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A laboratory experiment was carried out aiming to study the effects of an alkyl polyglycoside adjuvant (APG) on deposition and leaching of the herbicide tebuthiuron applied on sugar cane straw. Tebuthiuron, at concentration of 1200 mg L?1, was applied separately and in tank mix with the APG adjuvant, at concentrations of 0.07 and 0.09% (wt v?1), using a spraying volume of 204 L ha?1. A precipitation equivalent to 20 mm of rain was simulated, 24 h after the applications, to evaluate the herbicide leaching. The quantification of tebuthiuron was carried out by the high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). It was observed that the addition of APG adjuvant at 0.07% (wt v?1) provided an increase of 11.5% in the deposition of tebuthiuron on straw, reduction of 50.4% in the drift of the herbicide and it did not affect significantly the leached amount (68.5%), when compared with the treatment where tebuthiuron was applied alone (70.8%). At the concentration of 0.09% (wt v?1), the APG adjuvant caused an increase of 22.7% in the deposition; it reduced the drift of the herbicide by 99.9% and reduced the leached amount by 7.6% thereby increasing the retention of the herbicide by straw.  相似文献   

Particulate size distributions were obtained in the effluent gases from three steam generating boilers of a power station employing mechanical, steam, and air systems for heavy fuel atomization. Samples were obtained with an eight-stage cascade impactor. The air atomized burner produced the lowest particulate loading, the greatest percentage of particulates by weight in the submicron range, and particulates with the lowest combustible content.  相似文献   

Smoke from large scale fuel reduction fires in Western Australia has been investigated from an aircraft; These fires are typically 10,000-20,000 acres in area with fuel loadings of 3-6 tons/acre. Measurements were made of mass concentration, scattering coefficient and total particulate production in the smoke. The results suggest that the mass concentration (g m-3) is equal to 0.24 times the scattering coefficient (m-1). About 1.8% of the fuel appears as particulate matter in the air above the fire.  相似文献   

Measurements of NO and NO2 were made at a surface site (55.28 °N, 77.77 °W) near Kuujjuarapik, Canada during February and March 2008. NOx mixing ratios ranged from near zero to 350 pptv with emission from snow believed to be the dominant source. The amount of NOx was observed to be dependent on the terrain over which the airmass has passed before reaching the measurement site. The 24 h average NOx emission rates necessary to reproduce observations were calculated using a zero-dimensional box model giving rates ranging from 6.9 × 108 molecule cm?2 s?1 to 1.2 × 109 molecule cm?2 s?1 for trajectories over land and from 3.8 × 108 molecule cm?2 s?1 to 6.6 × 108 molecule cm?2 s?1 for trajectories over sea ice. These emissions are higher than those suggested by previous studies and indicate the importance of lower latitude snowpack emissions. The difference in emission rate for the two types of snow cover shows the importance of snow depth and underlying surface type for the emission potential of snow-covered areas.  相似文献   


Mercury-bearing material enters municipal landfills from a wide array of sources, including fluorescent lights, batteries, electrical switches, thermometers, and general waste; however, the fate of mercury (Hg) in landfills has not been widely studied. Using automated flux chambers and downwind atmospheric sampling, we quantified the primary pathways of Hg vapor releases to the atmosphere at six municipal landfill operations in Florida. These pathways included landfill gas (LFG) releases from active vent systems, passive emissions from landfill surface covers, and emissions from daily activities at each working face (WF). We spiked the WF at two sites with known Hg sources; these were readily detected downwind, and were used to test our emission modeling approaches. Gaseous elemental mercury (Hg0) was released to the atmosphere at readily detectable rates from all sources measured; rates ranged from ~1–10 ng m?2 hr?1 over aged landfill cover, from ~8–20 mg/hr from LFG flares (LFG included Hg0 at μg/m3 concentrations), and from ~200–400 mg/hr at the WF. These fluxes exceed our earlier published estimates. Attempts to identify specific Hg sources in excavated and sorted waste indicated few readily identifiable sources; because of effective mixing and diffusion of Hg0, the entire waste mass acts as a source. We estimate that atmospheric Hg releases from municipal landfill operations in the state of Florida are on the order of 10–50 kg/yr, substantially larger than our original estimates, but still a small fraction of current overall anthropogenic losses.  相似文献   

