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Caribbean pine, an economically important tree of tropical lowlands, is at risk of SO2 exposure in certain locales. Twenty-week old seedlings of Caribbean, Scots, and Virginia pine were exposed to 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 ppm SO2 (1300, 2600, and 5200 μm?3, respectively) for 1, 2, 4, and 8 h in modified controlled-environment chambers. Severity of SO2-induced leaf necrosis for each species was related to SO2 concentration and exposure duration using a regression model. The three dose-response relationships differed in detail, but Caribbean pine seedlings were generally as sensitive to SO2 as seedlings of the two highly sensitive temperate species. In addition, 173 4-wk-old Caribbean pine seedlings were exposed to 0.5 ppm SO2 for 4 h. Over one-half of these seedlings exhibited some necrosis and over one-sixth had more than 5 percent of leaf surface necrotic. It is concluded that Caribbean pine seedlings are highly sensitive to acute doses of SO2.  相似文献   

Three experiments were designed to determine the effects of SO2 concentration on two Southeastern oat varieties—Caroiee and Coker 227. The plants were grown under uniform conditions prior to and after the experimental growth period. During the 7 to 14 day experimental growth period the plants were subjected to four growth temperatures (18/14, 22/18, 26/22 and 30/26° C day/night temperatures) and exposed 2 or 4 times to specific concentrations of SO2 (from 0 to 4 ppm) for 1.5 or 3.0 hr periods. In the first two experiments, the exposure temperatures were varied (18° to 30° C). In the third design, the exposure temperatures remained constant and two exposure relative humidities (55 and 80%) were used. Injury and growth reductions were more severe in Coker 227 than in Caroiee. Root dry weight (RDW) was affected more than top dry weight (TDW). Plants were more sensitive at the higher growth temperatures. Exposure temperatures had little to variable effects. Plants were more sensitive at 80% than at 55% relative humidity. Biomass was reduced at 0.4 ppm SO2 after four 3 hr exposures and at 0.75 ppm after two 1.5 hr exposures, but growth was also increased as often. These concentrations approached the accepted threshold for adverse effects to sensitive vegetation. Foliar injury was highly correlated with growth reductions.  相似文献   

Biochemical and physiological experiments were conducted on pea plants (Pisum sativum) continuously exposed in growth chambers to SO2 gas for 18 days. S02 gas concentrations were 0.1, 0.15, and 0.25 ppm. In plants exposed to 0.1 and 0.15 ppm it was clearly demonstrated that there was a greater accumulation of inorganic sulfur, a reduced buffer capacity of the cells relative to H-ions, and a stimulation of glutamate dehydrogenase activity. The only macroscopic symptom seen was slight chlorosis of the older leaves. There was only a slight decrease in fresh and dry weights of these plants compared to the control plants whereas in the group of plants exposed to 0.25 ppm SO2 foliage necrosis was considerable. In addition, there was a marked reduction in the fresh and dry weights of the latter plants. However, the relationship among accumulated inorganic sulfur, reduced buffer capacity, and increased glutamate dehydrogenase activity as seen for the lower S02 concentrations was close. Accordingly, if might be possible to use these three parameters to diagnose S02 injury before any significant symptoms appear. In the case of severe SO2 injury there was a marked increase in glutamine and ammonia concentrations suggesting that these factors in addition to the above could be used in diagnosing severe SO2 injury. There was no significant difference between plants treated with 0.1 or 0.15 ppm SO2 and control plants in the contents of K, Ca, P, and N fractions. Therefore, these factors would not be useful in the early detection of SO2 injury.  相似文献   

