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This report summarizes the installation and operation of fly ash collection and disposal equipment at the South Charleston Plant and includes installation costs, replacement costs based on present-day cost factors, as well as performance data, and maintenance and operating costs.  相似文献   

Research has been conducted to develop a technique for predicting the effective volume resistivity of a fly ash layer that has been exposed to circumstances leading to a hot-side precipitator problem known as sodium depletion. Eight fly ashes, representing a major portion of U.S. coals, were evaluated by subjecting 0.5 cm ash layers to a continuously applied voltage gradient of 4 kV/cm for periods of time up to 35 days at a temperature of 350°C (662°F). Resistivity was determined at 350°C before the test started and after the long period of applied voltage used to create the sodium depleted situation. In this condition, resistivity was also determined at 280°C (536°F) for an average electric field Intensity of 4 kV/cm and immediately prior to breakdown. This experimental method can be used with any ash sample to estimate resistivity In a sodium depleted condition. But in addition, a correlation resulting from these resistivity data has been developed. This correlation Is combined with an existing technique for predicting resistivity to produce a method for calculating the expected ash layer resistivity after sodium depletion has occurred.  相似文献   


To understand the fate of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) in a fly ash treatment plant that used the Waelz rotary kiln process (hereafter the Waelz process), the samples of input and output media were collected and analyzed. The most important PCDD/F source in input mass was electric arc furnace (EAF) fly ash, which had a mean PCDD/F content of 18.51 ng/g and contributed more than 99% of PCDD/F input mass, whereas the PCDD/F input mass fractions contributed by the coke, sand, and ambient air were only 0.04%, 0.02%, and 0.000002%, respectively. For the PCDD/F output mass in the Waelz process, the major total PCDD/F contents of 43.73 and 10.78 ng/g were in bag-filter and cyclone ashes, which accounted for approximately 69% and 17%, respectively, whereas those of stack flue gas and slag were 14% and 0.423%, respectively. The Waelz process has a dechlorination mechanism for higher chlorinated congeners, but it is difficult to decompose the aromatic rings of PCDD/Fs. Therefore, this resulted in the accumulation of lower chlorinated congeners. The output/input ratio of total PCDD/F mass and total PCDD/F international toxicity equivalence (I-TEQ) was 0.62 and 1.19, respectively. Thus, the Waelz process for the depletion effect of total PCDD/F mass was positive but minor, whereas the effect for total PCDD/F I-TEQ was adverse overall.  相似文献   

This paper develops an expression for the resistivity of a dust layer which takes into account its particulate nature, dependence of the surface resistivity component on water vapor pressure and temperature, the volume resistivity and the intrinsic properties of the particulate material. A new expression is given for the surface resistivity which, when combined with the equation for volume resistivity, enables the effective resistance of a dust layer to be characterized by five meaningful parameters. These parameters may be determined for a given fly ash sample from a standard set of resistivity curves. Calculated resistivity curves for an industrially produced fly ash are compared with measured curves.  相似文献   


Emitted pollutants from the Agios Dimitrios lignite-fired power plant in northern Greece show a very strong linear correlation with the free calcium oxide content of the lignite ash. Dust (fly ash) emissions are positively correlated to free calcium oxide content, whereas sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions are negatively correlated. As a result, at present, the Agios Dimitrios Power Plant operates very strictly within the legislative limits on atmospheric particulate emission. In the present study, the factors to be considered in assessing the impact of lignite combustion on the environment are presented and evaluated statistically. The ash appears to have a remarkable SO2 natural dry scrubbing capability when the free calcium oxide content ranges between 4 and 7%. Precipitator operating problems attributable to high ash resistivity can be overcome by injecting sulfur trioxide to reduce the ash resistivity, with, of course, a probable increase in operating costs.  相似文献   

