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A collaborative test was conducted to determine the precision of the chemiluminescent method which has been specified for measuring ozone, to determine photochemical oxidant. Ten laboratories participated in a test involving the analysis of an urban atmosphere containing a photochemical smog mixture. Ozone generators were used to increase the O3 level over that naturally occurring, in order to cover an adequate range of concentrations. The range tested was 0 to 0.5 ppm.

A statistical analysis of the data obtained was used to derive equations for within laboratory and between laboratory standard deviations. In order to evaluate sampling data, these equations can be used in various statistical procedures to estimate repeatability, reproducibility, lower detectable limit, and other measures that establish the precision of the method.

Using specific definitions for repeatability and reproducibility, the following approximate estimates were obtained in the range of zero to 0.5 ppm:

Repeatability—0.01 to 0.04 ppm (varies with concentration, linear).

Reproducibility—0.01 to 0.09 ppm (varies with concentration, non-linear).

The lower detectable limit depends on instrumental and other variables, and cannot be specified precisely. Under typical assumptions, this limit can be estimated at between 0.006 and 0.009 ppm.  相似文献   

Recent investigations have indicated that ambient air CO measurements may not reflect population exposure to CO. The lack of correlation may be due to improper siting of CO instruments, improper interpretation of air quality data, or both. Studies of population carboxy-hemoglobin levels are evaluated and compared with ambient air data.,

No significant correlation was found between median population COHb levels and reductions in CO concentrations required to meet ambient air standards when calculations used to estimate reductions were based on the second highest 8 hour average. However, calculated reductions based on annual average concentrations and a trend analysis technique correlated significantly with COHb levels in five cities from which both CAMP and COHb data were available.

Studies to determine the nature of the relationship between ambient air CO concentrations and population COHb levels are needed. The differences between the Occupational Safety and Health Act Regulations and the National Ambient Air Standards for carbon monoxide should be scrutinized to determine if a redefinition of the standards or their applicability is warranted. A reevaluation of the controls necessary to make reductions in population COHb burden may be necessary.  相似文献   

The original goals of this project1 were to establish the shape of a smoke curve for fine suspended particulates in New York City comparable to the International Smoke Curve used in British and other European practice, and to relate two commonly used reporting units of surface concentration, μg/m3 (European practice) and Coh/1000 lineal feet (United States practice), to each other. While not directly a goal of the project, it was essential in the course of work to study the relationship between particulate density readings taken for one hour and two hour sampling periods. Progress toward achievement of these goals is presented in the following pages.  相似文献   

An air quality survey technique for measuring the horizontal spatial variation of carbon monoxide concentrations in urban areas is described; it was used to determine how representative an urban air monitoring station is of concentrations throughout the city.

The survey technique was applied in San Jose, Calif., where 1128 samples were collected over a six-month period and were compared with the values recorded simultaneously at the urban air monitoring station. All samples were collected at “breathing height” within a 13-square-mile grid which included the downtown area as well as surrounding residential and industrial locations. Three basic sampling strategies were employed to answer specific questions about the distribution of carbon monoxide concentration: (7) walking sampling, in which samples were obtained while walking along the sidewalks of congested downtown streets, (2) random spatial sampling, in which samples were collected at randomly selected points in the urban grid, and (3) specialized sampling in the immediate vicinity of the air monitoring station.

The results indicate that pedestrians on downtown streets in San Jose can be exposed to concentrations above the federal air quality standards without these values being observed at the air monitoring station. There also is evidence that, at any instant of time, similar values of carbon monoxide exist throughout this city (within a 13-square mile area), provided that measurements are not made in close proximity to streets. Furthermore, the higher concentrations observed in the immediate vicinity of streets decrease quite rapidly with increasing horizontal distance from these streets.

These findings, in the view of the authors, raise serious doubts as to whether it is possible to determine if air quality standards as currently defined are actually being met in urban areas using data from present-day air monitoring stations.  相似文献   


The accuracy of CO concentration determination by open-path Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometry has been re-evaluated in detail. The evaluation focuses on the correction of the calibration curve—the integrated intensity of a standard spectrum—that is used as a comparison spectrum when doing quantitative analysis of CO. Results show that the calibration curve (with 0.5 cm-1 or 1 cm-1 resolution) is apparently inclined to be nonlinear under standard conditions, and that the threshold point of nonlinearity is ~0.1 atm-cm. Two commercial FTIR field monitoring systems have been used to investigate the nonlinearity trend. The experimental method consists of using open-path FTIR systems in combination with nondispersive infrared (NDIR) monitors to establish the calibration curve in a semi-closed corridor. The results have been double-checked using closed-cell dynamic equilibrium systems.

