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In the near future the State of Minnesota will adopt noise pollution standards and regulations based on the findings presented in this paper. Comprehensive noise standards are presented for all sources of noise, including airports, highways, and industrial sources. Two of the three dimensions of noise—intensity and frequency—are measured by the use of the unit dBA, whereas the third dimension—duration—is measured by use of the temporal distribution, expressed as Lx, where x is the sound pressure level in dBA exceeded x% of the time. Standards are established for five zones: 1. residential—single family, 2. residential— apartments, public buildings, 3. commercial, 4. manufacturing, and 5 industrial. The Lx standards apply to most noises including industrial and highway noises. Aircraft noise and impulse noise standards are also discussed. The six phase implementation plan for noise abatement is discussed.  相似文献   

The article reviews the current state of knowledge of noise and how people respond to noise. Sources of community noise are discussed and existing federal legislation pertaining to noise is mentioned. Methods of reducing the noise impact on communities from aircraft, surface transportation, and industrial sites are presented. Interior noise in industry, OSHA noise standards and means of controlling the noise to minimize hearing impairment are emphasized.  相似文献   

Recent air pollution legislation, introduced as a Clean Air Act into New South Wales, the most populous and most heavily industrialized Australian State relies mainly upon the establishment of maximum limits of emission of air impurities. Regulations made under the Act set out the first of a series of such limits which cover the more commonly encountered pollutants. Other limits will be included later as knowledge is accumulated but, in the meantime, where standards have not been fixed the "best practicable means" of controlling air pollution must be used. To facilitate administration and to provide financial support for scientific and engineering services in the form of the Air Pollution Control Board, industries of significant air pollution potential have been designated as scheduled premises and pay annual license fees. Further technical support for the legislation is provided by an Air Pollution Advisory Committee.  相似文献   


Noise exposure has been linked to several health outcomes including obesity. This cross-sectional study examined the association between occupational noise exposure and body mass index as a measure of general obesity in 913 textile workers (totally from nine factories) in Yazd city, Iran, from winter to summer of 2018. The sound pressure level (dBA) at each working station was measured by a calibrated sound level meter. The long-term noise exposure score of each worker (as dBA.year) was calculated by multiplying the working history in each unit to its corresponding noise level. Models were adjusted for personal, behavioral, environmental, and family history factors. In total, 81.05% (n?=?740) of the participants were exposed to noise levels higher than 85 dBA. The direct association was found for the fully adjusted model (β?=?0.002; 95% CI: 0.001: 0.004). For the model with past year noise exposure, a 10.6% increase in odds was observed for each 5 dBA increase in noise exposure (95% CI: 1.005: 1.216). We found a 0.1% increase in the odds of being overweight in mixed-gender analysis (95% CI: 1.001:1.002) for each 5 dBA.year in the fully adjusted model. Occupational noise exposure should be regarded as a risk factor for cardiometabolic outcomes in industrial workers.


Government at all levels is placing increasing emphasis on air pollution control. To avoid restrictive legislation, to maintain good public relations, and to assume its full share of responsibility are constantly on the alert for air pollution control equipment designed for specified needs. The problems connected with the collection or disposal of fumes and vapors liberated during various types of industrial kettle cooking operations has been of serious concern in a number of cities in recent years.  相似文献   

Several existing federal and state provisions act to reduce the cost to in dustry of controlling air pollution. Included are the federal corporate income tax, depreciation allowances, investment credits, small Business Administration loans, Economic Development Administration aid, and state tax laws. These provisions give government assistance to industry amounting to as much as 59 percent of the cost of air pollution control. Numerous bills have been introduced in Congress that would give additional government aid to industry in the form of special across-the-board tax allowances for air pollution control equipment. A typical bill of this type would result in the government bearing an additional 11 percent of these costs. There are several possible objectives for this kind of additional aid; however, none of these seem valid when the amount of present assistance is recognized. From this analysis, it would seem that additional across-the-board tax subsidies for air pollution control equipment are neither required nor advisable. Future studies and/or experience may show certain firms or industries for which air pollution control will be too great a burden and for which additional government assistance is advisable. When such cases are found, legislation should be enacted only after the pros and cons of the various assistance methods are considered.  相似文献   

