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The initial state implementation plans concentrated on attainment of the ambient air quality standards in the relatively polluted areas of the country. Many of these plans must now be modified to ensure that the ambient standards will be maintained for the foreseeable future, and to ensure that significant deterioration of air quality in clean areas of the country is prevented.

The existing implementation plans currently contain many measures which are applicable to the maintenance and deterioration efforts, but additional measures must also be developed. Many of these additional measures will involve future planning activities—most common of which will be land use planning activities.

The point is made that, after existing sources have reduced their emissions to the lowest practical level, further air pollution control can only be accomplished by implementing rational planning procedures for management of any new sources of air pollution. This will require extensive cooperation among the air pollution control community; regional, state, and local planning agencies; state and local governments; and the general public in order to ensure that future land use plans include appropriate air quality considerations.  相似文献   

This paper is an examination of the range of salary levels of state, local, and multijurisdictional air pollution control agencies for specific occupational categories. It is based on a manpower and training survey of such agencies conducted by the Office of Air Programs of the Environmental Protection Agency during 1971. Since inadequate salaries have been identified as a primary obstacle in staffing air pollution control agencies, an analysis of salary levels was among the focal points for the survey.

Salaries were found to vary according to occupational category, type of agency, and size of agency. In most instances, salary levels increase as the size of the agency increases. Mean starting salaries have risen significantly since 1968, and salaries for chemists and engineers are becoming more competitive with salaries in private industry.  相似文献   

Recently, various authors1–4 have indicated that a need exists to establish a uniform air pollution index for communities throughout the nation.Although the literature reveals several attempts to develop air pollution indices,5–7 none of these indices has received widespread acceptance by state and local air pollution control agencies, probably because none has received the active support or endorsement of the federal government. We now wish to report that significant progress has been made at the federal level toward the goal of a recommended national air pollution index.  相似文献   

Many governmental air pollution control agencies are confronted with a shortage of manpower, both in terms of numbers of people and qualifications of available staff members. This paper discusses a number of techniques which may be used to relieve this manpower shortage. The techniques are discussed in terms of collaboration between state and local agencies; organizational structures which make maximum use of scarce categories of people; program policies which conserve the time of agency staff; operating schemes which save travel time and minimize skills required; and working tools that can be used to get the greatest production with available personnel.  相似文献   

A detailed study of the air quality permitting process for 65 different forest products industry projects requiring preconstruction permit approvals from EPA, state, and local air pollution control agencies was conducted. The projects included a wide array of sources including kraft recovery furnaces, lime kilns, fossil fuel and wood residue fired boilers, solid wood products manufacturing facilities, paper coaters, and printing presses. Information concerning the time involved in the permitting process, costs associated with obtaining the permits, use of air quality models and ambient monitoring data, emission control technology determinations, problem areas encountered during the permitting process, perceived benefits and drawbacks of the permitting process, and the effect of permitting requirements on project planning was obtained.

The results indicate that certain permitting requirements such as Best Available Control Technology (BACT) determinations, dispersion modeling results, and use of ambient air quality monitoring data seldom influence the emission limitations ultimately imposed in the final approved permit, with 87% of the final emission limits equivalent to the applicable New Source Performance Standard (NSPS). The 65 permitting case histories also show that obtaining permits for projects subject to Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) requirements takes approximately twice as long and costs twice as much as obtaining permits for projects not subject to PSD requirements.  相似文献   

Governmental boundaries which divide our states frequently do not coincide with the natural geographic and atmospheric conditions affecting regional air pollution problems. Moreover, the control regulations of one state may vary from those of its neighbors. Such areal synthesis of air pollution control measures might only minimally curb the difficulties.

Continuity of control will require cooperation among contiguous states. In this study the attitudes of incumbent elected officials and air pollution experts (both from within the Philadelphia metropolitan area) toward governmental responsiveness have been investigated. It was hypothesized that politicians would want to demonstrate a status quo approach while experts would advocate the creation of an environmental agency for the Philadelphia region’s pollution problems. However, both sample groups responded to the questionnaire survey affirming that they want government to establish an environmental regional control agency, based upon an interstate compact, that has authority strong enough to be a strict enforcing agent. This regional agency should meet all federal conditions and thus receive maximum federal financial assistance. The policy level officials of this agency should be appointed experts—so as to avoid partisan politics, and to acquire the most qualified personnel.  相似文献   

There is a crisis in air pollution manpower development within the United States today. This is the conclusion drawn from a series of three studies recently conducted by the National Air Pollution Manpower Development Advisory Committee. These studies, designed to define the essential components of a total manpower development program and to evaluate current efforts on specific segments of such a program, showed that the existing Federal manpower program fails to address many of the problem areas needing attention, that greater effort needs to be directed to meeting the air pollution educational requirements of State highway departments and planning agencies, and that the quality of most graduate level university programs in air pollution control is on the decline because of the withdrawal of Federal financial support.  相似文献   

