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The Clean Air Amendments of 1970 impose a stringent set of uniform air quality standards and a rigid timetable for achieving them. Such an approach is open to serious question, since it fails to take account of variations in relevant local conditions. This paper sketches a proposal for a more realistic approach to air quality. It suggests a program of management standards that would reflect the needs and circumstances of particular regions. An institutional framework is outlined that would consider the technical, economic, and social constraints that determine how quickly and how much any area can improve its air quality. The framework would provide the needed flexibility, and would employ a feedback approach that avoids the need to resolve all uncertainties before any progress can be made. At the same time, it would impose a timetable and planning process to assure that all feasible progress in air quality improvement is realized nationwide.  相似文献   

A natural gas curtailment procedure designed to improve air quality is proposed and discussed. Computer simulations of this approach, in comparison with an approach which ignores environmental factors, shows that the air-quality approach will produce significant improvements in air quality over the non-environmental approach.  相似文献   

This study undertook an empirical Investigation of human response to air quality. Home interviews of 475 respondents living in 22 neighborhoods of Los Angeles County had elicited information on respondent socioeconomic characteristics, behavioral patterns, and measures of human response to air quality. This data base was then augmented with nine measures of actual air quality for six time frames for each neighborhood.

An observer-based air quality index (OBAQI) was constructed based upon which combination of air quality variables correlated best with the percentage of neighborhood respondents who perceived “smoggy air.” The best combination (OBAQI 3) consisted of prevailing visibility, O3, and SO2, each measured as the annual number of days that a selected standard had been equalled or exceeded. Subsequently, multiple regression models were constructed using this index as a predictor of aggregated perception of air quality. In addition to a general model for all neighborhoods, separate models were constructed for clusters of neighborhoods of similar micrometeorology as approximated by uniform elevations and/or coastal distances. Zones of homogeneous air quality and micrometeorology were then defined. Within these zones variation in four measures of human response to air quality was associated with respondent socioeconomic characteristics and behavioral patterns. Both the index and model could prove useful in gauging public response to proposed actions of air quality management districts.  相似文献   


The field of ozone air quality modeling, or as it is commonly referred to, photochemical air quality modeling, has undergone rapid change in recent years. Improvements in model components, as well as in methods of interpreting model performance, have contributed to this change. Attendant with this rapid change has been a growing need for those developing and using air quality models and policy makers to have a common understanding of the use and role of models in the decision making process. This Critical Review highlights recent advances and continuing problem areas in photochemical air quality modeling. Emphasis is placed on the components and input data for such models, model performance evaluation, and the implications for their use in regulatory decisions.  相似文献   

It is important in the implementation of the air quality standard for ozone/oxidants and non-methane hydrocarbons to develop quantitative relationships between these pollutants in air quality regions. Analyses for ambient air non-methane hydrocarbon give a direct measure of the progress in control of hydrocarbon emissions and in the reduction of oxidant/ozone concentration levels. Total hydrocarbon concentrations are much more available than non-hydrocarbon levels. An empirical relationship between total hydrocarbons and non-methane hydrocarbons has been obtained from measurements at both west and east coast sites in the U. S. The comparability of measurements from flame ionization analyzers and gas chromatography has been demonstrated. Either analytical technique can be applied to samples collected at monitoring sites to provide the 6-9 A.M. non-methane hydrocarbon aerometric results specified in the air quality standards.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to discuss considerations regarding guarantees of air quality control equipment. Topics include specification design parameters to cover ranges of expected operating conditions, negotiation of performance guarantees, design changes during construction, reliability, performance testing and comparison of test conditions to the worst expected conditions for which the guarantees apply. Comments are also offered regarding corrective actions in event the guarantees are not complied with.  相似文献   

