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Federal agencies of several nations have or are currently developing guidelines for critical forest soil acid loads. These guidelines are used to establish regulations designed to maintain atmospheric acid inputs below levels shown to damage forests and streams. Traditionally, when the critical soil acid load exceeds the amount of acid that the ecosystem can absorb, it is believed to potentially impair forest health. The excess over the critical soil acid load is termed the exceedance, and the larger the exceedance, the greater the risk of ecosystem damage. This definition of critical soil acid load applies to exposure of the soil to a single, long-term pollutant (i.e., acidic deposition). However, ecosystems can be simultaneously under multiple ecosystem stresses and a single critical soil acid load level may not accurately reflect ecosystem health risk when subjected to multiple, episodic environmental stress. For example, the Appalachian Mountains of western North Carolina receive some of the highest rates of acidic deposition in the eastern United States, but these levels are considered to be below the critical acid load (CAL) that would cause forest damage. However, the area experienced a moderate three-year drought from 1999 to 2002, and in 2001 red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) trees in the area began to die in large numbers. The initial survey indicated that the affected trees were killed by the southern pine beetle (Dendroctonus frontalis Zimm.). This insect is not normally successful at colonizing these tree species because the trees produce large amounts of oleoresin that exclude the boring beetles. Subsequent investigations revealed that long-term acid deposition may have altered red spruce forest structure and function. There is some evidence that elevated acid deposition (particularly nitrogen) reduced tree water uptake potential, oleoresin production, and caused the trees to become more susceptible to insect colonization during the drought period. While the ecosystem was not in exceedance of the CAL, long-term nitrogen deposition pre-disposed the forest to other ecological stress. In combination, insects, drought, and nitrogen ultimately combined to cause the observed forest mortality. If any one of these factors were not present, the trees would likely not have died. This paper presents a conceptual framework of the ecosystem consequences of these interactions as well as limited plot level data to support this concept. Future assessments of the use of CAL studies need to account for multiple stress impacts to better understand ecosystem response.  相似文献   

White pine, Norway spruce and red spruce seedlings were exposed to nitric acid vapor concentrations of 10 to 120 ppb in constant stirred tank reactors. Nitric acid dry deposition rates were determined from both the change in nitric acid concentration in the reactor flow stream and from the amount of nitrogen recovered from the seedlings. Nitric acid labeled with 15N was used to distinguish dry-deposited nitrogen in the plant from the nitrogen that was already present. It was found that dry deposition occurs via three routes: surface deposition, trans-cuticular deposition, and stomatal deposition. Resistance to surface deposition is very low (< 4.8 m2-s mol(-1)) for a freshly washed surface, but increases as the surface adsorption sites are occupied. Resistance to trans-cuticular uptake averaged 206 m2-s mol(-1). Stomatal resistance can be calculated from the rate of water diffusion out of the plant. Eighty per cent of the nitric acid deposited via the trans-cuticular and stomatal routes was assimilated by the plant. However, none of the nitric acid deposited on the surface was assimilated. In rural areas with coniferous forests, the combination of low ambient nitric acid concentrations and low initial surface resistance means that most nitric acid will be dry deposited on the tree surface, and thus will not be directly assimilated.  相似文献   

The effects of experimentally elevated O3 on soil respiration rates, standing fine-root biomass, fine-root production and δ13C signature of newly produced fine roots were investigated in an adult European beech/Norway spruce forest in Germany during two subsequent years with contrasting rainfall patterns. During humid 2002, soil respiration rate was enhanced under elevated O3 under beech and spruce, and was related to O3-stimulated fine-root production only in beech. During dry 2003, the stimulating effect of O3 on soil respiration rate vanished under spruce, which was correlated with decreased fine-root production in spruce under drought, irrespective of the O3 regime. δ13C signature of newly formed fine-roots was consistent with the differing gs of beech and spruce, and indicated stomatal limitation by O3 in beech and by drought in spruce. Our study showed that drought can override the stimulating O3 effects on fine-root dynamics and soil respiration in mature beech and spruce forests.  相似文献   