This review has attempted to evaluate the present state of our knowledge of the effects on health in man of environmental exposure to oxides of sulfur, sulfates, and particulate matter. There has been a great deal of activity in this field over the last 15 years, and therefore any collation of this material will represent the selected biases of the reviewer. The conclusions reached can be summarized as follows: (1) These pollutants, as they have been measured in epidemiological investigations, can only be considered as indirect indices of general air pollution and in many cases cannot be separated from each other. Therefore, we cannot incriminate a specific source of any one pollutant as the producer of the most harmful substance to reach the ambient air. Conversely, we cannot excuse any specific source of one pollutant because that specific pollutant has not been found to cause disease at a given concentration. The measurements in ambient air are the net results from all sources of pollution in combination with factors influenced by weather and meteorological considerations. (2) Direct effects from acute, high ambient air pollution disasters have been adequately demonstrated. Significant excess mortality has occurred in association with particular air pollution episodes. All of these episodes have occurred during cold weather, and the effects of temperature must also be considered along with elevated levels of smoke and sulfur oxides. (3) Specific working groups exposed to unusually high levels of these pollutants do not demonstrate dramatic effects. This is presumably related to the fact that susceptible people are self-selected out of these environments. (4) Associations between the prevalence of chronic respiratory disease in the general population and specific levels of these air pollutants have been demonstrated. The major thrusts of epidemiological investigations have been to study the effects of chronic exposure to ambient levels of smoke and sulfur dioxide. The studies to date have collected and analyzed point-prevalence data and information obtained from retrospective investigations. Although epidemiological investigations cannot prove a cause-and-effect relationship, the consistency of the results is such that one must conclude that a causal association is likely. In this reviewer’s opinion we have reached the stage at which we no longer need to demonstrate the effect of past exposure to these pollutants. What is needed now is to demonstrate the effects of current and continued exposure. This will require a better understanding of the natural history and pathophysiology of the diseases thought to be associated with chronic exposure to smoke and sulfur dioxide. Because of the nature of chronic respiratory disease, groups of subjects for whom exposure is known, must be followed over extended periods of time. The logical extension of these observations will be the follow-up of large populations for whom exposure has been reduced. Only by studies of this kind may we be able to prove the cause-and-effect relationship which most likely exists.  相似文献   

Concentrations of different species of mercury in arctic air and precipitation have been measured at Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard) and Pallas (Finland) during 1996–1997. Typical concentrations for vapour phase mercury measured at the two stations were in the range of 0.7–2 ng m−3 whereas particulate mercury concentrations were below 5 pg m−3. Total mercury in precipitation was in the range 3–30 ng l−1. In order to evaluate the transport and deposition of mercury to the arctic from European anthropogenic sources, the Eulerian transport model HMET has been modified and extended to also include mercury species. A scheme for chemical conversion of elemental mercury to other species of mercury and deposition characteristics of different mercury species have been included in the model. European emission inventories for three different forms of Hg (Hg0, HgCl2 and Hgp) have been implemented in the numerical grid system for the HMET model.  相似文献   

The influence of the soil on atmospheric N2O was studied by In-situ measurements in 1976–1979 at several field stations near Mainz, Germany, where different soil types were located. Measurements were carried out using the closed chamber method and applying stainless steel capillaries allowing soil air sampling down to 60 cm depth. The N2O In soil was found to be produced and consumed simultaneously In the uppermost soil layer resulting In a net flux of N2O with release rates of 0.5–16 μg N2O–Nm?2h?1 on unfertilized natural as well as agriculturally used soils. After fertilization with mineral fertilizers the N2O release rates increased to values ≤43 μg N2O–Nm?2h?1. The total amount of fertilizer-N released Into the atmosphere as N2O was determined to be 0.01–0.05% for nitrate and 0.03–0.09 % for ammonium fertilizer.  相似文献   