The distribution of mutagenic activity and nitroaromatic components of polycyclic organic matter (POM) in ambient air at industrial, urban, suburban, rural, and remote sites was studied using organic extracts from high volume aerosol samples. Direct-acting mutagens including 1-nitropyrene (1-NP), dinitropyrenes (DNP), and hydroxynitropyrenes (HNP) were measured by high performance liquid chromatography while the mutagenicity was determined in the Salmonella bioassay with strain TA-98. Benzo(a)pyrene (BaP), one of the possible precursors of nitroaromatic compounds in POM, was also measured. In comparing samples from a range of sites, TSP and the concentration of BaP per mass of particulate matter decreased, as expected, at greater distances from urban and industrial combustion sources. However, the concentrations of polar nitroaromatic POM compounds per mass of particles were higher at a remote site than in nonindustrial urban and suburban areas. The mutagenicity in particulate matter extracts from the remote area was predominantly (>90 percent) in the very polar fractions. There were also high atmospheric levels of nitroaromatic compounds and mutagenicity in heavily industrialized areas. These observations may reflect the influences of source emissions, atmospheric transformations of POM compounds, and ther atmospheric processes on the composition of ambient suspended particulate matter.  相似文献   


About half of the world's population now lives in urban areas because of the opportunity for a better quality of life. Many of these urban centers are expanding rapidly, leading to the growth of megacities, which are often defined as metropolitan areas with populations exceeding 10 million inhabitants. These concentrations of people and activity are exerting increasing stress on the natural environment, with impacts at urban, regional and global levels. In recent decades, air pollution has become one of the most important problems of megacities. Initially, the main air pollutants of concern were sulfur compounds, which were generated mostly by burning coal. Today, photochemical smog—induced primarily from traffic, but also from industrial activities, power generation, and solvents—has become the main source of concern for air quality, while sulfur is still a major problem in many cities of the developing world. Air pollution has serious impacts on public health, causes urban and regional haze, and has the potential to contribute significantly to global climate change. Yet, with appropriate planning megacities can efficiently address their air quality problems through measures such as application of new emission control technologies and development of mass transit systems.

This review is focused on nine urban centers, chosen as case studies to assess air quality from distinct perspectives: from cities in the industrialized nations to cities in the developing world. This review considers not only megacities, but also urban centers with somewhat smaller populations, for while each city—its problems, resources, and outlook—is unique, the need for a holistic approach to complex environmental problems is the same. There is no single strategy to reduce air pollution in megacities; a mix of policy measures will be needed to improve air quality. Experience shows that strong political will coupled with public dialogue is essential to effectively implement the regulations required to address air quality.  相似文献   


The Traffic Air Quality (TAQ) model is a simple tool to estimate traffic fine particulate emissions on roadways (g/km) and can be used for both real-time analysis and for localized conformity analysis (“hot-spot” analysis for nonattainment areas) as defined by 40 CFR 93.123. This paper is a follow-up to a study published earlier regarding the development of the TAQ model. This paper shows how local air quality levels can be a factor in traffic management in nonattainment areas. Similar to the industrial source quotas measured in tons per year, it is proposed that road segments are to be assigned emission quotas (or TAQ indices) measured in pollutant mass emitted per road length (g/km) above which traffic-measures have to be taken to reduce the fine-particulates emissions on such road links. The TAQ model as well as traffic-rerouting measures along with the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) protocols can be used to have a real-time control of the traffic conditions along expressways to maintain the fine-particulates emissions below the quota assigned per road link and consequently improving the over all local air quality in nonattainment areas.  相似文献   

The many advances made in air quality model evaluation procedures during the past ten years are discussed and some components of model uncertainty presented. Simplified statistical procedures for operational model evaluation are suggested. The fundamental model performance measures are the mean bias, the mean square error, and the correlation. The bootstrap resampling technique is used to estimate confidence limits on the performance measures, In order to determine if a model agrees satisfactorily with data or if one model is significantly different from another model. Applications to two tracer experiments are described.

