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The Arizona inspection and maintenance (I/M) program provides one of the first opportunities to examine the costs and effectiveness of vehicle emission repair. This paper examines various aspects of emission reductions, fuel economy improvements, and repair costs, drawing data from over 80,000 vehicles that failed the I/M test in Arizona between 1995 and the first half of 1996. We summarize the wealth of data on repair from the Arizona program and highlight its limitations. Because missing or incomplete cost information has been a serious shortcoming for the evaluation of I/M programs, we develop a method for estimating repair costs when they are not reported. We find surprising evidence that almost one quarter of all vehicles that take the I/M test are never observed to pass the test. Using a statistical analysis, we provide some information about the differences between the vehicles that pass and those that do not. Older, more polluting vehicles are much more likely never to pass the I/M test, and their expected repair costs are much higher than those for newer cars.

This paper summarizes the evidence on costs and emission reductions in the Arizona program, comparing costs and emissions reductions between cars and trucks. Finally, we examine the potential for more cost-effective repair, first through an analysis of tightening I/M cut points and then by calculating the cost savings of achieving different emission reduction goals when the most cost-effective repairs are made first.  相似文献   


Zhuhai, a relatively less developed city on the western coast of the Pearl River Delta (PRD) of China, is planning to undergo major development in coming years. A Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge project has been approved by the Central Government of China. The project will have great impact on the driving pattern and vehicular emissions to the city. This baseline study collected speed-time data of two instrumented private cars in morning and evening periods, as well as a daytime nonpeak period of >10 consecutive days in the spring and winter of 2003. The authors used the microwave speed sensor and global positioning system installed in the instrumented cars and used car-chasing technique to perform the data collection. They used the statistical package SPSS to assess the consistency, as well as to evaluate the variability of the data. Nine parameters, namely, average speed, average running speed, average acceleration rate, average deceleration rate, mean length of a driving period, time proportions of driving modes, average number of acceleration-deceleration changes, root mean square acceleration, and positive acceleration kinetic energy are calculated to represent the driving characteristics. A driving cycle for private cars was developed. If emission tests were conducted using the Zhuhai driving cycle, the level of vehicle emissions measured is likely to be in between that of the Federal Test Procedure (FTP) cycle and the Melbourne Peak cycle.  相似文献   

SCOPE AND BACKGROUND: In the course of the European Council Directive on permissible air pollutant limit values, valid starting from 2005 there is an urgent call for action, particularly for fine dust (PM10). Current investigations (Junk & Helbig 2003, Reuter & Baumüller 2003) show that the limit values in certain places in congested areas are exceeded. Only if it is possible to locate these Hot Spots purposeful measures to reduce the ambient air pollution can be conducted. For an efficient identification of these Hot Spots numerical computer models or establishing special measurements networks are too expensive. Using the statistical model STREET 5.0 (KTT 2003) a cost-effective screening of the air pollution situation caused by the traffic can be done. METHODS: STREET is based on the 3-dimensional micro-scale non-hydrostatic flow- and dispersion model MISCAM (Eichhorn 1989). The results of over 100.000 different calculations with MISCAM are stored in a Database and used to calculate the emissions with STREET. In collaboration with the city council of Trier more than 150 streets were investigated, mapped, and calculated. A special urban climate measuring network supplies the necessary meteorological input data about the wind field and precipitation events in the valley of the Moselle. Information about road width and road orientation as well as building density was derived from aerial photographs. Traffic censuses and mobile air pollutants measurements supplied the remaining input data. We calculated the mean annual air pollutant concentrations for NO2, CO, SO2, O3, benzene as well as PM10. RESULTS: A comparison of the model results with the values obtained from the stations of the central emission measuring network of Rhineland-Palatinate (ZIMEN, annual report 2002) shows very good agreements. The model was not only used to calculate the annual air pollutant but also for urban planning and management. The absolute level of the air pollutant is mainly dependent on the amount of traffic in the street canyons. Therefore four different case-scenarios with varying quantity of traffic were calculated and interpreted for each street. The results of the calculation show that on the basis of the mean values for both NO2 and benzene, it is not to be expected that the limits PERSPECTIVES: Furthermore the model can be used to find the maximum tolerable numbers of cars for a street without exceeding the air pollutant thresholds.  相似文献   

A long-term dispersion model is presented for traffic and space heating emissions in urban areas, allowing fast assessment of the spatial-averaged and center-maximum pollutant concentrations.