The emission of di-(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) from one type of vinyl flooring with ~15% (w/w) DEHP as plasticizer was measured at 22 °C in five FLECs + one blank FLEC (Field and Laboratory Emission Cell). Initially, the flow through all FLECs was 450 ml min?1. After 689 days the flows were changed to 1000 ml min?1, 1600 ml min?1, 2300 ml min?1, and 3000 ml min?1, respectively, in four FLECs, and kept at 450 ml min?1 in one FLEC. Air samples were collected from the effluent air at regular intervals. After 1190 days the experiments were terminated and the interior surfaces of all six FLECs were rinsed with methanol to estimate the internal surface concentrations of DEHP. The DEHP air concentration and specific emission rate (SER) at steady state was estimated for the five different flow rates. The steady-state concentrations decreased slightly with increasing air flow with only the two highest flow rates resulting in significantly lower concentrations. In contrast, the SERs increased significantly. Despite large variation, the internal surface concentrations appeared to decrease slightly with increasing FLEC flow. Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulations suggest that the interior gas and surface concentrations were roughly uniform for the low flow case (450 ml min?1), under which, the partitioning between the FLEC internal surface and chamber air was examined. Although paired t-tests showed no difference between CFD and experimental results for DEHP air concentrations and SERs at steady-state conditions, CFD indicated that the experimental DEHP surface concentrations in the FLECs were underestimated. In conclusion, the experiments showed that the emission of DEHP from vinyl flooring is subject to “external” control and that the SER is strongly and positively dependent on the air exchange rate. However, the increased SER almost compensates for the decrease in gas-phase concentration caused by the increased air exchange.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to measure the transfer of trlchloroethylene (TCE), a volatile organic compound (VOC), from tap water In showers to Indoor air. In these experiments, the loss of TCE from tap water in the shower is based on the difference between Influent and effluent concentrations. We have developed and previously published a three-compartment model, which we use to simulate the 24-h concentration history of VOCs in the shower, bathroom, and remaining household volumes resulting from the use of contaminated tap water. An important input to this model is the transfer efficiency of the VOC from water to air. The experiments reveal that the transfer efficiency of TCE from shower water to air has an arithmetic mean value of 61 percent and an arithmetic standard deviation of 9 percent. Analysis of the results shows that there Is no statistically significant difference between the transfer efficiency measured with hot (37°C) or cold (22°C) shower water and that there Is no statistically significant change In transfer efficiency with time during a 20-mln shower. The implications for exposure assessment are considered.  相似文献   

We describe an experimental system and techniques for sampling and analyzing biogenic emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC). The system uses a Teflon chamber to enclose a single branch of a tree. Temperature, photosynthetic active radiation (PAR), relative humidity and carbon dioxide concentration are continuously monitored with a time resolution of five minutes. VOCs are sampled on tubes containing solid adsorbents (Tenax TA and Carbotrap) with a time resolution of 1 h. Composition and concentration of VOC emissions are measured with a gas chromatographic system equipped with a flame ionization detector (FID) for quantitative and a mass spectrometer (MS) for qualitative analysis. To calibrate the system, a diffusion source was built to produce standard mixtures of up to 36 different compounds with mixing ratios at low concentrations and high accuracy. The diffusion rates were monitored over 17 months and showed variations between 0.2 and 7.6% for monoterpenes (expect for α-phellandrene, α-terpinene and γ-terpinene) and between 10.6 and 22.6% for sesquiterpenes. FID response factors calculated from calibration measurements were corrected using correction factors based on the effective carbon number concept. The individual response factors of 23 compounds were combined to a mean response factor (RFm) with a value of 23,100 μV s ng−1 and a standard deviation of 9%. The system described here was used to measure VOC emission rates of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) in 1998 and 1999.  相似文献   

Measurements of CFCl3 (F-11) and CF2Cl2 (F-12) are reviewed and analyzed. Observations of temporal and spatial distribution are not yet sufficient to allow precise estimations of the atmospheric lifetimes of F-11 and F-12. The importance of a finite tropospheric lifetime, in regard to future predictions of F-11 and F-12, is emphasized.The lifetime of F-11 may be relatively short, a 10-y lifetime is not ruled out by present analysis. Such a sink would imply the future F-11 level may only be double the present level if production is held constant at 1975 rate. There are larger uncertainties in the estimate of F-12 lifetimes because of fewer data and uncertainty in the release rate data. It is argued that a 10–20 y lifetime for F-12 is not ruled out by observational data.  相似文献   

