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Changes of tree-ring widths of Japanese black pine (Pinus thunbergii Parl.) trees growing in air-polluted and unpolluted areas were analyzed. In the stand close to an industrial complex, a large reduction in the series of tree-ring index (TRI), which were computed by removing endogenous effects from the measured series, appeared from the 1960s to 1970s. This reduction in radial tree growth was not explained by the climatic response model calibrated for a pre-pollution period. TRI changes corresponding with changes in concentrations of sulfur dioxide (SO(2)), and a significant negative correlation between the TRI and SO(2) concentration were found in the polluted area. Reduction in tree-ring growth was not seen in the unpolluted area. These results indicate that the past reduction in the growth of Japanese black pine trees growing in an industrial area was mainly caused by SO(2).  相似文献   

Two-year-old seedlings of ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws) were exposed to ambient concentrations of photochemical smog (AA) and clean air (CA) during a single field season at Tanbark Flat of the San Gabriel Mountains in the Los Angeles Basin. The seedlings were grown in a perlite-vermiculite medium with full supply of nutrients (based on modified Hoagland solution); reduced to 50% supply of N; reduced to 50% supply of Mg; and reduced to 50% supply of N+Mg. No significant effects of air pollution exposures on injury development, stem growth and concentrations of plant pigments were determined. The seedlings in the AA treatment had decreased N concentration in current year needles compared with CA seedlings; however, the needle concentrations of other elements did not change. Reduction of N supply in the growing medium caused decreased N, P, Ca, K and chlorophyll a concentrations in needles. Stem growth of the seedlings with reduced N supply was significantly decreased as well. No changes in stem growth or chemical composition of plants with reduced Mg supply were noted. Reduction of supply of nutrients did not change responses of trees to the air pollution exposures.  相似文献   

Ok G  Ji SH  Kim SJ  Kim YK  Park JH  Kim YS  Han YH 《Chemosphere》2002,46(9-10):1351-1357
The atmospheric contamination levels of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) were evaluated from the analysis of pine needles in South Korea. Pine needles were collected from 30 sampling points at five main cities in South Korea (Busan, Daegu, Gwangju, Changwon and Jeju island). The highest concentrations of PCDDs/DFs (2.19–26.88 pg I-TEQ/g of dry weight) were measured at Busan, where is the city of the highest population density and traffic volume among five cities. The lowest concentration was detected at Jeju with 0.62 pg I-TEQ/g dry weight, suggesting Jeju could be an environmental background area in Korea. The dominant homologues of PCDDs/DFs in pine needles were the lower chlorine-substituted compounds such as tetra CDDs and CDFs, and the distribution ratios of PCDDs/DFs decreased with increase of the number of chlorine substituents. Homologue profiles of pine needle samples were similar to PCDDs/DFs profiles of the vapor phase in the ambient air, and thus the pine needles absorbed the vapor phase of PCDDs/DFs from air. Results suggested that pine needles could be used as an indicator of the atmospheric contamination for PCDDs/DFs in Korea.  相似文献   

Journey-time exposures to particulate air pollution were investigated in Leicester, UK, between January and March 2005. Samples of TSP, PM10, PM2.5, and PM1 were simultaneously collected using light scattering devices whilst journeys were made by walking an in-car. Over a period of two months, 33 pairs of walking and in-car measurements were collected along two circular routes. Average exposures while walking were seen to be higher than those found in-car for each of the particle fractions: average walking to in-car ratios were 1.2 (± 0.6), 1.5 (± 0.6), 1.3 (± 0.6), and 1.4 (± 0.6) μg m−3 for coarse (TSP–PM10), intermediate (PM10–PM2.5), fine (PM2.5–PM1), and very fine particles (PM1), respectively. Correlations between walking and in-car exposures were seen to be weak for coarse particles (r=0.10, p=0.58), moderate for the intermediate particles (r=0.49, p<0.01) but strong for fine (r=0.89, p<0.01) and very fine (r=0.90, P<0.01) particles. PM10 exposures while walking were on average 70% higher than a nearby roadside fixed-site monitor whilst in-car exposures were 25% higher than the same fixed-site monitor. Particles with an aerodynamic diameter of less than 2.5 μm were seen to be highly correlated between walking and in-car particle exposures and a rural fixed-site monitor about 30 km south of Leicester.  相似文献   

In highly polluted sites, stomatal behavior is sluggish with respect to light, vapor pressure deficit, and internal CO2 concentration (Ci) and poorly described by existing models. Statistical models were developed to estimate stomatal conductance (gs) of 40-year-old ponderosa pine at three sites differing in pollutant exposure for the purpose of calculating O3 uptake. Gs was estimated using julian day, hour of day, pre-dawn xylem potential and photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD). The median difference between estimated and observed field gs did not exceed 10 mmol H2O m(-2) s(-1), and estimated gs within 95% confidence intervals. 03 uptake was calculated from hourly estimated gs, hourly O3 concentration, and a constant to correct for the difference in diffusivity between water vapor and 03. The simulation model TREGRO was also used to calculate the cumulative 03 uptake at all three sites. 03 uptake estimated by the statistical model was higher than that simulated by TREGRO because gas exchange rates were proportionally higher. O3 exposure and uptake were significantly correlated (r2>0.92), because O3 exposure and gs were highly correlated in both statistical and simulation models.  相似文献   