SO2 concentrations for two consecutive growing seasons were obtained from an eleven-station monitoring network in a portion of the Ohio River Valley that contains four coal-fired generating stations. Elevated SO2 concentrations occurred at all sites with a diurnal pattern that provided higher frequencies of occurrence between 1100 and 1700 hours. Most episodes with concentrations equal to or greater than 267 μg m−3 (0.1 ppm) were brief, lasting for two hours or less. These episodes rarely occurred on two or more consecutive days. Elevated NOx was associated with elevated SO2. Temporal patterns of SO2 occurrence as well as concentrations and durations of exposures should be duplicated in experiments with annual vegetation species if results are to relate to actual field conditions near sources. Since patterns vary with topography, climate and source-receptor relationships, SO2 exposure patterns in experiments with vegetation should be tailored to the particular region under study.  相似文献   

Seedlings of Norway maple (Acer platanoides), silver birch (Betula pendula), Norway spruce (Picea abies) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) were grown in selected sodium chloride (NaCl) concentrations, soil types and under different watering regimes. Plants were raised from seeds, except for Scots pine plants which were obtained from a commercial source. Among the plant species tested, Scots pine was the most tolerant to soil salinity, while Norway spruce was the most susceptible. For both Norway maple and Norway spruce some half-sib families were more tolerant than others. No significant correlation was found between the tolerance of different half-sib families and the tolerance of mother trees observed in the field. The extent of leaf necrosis correlated significantly with the leaf concentrations of sodium (Na) and chloride (Cl). Among half-sib families within the species no such correlation was found. On the other hand, the least injured progeny of Norway maples had the highest concentrations of NaCl. The extent of salt-induced leaf necrosis varied with soil type, and a significant interaction between species and soil type was observed. Seedlings of Norway spruce grown in sand showed more severe necrosis and significantly higher concentrations of Na and Cl than seedlings grown in loam, silt loam, and peat. The severity of salt-induced leaf injury varied with the watering regime. Silver birch was the most affected species by drought and autumn watering treatments. Plants of silver birch subjected to drought showed increased leaf necrosis compared to the non-treated plants, and autumn watering treatment reduced the severity of leaf necrosis.  相似文献   

The influence of exposure to mixtures of SO2 and HF on Koethen sweet orange and mixtures and alternate exposure to these gases on Satsuma mandarin were tested using a rotating fumigation greenhouse. Effects of HF-SO2 mixtures on linear growth and leaf area of Koethen orange were additive, not synergistic. No necrosis was observed on Koethen oranges exposed to HF, SO2, or a mixture of HF and SO2. Effects of the mixture on chlorosis of Satsuma mandarin foliage was also not synergistic. No significant difference in linear growth of Satsuma mandarin was found among all treatments. Alternate exposure to SO2 followed by HF produced no synergistic injury to Satsuma mandarin. Satsuma mandarin appeared more sensitive than Koethen orange to HF, SO2, and mixtures of these two gases using degree of chlorosis and leaf abscission as the criteria of sensitivity. If iinear growth and leaf area were the principal criteria considered, Koethen orange would appear more sensitive.  相似文献   

Ten species of plants, five perennials and five annuals, native to the Mojave desert were grown in pots and fumigated in open top plastic greenhouses, 25 hours/week, with SO2 and/or NO2. Three levels of SO2: 2.0, 0.67, and 0.22 parts per million (ppm); three levels of NO2: 1.0, 0.33, and 0.11 ppm; three treatments with 2.0 ppm SO2 + 1.0 ppm NO2, 0.67 ppm SO2 + 0.33 ppm NO2 and 0.22 ppm SO2 + 0.11 ppm NO2 plus untreated control plants were used in the fumigations. The perennials were fumigated for 16 weeks in 1977 and 32 weeks in 1978. Three species of annuals were grown and fumigated for 17 weeks, a fourth for 16 weeks, and a fifth for 12 weeks. A second crop of the first three annuals were grown; one for 12 weeks, a second for 8, and a third for 9 weeks.

