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Many traditional water quality standards are based on extreme percentiles; often, there is the risk of making wrong decisions with these standards because of high estimation uncertainty. Standards expressed as fuzzy intervals in the form of [trigger, enforcement limitation] make it possible to control the risks for the discharger and the consumer simultaneously. With fuzzy interval compliance, corrective action is initiated when the trigger is exceeded; noncompliance is declared when the enforcement limitation is exceeded. Fuzzy intervals would digest the risks that are inherent when a single enforcement limitation is used to determine compliance; the risks can be further lowered when the fuzzy intervals are based on less extreme percentiles. This paper proposes several alternatives to using a single extreme percentile standard for regulating water quality or waste discharge. A case study using municipal effluent water quality data was included that suggests methods to determine compliance with fuzzy interval standards.  相似文献   

Currently, according to Taiwan’s Water Pollution Control Act, the environmental control of waterbodies and water quality depends on the effluent standards and the standard of water quality in the rivers. The Act demands that each stationary pollution source comply with the effluent standard before being discharged into the rivers, and that the overall water quality in the river shall not exceed the declared standard of water quality. To improve the condition of the waterbodies and water quality of the rivers, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in Taiwan has made stricter regulations concerning the discharge standard. Such regulations will help to reduce the weight of individual pollutants discharged; the discharged wastewater, however, will still gradually worsen the water quality of the rivers even after complying with the effluent standard since some of the pollutant dischargers may decrease the concentration of pollutants by diluting the water before discharging; thus, the total weight of metals discharged in the rivers will not be reduced, and the water quality in the areas where the pollutant sources are concentrated will not thereby be significantly improved. To protect the irrigation water and farmlands from being polluted by discharged heavy metals in industrial wastewater, the EPA started controlling the sources in accordance with the total quantity control (TQC) as defined in the Water Pollution Control Act, in the hope of perfecting the environmental protection of waterbodies and water quality, as well as ensuring clean water sources without any pollution for the rivers, land, and people.  相似文献   

李大鹏 《环境工程学报》2010,4(8):1681-1686
水源污染与水质标准提高之间的矛盾、传统污染物与新型污染物并存的客观现实、突发性污染事件频发的状况,为当今构建适应我国国情的饮用水质安全保障技术体系提出了更高的要求。另一方面,污染物在水的循环系统中发生复杂的循环累积与转移转化过程,在处理与输配过程中发生复杂的形态结构转化过程,各种污染物及其中间产物在复杂介质界面体系下的复合毒性效应,对饮用水质安全风险综合控制提出了严峻的挑战。我国应围绕水质污染控制、水质达标、水质健康风险控制等综合目标开展战略性、基础性与创新性研究,为我国饮用水质安全保障与风险控制构建高效、经济、可行的支撑技术系统。  相似文献   

The initial state implementation plans concentrated on attainment of the ambient air quality standards in the relatively polluted areas of the country. Many of these plans must now be modified to ensure that the ambient standards will be maintained for the foreseeable future, and to ensure that significant deterioration of air quality in clean areas of the country is prevented.

The existing implementation plans currently contain many measures which are applicable to the maintenance and deterioration efforts, but additional measures must also be developed. Many of these additional measures will involve future planning activities—most common of which will be land use planning activities.

The point is made that, after existing sources have reduced their emissions to the lowest practical level, further air pollution control can only be accomplished by implementing rational planning procedures for management of any new sources of air pollution. This will require extensive cooperation among the air pollution control community; regional, state, and local planning agencies; state and local governments; and the general public in order to ensure that future land use plans include appropriate air quality considerations.  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview on air pollution assessments of new fossil energy technologies for baseload electric generating plants. The discussion is oriented towards those who must understand the broad issues affecting the design and performance of such power plants. It is motivated by the potential air pollution problems caused by the near doubling of coal use projected for the next 15 years.

The paper first reviews the applicable emissions performance standards for these plants, as well as predictions of likely future standards needed to protect the environment. The conclusion is reached that significantly tighter emissions standards will apply in the future.