Author’s Reply     
A technique is developed to compute precision requirements for component parts of an emissions inventory to ensure (at a given confidence level) an overall acceptable precision in the estimate of total emissions. Since the emissions inventory is a basic requirement of air quality control implementation plans and provides a valuable management tool for planning air pollution control activities, it isi appropriate to state in quantitative terms the confidence that can be associated with each inventory. The approach reported here uses weighted sensitivity analysis methods to distribute both percentage and physical errors in source class emissions according to their contribution to the total emissions, and utilizes Chebyshev’s inequality to establish confidence levels for total emissions. The analysis has been extended to cover the case where one or more of the error components in a given inventory source class can be fixed by the analyst. The utility of the technique is manifold and several practical applications are reported. In particular, it serves to establish percentage error requirements for source categories to satisfy given error bounds for the overall emissions inventory at a given level of statistical confidence. The weighted sensitivity analysis technique possesses a high degree of generality, being applicable to compute component error requirements for any kind of data inventory which exhibits a hierarchical (tree-like) structure, as exemplified by NEDS Emissions Summary Reports. This work should be of interest to air pollution control planners at all levels of government and to anyone responsible for the air pollution portion of environmental impact statements.  相似文献   

Several existing federal and state provisions act to reduce the cost to in dustry of controlling air pollution. Included are the federal corporate income tax, depreciation allowances, investment credits, small Business Administration loans, Economic Development Administration aid, and state tax laws. These provisions give government assistance to industry amounting to as much as 59 percent of the cost of air pollution control. Numerous bills have been introduced in Congress that would give additional government aid to industry in the form of special across-the-board tax allowances for air pollution control equipment. A typical bill of this type would result in the government bearing an additional 11 percent of these costs. There are several possible objectives for this kind of additional aid; however, none of these seem valid when the amount of present assistance is recognized. From this analysis, it would seem that additional across-the-board tax subsidies for air pollution control equipment are neither required nor advisable. Future studies and/or experience may show certain firms or industries for which air pollution control will be too great a burden and for which additional government assistance is advisable. When such cases are found, legislation should be enacted only after the pros and cons of the various assistance methods are considered.  相似文献   

Kirk Hatfield 《Chemosphere》1992,25(12):1753-1762
Land use regulations and air quality standards can be effective tools to control air pollution. Atmospheric transport/chemistry simulation models could be used to develop suitable regulations and standards; however, these models are not as efficient as air quality management models developed from embedding governing equations for atmospheric transport/chemistry into an optimization framework. Formulations of two steady-state air quality management models are presented to facilitate the development or evaluation of land use strategies to protect regional air quality from pollution generated from distributed point or nonpoint sources. Both models are linear programs constructed with equations that describe steady-state atmospheric pollutant fate and transport. The first model determines feasible pollutant loading patterns for multiple land use activities to accommodate the greatest regional population. The second model ascertains patterns of expanded land use which have a minimum impact on air quality. The primary goal of this paper is to explain how air pollution and land use modeling may be coupled to create an effective management tool to aid scientists and engineers with decisions affecting air quality and land use. The secondary goal is to show the types of air quality and regulatory information which could be obtained from these models. This latter goal is attained with general conclusions as consequence of applying ‘duality theory.’  相似文献   

The Province passed an Air Pollution Control Act in 1958 which delegated control of all types of air pollution to the municipalities. This was amended in 1963 with the Province assuming control of industrial sources of air pollution and the municipalities retaining control of combustion sources. The paper outlines the comprehensive program adopted by the Province. It points out that while control is a primary function, other functions such as ambient air quality sampling, the collection of micro meteorological data, co-operation with other governmental agencies in agriculture, planning and zoning, economics and development, and water pollution are a vital part of the program. In light of the experience to date, an attempt is made to predict the organization necessary for the future.  相似文献   

The science of air pollution control is making significant advances and a practical working arrangement between all levels of government and industry must be achieved. Lawmakers, scientists, and industry must work side by side in combatting air pollution; there is no other approach that will give the problem the attention it deserves. How this might be accomplished is the subject of this article.  相似文献   

Air pollution control efforts by federal, State, regional, and municipal agencies and by industry have expanded tremendously within the past few years. That this increased effort is a reflection of elevated public understanding of the problem and rising public insistence upon action is inescapable. Through all media of mass communication, through the efforts of public service organizations, and through the actions and pronouncements of public officials at all levels of government, the popular desire for better control of air pollution is being expressed with mounting frequency and increasing impact. This fact, in addition to generating an unprecedented expansion in control activity, requires that communication between the individuals and agencies responsible for air pollution control and the citizen, to whom this responsibility is owed, be open, comprehensive, and forthright. Any other response to the need for public information and education concerning the problem of air pollution must in the long run seriously jeopardize the air pollution control effort.  相似文献   

The Pennsylvania Air Pollution Commission has developed a regulatory program based upon the control of local air pollution problems and reduction of pollutant levels in air basins. The geographical boundaries of 10 air basins have been established. The Commission’s air basin regulations will provide for the reduction of over-all pollutant levels and for emergency procedures in the event of adverse meteorological conditions. The paper discusses the format and objectives of the program.