Individual species differed widely in their particular responses to the fumigants. The fumigations of perennials with 2.0 ppm of SO2 or NO2 at 1.0 ppm caused extensive leaf injury, and reduced growth or dry weight of Larrea divaricate Cav., Chilopsls linearis Cav., and Ambrosia dumosa (Gray) Payne. The combined fumigants had additive effects. No suggestion of synergism was noted. These fumigants at lower concentrations stimulated lateral growth of Encelia farinosa Gray ex Torr. and Erodium cicutarium (L.) L’Her., dry weight of Atriplex canescens (Pursh) Nutt. and Plantago insularis Eastw. and increased flowering of Balleya pleniradiata Harv. and Gray, thus indicating beneficial effects.

Annual species were more severely affected by 2.0 ppm SO2 than the perennials and extensive injury or death of plants occurred in all annuals. At the 0.67 ppm level severe leaf injury occurred. NO2 at 1.0 ppm was less injurious than SO2 and addition of NO2 to SO2 suggested an antagonistic effect. Plant survival and flowering was increased by adding NO2 to plants being treated with SO2

Comparison of perennial species showed Larrea sensitive, Chilopsis, Encella and Ambrosia intermediate, and Atriplex resistant. The annual species showed Erodium cicutarium and Plantago Insularis to be extremely sensitive, Phacelia crenulata Torr very sensitive and Baileya pleniradiata sensitive. Chaenactis carphoclinia Gray grew poorly and no valid rating was possible.  相似文献   

Interest in air pollution injury to native vegetation has been generated with the construction and planned construction of large coal-fired power plants near the coal reserves in the southwest desert areas of the United States. Since information on the effects of SO2 on these native species was not available in the literature, fumigation studies were conducted with portable chambers placed over native species in the field with SO2 and SO2 + NO2. Pollutant concentrations were measured and controlled with instruments located in a mobile laboratory. Each fumigation was of two hours duration and the concentration ranged from 0.5 to 11 ppm SO2 and from 0.1 to 5 ppm NO2. Concentrations of SO2 above 2 ppm were required to cause injury to all but a few of the 87 species studied. Many of the native desert species proved to be highly resistant to injury from these gases.  相似文献   

Industrial, commercial, and domestic levels of formaldehyde exposure range from <0.1 to >5.0 ppm. Irritation of the eyes and upper respiratory tract predominate, and bronchoconstriction is described in case reports. However, pulmonary function and irritant symptoms together have not been assessed over a range of HCHO concentrations in a controlled environment. We investigated dose response in both symptoms and pulmonary function associated with 3-h exposures to 0.0-3.0 ppm HCHO in a controlled environmental chamber. Ten subjects were randomly exposed to 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 ppm HCHO at rest plus 2.0 ppm HCHO with exercise and nine additional subjects were randomly exposed to 0.0,1.0,2.0, and 3.0 ppm HCHO at rest plus 2.0 ppm HCHO with exercise. Significant dose-response relationships in odor and eye irritation were observed (p < 0.05). Nasal flow resistance was increased at 3.0 ppm (p < 0.01), but not at 2.0 ppm HCHO. There were no significant decrements in pulmonary function (FVC, FEV1, FEF25-75%, SGaw) or increases in bronchial reactivity to methacholine (log PD35SGaw) with exposure to 0.5-3.0 ppm HCHO at rest or to 2.0 ppm HCHO with exercise.  相似文献   

The removal of SO2 with atomization of a slaked lime slurry and supplemental injection of gaseous NH3 were tested in a conventional spray dryer/baghouse system for SO2 concentrations of 2000 ppm and 3000 ppm and a 30° F approach to saturation. Results at 3000 ppm of SO2 showed an average SO2 removal efficiency of 90.3 percent at a combined stoichiometric ratio of 0.95-1.10 and an average overall sorbent utilization of 91.6 percent. The overall molal ratio of NH3/SO2 reaction was found to be 2:1 under the test conditions Particle size analyses, and EP toxicity tests were conducted on the products of the reactions.  相似文献   