Next, the cost, emissions performance, and development status of the three major technology groups for coal fired baseload plants are reviewed. It is observed that while all of the technologies can meet the current standards, only the Baseline plant with Advanced Control Technology can meet future standards, without unreasonable increases in electrical generation costs. Furthermore, since Advanced Direct Combustion Technologies and Fuel Conversion Technologies are in very early stages of development, only the Baseline plant with Advanced Control Technology will be available to the utilities in the near term. This is because it will be evolved from the current commercial Baseline Technology.

Hence, it is concluded that the utilities will use mainly the Baseline coal fired plant with Advanced Control Technology to protect the environment for the next 15-20 years.  相似文献   

In general, approved Total Allowable Catches (TACs) are higher than proposed TACs by the scientific assessment and reported landings approved are higher than approved TAC. We build a simple enforcement agency’s behavior model that generates—as a rational behavior—those two facts. The model has two ingredients. First, there exists illegal fishing generated by an imperfect enforcement technology; second, the enforcement agency cannot commit on announced penalties. We show that lack of commitment increases the potential benefits for national enforcement agency of deviating from proposal (scientific optimal) quotas. Although the enforcement agency wants to announce a low quota target to induce a low level of illegal harvest, it will find optimal to revise the quota announced in order to reduce penalties and improve fishermen welfare. Therefore, agencies find it optimal to approve higher quotas than that proposed by the scientific advice. Our main result is to show that when full compliance is not possible, and national agencies cannot commit, the introduction of Individual Transferable Quotas increases the potential benefits for agencies of deviating from the optimal proposed TAC by the scientific advised.  相似文献   

Aeration consumes about 60% of the total energy use of a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and therefore is a major contributor to its carbon footprint. Introducing advanced process control can help plants to reduce their carbon footprint and at the same time improve effluent quality through making available unused capacity for denitrification, if the ammonia concentration is below a certain set-point. Monitoring and control concepts are cost-saving alternatives to the extension of reactor volume. However, they also involve the risk of violation of the effluent limits due to measuring errors, unsuitable control concepts or inadequate implementation of the monitoring and control system. Dynamic simulation is a suitable tool to analyze the plant and to design tailored measuring and control systems. During this work, extensive data collection, modeling and full-scale implementation of aeration control algorithms were carried out at three conventional activated sludge plants with fixed pre-denitrification and nitrification reactor zones. Full-scale energy savings in the range of 16-20% could be achieved together with an increase of total nitrogen removal of 40%.  相似文献   

Most air pollution control programs rest on one or more of the following four basic philosophies: emission standards, air quality standards, emission taxes, and cost benefit analysis. Frequently they rest on mixtures or combinations of these four. This paper examines each of the four separately, tries to show why each is different from the others, and compares their advantages and disadvantages.  相似文献   

铬(Ⅵ)是突发性水污染常见污染物之一。研究表明,我国给水厂常规工艺出水铬(VI)超标风险较高,当污染强度为0.20m∥L时,投加混凝剂(PAFC)100mg/L,出水铬(VI)浓度为0.10mg/L,无法满足《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB5749.2006)0.05mg/L的要求。活性炭吸附法不是理想的铬(Ⅵ)应急处理方法,当污染强度为0.114~0.794mg/L时,在未调节原水pH(7~8)的条件下,增加活性炭投加量,去除效果无明显改善,出水铬(Ⅵ)浓度大于0.05mg/L。硫酸亚铁还原沉淀法是可行的铬(Ⅵ)污染应急处理方法,当铬(Ⅵ)污染强度为2.00mg/L,pH为7~8时,投加硫酸亚铁16mg/L,铬(Ⅵ)去除率达99.1%,出水铬(VI)与铁浓度分别为0.019和0.021mg/L,满足标准要求,改变硫酸亚铁投加量可满足不同污染强度下应急处理的需要。  相似文献   