As acid deposition has declined during the past 15-20 years in western Norway, afforestation and episodic seasalt deposition have become factors of increasing importance in explaining the mobilization of toxic aluminum (Aln+) to rivers and lakes. We conducted a paired catchment at four sites in western Norway across a gradient in acid deposition to evaluate the importance of afforestation and seasalt episodes. Streamwater was sampled intensively before, during and after seasalt episodes over a three-year period. A seasalt episode in January 2003 caused considerable impact on the streamwater chemistry. pH dropped and concentrations of Aln+ increased due to cation exchange of Na+ ions for H+ and Aln+ in the soil. The response was larger in streams draining the catchments which receive high acid deposition and in those afforested with spruce as compared with adjacent catchments in native birch. The results indicate that acid pulses induced by episodic inputs of seasalts are exacerbated by land use change from native birch to planted spruce.  相似文献   

Monitoring and modelling of deposition of air pollutants is essential to develop and evaluate policies to abate the effects related to air pollution and to determine the losses of pollutants from the atmosphere. Techniques for monitoring wet deposition fluxes are widely applied. A recent intercomparison experiment, however, showed that the uncertainty in wet deposition is relatively high, up to 40%, apart from the fact that most samplers are biased because of a dry deposition contribution. Wet deposition amounts to about 80% of the total deposition in Europe with a range of 10-90% and uncertainty should therefore be decreased. During recent years the monitoring of dry deposition has become possible. Three sites have been operational for 5 years. The data are useful for model development, but also for model evaluation and monitoring of progress in policy. Data show a decline in SO(2) dry deposition, whereas nitrogen deposition remained constant. Furthermore, surface affinities for pollutants changed leading to changes in deposition. Deposition models have been further developed and tested with dry deposition measurements and total deposition measurements on forests as derived from throughfall data. The comparison is reasonable given the measurement uncertainties. Progress in ozone surface exchange modelling and monitoring shows that stomatal uptake can be quantified with reasonable accuracy, but external surface uptake yields highest uncertainty.  相似文献   

A simulation model was developed to estimate the stomatal conductance and ozone flux to Norway spruce saplings in open-top chambers. The model was parameterized against needle conductance measurements that were made on 4-6-year-old spruce saplings, grown in open-top chambers, in July-September during three different seasons. The spruce saplings were either maintained well watered or subject to a 7-8 week drought period in July-September each year. The simulated conductance showed a good agreement with the measured conductance for the well-watered as well as the drought stress-treated saplings. The simulations were significantly improved when different vapour pressure deficit (VPD) functions were applied for well-watered and drought-stressed spruce saplings. The cumulated ozone uptake which was calculated from the conductance simulations showed less variation between years, compared to the cumulative ozone exposure index AOT40 (accumulated exposure over a threshold of 40 ppb or nl l(-1)) for the corresponding time periods. Measurements in May 1995 demonstrated the occurrence of long-term 'memory-effects' from the drought stress treatments on the conductance. Memory-effects need to be considered when simulation models for stomatal conductance are to be applied to long-lived forest trees under a multiple stress situation.  相似文献   

