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Stringent particulate emissions limits and increasing awareness of stack opacity is leading the utility industry to use high efficiency particulate control systems. In response to this trend, the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) is conducting several research programs aimed at improving the operation, maintenance and performance of particulate control systems. One of these programs, RP-1401, “Reliability Assessment of Particulate Control Systems,” is developing operation, maintenance and design data bases for both electrostatic precipitators and fabric filters. This paper discusses some of the intermediate findings of the work done on fabric filters.  相似文献   

This is the third in a series of papers discussing the experience of electric utilities in applying baghouse technology for the collection of particulate matter at coal-fired electric power generating plants. The series presents new data obtained in research sponsored by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) on reverse-gas and shake/deflate cleaned baghouses, and specifically addresses a number of unresolved issues in the design and operation of these units. This paper provides an overview of the design and operating characteristics of baghouses now in place in the utility industry. In addition, it discusses three key issues in design and operation: the relationships among dust cake weight and chemical composition, air-to-cloth ratio, and pressure drop; fabric selection; and bag life.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes information and results presented at the 1989 Symposium on Stationary Combustion NOX Control, held March 6-9, 1989 in San Francisco. Cosponsored by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, (EPA) the symposium was the fifth in a biennial series.  相似文献   

Results with the EPRI 2.5 MW(e) Integrated Environmental Control Pilot Plant (IECPP) indicate the interrelationship of particulate penetration, SO2 scrubber operation, waste production, and waste properties. Tests compared a fabric filter/wet scrubber and ESP/wet scrubber, the latter operated to simulate 1979 New Source Performance Standards (NSPS), 1971 NSPS, and pre-NSPS ESP units. Tests were conducted with low-sulfur coal producing a flue gas concentration of400ppm; flue gas spiking could be used to increase SO2 to 2000 ppm. Scrubber waste was dewatered in a thickener and vacuum belt filter (to 55 percent solids content), and mixed with fly ash. The pilot SO2 scrubber—when preceded by an ESP and forced to operate in zero-discharge—captured less SO2 than when preceded by a fabric filter. Also, scrubber operation with the ESP produced a greater quantity of waste with difficult handling characteristics, as compared to operation with the fabric filter. These difficulties occurred with particulate penetration above 0.10 lb/MBtu, which could reduce reagent utilization to 80percent. These results are attributable to inhibited limestone dissolution due to accumulation of an aluminum/fluoride compound. For both lowsulfur and simulated high-sulfur test conditions, allowing wastewater discharge to purge aluminum/fluoride content restored performance to design levels. Particulate control efficiency also affected solid waste physical properties. The fabric filter/wet scrubber produced the lowest solid waste permeability (10?8 cm/s). ESP operation at 1979 NSPS and pre-1971 NSPS ESPs increased solid waste permeability to 10?7 and 10?6 cm/s, respectively. These results are meaningful for SO2 scrubbers both for new plants and for retrofit to units with pre-NSPS ESPs, and could become significant with the increasing trend to restricted water discharge.  相似文献   

From March 23rd to 26th, 1987, the city of New Orleans hosted 350 attendees, including representatives from 15 foreign countries, at the 1987 Joint Symposium on Stationary Combustion NOx Control. Cosponsored by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the symposium provided attendees the opportunity to hear 49 papers in nine sessions covering technological and regulatory developments on NOx control in the United States and abroad since the May 1985 symposium in Boston. Session topics included general environmental issues, low-NOx combustion equipment (i.e., low-NOx burners, reburning, etc.), flue gas treatment, fundamental combustion research, and special issues for cyclone coal-fueled boilers, oil- and gas-fired boilers, and industrial combustion applications.

Advances to the state-of-the-art presented at this symposium include: improved and/or newly applied combustion modifications for pulverized coal-fired boilers; further analyses of reburning, the leading combustion modification option for cyclone-equipped boilers; initial experiences with catalytic flue gas treatment in Europe; studies of NOx control retrofit options for oil- and gas-fired utility systems; and new technology developments for coal, oil, and gas fueled utility and industrial combustors.

This paper summarizes those presentations that discussed significant changes since May 1985 in areas of potential interest to EPRI and its utility members. Where appropriate, they include our perspectives on the applicability of these newly disclosed findings to utility systems.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of integrated environmental control research and development efforts at the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). EPRI studies show that as much as a 50 percent reduction in total environmental control system costs for coal-fired power plants may be achievable by utilities using systematically integrated environmental control design methods. The bulk of these savings can be achieved through consolidation of several functions into one device. The remainder can come from improved plant heat rates, resulting in less fuel consumption and, thus, less flue gas to process and less emissions to control, and from eliminating unnecessary redundant control systems.  相似文献   

This is the fifth in a series of papers discussing the experience of electric utilities in applying baghouse technology for the collection of particulate matter at coal-fired electric power generating plants. The series presents new data obtained in research sponsored by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) on reverse-gas and shake/deflate cleaned baghouses, and specifically addresses a number of unresolved issues in the design and operation of these units. This paper describes research to improve reverse-gas cleaning technology, and to characterize reverse-gas sonic assisted and shake/deflate cleaning.  相似文献   

