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Previous bench-scale experiments have provided data necessary for the development of empirical models that describe aerosol entrainment from bubble bursting. However, previous work has not been extended to non-Newtonian liquid slurries. Design of a waste treatment plant on the Hanford Site in Washington required an evaluation of the applicability of these models outside of their intended range. For this evaluation, aerosol measurements were conducted above an air-sparged mixing tank filled with simulated waste slurry possessing Bingham plastic rheological properties. Three aerosol-size fractions were measured at three sampling heights and for three different sparging rates. The measured entrainment was compared with entrainment models. One model developed based on bench-scale air-water experiments agreed well with measured entrainment. Another model did not agree well with the measured entrainment. It appeared that the source of discrepancy between measured and modeled entrainment stemmed from application beyond the range of data used to develop the model. A possible separation in entrainment coefficients between air-water and steam-water systems was identified. A third entrainment model was adapted to match experimental conditions and fit a posteri to the experimental data, resulting in a modified version that resulted in estimated entrainment rates similar to the first model.  相似文献   

The results of fractional and overall mass efficiency tests of a steam-ejector scrubber are presented. The tests were performed on one of seven modules of a full scale scrubber used for controlling particulate emissions from an open hearth furnace. Total flue gas particulate mass concentrations were determined at the inlet and outlet of the scrubber by conventional (Method 5) techniques. Inlet and outlet particulate concentrations as functions of diameter were determined on a mass basis using cascade impactors for sizes from about 0.3 μm to 5 μm, and on a number basis for diameters smaller than about 1 μm using optical and diffusional methods. Measurements were made under several scrubber operating conditions. The measured efficiencies based on total particulate mass concentrations with the scrubber operating under near optimum conditions ranged from 99.84 to 99.9%. The measured fractional efficiencies ranged from a maximum of 99.99% for particles having diameters of 1 μm to values of 97 and 99.9% for particles having diameters of 0.1, and 5 μm, respectively.  相似文献   


Over a six-week period, eleven tests were performed at the U.S. EPA Incineration Research Facility (IRF) in Jefferson, Arkansas to evaluate the fate of trace metals fed to a rotary kiln incinerator equipped with a Calvert Flux-Forcer/Condensation Scrubber pilot plant as the primary air pollution control system (APCS). Test variables were kiln temperature, ranging from 538 °C to 927 °C; waste feed chlorine content, ranging from 0% to 3.4%; and scrubber pressure drop, ranging from 8.2 kPa to 16.9 kPa. Mercury was among the six hazardous constituent trace metals fed to the IRF’s pilotscale rotary kiln incineration system as part of a synthetic waste feed. This paper focuses on the test results solely with respect to mercury.

As expected, mercury behaved as a very volatile metal throughout the tests; it was not detected in any kiln ash samples. Scrubber collection efficiency for mercury ranged from 67% to >99%, averaging 87%; this was somewhat lower than expected and may be attributable to low scrubber loadings.

The ability to collect and analyze representative scrubber water samples appears to have been affected by the waste feed chlorine content; detection of mercury at higher concentrations during high waste-chlorine-content tests is thought to be largely the result of the formation of mercuric chloride, a more water-soluble species, during those tests. As a result, no firm conclusions may be drawn regarding the true impact of waste feed chlorine content on mercury partitioning to the scrubber water. As expected, no significant relationship was observed between kiln exit-gas temperature and mercury partitioning, nor was there a significant relationship with scrubber pressure drop.  相似文献   

The two phase jet scrubbing system utilizes waste thermal energy to provide the operating power for a two phase jet which simultaneously cleans and induces the necessary draft. Tests results have shown excellent cleaning performance and a substantially reduced operating cost.  相似文献   


A three-dimensional mathematical model was used to predict the removal efficiency of a venturi scrubber for SO2 absorption into a water and alkaline solution. In order to obtain better results, nonuniform droplet concentration distribution was considered. The results of the model with nonuniform droplet concentration distribution are compared with several sets of experimental data, as well as with prediction data of a mathematical model with uniform droplet concentration distribution. Without exception, all comparisons indicated that including nonuniformity of droplet concentration distribution in the model will significantly improve the agreement between the experimental data and predicted values.  相似文献   