The energy crisis is providing an incentive for industry in the U. S. to conserve fuel. A major consideration is the recirculation of Industrial exhaust air to reduce energy consumption in heating or cooling work place air. Although there is a history of literature on the subject, design criteria for recirculation systems are very limited. Primary system components are air cleaning equipment and monitoring/alarm equipment. If feasibility of recirculation is established, air cleaning equipment must be selected to remove specific contaminants properly. Types of air cleaning equipment are reviewed from the standpoint of collection mechanism, equipment configuration, performance capability, and applicability to recirculation. Monitoring equipment requires significant development work to assist in safeguarding re-circulation systems and to provide worker protection.  相似文献   

Deciding whether the gas should be cleaned by a “dry” system or a “wet” system requires a full consideration of all factors of which the capital cost is only one. Anticipating the various problems which might be expected and designing adequate measures for each calls for major engineering effort,but onlythen can a best choice be made. The principles which govern the above are illustrated by a typical selection of gas cleaning equipment to be used as part of a BOF steel making installation. Two entirely different gas cleaning systems are presently in BOF service in North America. Both will do an excellent job if properly designed. Either system will cost in excess of $2,000,000 and will require careful control and large amounts of electrical power. One system, the dry electrostatic precipitator, requires humidification of the gas; protection against explosions; elaborate electrical controls, insulators, etc.; and a rugged handling system for the bone dry dust collected. The other system, wet washing with water, Is easier to control but uses large quantities of water and electric power. As in the case of the “dry” system, handling the dirt collected is a difficult problem requiring careful study and choice of equipment. In either case the dust may be discarded or reused, but it must be handled with care lest it become an air or stream pollution problem all over again.  相似文献   

Environmental legislation is developing rapidly. In addition, considerable attention is being given to the environmental impact of new technological developments. Governments as well as citizens, often through organized groups are placing unprecedented pressures on many industries and even on other parts of the government. Popular feeling has been extremely strong on such matters and resistance so far has not been strong. This is likely to change substantially and the future may see a rapid increase in the number of environmental suits especially if the continued existence of certain industries is threatened. Expert evidence will be needed to support government legislation and to support actions to preserve the environment. Such measures will have inevitable economic implications and will evoke predictable responses. Reconciling these viewpoints will provide a challenge for the community which will probably depend to a larger extent on interpretation in courts of -law. The ability of various experts to give advice through the legal process will be essential if the most effective compromises are to be found. It is the purpose of this paper to discuss the gathering and use of such scientific evidence in environmental lawsuits.  相似文献   

The body of information presented in this paper is directed to those individuals concerned with the location of highways relative to either existing or planned residential communities. The paper treats in depth the expected attenuation of automobile and particularly diesel tractor-trailer generated hoise by the interposition of extensive and dense planting of trees and shrubs between the highway and the community. The results of research, by the author and others cited in the paper, gives clear indication that a belt of dense man-made growth of tall trees and underbrush can give as much as 5 to 8 dB truck/car noise reduction per 100 ft of planting depth. Natural growth of deep forests were measured to give from 3 to 5 dB attenuation per 100 ft of planting depth. Planting depth of at least 100 ft is required to give reliable results, with tree heights of 40-50 ft desirable and densities of 50-70 ft visibility needed for good effect.

The paper provides considerable experimental verification by an analysis of the current literature. The types of noise sources in cars and trucks are briefly treated as are community reactions to noise from such sources. The dBA is used as the accepted measure for characterizing truck and automobile noise. Both spherical and cylindrical radiation of sound are discussed for low density and high density traffic, respectively.