This report summarizes information and results presented at the 2nd Conference on Fabric Filter Technology for Coal-Fired Power Plants. Sponsored by the Air Quality Control Program, Coal Combustion Systems Division, of the Electric Power Research Institute, in cooperation with the Public Service Company of Colorado, the conference focused on recent technological developments in the design and operation of fabric filters (baghouses) in utility settings. The information presented was designed to assist utilities currently operating baghouses, preparing engineering specifications for new units, or contemplating installation of baghouses for the first time.  相似文献   


The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) is conducting research to investigate mercury removal in utility flue gas using sorbents. Bench-scale and pilot-scale tests have been conducted to determine the abilities of different sor-bents to remove mercury in simulated and actual flue gas streams. Bench-scale tests have investigated the effects of various sorbent and flue gas parameters on sorbent performance. These data are being used to develop a theoretical model for predicting mercury removal by sorbents at different conditions. This paper describes the results of parametric bench-scale tests investigating the removal of mercuric chloride and elemental mercury by activated carbon.

Results obtained to date indicate that the adsorption capacity of a given sorbent is dependent on many factors, including the type of mercury being adsorbed, flue gas composition, and adsorption temperature. These data provide insight into potential mercury adsorption mechanisms and suggest that the removal of mercury involves both physical and chemical mechanisms. Understanding these effects is important since the performance of a given sorbent could vary significantly from site to site depending on the coal- or gas-matrix composition.  相似文献   

This is the sixth and last part in a series of papers discussing the experience of electric utilities in applying baghouse technology for the collection of particulate matter at coal-fired electric power generating plants. The series presents new data obtained in research sponsored by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) on reverse-gas and shake/deflate cleaned baghouses, and specifically addresses a number of unresolved issues in the design and operation of these units. This paper discusses research, development and demonstration activities now underway or planned to further understand baghouse technology to ensure efficient, economic and reliable service in utility applications. In addition, it summarizes the major findings reported in Parts I through V.  相似文献   

The 1991 SO2 Control Symposium was held December 3-6, 1991, in Washington, D.C. The symposium, jointly sponsored by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), focused attention on recent improvements in conventional sulfur dioxide (SO2) control technologies, emerging processes, and strategies for complying with the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. Its purpose was to provide a forum for the exchange of technical and regulatory information on SO2 control technology. Over 800 representatives of 20 countries from government, academia, flue gas desulfurization (FGD) process suppliers, equipment manufacturers, engineering firms, and utilities attended. In all, 50 U.S. utilities and 10 utilities in other countries were represented. In 11 technical sessions, a diverse group of speakers presented 111 technical papers on development, operation, and commercialization of wet and dry FGD, Clean Coal Technologies, and combined sulfur dioxide/nitrogen oxides (SO2/NOx processes.  相似文献   

Baghouse performance at utility coal-fired power plants is determined by baghouse design, operating procedures, and the characteristics of the ash that is collected as a dustcake on the fabric filter. The Electric Power Research Institute has conducted laboratory research to identify the fundamental variables that influence baghouse performance. A database was assembled including measured characteristics of coal and dustcake ash, and data describing operating parameters and performance of full-scale and pilotscale baghouses. Predictions of performance can be based on physical characteristics of the ash to be filtered (discussed in Part I of this article), as well as chemical characterizations of the ash, or empirical correlations with the alkali content of the source coal The effects of design and operational variables can be included in these predictions. Baghouse performance can be optimized by exercising proper operating practices and by selecting a filtering fabric and cleaning method matched to the cohesivity of the ash to be collected.  相似文献   


A technique for comparing pesticide penetration through fabric was devised. It involved passing fabric swatches through a controlled spray system and measuring the pesticide residue transferring on and through the tested fabric. Six variations in fabric were selected for testing: 100% cotton woven chambray,

Scotch‐guard® treated chambray, Tyvek® , Crowntex® , and two variations of Gore Tex®. Guthion® (azinphos‐methyl) was chosen as the insecticide for controlled use in this experiment because of its widespread use and relatively high toxicity.

Gas Chromatographie analysis of the amount of Guthion® transferred through the outer fabric was made by the use of analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Duncan's multiple range test. The ANOVA for experiment replication showed no significant difference among the replications of each fabric. The treatment ANOVA was highly significant at the 0.01 level.