Previous experiments with conifers fumigated with O(3), produced by air-operated electric discharge ozonators, have provided evidence that O(3) increases the leaching of NO(3)(-), NH(4)(+), K(+), Ca(2+), Mg(2+) and some other cations from needles, when the trees are treated with acid mist. This evidence has provided the foundation of the ozone-acid mist hypothesis of spruce decline. We report experiments with Norway spruce saplings fumigated with purified and unpurified O(3). The results show that the accumulation of NO(3)(-) in the needles arises from the rapid deposition of N(2)O(5) and HNO(3) formed from N(2) in the ozonator. An increase in removal of NH(4)(+), Na(+), Ca(2+), Mg(2+), Zn(2+) and Mn(2+) from the needles during soaking in H(2)SO(4), pH3, was also observed, which was related to the increase in NO(3)(-) but was independent of O(3) concentration. It is concluded that results of previous experiments cited in support of the ozone-acid mist hypothesis arose from effects which were at least partly caused by N(2)O(5) produced as a contaminant, and were incorrectly attributed to ozone. Other effects, such as growth stimulations, visible symptons, enhanced frost sensitivity, and infestation by pests or pathogens, which have been attributed to O(3) generated by electric discharge in air, should be interpreted with caution. Future experiments with ozone must eliminate this problem by either using O(2)-driven ozonators, or by purifying the output from air-driven ozonators using cold and/or water traps.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes and evaluates the main findings of 14 preceding papers related to the joint 14-month tree-exposure experiment carried out by the 'Munich Working Party on Air Pollution' at the GSF, Munich, FRG, from July 1986 to September 1987. The experiment tested the hypothesis that an interaction of ozone/acid mist/soil/extreme climatic conditions is the cause of decline of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) at higher altitudes of the Inner Bavarian Forest. The main findings of the individual studies are presented and their implications for the hypothesis are discussed. Clear effects of soil and genetic factors (differences between clones), for example on growth and frost resistance were found. Treatment with O(3)/acid mist was shown to have effects on plant biochemistry, physiology, histology/ cytology, and growth. The wide scattering of these effects, and the lack of a consistent pattern of response across all clones does not permits a firm conclusion on the validity of the experimental hypothesis. These effects were not confounded by the nutrient stresses imposed during the initial exposure period and were not found to be cumulative during repeated treatments, as was proposed by the hypothesis. It is concluded that the experimental evidence does not indicate that ozone/acid mist are major factors to explain the Norway spruce decline on acidic sites at higher altitudes of the Inner Bavarian Forest and probably similar forest areas.  相似文献   

A mesoscale model of pollutant transport, transformation and deposition was used to perform a detailed analysis of acidic deposition to the states of New York and Ohio during a 3-day springtime deposition episode. This model can be used to assess the roles of wet and dry deposition to individual land types in the removal of pollutants from the atmosphere. Over two-thirds (67 %, Ohio; 78 %, New York) of the acidic deposition during this rainy period fell as wet deposition, primarily in the form of H2SO4. Dry deposition of SO2 accounted for 70–75 % of the total dry acidic deposition in both areas, and most of the remaining dry deposition occurred as HNO3. Over both deposition areas, particulate sulfate deposition accounted for <1 % of the total acid deposition. Due to the highly surface-specific nature of the dry deposition process, individual land types displayed unique patterns of pollutant uptake. Water surfaces absorbed primarily SO2, while rougher forested areas absorbed a larger proportion of HNO3 vapor. Urban areas, with their associated material surfaces, were found to absorb significantly less acid in the dry form, and during dry periods most of this deposition may occur as HNO3 vapor, although considerable uncertainty exists regarding the treatment of rainfall-wetted surfaces. These model results suggest that dry pollutant fluxes to individual surface types will show significant variability from any ‘averaged’ flux estimates over larger areas encompassing numerous land types.  相似文献   

From 1983-88 the long-term effects of low level exposure with O(3), SO(2) and simulated acid rain on mineral cycling in model ecosystems with spruce, fir and beech seedlings were investigated. Systems consisting of open-top chambers built above lysimeters were protected against the intrusion of ambient rain and dust. As part of the investigations on mineral cycling the fluxes of elements with water input and output of the canopy and soil compartments are presented. During the 5 year duration of the experiment, pronounced effects on canopy deposition and cation leaching were observed. Most noticeable were throughfall enrichment with sulfate through dry deposition of SO(2) as influenced by duration of needlewetting and factors promoting SO(2) oxidation. Depending on sulfur deposition, leaching of calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc and ammonium from canopies was elevated, in total leading to enhanced soil input of acid. After 15 months, the water percolating the soils in the lysimeters of these treatments was acidified, with elevated flowrates of sulfate, manganese, calcium and magnesium. The results on canopy/soil leaching are compared to those from old conifer stands in the field.  相似文献   