不同再生水处理工艺出水水质回用途径适应性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为分析典型再生水处理工艺出水的回用途径适应性,采用标准指数法评价了4座不同处理工艺的再生水厂出水质量,为再生水处理工艺选择和安全回用提供参考。结果表明,4种再生水处理工艺出水用于市政杂用水时基本是安全的;除反渗透(RO)工艺外,其他工艺出水回用于景观环境用水时都存在氮磷指标超标问题;膜处理工艺的出水可以满足工业用水标准,但是常规絮凝过滤工艺出水用作工业用水应注意氮磷等指标的进一步处理;各种再生水处理工艺出水质量均不能满足地下水回灌用水标准,主要是氨氮和环境激素DBP超标问题,用作地下水回灌用水时存在一定的环境风险。  相似文献   

我国NOx排放的快速增长导致其环境和生态影响日益加剧,已经引起全球关注,但是现行的NOx污染控制技术和政策远远落后于实际需求。为减少酸雨、臭氧和颗粒物带来的环境问题,美国采取排放控制和排污交易等方式削减了燃煤电厂的NOx排放。系统分析了美国NOx污染控制法规、标准、规划和控制技术应用情况,总结了其NOx控制的成功经验,进一步提出了符合我国国情的NOx控制对策和技术选择。  相似文献   

Attaining sustainable agriculture is a key goal in many parts of the world. The increased environmental awareness and the ongoing attempts to execute agricultural practices that are economically feasible and environmentally safe promote the use of hydroponic cultivation. Hydroponics is a technology for growing plants in nutrient solutions with or without the use of artificial medium to provide mechanical support. Major problems for hydroponic cultivation are higher operational cost and the causing of pollution due to discharge of waste nutrient solution. The nutrient effluent released into the environment can have negative impacts on the surrounding ecosystems as well as the potential to contaminate the groundwater utilized by humans for drinking purposes. The reuse of non-recycled, nutrient-rich hydroponic waste solution for growing plants in greenhouses is the possible way to control environmental pollution. Many researchers have successfully grown several plant species in hydroponic waste solution with high yield. Hence, this review addresses the problems associated with the release of hydroponic waste solution into the environment and possible reuse of hydroponic waste solution as an alternative resource for agriculture development and to control environmental pollution.  相似文献   

There is a crisis in air pollution manpower development within the United States today. This is the conclusion drawn from a series of three studies recently conducted by the National Air Pollution Manpower Development Advisory Committee. These studies, designed to define the essential components of a total manpower development program and to evaluate current efforts on specific segments of such a program, showed that the existing Federal manpower program fails to address many of the problem areas needing attention, that greater effort needs to be directed to meeting the air pollution educational requirements of State highway departments and planning agencies, and that the quality of most graduate level university programs in air pollution control is on the decline because of the withdrawal of Federal financial support.  相似文献   

To preserve and improve environmental quality in a prosperous industrialized nation like the United States, we must use efficient control technology to reduce the pollution which would otherwise accompany our growth. The need for control is especially great in our use of energy. In the near term our country must depend increasingly on coal to meet our energy needs. In his 1977 energy message President Carter declared that it would be this Administration’s policy to require the use of best available control technology for all new coal burning plants. EPA is implementing this policy by adopting a rule that will require such controls on new coal-fired power plants.  相似文献   

This article traces and specifies various recent developments in the legal field which compel cooperation between industrial source operators and equipment vendors. Moreover, suggestions are made as to modes of avoiding costly litigation including the utilization of administrative review procedures for appealing adverse compliance determinations. Finally, an attempt is made to prepare the pollution control equipment vendor for litigation by detailing specific defenses on which the vendor can rely.  相似文献   

近年来,随着中国畜禽养殖业的快速发展,落后的养殖模式和污染防治设施,使畜禽养殖污染日趋严重,畜禽养殖污染已居农业污染源之首,已成为中国环境污染的重要因素,对环境质量乃至人体健康都会产生不良影响。文中采用UASB—SBR组合工艺处理畜禽养殖废水,通过试验探讨SBR反应器启动方法及最佳运行模式,同时研究UASB反应器的启动方法。结果表明,SBR运行的最佳模式为进水0.5 h、反应8 h、沉淀1 h、出水0.5 h、闲置14 h。经过一段时间的启动,UASB和SBR反应器均成功启动,UASB—SBR组合工艺在处理畜禽养殖废水时可获得稳定的处理效果,COD、氨氮、总磷等出水水质均达到《畜禽养殖业污染物排放标准》(GB18596-2001)要求,为畜禽养殖废水处理的工程化应用提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