This study presents the seasonal and spatial variations of trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs) in 30 sampling points within three water distribution systems of Istanbul City, Turkey. The effects of surface water quality, seasonal variation, and species differences were examined. The occurrence of chlorinated THMs and HAAs levels was considerably lower in the system in which raw water is subjected to pre-ozonation versus pre-chlorination. Seasonal analysis of the data indicated that the median concentration of four THMs (THM4) was higher than nine HAAs (HAA9) concentrations in all three distribution systems sampling points. For all distribution systems monitored, the highest median THM4 and HAA9 concentrations were observed in the spring and summer season, while the lowest concentrations of these disinfection byproduct (DBP) compounds were obtained in the fall and winter period. Due to the higher level of bromide in supplying waters of these two systems, moderate levels of brominated DBP species have been observed in the Kagithane and Buyukcekmece distribution systems districts. In fact, Spearman partial correlations (Spearman rank correlation coefficients [rs]) tend to be higher among analogues in terms of number and types of substituent, especially TCAA with TCM (rs 0.91), and DBAA with DBCM (rs 0.90). In contrast, the hydraulic (residence time and flow rate) and chemical mechanisms (hydrolysis, volatilization, and adsorption) affect the fate and transport of DBPs in distribution systems. Seasonal and spatial variations of DBPs presented in this study have important implications on regulatory issues and from an epidemiological point of view.  相似文献   

Provincial-level data for population, livestock, land use, economic growth, development of sewage systems, and wastewater treatment rates were used to construct a river nitrogen (N) export model in this paper. Despite uncertainties, our results indicated that river N export to coastal waters increased from 531 to 1,244 kg N km?2 year?1 in the Changjiang River basin, 107 to 223 kg N km?2 year?1 in the Huanghe River basin, and 412 to 1,219 kg N km?2 year?1 in the Zhujiang River basin from 1980 to 2010 as a result of rapid population and economic growth. Significant temporal changes in water N sources showed that as the percentage of runoff from croplands increased, contributions of natural system runoff and rural human and livestock excreta decreased in the three basins from 1980 to 2010. Moreover, the nonpoint source N decreased from 72 to 58 % in the Changjiang River basin, 80 to 67 % in the Huanghe River basin, and 69 to 51 % in the Zhujiang River basin, while the contributions of point sources increased greatly during the same period. Estimated results indicated that the N concentrations in the Changjiang, Huanghe, and Zhujiang rivers during 1980–2004 were higher than those in the St. Lawrence River in Canada and lower than those in the Thames, Donau, Rhine, Seine, and Han rivers during the same period. River N export will reduce by 58, 54, and 57 % for the Changjiang River, Huanghe River, and Zhujiang River in the control scenario in 2050 compared with the basic scenario.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution of mercury in topsoil from five regions of China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The concentrations and distributions of mercury (Hg) in topsoil from four provinces and one municipality in China were investigated. A total of 1,254 samples were collected and analyzed. The average concentrations of Hg were 0.064 mg kg?1 for Liaoning Province, 0.100 mg kg?1 for Jiangsu Province, 0.110 mg kg?1 for Zhejiang Province, 0.154 mg kg?1 for Sichuan Province, and 0.098 mg kg?1 for Chongqing Municipality. Although differences were found among the ranges of Hg concentrations, the average values for each region were similar with other published data. The concentrations of Hg in topsoil varied largely upon the sampling locations. More than 80 % of the soil samples from Liaoning Province, Jiangsu Province, Zhejiang Province, and Chongqing Municipality, were ranked Grade I by the China Environmental Quality Standard for Soils, which can be considered as not contaminated by Hg. The concentrations of Hg in 0.3–0.4 % of soils collected from Jiangsu Province, Zhejiang Province and Chongqing Municipality exceeded the limitation for Grade III, indicating the contamination of Hg in these sites. The sources and potential risks of Hg in these sites should be brought to attention and further investigated.  相似文献   

