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A chemical mass balance receptor model based on organic compounds has been developed that relates source contributions to airborne fine particle mass concentrations. Source contributions to the concentrations of specific organic compounds are revealed as well. The model is applied to four air quality monitoring sites in southern California using atmospheric organic compound concentration data and source test data collected specifically for the purpose of testing this model. The contributions of up to nine primary particle source types can be separately identified in ambient samples based on this method, and approximately 85% of the organic fine aerosol is assigned to primary sources on an annual average basis. The model provides information on source contributions to fine mass concentrations, fine organic aerosol concentrations and individual organic compound concentrations. The largest primary source contributors to fine particle mass concentrations in Los Angeles are found to include diesel engine exhaust, paved road dust, gasoline-powered vehicle exhaust, plus emissions from food cooking and wood smoke, with smaller contribution from tire dust, plant fragments, natural gas combustion aerosol, and cigarette smoke. Once these primary aerosol source contributions are added to the secondary sulfates, nitrates and organics present, virtually all of the annual average fine particle mass at Los Angeles area monitoring sites can be assigned to its source.  相似文献   

The expansion of urbanization introduces air pollution to wildlife areas. Some metal contaminants occurring in concentrations too small to have any measurable impact on adult birds may seriously affect embryos that are more sensitive to contaminants than the adult. Chromium, manganese, and lead are toxic and can be passed from the hen to the egg. This study relates the concentrations of these metals in eggs to their concentrations in air in three cities. Rock dove eggs were sampled and air pollution records were examined in the California cities of Riverside, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. The eggs from San Francisco did not differ from those of Los Angeles in lead concentration but the air did differ. The eggs collected in Los Angeles in 1998 had concentrations of chromium greater than in those from Riverside and from Los Angeles 1999 but the air had concentrations of chromium that did not differ among those three collections. Concentrations of manganese did not differ among the eggs but did differ among the air samples of the three cities. Exposures of embryos to chromium and manganese in this study were not at levels warranting concern. Although the concentration at which lead in eggs impairs avian health is not established, the highest concentrations found in this study exceed estimated safe concentrations. There is no indication that embryo exposure is directly related to atmospheric levels of these metals in the cities of this study.  相似文献   

Lead concentrations in air were measured at 12 sites in Detroit, New York and Los Angeles as part of a program to relate automobile emissions and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in air. The information on lead is reported separately because of the current interest in lead as an air pollutant. Sampling was conducted by means of a large “absolute” filter and equipment contained in a step-van truck. A portion of the filter was macerated in nitric acid and the lead determined spectrographically. The combined annual average lead concentration for four sites in metropolitan Los Angeles was approximately 40% higher than the combined averages of either the five sites in metropolitan New York or the three sites in metropolitan Detroit. Concentrations ranged from 0.4 ug/M3 at Santa Monica, to 18.4 ug/M3 at a Los Angeles Freeway Interchange. Concentrations were generally highest in freeway areas, intermediate in commercial areas, and lowest in residential areas. They were about 40% higher in daytime than at night. Average lead concentrations were highest during autumn in New York and winter in Los Angeles reflecting an inverse relationship with wind speed. Correlation coefficients between lead and carbon monoxide, at all sites, were statistically non-zero with 99% confidence and varied from 0.75 to 0.96. Lead concentrations in this study were higher than concentrations reported by others for Detroit, New York, and Los Angeles, presumably because sampling in this study was closer to traffic. However, concentrations in this study were lower than in-traffic concentrations given in the literature.  相似文献   

This report gives a brief summary of the experimental plan and the early results of field observations from the California Aerosol Characterization Experiment (ACHEX). The objectives of the program center on questions of the sources and evolution of aerosols in urban air, as they are superimposed on a natural background, particularly as they relate to visibilitydegradation. The project initially nvolved the use of an elaborately instrumented mobile laboratory combined with a fixed station in San Jose, in Pasadena, and in Riverside, and later incorporated several satellite monitoring stations in the Los Angeles Basin. Intensive field observationswere taken from July 1972 to November 1972 in several urban and nonurban locations between the San Francisco Bay area and the South Coast Basin, covering the Los Angeles area. In a second phase of the ACHEX, aerosols accompanying photochemical smog were studied intensively in the Los Angeles Basin during the period between July and October of 1973. The observations cover a wide variety of parameters including physical and chemical properties of aerosols, pollutant gas concentrations, and meteorological variables. The initial results show the great importance of sulfate, nitrate, noncarbonate carbon, and liquid water to the mass concentration of airborne particles and their relation to reduction in visibility. The anthropogenic contribution to atmospheric aerosols is consistently found to be allocated primarily to the submicron or fine particle size range.  相似文献   