The assumption of study areas with circular shape and normal emissions density profiles is made for the purpose of streamlining model inputs with the inventory data normally available. In addition, the rather typical assumptions of Gaussian dispersion, narrow plume, flat or gently rolling terrain, homogeneous wind field and nonreactive pollutants are made. Values of σz from Briggs correlation are used with an initial value of 30 to account for building effects.

Meterological data inputs are reduced to six parameters, inventory data inputs to two, while computations are simplified to a degree that use of a digital computer is not required.

The model is well suited to yield separate assessments for individual types of sources and control measures, as well as to reveal sensitivities from parameters such as city size, or emission density levels and distribution patterns. Its predictions are virtually identical to those of the CDM-2 UNAPMAR model for study areas with circular shape and normal emissions density profiles, and as results do not appear overly sensitive to shape and distribution patterns, the model is believed to be valid for most urban areas.  相似文献   

Currently available information suggests a substantial environmental impact from residential wood combustion emissions. Air pollution from this source is widespread and increasing. Current ambient measurements, surveys, and model predictions indicate winter respirable (<2 μm) emissions from residential wood combustion can easily exceed all other sources. Both the chemical potency and deliverability of the emissions from this source are of concern. The emissions are almost entirely in the inhalable size range and contain toxic and priority pollutants, carcinogens, co-carcinogens, cilia toxic, mucus coagulating agents, and other respiratory irritants such as phenols, aldehydes, etc. This source is contributing substantially to the nonattainment of current particulate, carbon monoxide, and hydrocarbon ambient air quality standards and will almost certainly have a significant impact on potential future standards such as inhalable particulates, visibility, and other chemically specific standards. Emission from this growing source is likely to require additional expenditures by industry for air pollution control equipment in nonattainment areas.  相似文献   


This work studied the daily variability of mobile sources in rural and urban areas, in and around the Atlanta Metropolitan Area. Traffic counter data collected during the 1992 Southern Oxidants Study Atlanta Intensive Study were used to analyze the spatial and temporal distribution of traffic volume. A simple method to study the daily variability of mobile emissions from the different types of urban and rural roads is presented. The method is based on hourly traffic volume data and emission factors and it has been generalized to describe the daily variability of mobile emissions for urban and rural areas and for the whole modeling domain. Implications of this study for improving mobile emission inventories are also discussed.  相似文献   


In August 1995, measurements of CO, NOx, speciated nonmethane hydrocarbons (NMHC), and CO2 were made in Vancouver's Cassiar Connector, a 730-m-long level-grade highway traffic tunnel. Two characteristics of the Vancouver setting are the presence of many propane vehicles and a mandatory inspection and maintenance (I/M) program. Although the driving conditions and vehicle fleets are otherwise outwardly similar to those of recent Tuscarora-tunnel studies, CO/NO ratios at the Cassiar Connector are significantly lower than those measured at Tuscarora. The Cassiar measurements are consistent with the MOBILE5A mobile emissions model predictions. The Canadian version of MOBILE5A—known as MOBILE5C—gives nearly identical results, indicating that differences in Canadian and U.S. emission standards cannot explain differences between Cassiar and U.S. tunnels. Considering the modeling results as well as measured ethene/acetylene ratios indicative of noncatalyst vehicles, it appears that vehicle deterioration remains the major issue in in-use vehicle emissions—even in Vancouver, where there is a mandatory loaded-mode I/M program.  相似文献   