Duncan's multiple range test further analyzed the differences in the treatment, and three groups were found to be significantly different from each other. The two types of Gore Tex®, Tyvek® and Crowntex® comprised the group permitting the least penetration. Scotch‐guard® treated chambray followed, and untreated chambray allowed the greatest penetration.  相似文献   


Based on the available evidence of health effects, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been evaluating the need to regulate mercury releases to the environment. In response to the congressional mandates in The 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA), the EPA has issued the Mercury Study Report and the Study of Hazardous Air Pollutant Emissions from Electric Utility Steam Generating Units Report. In spite of the enormous effort represented by these reports, as well as the efforts of both the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), in conducting the field measurement programs that form the basis for these reports, a definitive answer on the need for mercury regulation has not been found. However, the EPA, as well as other regulatory agencies and health researchers, have suggested a "plausible link" between anthropogenic sources emitting mercury and the methylation, bioaccumulation in the food chain, and adverse health effects in humans and wildlife.  相似文献   

Encouraged by the successes attained with fly ash control by fabric filters in Pennsylvania Power & Light and Colorado Ute, other utilities are installing, planning, and/or considering baghouses as a practical and economical means for controlling emissions from the burning of low sulfur coals. Where deposits of alkaline reagents (i.e. nahcolite) are available, some power plants are also considering a process for dry scrubbing SO2 from the flue gas. By introducing such reagents with the emission ahead of the fabric collector, both partlculates and SO2 are removed.  相似文献   

As the time approaches for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to evaluate whether risks from electric utility trace substance emissions are of concern, attention is focused on research to clarify the many issues surrounding this topic. Accordingly, more than 230 representatives of industry, government, international research and academic institutions, equipment manufacturers, and engineering service firms attended the Second International Conference on Managing Hazardous Air Pollutants, which was held in Washington, D.C., on July 13–15,1993. Sponsored by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) in cooperation with the EPA, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), PowerGen, Coal Research Division of the International Energy Agency, and Canadian Electrical Association, the conference featured more than 50 presentations that both asked and answered questions about utility emission sources, the atmospheric fate of emitted substances, health and environmental studies, risk assessment, and control technologies. The diversity of the audience produced a stimulating exchange of findings, interpretations, and assessments of remaining uncertainties. This exchange provided valuable direction for ongoing research activities worldwide.  相似文献   

Recent pilot-scale testing cosponsored by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and the Gas Research Institute (GRI) indicates that reburning can reduce NOx emissions by 40-60 percent in cyclone boilers when pulverized coal (PC), oil, or natural gas is used as the reburn fuel. The pilot tests, performed at the Babcock and Wilcox (B&W) Alliance Research Center using a six million Btu/h cyclone-fired pilot-scale furnace, were designed to confirm and expand upon the conclusions of an earlier B&W feasibility study. That study predicted reburning could reduce NOx by 50 percent in most cyclone boilers now in operation.  相似文献   

This paper describes the evaluation of the performance of ESPs operating downstream of spray dryers in high- and medium-sulfur coal flue gas streams. Tests were conducted at the TV A10 MW Spray Dryer/ESP Pilot Plant and the EPRI High Sulfur Test Center. The results of the analysis of particle characteristics, spray dryer operating parameters, and ESP operating variables identify the occurrence of severe particle reentrainment due to the low resistivity (108 ohm-cm and lower) of the sorbent/flyash mixtures at low approach-tosaturation temperatures. The reentrainment has a significant impact on the collection efficiency of ESPs which could represent a fundamental limitation on their ability to adequately perform in this environment. Although this program has been focused on spray dryer applications, because of the similarities of the gas and particle characteristics produced from spray drying and other dry scrubbing processes, the results also have implications to duct slurry injection, dry sorbent injection with humidification, and processes involving furnace sorbent injection with humidification.

The performance characteristics of the ESPs are presented under both baseline and spray dryer conditions. The results are analyzed and the Southern Research Institute ESP Computer Model was used to evaluate the data. Special techniques for measuring particle resistivity at these conditions are described. A theoretical examination of particle reentrainment was undertaken which indicated that at low-resistivity levels the electrostatic forces reverse and tend to pull the particles off the plates with a force proportional to the square of the electric field. This repulsion of particles from the plates at spray dryer conditions was confirmed by laboratory experiments. Chloride content of the coal was found to be an important parameter effecting the performance of the ESP. Implications of the results of this evaluation relative to ESP upgrades are presented.  相似文献   


The Mohave Valley region of southern Nevada/southwestern Arizona has experienced elevated particulate concentrations and is classified as a PM10 nonattainment area. Anthropogenic aerosol sources in the area include the Mohave Power Project (MPP), a 1,580-MW coal-fired power plant; motor vehicles; construction activities; and paved and unpaved road dust and disturbed desert soil. Aerosols may also be transported long distances from other areas, such as the Los Angeles Basin. Based on the infrequency of plume contact at sites in the valley (as determined by SO2 measurements), it was believed that the contribution of the MPP to primary PM10 was minimal and that fugitive dust was the primary source of ambient particulate matter.

To evaluate the magnitude of source contributors, PM10 measurements were made using a medium-volume sampler along with ancillary meteorological and air quality measurements in the Mohave Valley at Bullhead City, Arizona, for a period of longer than one year (September 1988 through mid-October 1989). The aerosol filter samples were analyzed for mass, elements, ions, and carbon. Source apportionment using the Chemical Mass Balance (CMB) receptor model was performed. On average, geological dust was the major contributor to PM10 (79.5%), followed by primary motor vehicle sources (16.7%), secondary ammonium sulfate (3.5%), secondary ammonium nitrate (0.1%), and primary coal-fired power plant emissions (0.1%).  相似文献   

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