粉煤灰混凝剂用于造纸黑液处理研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在常温下,用硫酸、盐酸或其混合酸搅拌浸取粉煤灰2h,制得粉煤灰混凝剂。经混合酸处理的3^#粉煤灰混凝剂对造纸黑液混凝效果好,COD去除率为80%,浊度去除率为88%,色度达到2^4。添加了部分硫铁矿渣的6^#混凝剂,COD去除率为86%,浊度去除率可达94%。3^#混凝剂与PY型混凝剂、A12(S04)3、浓H2S04相比,具有去除效率高、运行费用低和以废治废的特点。  相似文献   

The removal of SO2 with atomization of a slaked lime slurry and supplemental injection of gaseous NH3 were tested in a conventional spray dryer/baghouse system for SO2 concentrations of 2000 ppm and 3000 ppm and a 30° F approach to saturation. Results at 3000 ppm of SO2 showed an average SO2 removal efficiency of 90.3 percent at a combined stoichiometric ratio of 0.95-1.10 and an average overall sorbent utilization of 91.6 percent. The overall molal ratio of NH3/SO2 reaction was found to be 2:1 under the test conditions Particle size analyses, and EP toxicity tests were conducted on the products of the reactions.  相似文献   


This paper presents a technique for the complete, simultaneous decomposition of CO2, SO2, and NOx, as well as the simultaneous removal of fly ash by ultra-high voltage pulse activation. Ultra-high voltage narrow pulse is used to make the gases in the reactor become active molecules, which are then dissociated into nonpoisonous gas molecules and solid particles under the control of a directional reaction model. By using a sufficient charge and a strong electric field, the fly ash can be removed. It becomes the carrier of C and S, and its efficiency is 99.5%. Owing to the action of catalyst B (using Ni as the mother's body), the activation energy of CO2, SO2, and NOx gases is reduced in great magnitude, and their removal efficiency can reach 75~90% at normal pressure and 180 °C.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - A new multi-point inflow pre-anoxic/oxic/anaerobic/anoxic/oxic (A1/O2/A3/A4/O5) sludge-membrane coupling process and pilot plant were developed and...  相似文献   

This paper describes, compares and evaluates selected Oxidant Prediction Relationships {OPRs) in terms of projections of hydrocarbon emission reductions required for attainment of the former 0.08 ppm standard and the new 0.12 ppm standard in the San Francisco Bay Area in 1985. The OPRs analyzed are the LIRAQ physicochemical model, EPA’s Empirical Kinetic Modeling Approach (EKMA), linear and Appendix J rollback, and an empirical OPR based on local observations.

LIRAQ simulations indicated that to achieve the 0.12 ppm ozone standard, 1985 hydrocarbon emissions must be reduced by 27% from projected levels. The equivalent reductions derived from simple linear rollback, linear rollback with 0.04 ppm background, and the local empirical OPR were 32%, 45% and 37%, respectively. The LIRAQ simulations also showed that reduction of both hydrocarbon and NOx emissions is less effective than reduction of hydrocarbons only. The attempt to apply EKMA failed because the Bay Area’s low hydrocarbon/NOx ratios and observed ozone levels are not consistent with the standard EKMA isopleth curves.

For planning, proper OPR selection is important because the wide range in the projections of various OPRs translates into a correspondingly wide range in control costs. Physicochemical OPRs are preferred because they are verifiable; they account for complex topography, meteorology, and source distributions; and because they can treat a variety of control strategies. In the future, the uncertainties associated with the projections can be resolved by assessing trends in air quality on a regular basis and by upgrading and reapplying the prediction methodologies as new information becomes available.  相似文献   

Potential health risks of exposure to emissions of a yeast and penicillin production plant were investigated by measuring viable particles and protein contents of particles in ambient air. The results showed a clear decrease of the downwind number of yeast colonyforming units with increasing distance from the source. Upwind the number of yeast colony-forming units was zero. Identification showed that nearly all yeast were of the species Saccharomlces cerevisiae. Such a trend could not be found for the total number of colony-forming units (yeasts, molds, and bacteria) although the upwind concentration was slightly lower than the downwind concentration. The downwind protein concentration was significantly elevated compared to the upwind concentration.  相似文献   