The emission rate of particle-phase petroleum biomarkers in vehicular exhaust compared to the concentrations of these biomarkers in ambient air is used to determine the particulate organic compound concentration due to primary particle emissions from motor vehicles in the southern California atmosphere. A material balance on the organic particulate matter emitted from motor vehicle traffic in a Los Angeles highway tunnel first is constructed to show the proportion which is solvent-extractable and which will elute from a GC column, the ratio of resolved to unresolved compound mass, the portion of the resolved material that can be identified as single organic compounds, and the contribution of different classes of organic compounds to the overall identified fraction. It is shown that the outdoor ambient concentrations of the petroleum biomarkers track primary emissions measured in the highway tunnel, confirming that direct emissions of these compounds from vehicles govern the observed ambient petroleum biomarker concentrations. Using organic chemical tracer techniques, the portion of fine organic particulate matter in the Los Angeles atmosphere which is attributable to direct particle emissions from vehicle exhaust is calculated to vary from 7.5 to 18.3% at different sites throughout the air basin during a summertime severe photochemical smog episode. A similar level of variation in the contribution of primary motor vehicle exhaust to fine particulate organic matter concentrations during different times of day is seen. While peak atmospheric concentrations of fine particulate organic carbon are observed during the 1200–1600 PDT afternoon sampling period, only 6.3% of that material is apportioned to the directly emitted particles from vehicle exhaust. During the morning traffic peak between 0600–1000 PDT, 19.1% of the fine particulate organic material is traced to primary emissions from motor vehicles.  相似文献   

The body of information presented in this paper is directed to those individuals concerned with the effect of urban pollution on downwind areas. In the absence of any evidence, it has been widely assumed that increasing NO x emissions have caused oxidant levels to increase downwind of Los Angeles, i.e., Riverside and San Bernardino. This smog chamber study simulated pollutant transport from Los Angeles to the downwind areas by irradiating a typical Los Angeles hydrocarbon/NO x mixture for extended periods of time. The smog chamber experiments were extended to 22 hours to obtain an integrated light intensity equal to that which occurs in the Los Angeles area. The effects of variations of nitrogen oxide emissions on an aged air mass were examined. The results show that downwind oxidant levels are only slightly affected by large changes in NO x emissions. However, it is clear that reduced nitrogen oxide emissions will lead to an increase in oxidant in downtown Los Angeles.  相似文献   

A PM10 monitoring network was established throughout the South Coast Air Basin (SOCAB) in the greater Los Angeles region during the calendar year 1986. Annual average PM10 mass concentrations within the Los Angeles metropolitan area ranged from 47.0 µg m-3 along the coast to 87.4 µg m-3 at Rubldoux, the furthest inland monitoring station. Measurements made at San Nicolas Island suggest that regional background aerosol contributes between 28 to 44 percent of the PM10 aerosol at monitoring sites In the SOCAB over the long term average. Five major aerosol components (carbonaceous material, NO- 3, SO= 4, NH+ 4, and soil-related material) account for greater than 80 percent of the annual average PM10 mass at all on-land monitoring stations. Peak 24-h average mass concentrations of nearly 300 µg m-3 were observed at inland locations, with lower peak values (?130–150 µg m-3) measured along the coast. Peak-day aerosol composition was characterized by increased NO- 3 Ion and associated ammonium ion levels, as compared to the annual average. There appears to be only a weak dependence of PM10 mass concentration on season of the year. This lack of a pronounced seasonal dependence results from the complex and contradictory seasonal variations in the major chemical components (carbonaceous material, nitrate, sulfate, ammonium ion and crustal material). At most sites within the Los Angeles metropolitan area, PM10 mass concentrations exceeded both the annual and 24-h average federal and state of California PM10 regulatory standards.  相似文献   