It is emphasized that review and evaluation of the scientific components of models are often of greater Importance than the strictly statistical evaluation. A necessary condition for acceptance Of a model should be that it is scientifically correct. It Is shown that even in research-grade tracer experiments, data Input errors can cause errors In hourly-average model predictions of point concentrations almost as large as the predictions themselves. The turbulent or stochastic component of model uncertainty has a similar magnitude. These components of the uncertainty decrease as averaging time increases.  相似文献   

When an airshed is affected by a spatially complex distribution of emitting sources, the angular distribution of tracer fluxes about one or more receptor sites may usefully distinguish the relative contributions of different upwind sources at that site. Such “fluxgrams” complement chemical-mass-balance receptor models to assist decisions affecting optimum emission controls and receptor placement. The technique is illustrated here with Bsp/PM10 in a heavily industrialized valley where, surprisingly, fluxgram analyses show that winter haze exceedances are associated with nighttime winds draining into the industrial lower valley from an upwind residential community.  相似文献   

As part of a larger program to investigate indoor sources of air pollution, an indoor/outdoor sampling program was carried out for NO, NO2, and CO In four private houses which had gas stoves. The four houses chosen for study represented different surrounding land use, life styles, and house age and layout. The pollutant gases were measured essentially simultaneously at three indoor locations and one outdoor location. The results of the program showed that indoor levels of NO and NO2 are directly related to stove use in the homes tested. Furthermore, these stoves often produced more NO2 than NO. In some instances, the levels of NO2 and CO in the kitchen exceeded the air quality standards for these pollutants if such outdoor standards were to be applied to indoors and the data for the sampling periods were typical of an entire year. A diffusion experiment conducted in one of the houses showed that the half-life for NO2 was less than one-third that for either NO or CO. Oxidation of NO to NO2 (based upon comparing the half-life of NO to CO) does not appear to occur to a significant degree indoors.  相似文献   


The ambient air quality standards (AAQS) of twenty-one nations for eight commonly regulated substances are presented. Many countries are adding a receptor-based component to their air quality management, which traditionally have been emission oriented. Automation of air quality monitoring stations has meant that local air quality evaluation can now be more easily achieved. However, a majority of countries have no active air quality standards (emission or receptor-based) or ambient air quality monitoring. One possible monitoring procedure is outlined and the variation in international standards is discussed.  相似文献   

The APCA Critical Review entitled “Ozone Air Quality Models” was presented by John H. Seinfeld, Louis E. Nohl Professor and Executive Officer for Chemical Engineering at the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California. Dr. Seinfeld presented his review at the 81st APCA Annual Meeting & Exhibition, held in Dallas, Texas in June 1988. The Critical Review paper, published in the May 1988 issue of JAPCA, highlighted recent advances and continuing problem areas in photochemical air quality modeling. Prepared discussions and floor comments presented during the Critical Review session in Dallas are published here, along with additional comments and closing remarks by Dr. Seinfeld. Howard M. Ellis, Chairman of the Critical Review Subcommittee of the Publications Committee, served as moderator of the 1988 APCA Critical Review session.  相似文献   


During the 1950s and 1960s, hundreds of thousands of underground storage tanks (and above-ground storage tanks) containing petroleum products and hazardous chemicals were installed. Many of these tanks either have been abandoned or have exceeded their useful lives and are leaking, thereby posing a serious threat to the nation’s surface and groundwater supplies, as well as to public health. Cleaning up releases of petroleum hydrocarbons or other organic chemicals in the subsurface environment is a real-world problem,

Biological treatment of hydrocarbon-contaminated soil is considered to be a relatively low-cost and safe technology; however, its potential for effectively treating recalcitrant wastes has not been fully explored. For millions of years, microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, actinomycete, protozoa, and others have performed the function of recycling organic matter from which new plant life can grow.

This paper examines the biological treatment technology for cleaning up petroleum product-contaminated soils, with special emphasis on microbial enzyme systems for enhancing the rate of biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons. Classifications and functions of enzymes, as well as the microbes, in degrading the organic contaminants are discussed. In addition, the weathering effect on biodegradation, types of hydrocarbon degraders, advantages associated with enzyme use, methods of enzyme extraction, and future research needs for development and evaluation of enzyme-assisted bioremediation are examined.  相似文献   

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