Heavy metal contamination has been and continues to be a worldwide phenomenon that has attracted a great deal of attention from governments and regulatory bodies. In this context, our study proposes a regression-tree model to predict the concentration level of zinc in the soils of northern Lebanon (as a case study of Mediterranean landscapes) under a GIS environment. The developed tree-model explained 88% of variance in zinc concentration using pH (100% in relative importance), surroundings of waste areas (90%), proximity to roads (80%), nearness to cities (50%), distance to drainage line (25%), lithology (24%), land cover/use (14%), slope gradient (10%), conductivity (7%), soil type (7%), organic matter (5%), and soil depth (5%). The overall accuracy of the quantitative zinc map produced (at 1:50.000 scale) was estimated to be 78%. The proposed tree model is relatively simple and may also be applied to other areas.  相似文献   

Distribution of organochlorine pesticides in soils from South Korea   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Kim JH  Smith A 《Chemosphere》2001,43(2):137-140
Soil samples were collected from rice growing and industrial areas in South Korea and analysed for organochlorine pesticide content using gas chromatography with electron capture detection. The soils were monitored for the presence of 18 organochlorine pesticides. The main pesticides found were gamma- and delta-hexachlorocyclohexane, heptachlor epoxide and dieldrin. The range of concentrations, for each compound, was respectively, 0.17-0.94, 0.77-2.97, 1.38-48.0 and 0.32-0.49 ng/g soil. The highest values were found in soil obtained from rice fields indicating that, although the use of organochlorine pesticides has been discontinued since 1980, substantial concentrations of residues particularly the oxidised form of heptachlor remain in the soil.  相似文献   

Background, Aim and Scope Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are important environmental contaminants which may lead to increased levels of neoplastic aberrations or tumours in fish liver. Therefore, monitoring of PAH and their effects are part of several international environmental programmes. The aim of the present field study was to investigate the concentrations of the PAH metabolites in fish bile, to elucidate spatial, seasonal and species differences as well as to discuss different strategies of normalisation with regard to environmental monitoring. Materials and Methods: PAH metabolites were determined in the bile fluid of dab (Limanda limanda) and flounder (Platichthys flesus) caught in the North Sea and Baltic Sea between 1997 and 2004. After enzymatic deconjugation, two metabolites were determined by means of HPLC. The limit of detection and the limit of quantification were calculated. The accuracy of the method was tested with a standard reference material. Results were referred to bile volume as well as to biliverdin. Results: The main metabolite, 1-hydroxypyrene, was determined in concentrations from <0.7 to 838 ng/ml in bile of dab (Limanda limanda) and flounder (Platichthys flesus) caught between 1997 and 2004. The values for 1-hydroxyphenanthrene in fish bile were considerably lower (<0.4 – 87 ng/ml). Significant differences in the 1-hydroxypyrene levels were found between summer and winter surveys as well as between the sampling sites in the data set from 2004 (383 dabs and 62 flounders): Highest levels of PAH contamination were found in dab from the German Bight and in flounder from the Baltic Sea. Discussion: Spatial differences in 1-hydroxypyrene concentrations between North Sea and Baltic Sea were discussed, as well as differences in relation to season, sex and species. Three parameters of normalisation (biliary protein, biliverdin and bile pigments) were discussed. Biliverdin was identified as a suitable parameter for the normalisation of PAH metabolites in field samples. Conclusions: Spatial differences in 1-hydroxypyrene concentrations of dab demonstrate the usefulness of PAH metabolites in fish bile as a monitoring parameter in marine regions. Significant differences in 1-hydroxypyrene concentrations were found between summer and winter sampling campaigns. This may be linked to an annual cycle of 1-hydroxyprene in dab. It is also possible that bile synthesis/release in dab differs between the seasons. There is no indication for a time trend from 1997 to 2004. Recommendations and Perspectives: It is recommended to relate PAH metabolites in fish bile to biliverdin concentrations. Although the concentrations are low in offshore regions and bile volumes are small, the method presented here allows one to measure PAH metabolites on an individual level which is a crucial prerequisite for meaningful monitoring studies.  相似文献   

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