The effects of wet-deposited nitrogen on soil acidification and the health of Norway spruce were investigated in a pot experiment using an open-air spray/drip system. Nitrogen was applied as ammonium ((NH(4))(2)SO(4)) or nitrate (HNO(3)/NaNO(3)) in simulated rain to either the soil or the foliage. Symptoms of forest decline as observed in the field were not reproduced, and there was no evidence of direct toxicity. Treatments did, however, have significant effects on tree nutrition. Both NH(+)(4) and NO(-)(3) treatment applied to the foliage lowered foliar K concentrations. NH(+)(4) to a greater extent. Soil-applied NH(+)(4) reduced foliar Mg concentrations and increased foliar Al and Fe. Soil-applied NO(-)(3) significantly reduced foliar P concentrations, and at high doses prevented the alleviation of P deficiency by fertiliser. These effects could be important in some field situations. Ammonium deposition is predicted to be more damaging than nitrate deposition, although the latter may be critical for forests where P status is marginal, such as in parts of the British uplands.  相似文献   

Sitka spruce trees, with and without the aphid Elatobium abietinum and/or drought treatment, were subjected to 25 nl litre(-1) of sulphur dioxide over a 2-month period. Aphids became three times as abundant on the fumigated trees if they were well watered and twice as abundant on trees from which water was withheld, compared with unfumigated controls. Growth parameters of the trees were little affected by pollution alone, but were substantially reduced by either aphids or drought. There was a significant interaction between SO(2) and aphids in a further reduction of both leader extension and root weight. Root weight was also reduced by 24% more than expected from the additive effects of the combined SO(2) and drought treatment.  相似文献   

Foliage on spruce trees (Picea rubens Sarg.) growing on dry SO(2) deposition zones (dry SO(2) deposition ranging from 0.5 and 8.5 S kg ha(-1) year(-1)) downwind from a SO(2) emission source was analyzed to assess chronic effects of long-term low-grade SO(2) deposition on net photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, dark respiration, stomatal antechamber wax structures, elemental concentrations in and on foliage (bulk and surficial concentrations), and types of epiphytic fungi that reside in the phylloplane. Elemental distributions on stomatal antechambers, on fungal colonies, and on smooth surfaces between stomates and fungus colonies were determined with a scanning electronic microscope (SEM) by way of X-ray scanning. It was found that net photosynthesis of newly developed spruce foliage (current-year, and 1-year-old) was not significantly affected by the local SO(2) deposition rates. Sulfur dioxide deposition, however, may have contributed to the gradual decrease in net photosynthesis with increasing needle age. Dark respiration rates were significantly higher on foliage taken from high SO(2) deposition zones. Stomatal rod-web structures deteriorated to flakes with increasing needle age and increasing SO(2) deposition. Further inspection of the needle surfaces revealed an increasing abundance of fungal colonies with increasing needle age. Many fungal taxa were isolated and identified. It was found that black yeasts responded positively, and Xylohypha pinicola responded negatively to high rates of SO(2) deposition. Surficial concentrations of elements such as P, S, K, Cl, Ca were about 10 times higher on fungal colonies than on smooth needle surfaces. Surficial Ca contents on 4 or 5-year-old needles decreased with increasing SO(2) deposition, but surficial S concentrations remained the same. In contrast, bulk foliar Ca and S concentrations increased with increasing SO(2) deposition.  相似文献   

Over the past 50 years, Lake Tahoe, an alpine lake located in the Sierra Nevada mountains on the border between California and Nevada, has seen a decline in water clarity. With significant urbanization within its borders and major urban areas 130 km upwind of the prevailing synoptic airflow, it is believed the Lake Tahoe Basin is receiving substantial nitrogen (N) input via atmospheric deposition during summer and fall. We present preliminary inferential flux estimates to both lake surface and forest canopy based on empirical measurements of ambient nitric acid (HNO3), ammonia (NH3), and ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) concentrations, in an effort to identify the major contributors to and ranges of atmospheric dry N deposition to the Lake Tahoe Basin. Total flux from dry deposition ranges from 1.2 to 8.6 kg N ha-1 for the summer and fall dry season and is significantly higher than wet deposition, which ranges from 1.7 to 2.9 kg N ha-1 year-1. These preliminary results suggest that dry deposition of HNO3 is the major source of atmospheric N deposition for the Lake Tahoe Basin, and that overall N deposition is similar in magnitude to deposition reported for sites exposed to moderate N pollution in the southern California mountains.  相似文献   