The atmospheric contamination levels of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) were evaluated from the analysis of pine needles in South Korea. Pine needles were collected from 30 sampling points at five main cities in South Korea (Busan, Daegu, Gwangju, Changwon and Jeju island). The highest concentrations of PCDDs/DFs (2.19–26.88 pg I-TEQ/g of dry weight) were measured at Busan, where is the city of the highest population density and traffic volume among five cities. The lowest concentration was detected at Jeju with 0.62 pg I-TEQ/g dry weight, suggesting Jeju could be an environmental background area in Korea. The dominant homologues of PCDDs/DFs in pine needles were the lower chlorine-substituted compounds such as tetra CDDs and CDFs, and the distribution ratios of PCDDs/DFs decreased with increase of the number of chlorine substituents. Homologue profiles of pine needle samples were similar to PCDDs/DFs profiles of the vapor phase in the ambient air, and thus the pine needles absorbed the vapor phase of PCDDs/DFs from air. Results suggested that pine needles could be used as an indicator of the atmospheric contamination for PCDDs/DFs in Korea.  相似文献   

Biochar, a by-product of pyrolysis made from a wide array of plant biomass when producing biofuels, is a proposed soil amendment to improve soil health. This study measured herbicide sorption and efficacy when soils were treated with low (1% w/w) or high (10% w/w) amounts of biochar manufactured from different feedstocks [maize (Zea mays) stover, switchgrass (Panicum vigatum), and ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa)], and treated with different post-processing techniques. Twenty-four hour batch equilibration measured sorption of 14C-labelled atrazine or 2,4-D to two soil types with and without biochar amendments. Herbicide efficacy was measured with and without biochar using speed of seed germination tests of sensitive species. Biochar amended soils sorbed more herbicide than untreated soils, with major differences due to biochar application rate but minor differences due to biochar type or post-process handling technique. Biochar presence increased the speed of seed germination compared with herbicide alone addition. These data indicate that biochar addition to soil can increase herbicide sorption and reduce efficacy. Evaluation for site-specific biochar applications may be warranted to obtain maximal benefits without compromising other agronomic practices.  相似文献   

Ozone-induced changes in ethylene production, ACC oxidase activity and the contents of ACC, MACC and free PAs were studied inPopulus nigra L. cv. Loenen with high ozone sensitivity as judged by the degree of chlorophyll degradation and premature leaf abscission. Ethylene production, ACC oxidase activity, ACC content and MACC levels were induced by the one-, two-, and three-week ozone exposure (36±9 ppb O3 for 11 hours a day). In addition, increases in PA levels, especially in spermidine, were measured in ozone treated plants. The role of free PAs and MACC synthesis as possible antisenescence reactions is discussed.  相似文献   

Changes over recent decades in outdoor concentrations of air pollutants are well documented. However, the impacts of air pollution on an individual's health actually relate not to these outdoor concentrations but to their personal exposure in the different locations in which they spend time. Assessing how personal exposures differ from outdoor concentrations, and how they have changed over recent decades, is challenging. This review focuses on the exposure of children, since they are a particularly sensitive group. Much of children's time is spent indoors, and childhood exposure is closely related to concentrations in the home, at school, and in transport. For this reason, children's personal exposures to air pollutants differ significantly from both those of adults and from outdoor concentrations. They depend on a range of factors, including urbanisation, energy use, building design, travel patterns, and activity profiles; analysis of these factors can identify a wider range of policy measures to reduce children's exposure than direct emission control. There is a very large variation in personal exposure between individual children, caused by differences in building design, indoor and outdoor sources, and activity patterns. Identifying groups of children with high personal exposure, and their underlying causes, is particularly important in regions of the world where emissions are increasing, but there are limited resources for environmental and health protection. Although the science of personal exposure assessment, with the associated measurement and modelling techniques, has developed to maturity in North America and western Europe over the last 50 years, there is an urgent need to apply this science in other parts of the world where the effects of air pollution are now much more serious.  相似文献   

A preliminary study for the systematic investigation and the control of the pollution of the atmosphere over a wide region is considered and discussed.  相似文献   

In eastern Spain, studies combining the tracking and meso-scale circulations of air pollutants with the evaluation of their effects on plants have been undertaken since 1994. Meso-scale processes are very important from the point of view of how and where forest ecosystems are affected by point sources and regional air pollution in the Mediterranean area. The first results of these field surveys show that in 1994, 1995 and 1996, the distribution pattern of ozone visual injury (chlorotic mottle) in Pinus halepensis correlated with the penetration of pollutants transported by the sea-breeze into coastal valleys of Castellón (eastern Spain). In this tree species, longer needles are associated with higher chlorotic mottle, and ozone injury seems to be among the factors affecting needle retention and crown transparency.  相似文献   