Zhou DM  Chen HF  Cang L  Wang YJ 《Chemosphere》2007,67(8):1671-1676
This paper summarizes a study on the application of vertical electric direct-current (DC) to control the migration of metal complexes in soil columns when EDTA/[S,S]-ethylenediaminedisuccinic acid (EDDS) is used to enhance ryegrass uptake of Cu/Zn from contaminated soil. The results show that application of EDTA/EDDS significantly increased ryegrass uptake of Cu/Zn when compared with no EDTA/EDDS application and the Cu/Zn concentrations in all soil solutions sampled at three different levels of the soil column, i.e. 15, 30 and 50 cm. Application of vertical DC electrical field (1.0 V cm(-1)) through top anode (close to the surface) and bottom cathode caused redistribution of Cu/Zn concentrations. Copper/Zn concentrations significantly decreased in soil pore fluid that were sampled in the bottom sections of the column, suggesting an efficient control of the leaching risk of the Cu/Zn complexes when the vertical electrical field is applied. The shoot Cu concentration of ryegrass in the treatments with EDTA/EDDS and electrical field together was 0.46/0.61 times higher than that in treatments without electrical fields.  相似文献   

Mercury (Hg) concentration profiles and historical accumulation rates were determined in three 210Pb-dated cores from a peat deposit in the vicinity of a lead (Pb) smelter at Příbram, Czech Republic. The Hg concentrations in peat samples ranged from 66 to 701 μg kg−1. Cumulative Hg inventories from each core (for the past 150 yr) varied by a factor of 1.4 (13.6–18.5 mg Hg m−2), indicating variations of net Hg accumulation rate within the peat deposit. Historical changes in vegetation cover (leading to variable interception by trees) are probably responsible for this variation in space and time. The uncorrected Hg accumulation rates peaked between the 1960s and 1980s (up to 226 μg m−2 yr−1). Recent findings show that Hg records from peat tend to overestimate historical levels of Hg deposition. Therefore we used the mass loss compensation factor (MLCF) to normalize Hg accumulation rates. These corrected Hg accumulation rates were significantly lower (maximum 129 μg m−2 yr−1) and better corresponded to changes in historical smelter emissions, which were highest in the 1960s. The agreement between the corrected Hg accumulation rates in the uppermost peat sections (2–38 μg m−2 yr−1) and biomonitoring of atmospheric deposition by mosses in several recent years (4.7–34.4 μg m−2 yr−1) shows the usefulness of MLCF application on Hg accumulation in peat archives. However, the MLCF correction was unsuitable for Pb. The recent Pb deposition rates obtained by an independent biomonitoring study using mosses (0.5–127 mg m−2 yr−1) were better correlated with net Pb accumulation rates recorded in peat (7–145 mg m−2 yr−1) than with corrected rates obtained by the MLCF approach (1–28 mg m−2 yr−1).  相似文献   

Air monitoring data for a calendar year at one of the TVA power plants has been used to evaluate the appropriateness of the Sutton, the Bosanquet and Pearson, and the USPHS-TVA atmospheric dispersion models to predict ground level concentrations of sulfur dioxide from emission and meterological data. Aerometric data included one half hourly average sulfur dioxide concentrations, recorded by four Thomas autometers, and the necessary meterological parameters for the solving of atmospheric dispersion models. Based on these meterological parameters and observed plume rise data, over 4000 one half hourly average maximum and minimum expected ground line sulfur dioxide concentrations were predicted for each of the above dispersion models by the use of computer techniques. The plant is a line source; however, an empirical correction was applied to emission data to reduce them to emissions for an equivalent point source. The predicted sulfur dioxide levels for each of the dispersion models were compared to the measured levels throughout the year. Three different sets of diffusion coefficients were applied to the Sutton model and successful predictions, according to a criterion utilizing an acceptable range of concentration, varied from 66 to 93%. The Bosanquet and Pearson model produced successful predictions 90% of the time, while the USPHS-TVA model was successful 94% of the time.Unsuccessful predictions were primarily overestimates.  相似文献   