Air quality is degraded by many factors, among which the emissions from on‐road vehicles play a significant role. Timely and accurate estimate of such emissions becomes very important for policy‐making and effective control measures. However, lack of traffic data and outdated emission software make this task difficult. This research has demonstrated a new method that facilitates the vehicular emission inventories at the local level by using shorter-time Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) traffic data along with the latest U.S. Environment Protection Agency (EPA) emission modeling software, MOBILE6. The conversion methodology was developed for converting readily available HPMS traffic volume data into EPA MOBILE-based traffic classifications, and a corresponding software program was written for automating the process. EPA MOBILE6 model was used to obtain emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx), volatile organic compound (VOC), and cabon monoxide (CO) emitted by the parent traffic and subsampled traffic data, and these emissions were additionally compared. The case study has shown that the difference of the magnitude between the emission estimates produced by certain subsampled and parent traffic data are minor, indicating that subsampled HPMS data can be used for reporting parent traffic emissions. It was also observed that traffic emissions follow a Weibull distribution, and NOx emissions were more sensitive to the traffic data composition than VOC and CO. Lastly, use of average emission values of 20 or 30 consecutive minutes appears to be valid for representing hourly emissions.  相似文献   

This study addresses the exhaust emissions of CO2, NOx, SOx, CO, and PM2.5 originated from Baltic Sea shipping in 2006–2009. Numerical results have been computed using the Ship Traffic Emissions Assessment Model. This model is based on the messages of the automatic identification system (AIS), which enable the positioning of ships with a high spatial resolution. The NOx emissions in 2009 were approximately 7 % higher than in 2006, despite the economic recession. However, the SOx emissions in 2009 were approximately 14 % lower, when compared to those in 2006, mainly caused by the fuel requirements of the SOx emission control area (SECA) which became effective in May 2006, but affected also by changes in ship activity. Results are presented on the differential geographic distribution of shipping emissions before (Jan–April 2006) and after (Jan–April 2009) the SECA regulations. The predicted NOx emissions in 2009 substantially exceeded the emissions in 2006 along major ship routes and at numerous harbors, mostly due to the continuous increase in the number of small vessels that use AIS transmitters. Although the SOx emissions have been reduced in 2009 in most major ship routes, these have increased in the vicinity of some harbors and on some densely trafficked routes. A seasonal variation of emissions is also presented, as well as the distribution of emissions in terms of vessel flag state, type, and weight.  相似文献   


Ambient air measurements of N2O, NOx, CO, and HC based on grab sampling were conducted in a major traffic tunnel in Sweden, that carries up to 4,000 vehicles per hour, in order to estimate real-world emissions of N2O for road traffic. Two different methods—relative and mass balance—were used to calculate a N2O emission factor for the mixed vehicle fleet, which gave an average emission factor, at average speeds of 30-70 km/h, of approximately 25 mg N2O/ km, with a range of 7-56 mg/km.  相似文献   

The advancement of technology relating to participate emissions is pointed out as a significant aspect of this nation’s air pollution control efforts. Important factors include the ability of particulates: to cause poor visibility, to constitute a health hazard, to act as transport vehicles for gaseous pollutants, and (for some) to be highly active both chemically and catalytically. Attention is drawn to fine particulates (those with diameters less than about 3 microns) as an object of special attention within the general problem area. Recent EPA evaluations have indicated the effectiveness, under proper conditions, of advanced precipitators for fine particulate control.  相似文献   

As part of the Integrated Air Cancer Project, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has conducted field emission measurement programs in Raleigh, North Carolina, and Boise, Idaho, to identify the potential mutagenic Impact of residential wood burning and motor vehicles on ambient and indoor air. These studies included the collection of emission samples from chimneys serving wood burning appliances. Parallel projects were undertaken in Instrumented woodstove test laboratories to quantify woodstove emissions during operations typical of in-house usage but under more controlled conditions.

Three woodstoves were operated In test laboratories over a range of burnrates, burning eastern oak, southern yellow pine, or western white pine. Two conventional stoves were tested at an altitude of 90 m. One of the conventional stoves and a catalytic stove were tested at an altitude of 825 m.

