of recycled pollutants over a restricted space area around the source location, the ground level concentration may not tend to a bounded, time-asymptotic distribution as in the case of unidirectional wind speed. Moreover, it is shown that the along-wind distribution may present a bimodal configuration with large peak values which increase monotonically and tend to combine for asymptotic times. These features cannot be reproduced by any model based on a steady-state formula, like the conventional Gaussian model.  相似文献   

The evaluation of the high percentiles of concentration distributions is required by most national air quality guidelines, as well as the EU directives. However, it is problematic to compute such high percentiles in stable, low wind speed or calm conditions. This study utilizes the results of a previous measurement campaign near a major road at Elimäki in southern Finland in 1995, a campaign specifically designed for model evaluation purposes. In this study, numerical simulations were performed with a Gaussian finite line source dispersion model CAR-FMI and a Lagrangian dispersion model GRAL, and model predictions were compared with the field measurements. In comparison with corresponding results presented previously in the literature, the agreement of measured and predicted data sets was good for both models considered, as measured using various statistical parameters. For instance, considering all NOx data (N=587), the so-called index of agreement values varied from 0.76 to 0.87 and from 0.81 to 1.00 for the CAR-FMI and GRAL models, respectively. The CAR-FMI model tends to slightly overestimate the NOx concentrations (fractional bias FB=+14%), while the GRAL model has a tendency to underestimate NOx concentrations (FB=−16%). The GRAL model provides special treatment to account for enhanced horizontal dispersion in low wind speed conditions; while such adjustments have not been included in the CAR-FMI model. This type of Lagrangian model therefore predicts lower concentrations, in conditions of low wind speeds and stable stratification, in comparison with a standard Lagrangian model. In low wind speed conditions the meandering of the flow can be quite significant, leading to enhanced horizontal dispersion. We also analyzed the difference between the model predictions and measured data in terms of the wind speed and direction. The performance of the CAR-FMI model deteriorated as the wind direction approached a direction parallel to the road, and for the lowest wind speeds. However, the performance of the GRAL model varied less with wind speed and direction; the model simulated better the cases of low wind speed and those with the wind nearly parallel to the road.  相似文献   

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