The UCD/CIT air quality model was modified to predict source contributions to secondary organic aerosol (SOA) by expanding the Caltech Atmospheric Chemistry Mechanism to separately track source apportionment information through the chemical reaction system as precursor species react to form condensable products. The model was used to predict source contributions to SOA in Los Angeles from catalyst-equipped gasoline vehicles, non-catalyst equipped gasoline vehicles, diesel vehicles, combustion of high sulfur fuel, other anthropogenic sources, biogenic sources, and initial/boundary conditions during the severe photochemical smog episode that occurred on 9 September 1993. Gasoline engines (catalyst+non-catalyst equipped) were found to be the single-largest anthropogenic source of SOA averaged over the entire model domain. The region-wide 24-h average concentration of SOA produced by gasoline engines was predicted to be 0.34 μg m−3 with a maximum 24-h average concentration of 1.81 μg m−3 downwind of central Los Angeles. The region-wide 24-h average concentration of SOA produced by diesel engines was predicted to be 0.02 μg m−3, with a maximum 24-h average concentration of 0.12 μg m−3 downwind of central Los Angeles. Biogenic sources are predicted to produce a region-wide 24-h average SOA value of 0.16 μg m−3, with a maximum 24-h average concentration of 1.37 μg m−3 in the less-heavily populated regions at the northern and southern edges of the air basin (close to the biogenic emissions sources). SOA concentrations associated with anthropogenic sources were weakly diurnal, with slightly lower concentrations during the day as mixing depth increased. SOA concentrations associated with biogenic sources were strongly diurnal, with higher concentrations of aqueous biogenic SOA at night when relative humidity (RH) peaked and little biogenic SOA formation during the day when RH decreased.  相似文献   

A new method for solving the turbulent atmospheric diffusion equation has been developed based on Lagrangian mass points, or particles moving through an Eulerian grid. The method is one of a family of Particle-/n-Cell techniques but is a unique extension to incorporate the effects of turbulent diffusion based on K-theory; thus the acronym PICK.

In the three-dimensional computer-aided model, NEXUS (Numerical EXamination of Urban Smog), this method has been applied to simulation of carbon monoxide (CO) in Los Angeles. For CO the NEXUS simulation was within 20% of observed day-averaged concentrations at 12 stations and the hour-averages were also in good agreement. This model was extended to include the effects of photochemical smog in Los Angeles. The results of the photochemical simulation were also qualitatively correct due to rapid NO to NO2 conversion in the simulation.  相似文献   

As a step toward better understanding the reactive Los Angeles air basin atmosphere, a study was undertaken at the University of California—Riverside Campus, to determine the composition and concentration of atmospheric particulate matter as a function of particle size and time. The study involved developing a method for obtaining size-classified, time-fractionated aerosol samples amenable to chemical and physical (including microscopic) analysis. During a 15-day period, samples were obtained over 4-hr periods and subsequently analyzed for nitrate, sulfate, iron, and lead. Concentration of six gaseous pollutantsj total aerosol light-scattering, and several meteorological measurements were simultaneously recorded and averaged over the 4-hr intervals. This data was presented graphically to show the diurnal variation in and relationship between gaseous, particulate, and meteorological measurements. A strong relationship between gaseous peroxyacetyl nitrate, particulate nitrate, and aerosol light-scattering was found. High concentrations of ammonium nitrate particles, mainly in the 0.5-2μ, diameter size range, were found in the atmospheric particulate samples collected on days of very high smog (very limited visibility).  相似文献   

Carbon monoxide exposures to commuters were simulated in a 5-day study in Los Angeles County. Exposures were determined by measuring CO in three vehicles as they traveled typical commuter routes. The data collected during this study include measurements of vehicle speed and CO measurements in the interior and exterior of the three vehicles during the morning and evening peak traffic periods. In addition, hourly averaged CO measurements were taken from eight south coastal Air Quality Management District fixed-site monitoring stations and six California Department of Transportation vans in the proximity of the commuter routes. These data were used to investigate the relationship of CO exposures to meteorological parameters, fixed-site monitors, and traffic conditions.