This paper describes the construction of and the data obtained from a light transmissometer capable of making mean drop size measurements within about ±15%. The experimental venturi had a throat flow cross-section of 12 in. by 14 in. and overall length in the flow direction was 15 ft. It was found that the Nukiyama-Tanasawa equation gave accurate estimates of Sauter mean drop size only for a throat velocity of 150 ft/sec.  相似文献   

A flux force/condensation (FF/C) scrubbing system was built to control participate emissions from a secondary metals recovery furnace. Total mass penetration and fractional penetration measurements were made under several different operating modes. The performance of the demonstration scrubber was consistent with the results of previous studies on FF/C scrubbing. The system was generally capable of 90 to 95 % efficiency on particles with a mass median aerodynamic diameter of 0.75 µA. This efficiency was achieved with a 68 cm (27 in.) W.C. gas-phase pressure drop.  相似文献   

The effect of three different arrangements of two water manifold injection systems on the performance of a venturi scrubber was studied. Velocities ranging from 23.4 to 49.7 m/sec were used with aerosol diameters of 0.8, 1.6, 2.9 and 5.0 microns. Scrubber efficiency was found to be larger than predicted theoretically with the larger particles, and smaller than predicted theoretically with the smaller particles. The spacing, diameter, and location of the injection orifices were found to have an effect on scrubber efficiency.  相似文献   

This paper includes results from pilot plant studies and early field demonstration units and a discussion of the application of the limestone wet scrubbing process to a low sulfur syb-butuminous coal. This latter application required the development of a hybrid two stage scrubber to enable collection of the fine particulate matter as well as removal of a significant amount of the sulfur dioxide.  相似文献   

The results of a 30-day sulfur dioxide monitoring program conducted at a utility boiler equipped with a limestone scrubber are presented. Program objectives were twofold: to demonstrate the reliable use of continuous monitoring equipment for determining scrubber performance and to support the proposed New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) published in the September 19, 1978, Federal Register. In general, continuous monitoring equipment is reliable as a source surveillance method. Results of the data collected indicate that the test site monitored was capable of performing under the guidelines of the proposed NSPS, and were incorporated in the final NSPS promulgated on June 11, 1979.  相似文献   

In this study, simple flows, such as buoyant jet and line thermal discharged into a still, uniform environment, are modelled mathematically by using integral equations of mass, momentum and thermal energy conservation. The governing equations are solved for entrainment rate by using an assumed growth rate model, the coefficients of which are fixed empirically. Entrainment models obtained by this method predict just as well as do models developed by other researchers who used different approaches.Our entrainment models are then applied to the problem of a turbulent jet discharged into a turbulent cross flow including both the near, intermediate, and far fields in a single model. It is assumed that the entrainment rate for this case can be obtained as a sum of terms representing near field entrainment of a buoyant jet and a line thermal, and far field mixing due to ambient turbulence. The predicted trajectories, velocities, and dilution rates agree satisfactorily with experimental results.  相似文献   

Fundamental concepts in the theory and design of the flooded disc scrubber - a new variable throat orifice contactor are presented. Test data from laboratory, pilot plant, and full scale operations on lime kiln, electric furnace, open hearth, blast furnace, and basic oxygen furnace applications are presented and compared with available data on other scrubbers. Conclusions are that performance on a given problem is primarily a function of power input - thus supporting the correlation concept of Semrau - and that little scale-up factor exists in utilizing pilot plant data in the design of full scale systems.  相似文献   


The removal efficiency of granular filters packed with lava rock and sand was studied for collection of airborne particles 0.05–2.5 μm in diameter. The effects of filter depth, packing wetness, grain size, and flow rate on collection efficiency were investigated. Two packing grain sizes (0.3 and 0.15 cm) were tested for flow rates of 1.2, 2.4, and 3.6 L/min, corresponding to empty bed residence times (equal to the bulk volume of the packing divided by the airflow rate) in the granular media of 60, 30, and 20 sec, respectively. The results showed that at 1.2 L/min, dry packing with grains 0.15 cm in diameter removed more than 80% (by number) of the particles. Particle collection efficiency decreased with increasing flow rate. Diffusion was identified as the predominant collection mechanism for ultrafine particles, while the larger particles in the accumulation mode of 0.7–2.5 μm were removed primarily by gravitational settling. For all packing depths and airflow rates, particle removal efficiency was generally higher on dry packing than on wet packing for particles smaller than 0.25 μm. The results suggest that development of biological filters for fine particles is possible.  相似文献   