The recent promulgation of stack height regulations and possible changes in the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for sulfur dioxide and the associated dispersion model methodologies, could require older power plants to develop new compliance strategies and upgrade emission control systems. In such situations, an inexpensive, moderate removal efficiency flue gas desulfurization technology could maintain the cost effectiveness of these plants. Such a technology was selected by the Department of Energy for demonstration in its Acid Rain Precursor Control Technology Initiative. The process applies the rotary atomizer techniques developed for lime slurry dry flue gas desulfurization spray absorbers, and utilizes existing ductwork and particulate collectors. This induct scrubbing technology is anticipated to result in a dry desulfurization process of moderate removal efficiency. The critical elements for successful application are (i) adequate mixing for efficient reactant contact, (ii) sufficient residence time to produce a non-wetting product, and (iii) appropriate ductwork cross sectional areas to prevent deposition of reaction products before drying. The ductwork in many older power plants, previously modified to meet 1970 Clean Air Act requirements for particulate control, usually meets these criteria. A pilot study of the process is now in design-construct phase. Testing will start in 1987 and determine conditions under which the technology would be a cost effective approach to meeting emission reduction design criteria  相似文献   

根据城市初期雨水径流的污染负荷初始冲刷效应以及主要污染物COD和N/P与SS成线性相关性的污染特点,对初期雨水的主要污染物COD和N/P开展了控制技术研究。以示范工程为基础,研究城市初期雨水径流污染控制的强化处理技术即沸石渗滤床技术,运行结果表明,对NH3-N、TP、COD都有较好的去除效果,其中对NH3-N的去除效果较为明显,进水氨氮浓度在2~5 mg/L,出水都能达到地表IV类水标准(NH3-N≤0.5 mg/L)。  相似文献   

A recent survey discloses that the total number of professional and technical personnel currently employed in state and local air pollution control agencies is small relative to the total employment of scientists, engineers, and technicians in state and local government generally. The data also indicate that very few positions in control agencies require specialized formal training in air pollution control prior to employment. In general, the future demand for qualified personnel to staff state and local programs depends fundamentally upon our national air quality objectives and the abatement strategy for achieving these objectives. Not until air quality objectives have been made operational and a comprehensive control strategy has been adopted will it be possible to make meaningful forecasts of future state and local manpower requirements. State and local control agencies could probably meet their present requirements by attracting qualified scientists, engineers, and technicians from other fields, if they had salary structures which were competitive with those of industry and the federal government.  相似文献   

Operational discharges from oceangoing vessels, including discharges of bilgewater, release oil into marine ecosystems that can potentially damage marine life, terrestrial life, human health, and the environment. Bilgewater is a mix of oily fluids and other pollutants from a variety of sources onboard a vessel. If bilgewater cannot be retained onboard, it must be treated by an oily water separator before discharge for larger ocean-going vessels. We evaluated the effectiveness of bilgewater treatment systems by analyzing land-based type approval data, collecting and analyzing shipboard bilgewater effluent data, assessing bilgewater effluent concentrations compared to regulatory standards, evaluating the accuracy of shipboard oil content monitors relative to analytical results, and assessing additional pollution reduction benefits of treatment systems. Land-based type approval data were gathered for 20 treatment systems. Additionally, multiple samples of influent and effluent from operational bilgewater treatment systems onboard three vessels were collected and analyzed, and compared to the land-based type approval data. Based on type approval data, 15 treatment systems were performing below 5 ppm oil. Shipboard performance measurements verified land-based type approval data for the three systems that were sampled. However, oil content monitor readings were more variable than actual oil concentration measurements from effluent samples, resulting in false negatives and positives. The treatment systems sampled onboard for this study generally reduced the majority of other potentially harmful pollutants, which are not currently regulated, with the exception of some heavy metal analytes.  相似文献   

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