The average ratio of interior CO concentrations to exterior CO concentrations was 0.92. Concentrations inside and outside the vehicles remained about the same even when the vehicles were driven with vents closed and windows up. Smoking was not permitted in the vehicles during the study. The average ratio of the hour average CO concentrations in the vehicles to fixed-site measurements was 3.9. However, this ratio decreases with increasing ambient CO levels. Although CO levels in the vehicles frequently exceeded 40 ppm and sometimes exceeded 60 ppm, the hour average CO concentrations did not exceed 35 ppm. Slow moving congested traffic is associated with higher CO levels in the vehicles than a high volume of traffic moving at a steady speed.  相似文献   

For at least 30 years, ozone (O3) levels on weekends in parts of California's South Coast (Los Angeles) Air Basin (SoCAB) have been as high as or higher than on weekdays, even though ambient levels of O3 precursors are lower on weekends than on weekdays. A field study was conducted in the Los Angeles area during fall 2000 to test whether proposed relationships between emission sources and ambient nonmethane hydrocarbon (NMHC) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) levels can account for observed diurnal and day-of-week variations in the concentration and proportions of precursor pollutants that may affect the efficiency and rate of O3 formation. The contributions to ambient NMHC by motor vehicle exhaust and evaporative emissions, estimated using chemical mass balance (CMB) receptor modeling, ranged from 65 to 85% with minimal day-of-week variation. Ratios of ambient NOx associated with black carbon (BC) to NOx associated with carbon monoxide (CO) were approximately 1.25 +/- 0.22 during weekdays and 0.76 +/- 0.07 and 0.52 +/- 0.07 on Saturday and Sunday, respectively. These results demonstrate that lower NOx emissions from diesel exhaust can be a major factor causing lower NOx mixing ratios and higher NMHC/NOx ratios on weekends. Nonmobile sources showed no significant day-of-week variations in their contributions to NMHC. Greater amounts of gasoline emissions are carried over on Friday and Saturday evenings but are, at most, a minor factor contributing to higher NMHC/NOx ratios on weekend mornings.  相似文献   

The simple ATDL urban dispersion model Is based on the formula Xo(g/m3) = CO(g/m2s)/U(m/s). The diurnal variation of the stability factor C, which can be thought of as the width of the urban area divided by the vertical dispersion of the pollution cloud, has not before been satisfactorily estimated. Using observed diurnal variations of CO concentrations and traffic frequencies reported by DeMarrais of the EPA for many stations in the states of Maryland, New Jersey, and Colorado, and using wind data from these states, hourly values of C - XoU/Q were calculated. The ratio of C to the daily average C is found to equal about 2.5 at 4 a.m., drops to about 0.5 by 8 a.m., and remains at 0.5 until about 6 p.m.., when it starts to climb slowly again. Application of this new stability factor to independent CO data from Los Angeles yields correlations between measured and predicted concentrations of about 0.7.  相似文献   

During the last 10 years, high atmospheric concentrations of airborne particles recorded in the Mexico City metropolitan area have caused concern because of their potential harmful effects on human health. Four monitoring campaigns have been carried out in the Mexico City metropolitan area during 2000-2002 at three sites: (1) Xalostoc, located in an industrial region; (2) La Merced, located in a commercial area; and (3) Pedregal, located in a residential area. Results of gravimetric and chemical analyses of 330 samples of particulate matter (PM) with an aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 microm (PM2.5) and PM with an aerodynamic diameter less than 10 microm (PM10) indicate that (1) PM2.5/PM10 average ratios were 0.42, 0.46, and 0.52 for Xalostoc, La Merced, and Pedregal, respectively; (2) the highest PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations were found at the industrial site; (3) PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations were lower at nighttime; (4) PM2.5 and PM10 spatial averages concentrations were 35 and 76 microg/m3, respectively; and (5) when the PM2.5 standard was exceeded, nitrate, sulfate, ammonium, organic carbon, and elemental carbon concentrations were high. Twenty-four hour averaged PM2.5 concentrations in Mexico City and Sao Paulo were similar to those recorded in the 1980s in Los Angeles. PM10 concentrations were comparable in Sao Paulo and Mexico City but 3-fold lower than those found in Santiago.  相似文献   

Continuous measurements of total hydrocarbons (and other organic substances) and of methane were made in Cincinnati and Los Angeles for three-month periods. Some of the measurements were made during episodes of photochemical air pollution. Two instruments, one for measurement of total hydrocarbons and the other for methane, were operated in parallel. Both incorporated flame ionization detectors having greater sensitivity than commercial flame ionization instruments. The flame ionization analysis for methane was made specific by use of an adsorbent carbon column preceding the analyzer to retain all organic substances except methane. Subtracting the methane concentration values from those for total hydrocarbons gave nonmethane hydrocarbon concentrations. The data showed diurnal patterns of concentrations of methane and nonmethane hydrocarbons in the atmosphere. Average hourly values for methane were strikingly similar in Los Angeles and in Cincinnati (2.6 and 2.4 ppm, respectively); those for nonmethane hydrocarbons were four times as high in Los Angeles (3.0 and 0.8 ppm, respectively). A bimodal frequency distribution pattern of the concentrations suggested that atmospheric ventilation was either good or poor, with less than a random amount of time in intermediate stages. The width of the methane frequency distribution peak was about half the width of that for nonmethane hydrocarbons, indicating a different and more constant source for the former.  相似文献   