The paper concludes with an example of attenuation of a typical truck noise by spherical and cylindrical radiation for low- and high-density traffic and a 200-ft deep planting of dense, mature forest. It is concluded that a mature belt of either coniferous or deciduous forest with underbrush can produce barely acceptable noise levels in the community which is separated by such a noise barrier from a heavily traveled highway.  相似文献   

Over 313,000 people are working at jobs produced in part as a result of clean air regulations, according to a study just completed by the Industrial Gas Cleaning Institute. The study mitigates arguments that clean air regulations have caused the loss of jobs. According to IGCI President Robert G. Huntington, the Clean Air Act has actually created a substantial number of jobs in the pollution control equipment, engineering, and construction industries as well.  相似文献   

In The Netherlands, a small and densely populated country, the disposal of solid waste requires strict precautions. Because the landscape is flat and the watertable just under groundlevel, landfilling and dumping must be avoided as much as possible. Incineration of municipal and industrial waste are presently under consideration. But even when excellent flue gas cleaning systems are used, air pollution can present a problem, for instance, by dioxines produced during the process. For these reasons the government has published a waste disposal policy plan in which recycling, composting and prevention of waste production play a major role. Eventually about one third of the solid waste production will be incinerated or dumped. No solid waste will be exported.  相似文献   

Solid growth is seen for the air pollution control industry for the rest of the century. Over the next twelve years purchases of particulate control equipment in the U.S. will grow at a rate considerably better than the GNP; growth rates in developing countries will be even higher. The portion of air pollution control expenditures represented by FGD systems is predicted to rise from its current level of 12 percent to 62 percent in 1991 if acid rain legislation is passed as predicted. A significant market is seen also for municipal, industrial and agricultural waste incinerators. Geography plays an important role in the strength of the industry; in the future, industrialized countries will be the sites of new designs and applications, while developing countries will be the life extension of the tried and proven designs. Industrywide, new product development is seen as an underused route to success.  相似文献   

For aerosol measurements, especially those concerned with the aerosol particle size distribution, it is important to sample in isokinetic conditions. Most available instrumentation for aerosol measurements is intended for use on the ground under light wind conditions; intake air speeds rarely exceed a few meters per second. If the same instrumentation is used onboard an aircraft, the air must be decelerated 60 or more m/sec before It is sampled by individual instruments.

On The Pennsylvania State University Meteorology research aircraft, the air for all aerosol instruments is decelerated in a single isokinetic sampler located above the roof of the cabin outside the aircraft boundary layer. The air enters the sampler through a carefully designed circular intake. Its velocity is reduced as the cross section increases along a 7° conical diffuser. The expansion cone terminates in a cylindrical chamber in which the air velocity is 1/16 the aircraft speed. Behind the sampling chamber the air is accelerated in a second conical section to an end exhaust port. Exhaust porf "pumping" is used to compensate internal losses and, thus, helps preserve the isokinetic nature of the sampler.

Tubes leading to individual instruments are located in the sampling chamber and may be individually adapted to match the air sampling velocity with the local air speed inside the sampling chamber. The level of turbulence (urms/û) in the sampling section is =^0.05.

The sampler has been thoroughly wind tunnel and flight tested and successfully used in August and November, 1974, for field programs in the St. Louis and Tucson metropolitan areas, respectively.  相似文献   

Because of the increasing demand for energy, construction of a number of large power plants is planned, particularly in the southwestern U.S. Before construction of a plant can begin, however, it must be shown that its emissions will not degrade air quality beyond certain acceptable limits. A new plant must undergo not only a New Source Review1 to demonstrate compliance with New Source Performance Standards,2 but also an analysis to show that it will not produce significant deterioration of air quality in designated pristine areas (often these areas are state or federal parks.) Further, as a result of the 1977 amendments3 to the Clean Air Act, visibility must not be impaired where impairment is defined as a reduction in visual range or as atmospheric discoloration. Plume visual impact must thus be considered before permission for construction will be granted. Because of these requirements, it is important to be able to visualize the plume from a power plant as it travels through surrounding terrain.  相似文献   