An automatic process gas chromatograph has been developed for use on the recovery furnace stack of a Kraft pulp mill. The instrument analyzes for widely varying concentrations of H2S, SO2, CH3SH and higher order sulfur compounds. It is insensitive to the fixed gases and water vapor, and performs its analysis in approximately ten minutes. The instrument features a microcoulometric detector giving it sensitivity to H2S as low as 0.1 ppm, and SO2 and CH3SH as low as 0.5 ppm. The major limit to even higher sensitivity at this stage of development lies with two problems: the background noise level in the detector and the sulfur compound absorption in the Porapak Q chromatograph column. At the reported sensitivity, a 40-ml gas sample was used. The instrument also contains a data analysis system supplementary to the usual strip chart recorder. This system is made up of a digital voltmeter, a digital translator, and a teletype and hence allows the transfer of the output data to a digital computer for processing. The processed data are usually presented in the form of ppm quantities of the component gases in the stack gas. The instrument has worked successfully on small furnace effluent for periods of 25 hr but has not been tried on recovery furnace stacks. It has also run on prepared samples for periods of up to seven days with no maintenance or attendance necessary.  相似文献   

An examination of the available toxicological literature indicates that sulfur dioxide itself would be properly classified as a mild respiratory irritant, the main portion of which is absorbed in the upper respiratory tract. The reported industrial experience of symptoms of mild chronic respiratory irritation from exposures at or above 5 ppm is compatible with what would have been predicted on the basis of available toxicological data. The basic physiological response to inhalation of pure SO2 appears to be a mild degree of bronchoconstriction reflected in a measurable increase in flow resistance. Although the response is highly variable, most individuals tested have responded to 5 ppm and levels of 5 to 10 ppm have upon occasion produced severe bronchospasm in sensitive individuals. This serves to point up the fact that experience with the industrial Threshold Limit Value (5 ppm) is not applicable as a guide for the general population. Although the majority of individuals tested have shown no detectable response to levels of 1 ppm, there are again sensitive individuals who have responded. It is not known whether these individuals would have responded to concentrations lower than this. The response of these more sensitive individuals to 1 ppm would be classified as detectable response, not as severe bronchospasm. An examination of the available toxicological literature also indicates that sulfuric acid and irritant sulfates, to the extent that the latter have been examined, are more potent irritants than sulfur dioxide. This has been demonstrated in studies using morality and lung pathology as criteria as well as in studies using alterations in pulmonary function in experimental animals and human subjects. The irritant potency of these substances is affected by particle size and by relative humidity, which factors are probably interrelated. It is unfortunate that these substances have not been as yet studied in as great detail as has the less irritant sulfur dioxide. There is evidence which cannot be ignored, even though it is based entirely on animal experiments of one investigator, indicating that the presence of particulate material capable of oxidizing sulfur dioxide to sulfuric acid caused a three to fourfold potentiation of the irritant response. The aerosols causing this potentiation were soluble salts of ferrous iron, manganese and vanadium all of which would become droplets upon inhalation. Insoluble aerosols such as carbon, iron oxide fume, triphenylphosphate or fly ash did not cause a potentiation of the irritant action of SO2 even when used at higher concentrations. The concentrations of SO2 used in these various experiments were in some cases as low as 0.16 ppm. The catalytic aerosols were used at concentrations of 0.7 to 1 mg/m3 which is above any reported levels of these metals in urban air. If the SO2 present as an air pollutant remained unaltered until removed by dilution, there would be no evidence in the toxicological literature suggesting that it would be likely to have any effects on man at prevailing levels. Studies of atmospheric chemistry have shown that SO2 does not remain unaltered in the atmosphere, especially under onditions of high humidity and in the presence of particulate material, but is converted to H2SO4. Such a conversion increases its irritant potency. On this basis the toxicological literature combined with the literature of atmospheric chemistry suggest that sulfur dioxide levels be controlled in terms of the potential formation of irritant particles. This means that control measures as far as feasible should be aimed at both SO2 and particulate material and not against either alone.  相似文献   