When the optical density is larger than a certain value, the curves begin to bend, and when the optical density approaches zero, the band strength is around 178 ± 3 atm-1 cm-2 and 173 ± 2 atm-1 cm-2, respectively, for 0.5 and 1 cm-1 resolution at standard temperature and pressure (STP). These values are quite different from other published data that have been acquired by the pressurized method or by high-resolution  相似文献   

Carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons were sampled at operator’s nose height inside vehicles moving in moderate to heavy traffic in six cities. The samples were integrated over 20-30 minutes by collection in Mylar bags. Carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons were analyzed by infrared and flame ionization, respectively, with instruments at the Continuous Air Monitoring Program (CAMP) station in each city. Detector tubes for carbon monoxide were also used to determine 5-min concentrations at suspected high points in the field. Estimates of traffic density were made. Three types of traffic arteries were considered: (7) heavily traveled, wide expressways, (2) main city streets with moderately rapid vehicular traffic, and (3) center city streets with slow-moving traffic. Integrated half-hour CO concentrations obtained within the vehicles while in traffic were generally considerably higher than the concurrent concentrations measured at the CAMP sites. In-traffic CO values in all cities sampled exceeded 30 ppm in at least 10% of the integrated samples. The range of city averages was 21–39 ppm carbon monoxide and the range of individual integrated samples was 7–77 ppm of carbon monoxide.  相似文献   


A method for predicting the performance of packed columns that control gaseous air pollutants has been developed that exploits the advances in both computer software and hardware commonly used by practicing engineers. The solution of the simultaneous partial differential equations that describe the absorption process in packed columns that occurs in the presence of chemical reaction is obtained by converting the partial differential equations to systems of ordinary differential equations. These systems of ordinary differential equations are then solved using the method of lines along with a variable step, variable order numerical method. The method is applicable to systems in which there are multiple reactions within the liquid phase. The reactions can be of any order and can be reversible. The programming is simple and the machine running time is minimal. The method is illustrated here with an example.  相似文献   


Landfills represent a source of distributed emissions source over an irregular and heterogeneous surface. In the method termed “Other Test Method-10” (OTM-10), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed a method to quantify emissions from such sources by the use of vertical radial plume mapping (VRPM) techniques combined with measurement of wind speed to determine the average emission flux per unit area per time from nonpoint sources. In such application, the VRPM is used as a tool to estimate the mass of the gas of interest crossing a vertical plane. This estimation is done by fitting the field-measured concentration spatial data to a Gaussian or some other distribution to define a plume crossing the vertical plane. When this technique is applied to landfill surfaces, the VRPM plane may be within the emitting source area itself. The objective of this study was to investigate uncertainties associated with using OTM-10 for landfills. The spatial variability of emission in the emitting domain can lead to uncertainties of –34 to 190% in the measured flux value when idealistic scenarios were simulated. The level of uncertainty might be higher when the number and locations of emitting sources are not known (typical field conditions). The level of uncertainty can be reduced by improving the layout of the VRPM plane in the field in accordance with an initial survey of the emission patterns. The change in wind direction during an OTM-10 testing setup can introduce an uncertainty of 20% of the measured flux value. This study also provides estimates of the area contributing to flux (ACF) to be used in conjunction with OTM-10 procedures. The estimate of ACF is a function of the atmospheric stability class and has an uncertainty of 10–30%.  相似文献   

It is common practice to use the second highest value both in determining compliance with the once-per-year air quality standards (AQS) and as a measure of air quality in pollutant trend studies and rollback calculations. A study of the variation in the second highest 8 hr carbon monoxide concentration observed at the CAMP stations 1962-72 is presented. It is shown that, for a given annual average, the second highest value can differ by a factor of 2 due to random variation. The annual average is linearly related to the observed average of the second highest value and is shown to be a good predictor of the percent of time the carbon monoxide AQS is exceeded. It is concluded that the annual average, which is less variable and not as greatly influenced by erroneous measurements, is the preferred measure of air quality for trend studies and air quality projections.  相似文献   


The use of sorbents has been proposed to remove volatile organic compounds (VOCs) present in ambient air at concentrations in the parts-per-billion (ppb) range, which is typical of indoor air quality applications. Sorbent materials, such as granular activated carbon and molecular sieves, are used to remove VOCs from gas streams in industrial applications, where VOC concentrations are typically in the parts-per-million range. A method for evaluating the VOC removal performance of sorbent materials using toluene concentrations in the ppb range is described. Breakthrough times for toluene at concentrations from 2 to 7500 ppb are presented for a hydrophobic molecular sieve at 25% relative humidity. By increasing the ratio of challenge gas flow rate to the mass of the sorbent bed and decreasing both the mass of sorbent in the bed and the sorbent particle size, this method reduces the required experimental times by a factor of up to several hundred compared with the proposed American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers method, ASHRAE 145P, making sorbent performance evaluation for ppb-range VOC removal more convenient. The method can be applied to screen sorbent materials for application in the removal of VOCs from indoor air.  相似文献   