The impact of gaseous exhaust emissions is determined for the following categories of mobile sources which are currently not covered by national emission regulations: 1) farm equipment, 2) merchant vessels, 3) locomotives, 4) lawn and garden implements, 5) snowmobiles, 6) outboard motors, 7) transport refrigeration units, and 8) helicopters. Mass emission rates of each category are tabulated and compared to other emissions from both mobile and stationary sources in selected Air Quality Control Regions. Also, projections are made as to the expected increase of emissions from each source category through 1990. The results show that in the near future some categories of mobile sources will be contributing substantial amounts of pollutants, on a mass basis, in regions with critical air pollution problems. As stricter emission standards on regulated sources continue to be implemented, the relative significance of these unregulated sources will increase. The major conclusion is that broad generalizations as to the amounts of air pollution contributed by these unregulated mobile sources nationwide may be grossly misleading. The only effective way to assess their impact is on a region-by-region basis. To this end, generalized computer programs are developed which permit the estimation of each category’s present and future mass emission rates in any Air Quality Control Region in the country  相似文献   

Some of the features of the fluidized-bed combustion (FBC) process have a direct bearing on the particulate properties that most strongly influence filtering pressure drop. A laboratory program was conducted to experimentally determine the relative pressure drop characteristics of ashes from the TVA-EPRI 20-MW bubbling bed, atmospheric pressure FBC (AFBC) pilot plant and six pulverized-coal combustion (PC) units. The combined influences of measured particle and dust cake properties on filtering pressure drop were estimated with existing filtration theories. These theories predict a higher pressure drop for a dust cake produced with the AFBC ash than for one consisting of any of the PC ashes. Laboratory measurements were made of the flow resistance of idealized, simulated dust cakes to confirm these predictions. Field operating data from the fabric filters collecting some of the tested ashes were available to validate the laboratory results. The laboratory and field data show relatively good agreement. The AFBC ash must be treated as a special case for fabric filters, and careful selection of cleaning method and fabric must be made to minimize the inherently high pressure drop characteristics of this ash.  相似文献   

Radio frequency (RF) chaff (approximately 2-cm x 25-microm diameter aluminum-coated glass silicate cylinders) released by military aircraft during testing and training activities has the potential to become entrained by wind upon settling to the Earth's surface. Once entrained from the surface there is the potential for RF chaff to be abraded and produce PM10 and PM2.5, which are regulated pollutants and pose health concerns. A series of portable wind tunnel tests were carried out to examine the propensity of RF chaff to become entrained by wind by defining the relationship between the threshold friction velocity of RF chaff (u(*t RF chaff)) and aerodynamic roughness (z(o)) of surfaces onto which it may deposit. The test surfaces were of varying roughness including types near the Naval Air Station (NAS), Fallon, NV, where RF chaff is released. The u(*t) of this fibrous material ranged from 0.14 m/sec for a smooth playa to 0.82 m/sec for a rough crusted playa surface with larger cobble-sized (approximately 6-26-cm diameter) rocks rising above the surface. The u(*t RF chaff) is dependent on the z(o) of the surface onto which it falls as well as the physical characteristics of the roughness. The wind regime of Fallon would allow for chaff suspension events to occur should it settle on typical surfaces in the area. However, the wind climatology of this area makes the probability of such events relatively low.  相似文献   


A bed-type filter composed of thin metal alloy fiber was closely examined with dust capturing in cold and hot runs. The investigation of an individual mechanism across the filter bed indicated that the aerated dust could be initially collected by depth filtration, and after a while, surface filtration dominated the overall dust collection. The present metal fiber bed was comparable to the conventional ceramic filters because of its good collection efficiency with low pressure drop. It also showed potential to be used as a prefilter in a diesel exhaust trapping system.  相似文献   

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