The effects of artificially applied acid precipitation on growth and nutrient concentrations of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) seedlings were investigated in a long-term acid irrigation experiment in field conditions. Seedlings of northern and southern origin were planted in boxes containing peat and composted soil rich in nutrients, and sprinkler irrigated with water acidified with nitric and sulphuric acids to pH 3 or pH 4 for periods varying from two to three and a half growing seasons during 1986-1989. Water irrigated (pH 5.4-7.6) and non-irrigated groups of seedlings were also included in the experiment. At the end of the experiment needles, main and lateral shoots and roots were collected from the seedlings for the determination of height growth and biomass partitioning, and for the analysis of S, N, Mg, P, K, Ca, Mn and Fe concentrations. The treatment effects compared to the irrigated control were studied using multivariate analyses of variance and covariance. In the pine seedlings the total dry matter production increased by 25-70% compared with the irrigated controls when the total wet deposition to the seedlings exceeded 67 kg S ha(-1) and 36 kg N ha(-1) (e.g. after two growing seasons' exposure of the pH 3 treatment). The increase was mainly due to an increase in needle dry weight (54-72% greater at pH 3) and root weight (20-65% greater at pH 3), whereas the height growth or shoot weight growth were less affected. The northern provenance pine seedlings responded more clearly to the pH 3 irrigation than the southern ones. The treatments had no consistent effects on any of the growth variables studied in the spruce seedlings, however. The pines had higher root and foliage Ca concentrations as a result of the acid irrigation, whereas in spruce, acid rain decreased the Ca concentration in needles and shoots. Root Mn and Fe concentrations were higher in both species as a result of the pH 3 treatment. A higher soil conductivity and Ca concentration resulted from the prolonged pH 3 treatment. The results strongly support the hypothesis that the long-term growth and nutrient allocation response of conifers to acid precipitation is dependent both on the tree species and on the nutritional status of the soil.  相似文献   

The effects of motor vehicle exhaust gas on Norway spruce seedlings (Picea abies (L.) Karst) and plant-insect interaction of spruce shoot aphid (Cinara pilicornis Hartig) was studied. The exhaust gas concentrations in the fumigation chambers were monitored and controlled by measuring the concentration of nitrogen oxides (NO(x)) with a computer aided feedback system. The concentrations of major exhaust gas components (black carbon [BC], fine particles, VOCs and carbonyl compounds) in the chamber air were also measured. Responses of Norway spruce seedlings to a 2 and 3-week exhaust gas exposure and subsequent performance of spruce shoot aphid were studied using realistic exposure regimes; 50, 100 and 200 ppb NO(x). The feedback control system based on NO(x) concentrations proved an adequate and practical means for controlling the concentration of exhaust gases and studying plant responses in controlled environment chambers. The exhaust exposure resulted in increased concentrations of proline, glutamine, threonine, aspartic acid, glycine and phenylalanine and decreased concentration of arginine, serine, alanine and glycine in young needles. No changes in soluble N concentrations were observed. The results are interpreted as a stress response rather than use of NO(x) as a nitrogen source. No changes in total phenolics and only transient changes in some individual terpene concentrations were detected. The exhaust gas exposure stressed the exposed seedlings, but had no significant effect on N metabolism or the production of defence chemicals. Aphid performance was not significantly affected. Soluble N, secondary metabolism and aphid performance were not sensitive to exhaust gas exposure during shoot elongation in Norway spruce.  相似文献   