This study compares in situ observed porewater concentration of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) with predictions by common solid-water phase distribution models. Bottom sediments were sampled in The Grenlandsfjords, Norway, and the interstitial porewater was isolated from the solids by centrifugation and filtration. Both phases were analysed for polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/F), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), and organic carbon. Based on the sediments' solid phase content of POPs, organic carbon, and soot carbon, we used the organic matter partitioning (OMP), and also the soot and organic matter partitioning (SOMP) model to estimate the porewater concentration. The OMP model gave better agreement to observations than the SOMP model for both PCDD/Fs and PAHs. The observed concentration of the PCDD/Fs in the sediments' porewater was much higher than in the deep water of the fjord. The logarithm of the organic matter-water partitioning coefficent (log K(OC)) in the porewater had positive linear regression on the logarithm of the octanol-water partitioning coefficient (log K(OW)). The slope of the regression model was indistinguishable from 1, except for the PAHs as a group which had a slope less than 1. This contrasts to previous studies undertaken in The Grenlandsfjords water column, where the slopes were higher than 1 for PCDD/Fs, and the K(OC) were much higher than the K(OW). One explanation may be that the influence of POPs adsorption to soots decrease because competitive sorption by other compounds in the sediment are higher than in the water column. This indicates that the sorption isotherms for these POPs need better understanding in order to be applicable in both the water column and the porewater.  相似文献   

Using short-term hemocyte cultures of the colonial ascidian Botryllus schlosseri exposed to various sublethal concentrations of Diuron (3-(3,4-diclorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea) and TCMS pyridine (2,3,5,6-tetrachloro-4-(metylsulphonyl)pyridine), we evaluated their immunotoxic effects through a series of cytochemical assays previously used for organotin compounds. At concentrations higher than 250 μ M and 10 μ M for Diuron and TCMS pyridine, respectively, both biocides exerted immunosuppressant effects on Botryllus hemocytes, causing i) deep changes in the cytoskeleton that irreversibly affect cell morphology and phagocytosis, ii) induction of DNA damage, iii) leakage of oxidative and hydrolytic enzymes due to membrane alteration. Unlike organotin compounds, Diuron and TCMS pyridine do not inhibit cytochrome-c-oxidase, and only TCMS pyridine triggers oxidative stress. When co-present, they exert an antagonistic interaction on cytoskeletal components.  相似文献   

Using short-term hemocyte cultures of the colonial ascidian Botryllus schlosseri exposed to various sublethal concentrations of Diuron (3-(3,4-diclorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea) and TCMS pyridine (2,3,5,6-tetrachloro-4-(metylsulphonyl)pyridine), we evaluated their immunotoxic effects through a series of cytochemical assays previously used for organotin compounds. At concentrations higher than 250 micro M and 10 micro M for Diuron and TCMS pyridine, respectively, both biocides exerted immunosuppressant effects on Botryllus hemocytes, causing i) deep changes in the cytoskeleton that irreversibly affect cell morphology and phagocytosis, ii) induction of DNA damage, iii) leakage of oxidative and hydrolytic enzymes due to membrane alteration. Unlike organotin compounds, Diuron and TCMS pyridine do not inhibit cytochrome-c-oxidase, and only TCMS pyridine triggers oxidative stress. When co-present, they exert an antagonistic interaction on cytoskeletal components.  相似文献   

The combined XAD-4/8-Ames test procedure for concentrating and detecting trace amounts of organic mutagens, as already described for surface water, is shown to be suitable for drinking water as well. DMSO is as effective as acetone in eluting the adsorbed mutagens, and optimal recovery of overall mutagenic activity is observed at a flow rate of 2–4 bed volumes/min. The drinking water of 6 cities in The Netherlands, which prepare their drinking water from the rivers Rhine and Meuse, has been tested for mutagenic activity. Mutagenic activity could be demonstrated in 4 cities. Dose-related responses are observed with concentrates of as little as 500 ml of drinking water and the 4 cities clearly differ with regard to the type of mutations induced (TA 98 or TA 100) and the effect of metabolic activation. The absence of mutagenic activity in drinking water of 2 cities indicates that by a proper combination of treatment processes the organics which are responsible for the detected mutagenic activity in drinking water can be removed to a high degree.  相似文献   

Appropriate pH-related permissible soil-limit concentrations for cadmium in sewage sludge-treated agricultural soils were estimated from the proportional changes in concentrations of cadmium in potatoes, oats and ryegrass grown on two sludge-amended soils and at different pH values. Implications for potential human dietary intake of cadmium were also assessed. Yields of crops increased with increasing soil pH, probably in response to decreasing uptake of zinc as soil pH value was raised. In general, cadmium concentrations in peeled potato tubers, potato peelings, oat straw and ryegrass decreased as simple linear functions of increasing soil pH over the range of pH values measured (pH 3.9-7.6). Cadmium concentrations in potato peel were particularly sensitive to changing pH conditions, whereas cadmium levels in oat grain were independent of soil pH. On the basis that a highly precautionary approach is adopted in setting soil standards for heavy metals, appropriate permissible concentrations of cadmium in sludge-treated agricultural soil which protect the human food chain were determined as 2.0 and 2.5 mg Cd Kg(-1) for banded pH ranges of 5.0-5.5 and 5.5-6.0, respectively.  相似文献   

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