Mercury is a physiological toxin released by spent fluorescent lamps (SFLs) and is considered a serious pollutant. As the world’s largest producer of fluorescent lamps, China suffers from SFL pollution because of inefficient recycling and management of SFLs. Drawing upon the most successful practices worldwide, this paper suggests the recycling of SFLs on the basis of the extended producer responsibility (EPR) system in China. Manufacturers and importers are the main parties responsible for the take-back, recycling, and disposal of SFLs in the EPR system. In view of the situation in China and to address the objectives of the EPR system, this paper recommends the implementation of a third-party take-back mode for small- and medium-scale enterprises and of a take-back mode for large enterprises to be carried out by original equipment manufacturers. This paper suggests an extended responsibility fund to finance and support the SFL recycling system and discusses in detail the different recycling network systems and fund flows of the two take-back modes. By conducting a case study, the authors determine that the subsidy rate for SFLs that a recycling company can obtain from the extended responsibility fund for recycling and disposing of lamps can be set at $1.35/kg. The authors also predict the levy level that fluorescent lamp manufacturers must submit.
Implications:For policymakers, a proper and effective way to manage and recycle spent fluorescent lamps (SFLs) is necessary. The recommended system and the predicted number values of the subsidy rate and levy level can be the basis in practice. For people, the proper management measures will reduce exposure from SFLs effectively, especially the risk of exposure to mercury. For society, the measures can help increase resource utilization rate. For manufacturers, an effective extended responsibility fund will motivate them to improve processing technique and green design.  相似文献   

A program has been designed to meet a nationwide intelligence-gathering responsibility to obtain general and relative information on current and potential air pollution in areas where interstate transport of pollution may reasonably be expected to exist. This paper describes the field devices utilized in the program. By means of these static “effects packages,” data will be accumulated on: dustfall, particulate impingement, sulfation, corrosion, and tarnishing of metals, and deterioration of textiles, dyes, and rubber. Data accumulated during the “pilot phase” of the program will be discussed.  相似文献   

Since 1959 the California Department of Public Health has held responsibility for setting standards for ambient air quality and for motor vehicle emissions. The need for standards for oxides of nitrogen involves consideration both of direct effects and effects resulting from participation in photochemical smog reactions. This paper discusses the various effects of concern and describes the department’s program for establishing air quality standards which will become the basis for vehicle emission standards and serve as guides for control of other sources of oxides of nitrogen.  相似文献   

The initial state implementation plans concentrated on attainment of the ambient air quality standards in the relatively polluted areas of the country. Many of these plans must now be modified to ensure that the ambient standards will be maintained for the foreseeable future, and to ensure that significant deterioration of air quality in clean areas of the country is prevented.

The existing implementation plans currently contain many measures which are applicable to the maintenance and deterioration efforts, but additional measures must also be developed. Many of these additional measures will involve future planning activities—most common of which will be land use planning activities.

The point is made that, after existing sources have reduced their emissions to the lowest practical level, further air pollution control can only be accomplished by implementing rational planning procedures for management of any new sources of air pollution. This will require extensive cooperation among the air pollution control community; regional, state, and local planning agencies; state and local governments; and the general public in order to ensure that future land use plans include appropriate air quality considerations.  相似文献   

The choice of air pollution equipment best suited for a specific foundry cupola involves the consideration of a number of factors.—They are: (1) The design of the cupola, including openings, door enclosures, height of stack, etc. These features greatly affect the size, cost, and efficiency of control systems. (2) The constituents of the effluent gas and the other properties, such as temperature and volume, are extremely important because corrosion, warpage, and low efficiency can result from these variables. (3) Four distinctly different types of air pollution control equipment are available for cupolas. They vary widely in initial cost, operating cost, and maintenance, but also vary widely in efficiency. (4) Local air pollution regulations and community considerations dictate the choice of air pollution equipment. Those regulations now in force are quite stringent in some localities, but quite lenient in others. An incremental approach to installation of systems would make one economically feasible for the small foundry.  相似文献   

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