A quick, simple method for identifying and distinguishing lead from other heavy metals in living plants has been developed using sodium rhodizonate (C606Na2) which forms a scarlet precipitate with lead at approximately pH 2.8. Hand sections of plant tissues are treated with rhodizonate reagent, buffered, and examined microscopically. Very little time and/or effort is required for this method. Those cells and tissues contaminated with lead turn scarlet—color intensity being directly related to concentration. Lead may be detected in quite low concentrations and, most importantly, may be observed in situ; its entry and movement through the plant can thus be followed. In an area of moderate traffic of Downey, Calif. (Southeast Los Angeles), lead was found abundantly on leaves as well as on and in roots of garden-grown lettuce; origin of this lead is presumed to be from car exhausts.  相似文献   

As part of a major field study to understand the causes of persistent, elevated carbon monoxide pollution episodes in Los Angeles, we performed a project to understand the emissions of vehicles in use. In this experiment, we assessed the accuracy of a remote sensing instrument designed to measure CO concentrations from vehicles as they were driven on the road. The remote sensor was shown to be accurate within ten percent of the directly measured tailpipe value. We performed a roadside inspection on 60 vehicles and demonstrated that the remote sensor could be used as an effective surveillance tool to identify high CO-emitting vehicles. We also compared the roadside data set to the biennial Smog Check (I/M) tests for the same vehicles, and observed that carbon monoxide and exhaust hydrocarbons from high emitters were much higher than when the vehicles received their routine inspection. Furthermore, for the high-emitting vehicles in this data set, the length of time since the biennial Smog Check had little influence on the cars’ emissions in the roadside inspection.  相似文献   

To assess the impact of past, current and proposed air quality regulations on coarse particulate matter (CPM), the concentrations of CPM mass and its chemical constituents were examined in the Los Angeles Basin from 1986 to 2009 using PM data acquired from peer-reviewed journals and regulatory agency database. PM10 mass levels decreased by approximately half from 1988 to 2009 at the three sampling sites examined- located in downtown Los Angeles, Long Beach and Riverside. Annual CPM mass concentrations were calculated from the difference between daily PM10 and PM2.5 from 1999 to 2009. High CPM episodes driven by high wind speed/stagnant condition caused year-to-year fluctuations in the 99th/98th percentile CPM levels. The reductions of average CPM levels were lower than those of PM10 in the same period, therefore the decrease of PM10 level was mainly driven by reductions in the emission levels of PM2.5 (or fine) particles, as demonstrated by the higher annual reduction of average PM2.5 (0.92 microg/m3) compared with CPM (0.39 microg/m3) from 1999 to 2009 in downtown Los Angeles despite their comparable concentrations. This is further confirmed by the significant decrease of Ni, Cr, V and EC in the coarse fraction after 1995. On the other hand, the levels of several inorganic ions (sulfate, chloride and to a lesser extent nitrate) remained comparable. From 1995 to 2008, levels of Cu, a tracer of brake wear, either remained similar or decreased at a smaller rate compared with elements of combustion origins. This differential reduction of CPM components suggests that past and current regulations may have been more effective in reducing fugitive dust (Al, Fe and Si) and combustion emissions (Ni, Cr, V, and EC) rather than CPM from vehicular abrasion (Cu) and inorganic ions (NO3(-), SO4(2-) and Cl(-)) in urban areas. Implications: Limited information is currently available to provide the scientific basis for understanding the sources and physical and chemical variations of CPM, and their relations to air quality regulations and adverse health effects. This study investigates the historical trends of CPM mass and its chemical components in the Los Angeles Basin to advance our understanding on the impact of past and current air quality regulations on the coarse fraction of PM. The results of this study will aid policy makers to design more targeted regulations to control CPM sources to ensure substantial protection of public health from CPM exposure. Supplemental Materials: Supplemental materials are available for this article. Go to the publisher's online edition of the Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association for (1) details of the sampling sites and (2) the daily concentrations of high CPM/PM10 episodes.  相似文献   

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