Studies on impacts of air pollutants on vegetation have focused primarily on individual pollutants: ozone, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide. The impacts of pollutant combinations have not been extensively studied and there has been no concerted effort to ensure that experimental regimes for combined pollutant exposures are representative of ambient pollutant concentration, frequency, duration and time intervals between events. Most studies concerning the impact of pollutant combinations on vegetation have used concentrations of 0.05 ppm and greater. Therefore, co-occurrence was defined as the simultaneous occurrence of hourly averaged concentrations of 0.05 ppm or greater for pollutant pairs (SO2/NO2, O3/SO2, or O3/NO2). Air quality information from three data bases (EPA-SAROAD, EPRI-SURE and TVA) was analyzed to determine the frequency of co-occurrence for pollutant pairs. Ambient air quality data representing a diverse range of monitoring sites (e.g. rural, remote, city center, urban, near urban, etc.) were used in the analysis. Results showed that at most sites (1) the co-occurrence of two-pollutant mixtures lasted only a few hours per episode, (2) the time interval between episodes was generally large (weeks, sometimes months) and (3) most studies have used more intense exposure regimes than occurred at most monitored sites. When designing vegetation experiments for assessing pollutant mixture effects, it may be desirable to give greater emphasis to sequential patterns of exposure. It is suggested that future work is required before a reliable estimate can be made of the environmental significance of pollutant mixtures on vegetation.  相似文献   

Leaf injury data from acute and chronic exposure studies of Dare soybean were regressed against the logarithms of exposure time and O3 and SO2 concentrations to develop a new two-pollutant leaf injury model (which explains 88% of the variance) and to calculate the parameters of best fit for this new model and a previously developed one-pollutant model. Using the calculated parameters, the percentage of leaf surface Injured over a growing season by O3, SO2, or both simultaneously was estimated for an ambient air sampling site located 2 miles from a coal burning power plant. For this site, the one- and two-pollutant models predicted that SO2 effects would be negligible If SO2 concentrations never exceeded the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) of 0.50 ppm, averaged over 3 h. However, calculations suggest that O3 may injure up to 24% of Dare soybean leaf surface over a growing season even though the O3 NAAQS of 0.12 ppm, averaged over 1 h, is never exceeded. Because the 3 h SO2 standard is exceeded at very few places, the O3 model is usually sufficient to estimate Dare soybean leaf Injury. Leaf injury is estimated by taking the logarithm of the summation of each daytime hour’s exponentiated O3 concentration (c) measured at an ambient air sampling site over a growing season. This is expressed as: z = -0.0828 + 0.4876 in (Σco3 2.618), where z is the Gaussian transform of percent leaf injury. The methods developed in this paper, using Dare soybean data as an example, may apply to other plants.  相似文献   

A method is described for quantifying health risks to asthmatics briefly exposed to elevated levels of SO2. By combining symptomologlcal and physiological measurements, we have developed a dose-response surface that relates both severity and incidence of response to ambient air quality levels. The complete model to assess potentially avoidable risks includes power plant emission data; ambient SO2 background levels; demographic and activity patterns of asthmatics, the identified population at risk; and the dose-response surface. The estimated annual risk to persons experiencing an SO2-lnduced response due to a nearby power plant is quite small (response rates under 3 percent). Uncertainties due to modeling errors, variations in activity patterns, demographics and physiological response are discussed.  相似文献   

Personal exposure models for sulfates (SO4 =) and aerosol strong acidity (H+) were previously developed using concentration and activity pattern data collected from a personal monitoring study conducted in Uniontown, Pennsylvania, during the summer of 1990. Models were constructed based on time-weighted microenvironmental exposures. For SO4 =, the “best-fit” model included a correction factor, while for H+, it included both a correction factor and a neutralization term.

In this paper, we present the validation of these models using data collected in a personal monitoring study conducted in State College, Pennsylvania, during the summer of 1991. Indoor and outdoor concentration and activity pattern data collected in this study were used as inputs for the “best-fit” models for SO4 = and H+. Predicted personal exposures subsequently were compared to the measured personal exposures from State College to determine their accuracy and precision.