It is now well understood that air pollution produces significant adverse health effects in the general public and over the past 60 years, there have been on-going efforts to reduce the emitted pollutants and their resulting health effects. There are now shifting patterns of industrialization with many heavily polluting industries moving from developed countries with increasingly stringent air quality standards to the developing world. However, even in decreasing concentrations of pollutants, health effects remain important possibly as a result of changes in the nature of the pollutants as new chemicals are produced and as other causes of mortality and morbidity are reduced. In addition, there is now the potential for deliberate introduction of toxic air pollutants by local armed conflicts and terrorists. Thus, there are new challenges to understand the role of the atmospheric environment on public health in this time of changing economic and demographic conditions overlaid with the willingness to indirectly attack governments and other established entities through direct attacks on the general public.  相似文献   

An eleven-year foliar sulphur (S) monitoring program was carried out from 1976 to 1986 near a sulphur recovery-gas plant in west-central Alberta, Canada, as part of a case study designed to determine the effects of chronic, low concentration sulphur gas emissions on the forest ecosystem surrounding the gas plant. Measurements of both foliar total sulphur (ST) and foliar inorganic sulphur (SO4-S) concentration in lodgepole x jack pine trees at the end of each of the 11 growing seasons were taken to provide an indication of S loading of the forest from industrial sulphur emissions. To measure the state of the forest ecosystem, foliar ST was separated into foliar accumulated sulphur (inorganic sulphur or SO4-S) and foliar assimilated sulphur (organic sulphur or S0) and the ratio of SO4-S/S0 taken. Foliar S0 was calculated as the difference between foliar ST and foliar SO4-S. The median SO4-S/S0 ratio, with all three years of needles considered, varied from 0.29 at a reference location (AV) to 0.88 at the location with the highest stress (AI). The corresponding mean values ranged from 0.3 at the reference location to 2.2 at the location of highest stress. The mean seasonal photosynthetic rate of current year's foliage of the pine trees and soil pH were reduced at a stressed location (AI) compared to the reference location (AV), between 1976 and 1981. Over this same time period the mean foliar SO4-S/S0 ratio increased from 0.4 +/- 0.1 to 1.0 +/- 0.3 at the stressed location (AI) and remained nearly the same at the reference location (AV) at 0.3 +/- 0.1. This research suggests that the foliar SO4-S/S0 ratio is a useful indicator of the state of forest ecosystems under S air pollution stress. It is concluded that foliar S separated into various fractions has potential as an early warning environmental management tool.  相似文献   

Exposure to fine particulate air pollution has been implicated as a risk factor for cardiopulmonary disease and mortality. Proposed biological pathways imply that particle-induced pulmonary and systemic inflammation play a role in activating the vascular endothelium and altering vascular function. Potential effects of fine particulate pollution on vascular function are explored using controlled chamber exposure and uncontrolled ambient exposure. Research subjects included four panels with a total of 26 healthy nonsmoking young adults. On two study visits, at least 7 days apart, subjects spent 3 hr in a controlled-exposure chamber exposed to 150-200 microg/m3 of fine particles generated from coal or wood combustion and 3 hr in a clean room, with exposure and nonexposure periods alternated between visits. Baseline, postexposure, and post-clean room reactive hyperemia-peripheral arterial tonometry (RH-PAT) was conducted. A microvascular responsiveness index, defined as the log of the RH-PAT ratio, was calculated. There was no contemporaneous vascular response to the few hours of controlled exposure. Declines in vascular response were associated with elevated ambient exposures for the previous 2 days, especially for female subjects. Cumulative exposure to real-life fine particulate pollution may affect vascular function. More research is needed to determine the roles of age and gender, the effect of pollution sources, the importance of cumulative exposure over a few days versus a few hours, and the lag time between exposure and response.  相似文献   

The size distribution of aerosols was measured in a moderately industrial city, in a semi-arid zone on the Negev desert border. The aerosols in the city of Beer Sheva are from two sources: the dust coming from the desert and urban pollution. The size measurements were done with a cascade impactor. The elemental content of the aerosols was investigated by neutron activation analysis and X-ray fluorescence. The main elements of the dust are: Ca, Si, Fe, Na and the trace elements are: Sc, Se, La, Sm, Hf and others. The main elements of the urban pollution are S, Br, Pb, Cl, Hg and others. It was found that the elements belonging to each group can easily be classified by the size distribution. The analytical consideration of the aerosol size distribution of each group are discussed and two corresponding analytical expressions are suggested. It is shown that aerosols originating in the dust have a hump shape distribution around ~ 4μm, and those originating in urban pollution have a distribution decreasing with increasing aerosol diameter. Many examples are given to prove the conclusions.  相似文献   

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