In order to effectively enforce the air basin regulations and maintain the necessary surveillance of the state’s air quality, a "computerized real time on-line integrated air monitoring-data handling system" has been designed. The system will incorporate a network to constantly monitor the air in each air basin.The primary objectives of the system are: 1. Constant surveillance of air pollution in the air basins.

2. Provide information on air pollution potential alerts.

3. Aid in further development of air quality criteria and regulations.

The air monitoring network is estimated to include approximately 25 remote stations. Each remote will contain air pollution and meteorological sampling equipment and hardware to telemeter to a central station. The data will be transmitted over leased telephone lines. The central station in Harrisburg will contain the necessary hardware to receive and process data, calculate and display results and permit supervisory control of the network. Output options will include immediate display of edited data, command and alarm information, and presentation of statistical results.

Although the air monitoring system is one of the principle ingredients of the program, the air basin concept encompasses other component systems designed to knit together the entire air pollution control program in Pennsylvania.  相似文献   

A Conference on Air Quality Management in the Electric Power Industry was held at The University of Texas at Austin in Austin, TX, on January 28-30, 1976. The opening session of the Conference was devoted to legal and regulatory issues in air pollution control related to the electric power industry. The purpose of this session was to present the viewpoints of those Federal and state regulatory agencies most directly involved in air pollution control for the electric power industry. Emphasis was placed on those issues relating to the increasing need for coal and oil combustion to meet the Nation’s electrical energy requirements, concentrating on the five southwestern states of Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas in Federal Region VI.  相似文献   

A significant element of a community's total air pollution picture is the “state of mind” of the people living in the area with respect to air pollution. The reasons why a study of public attitudes can be an important factor in planning an air pollution control program are briefly summarized. The methodology applied in one such study in the St. Louis Metropolitan area is described, and possible variations related to different scope, objectives and survey area characteristics are suggested.  相似文献   

An urban air pollution incident, like a natural or man-made catastrophe, presents a crisis situation which can only be relieved if adequate contingency plans have been prepared in advance and an effective control organization is in a state of operational readiness to meet the threatened emergency. Although many air pollution incident control plans have been proposed in the past, most have remained in the conceptual or theoretical stages of preparation, because the relative infrequency of serious urban air pollution crises and the disruptive nature of major emission control operations tend to limit the opportunities available for field testing of these plans. In this respect, air pollution incident control planning is analogous to strategic planning for a military operation, where the only completely legitimate test of a strategy is applied on the battlefield. In order to accomplish the transition from conceptual planning to a practical, operational field strategy for air pollution incident control, a program of incident control tests has been initiated in Chicago. These field tests, which use the city as a laboratory for the development of control strategies, are analogous to a series of military war games in which communication systems, command and control organizational structures, personnel roles, surveillance and monitoring equipment, control resources and pollution source controllability are tested under conditions which approximate as closely as possible the situation which prevails during an actual air pollution incident. This paper discusses the evolution of an incident control strategy from an initial, fixed response emission control exercise, through a meteorologically initiated control test to a fairly realistic war game series which is still developing.  相似文献   

All but one of the Australian States now have legislation to control Air Pollution. These are similar in broad principle and rely upon the system of prior approval and the use of emission limits. At the present time Victoria is the only State with legislation providing for the recycling of crankcase vent gases on motor cars. Methods being used to control pollution and future outlook and needs are discussed. At least 65 per cent of the crude oil requirements should be met by indigenous low sulfur oil by 1975. This fact and the imminent supply of natural gas to the four major cities and to the centers of heavy industrial development should result in a marked reduction in sulfur dioxide concentrations. A major outstanding problem is the lack of air pollution considerations in planning at regional and local government levels.  相似文献   

This is an evaluation of the regional approach to controlling air pollution, in the light of the New York metropolitan experience, and recent federal and state legislative developments. Regional airsheds are defined and their administrative advantages delineated. The political difficulties involved in establishing and managing regional control districts, such as jurisdictional and regulatory problems, are also discussed. This paper touches upon the extent and adequacy of present day coordination and cooperation between agencies in the New York metropolitan area, as illustrated by the failure of the alert system during the Thanksgiving 1966 air pollution “episode.” The conflicting approaches of regional air quality commissions and the Mid-Atlantic States Air Pollution Control Compact are stressed. The desirability of such federal and state legislative proposals, and the advantages and drawbacks of special districts and other institutional arrangements to solve regional problems are also evaluated.  相似文献   

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