Predicted personal exposures for both SO4 = and H+ were in excellent agreement with measured personal exposures from State College. The models explained 91 and 62 percent of the variability in personal SO4 = and H+ exposures, respectively, and were able to estimate personal exposures substantially better than outdoor concentrations alone. Validation results suggest that the models' correction and neutralization factors are not site specific and support the models' future application as a technique to assess the personal acid aerosol exposures of children living in similar rural and semi-rural communities.  相似文献   

A model for computing daily mean SO2 concentrations in Bergen, Norway, is developed and tested using SO2 measurements from seven winter seasons during the 1970s. The meteorological predictors used are daily mean temperature, wind speed and temperature at two levels. Source strength is estimated from daily mean temperature. Correlations between observed and estimated SO2 concentrations ranged between 0.8 and 0.9. Observed SO2 levels declined by about 40 % from beginning to end of the observation period due to decreased SO2 emission.  相似文献   

Petunia at about 6 weeks old and kidney bean at two growing stages (6–7 days old and 16–18 days old) were exposed separately to O3, (0–0.40 ppm) and PAN (0–0.25 ppm) for 4 h and to the mixture for the same time. In addition, petunia was exposed to O, (0.10–0.40 ppm) and then PAN (0.010−0.040 ppm) for 4 h, respectively. Foliar injury of petunia and kidney bean in exposures to the mixtures of O3 and PAN was significantly smaller than that induced by each oxidant, with the exception of PAN injury on young leaves of 16–18 day-old kidney bean. The percentage of foliar injury caused by either of the mixed pollutants decreased with an increase of the concentration of the other oxidant, and was found to approximate a logarithmic function of the combined pollutant concentrations expressed as O3, minum PAN or vice versa. Alternate exposures caused no additive or synergistic injuries.  相似文献   

The body of Information presented in this paper is directed to those Individuals concerned with the removal of NOx in combustion flue gases. A catalytic process for the selective reduction of nitrogen oxides by ammonia has been investigated. Efforts were made toward the development of catalysts resistant to SOx poisoning. Nitrogen oxides were reduced over various metal oxide catalysts in the presence or absence of SOx(SO2 and SO3). Catalysts consisting of oxides of base metals (for example, Fe2O3) were easily poisoned by SO3, forming sulfates of the base metals. A series of catalysts which are not susceptible to the SOx poisoning has been developed. The catalysts possess a high activity and selectivity over a wide range of temperatures, 250—450°C. The catalysts were tested in a pilot plant which treated a flue gas containing 110-150 ppm NOx, 660-750 ppm SO2, and 40-90 ppm SO3. The pilot plant was operated at 350°C and at a space velocity of 10,000 h-1. The removal of nitrogen oxides was more than 90% for several months.

A mechanism of the NO-NH3 reaction has also been investigated. It is found that NO reacts with NH3 at a 1:1 mole ratio in the presence of oxygen and the reaction is completely inhibited by the absence of oxygen. The experimental data show that the NO-NH3 reaction in the presence of oxygen is represented byNO + NH3 + 1/4 O2 = N2 + 3/2 H2O.  相似文献   

Precipitation samples at eight sites in the Norwegian Arctic and Northern Norway have been collected and analyzed for the period June 1982–June 1984. The results are compared with data for airborne SO2−4 and SO2 measured at ground level, and information on concentrations at higher levels from aircraft measurements and model calculations.The scavenging coefficients are generally low under Arctic winter conditions, and high during summer. This can be explained by the different vertical distributions of scavenged material in summer and winter, and differences in precipitation-forming processes. In addition, local climatic conditions with high relative humidity and high concentrations of sea-spray particles result in locally enhanced scavenging efficiencies at the island stations Bjørnøya and Jan Mayen. High NH+4 concentrations in precipitation occur near bird colonies during the breeding period.The wet deposition in the Arctic is small, i.e. an order of magnitude lower than in Southern Norway.  相似文献   

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