The results of forest health status assessments in the Carpathian Mountains from the monitoring networks developed by the European Union Scheme on the Protection of Forest Against Atmospheric Pollution (EU Scheme) and International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests (ICP-Forests), have led to a better understanding of the impact of air pollution and other stressors on forests at the regional scale. During the period 1997-2001, forests in the Carpathian Mountains were severely affected by air pollution and natural stresses with 29.7-34.9% of the trees included in defoliation classes 2-4. The broadleaves were slightly healthier than the conifers, and European beech (Fagus sylvatica) was the least affected species. Norway spruce (Picea abies) has poor health status, with 42.9-46.6% of the trees damaged (2-4% defoliation classes). Silver fir (Abies alba) damage was also high, with 46.0-50.9% in defoliation classes 2-4. Pines (primarily Pinus sylvestris) were the least affected of the conifers, with 24.9-33.8% in defoliation classes 2-4. The results from the transnational networks (16 x 16 km) show that the Carpathian forests are slightly more damaged than the average for the entire Europe. The correlative studies performed in individual European countries show the relationships between air pollution stressors with trends in defoliation and a possible effect of natural stresses at each site. More specific, effects of tree age, drought, ozone and acid deposition critical level exceedances were demonstrated to affect crown condition.  相似文献   

The dry deposition of sulphur, nitrogen and base cations to a spruce stand was estimated during a five year period using a surrogate surface resembling needles, throughfall and bulk deposition measurements. The deposition was calculated from the ratio between the deposition of an ion and sodium on the surrogate surface and the net throughfall of sodium to the forest. The dry deposition represented a large fraction of the total atmospheric input of base cations. For Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+, and K+ they were 66, 67, 53 and 42%, respectively. The internal circulation was 95% of non-marine net throughfall fro K+ and 76% for Ca2+. The dry deposition of SO2 to the canopies regulates the internal circulation of Ca2+. The dry deposition of SO2 to the canopies regulates the internal circulation of Ca2+. The dry depositions of ammonium and nitrate are close to the net throughfall of Kjeldahl-N and nitrate, respectively. The obtained deposition velocities are comparable to other studies. The calculated dry deposition of ammonium was compared to the net throughfall of ammonium at three nearby forest stands receiving different ammonium amounts on the soils. No correlation to nitrogen level was found, but most ammonium was lost and converted to organic nitrogen in the canopies of the wettest forest stand.  相似文献   

A network of eight monitoring stations was established to study the atmospheric nitrogen concentration and deposition in the State of Connecticut. The stations were classified into urban, rural, coastal and inland categories to represent the geographical location and land use characteristics surrounding the monitoring sites. Nitrogen species including nitrate, ammonium, nitric acid vapor and organic nitrogen in the air and precipitation were collected, analyzed and used to infer nitrogen concentrations and dry and wet deposition flux densities for the sampling period from 1997 through 1999, with independently collected meteorological data. Statistical analyses were conducted to evaluate the spatial variations of atmospheric concentration and deposition fluxes of total nitrogen in Connecticut. A slightly higher atmospheric concentration of total nitrogen was observed along the Connecticut coastline of Long Island Sound compared to inland areas, while the differences of nitrogen deposition fluxes were insignificant between coastal and inland sites. The land use characteristics surrounding the monitoring sites had profound effects on the atmospheric nitrogen concentration and dry deposition flux. The ambient nitrogen concentration over the four urban sites was averaged 38.9% higher than that over the rural sites, resulting a 58.0% higher dry deposition flux in these sites compared to their rural counterparts. The local industrial activities and traffic emissions of nitrogen at urban areas had significant effects on the spatial distribution of atmospheric nitrogen concentration and dry deposition flux in the State. Wet and total deposition fluxes appeared to be invariant between the monitoring sites, except for high flux densities measured at Old Greenwich, a monitoring station near to and downwind of the New York and New Jersey industrial complexes.  相似文献   

In the first part, this contribution presents German results of nitrogen fertilisation experiments on stand growth, published 1958-1987. Over this period Norway spruce and Scots pine have generally responded positively to nitrogen fertilisation, without showing signs of damage, at levels up to at least 1000 kg N ha(-1). In the second part, growth patterns of forest trees and stands in Southern Germany are presented. Norway spruce in particular is now growing better than in earlier years of this century, starting around 1960. It is plausible that increasing nitrogen deposition, which coincides with the growth increase, is the cause, though this cannot be shown unequivocally. At a few sites with poor soil and management and high acid deposition a deterioration is taking place.  相似文献   

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