In the present work experimental conditions were optimized for the analysis of organochlorine traces in water matrix using solid-phase microextraction (SPME) followed by gas chromatography with mass selective detector. The parameters including time of exposure of the fiber in the aqueous sample, fiber type, agitation speed, pH, ionic forces, temperature of adsorption, and time of desorption were evaluated. The best conditions to analyze organochlorine were obtained by using higher than room temperature, agitation of the sample, extraction time of 40 min, and polyacrylate fiber.  相似文献   

FeⅡ(EDTA)协同生物转鼓过滤器去除NO的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用自行研制的生物转鼓反应器(RDB)处理难溶于水的NO废气,为提高NO的传质系数和去除效率,实验考察了营养液中添加FeⅡ(EDTA)络合剂协同RDB以提高NO去除效率的过程.结果表明,当空床停留时间(EBRT)为0.96 min时,在营养液中添加FeⅡ(EDTA)至100mg/L后,NO的去除效率从70.78%升至7...  相似文献   

大量研究表明,饮用水中存在着能导致遗传毒性的物质,在我国许多水厂水质检测能力有限的前提下,生物毒性指标作为反映有毒物质综合指标具有重要的现实意义.本研究应用SOS/Umu生物毒性测试评价了北方某市一自来水厂的A、B、C、D 4套试验工艺在不同的季节(冬春两季)各工艺段出水的遗传毒性效应.结果显示,冬春两季地表水加氯后遗传毒性效应均显著增加,冬季间接遗传毒性效应高于春季;活性炭吸附对去除遗传毒性物质效果显著,但后期加氯使遗传毒性效应增加;冬春两季比较,以及地下水和地表水比较,各工艺出水的遗传毒性效应差别很大.通过研究表明,本研究所应用的生物毒性测试SOS/Umu能够快速、准确地对水厂工艺过程中致突变物质的处理效果进行评价,能对工艺改进提出指导,是自来水质安全性评价的重要补充手段.  相似文献   

Increasing attention has been paid to pyrite due to its ability to generate hydroxyl radicals in air-saturated solutions. In this study, the mineral pyrite was studied as a catalyst to activate molecular oxygen to degrade Acid Orange 7 (AO7) in aqueous solution. A complete set of control experiments were conducted to optimize the reaction conditions, including the dosage of pyrite, the AO7 concentration, as well as the initial pH value. The role of reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated by pyrite in the process was elucidated by free radical quenching reactions. Furthermore, the concentrations of Fe(II) and total Fe formed were also measured. The mechanism for the production of ROS in the pyrite/H2O/O2 system was that H2O2 was formed by hydrogen ion and superoxide anion (O2 ·?) which was produced by the reaction of pyrite activating O2 and then reacted with Fe(II) dissolved from pyrite to produce ·OH through Fenton reaction. The findings suggest that pyrite/H2O/O2 system is potentially practical in pollution treatment. Moreover, the results provide a new insight into the understanding of the mechanism for degradation of organic pollutants by pyrite.  相似文献   

Surface water samples were collected from 55 sites in the Great Lakes Basin and analyzed for the presence of perchlorate using HPLC/MS/MS with an isotopically enriched internal standard. Sites included areas impacted by heavy industry, urbanization, agriculture and atmospheric deposition. Perchlorate was detected at several of the sites at concentrations close to the method detection limit (0.2 microg/l). Despite these low concentrations, its presence was confirmed by sample concentration and determination of the isotopic ratio of perchlorate. The presence of perchlorate at two of the sites was related to a fireworks display which had occurred prior to sampling. The other detections of perchlorate were in rivers/creeks draining watersheds which had high density livestock and crop farming activity. We suspect the two are related. To our knowledge, these are the first reported concentrations of perchlorate in Canadian surface waters.  相似文献   

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