Decreasing burnrate increased total paniculate emissions from the conventional stoves while the catalytic stove's total particulate emissions were unaffected. There was no correlation of total particulate emissions with altitude whereas total polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emissions were higher at the lower altitude. Mutagenicity of the catalytic stove emissions was higher than emissions from the conventional stove. Emissions from burning pine were more mutagenic than emissions from oak.  相似文献   


The medical community has long recognized that humans exhale volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Several studies have quantified emissions of VOCs from human breath, with values ranging widely due to variation between and within individuals. The authors have measured human breath concentrations of isoprene and pentane. The major VOCs in the breath of healthy individuals are isoprene (12580 ppb), acetone (1.2-1,880 ppb), ethanol (13-1,000 ppb), methanol (160-2,000 ppb) and other alcohols. In this study, we give a brief summary of VOC measurements in human breath and discuss their implications for indoor concentrations of these compounds, their contributions to regional and global emissions budgets, and potential ambient air sampling artifacts. Though human breath emissions are a negligible source of VOCs on regional and global scales (less than 4% and 0.3%, respectively), simple box model calculations indicate that they may become an important (and sometimes major) indoor source of VOCs under crowded conditions. Human breath emissions are generally not taken into account in indoor air studies, and results from this study suggest that they should be.  相似文献   

Fine participates are the subject of increasing concern as one of the major air pollutants. They contribute to smog formation. They are a health hazard because they bypass the respiratory filters and penetrate deep into the lungs, and because they may act synergistically with other pollutants. The sources of submicron particle size pollutants are discussed.  相似文献   

On December 20, 1989, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed revised new source performance standards for new municipal waste combustion (MWC) units and guidelines for existing sources. The proposed national regulations require tighter particulate matter control and address pre-combustion, combustion, and post-combustion controls, the latter two depending on capacity and age of the facility.

The air pollutants of concern when municipal solid waste (MSW) is burned will be discussed. Generally, particulate control is an inherent part of the systems used to limit the emissions of these air pollutants. The relationships between MWC air emissions (acid gases, trace organics, and trace heavy metals) control and particulate control will be discussed. Test results to quantify air pollutant emissions from MWC units and their control will be presented and compared with the proposed regulations.  相似文献   

Particulate emission sampling was conducted at Dofasco’s No. 2 Coke Want Quench Tower in August 1977. The sampling was performed by York Research Corporation using EPA developed quench tower sampling techniques. Particulate emissions averaged 0.245 lb/ton of coal over 17 tests. The mist eliminator in the tower consists of two rows of zig-zag baffles inclined at 20° from the vertical. Particle size data indicated that the majority of the particulate emissions were less than 10 microns in diameter. A mathematical model was used to predict the effect of particle size and gas velocity on collection efficiency. Pressure drop and re-entrainment are two restrictions which are considered in baffle design. Quench towers are the largest contributor to Dofasco’s allowable off-the-property suspended particulate impingement concentration.  相似文献   


It is important to understand the effects of emission controls on concentrations of ozone, fine particulate matter (PM2.5), and hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) simultaneously, to evaluate the full range of health, ecosystem, and economic effects. Until recently, the capability to simultaneously evaluate interrelated atmospheric pollutants (“one atmosphere” analysis) was unavailable to air quality managers. In this work, we use an air quality model to examine the potential effect of three emission reductions on concentrations of ozone, PM2.5, and four important HAPs (formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acrolein, and benzene) over a domain centered on Philadelphia for 12-day episodes in July and January 2001. Although NOx controls are predicted to benefit PM2.5 concentrations and sometimes benefit ozone, they have only a small effect on formaldehyde, slightly increase acetaldehyde and acrolein, and have no effect on benzene in the July episode. Concentrations of all pollutants except benzene increase slightly with NOx controls in the January simulation. Volatile organic compound controls alone are found to have a small effect on ozone and PM2.5, a less than linear effect on decreasing aldehydes, and an approximately linear effect on acrolein and benzene in summer, but a slightly larger than linear effect on aldehydes and acrolein in winter. These simulations indicate the difficulty in assessing how toxic air pollutants might respond to emission reductions aimed at decreasing criteria pollutants such as ozone and PM2.5.  相似文献   

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