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Pollution control systems will normally require some auxiliary equipment to capture and carry the gas stream to the control device. In general, this auxiliary equipment will consist of a hood or similar device to isolate and collect the pollutant-laden gas, ductwork to convey the gas stream to the control device, and dampers to control and modulate the flow. In this article, the equipment cost of canopy hoods, ducting, and dampers will be considered, together with their effect on the size, cost, and operation of the control device.  相似文献   

合流制排水系统溢流污染就地调蓄处理控制技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对高效混合絮凝斜板沉淀工艺进行现场中试的基础上,将化学强化处理工艺与调蓄池相结合,针对上海市某合流制排水系统,进行调蓄/沉淀池的概念设计,提出主要设计参数,利用计算流体力学(CFD)模型对调蓄/沉淀池进行优化设计.试验和模拟结果表明,调蓄/沉淀池与单纯的调蓄池相比具有更好的溢流污染控制效果和效益/造价比.  相似文献   

This is the first installment of a 4-part series which will present capital and operating costs of selected air pollution control systems. The objective of the Series is to identify the individual component costs so that realistic system cost estimates can be determined for any specific application. In Part I, cost estimating procedures and curves are provided to develop the equipment costs for electrostatic pre-cipitators, venturi scrubbers, fabric filters, incinerators, and adsorbers.  相似文献   

Collectively, surface coating operations using paints with hydrocarbon solvents may well be the largest industrial source of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and hazardous air pollutants (HAP). Most surface coating operations involve the manual application of paint with spray equipment inside a paint spray booth. The booth exhaust system collects the solvent fumes and then exhausts them through a stack to the atmosphere. Stack emissions are characteristically high in flow rate and low in concentration. Since control equipment is sized based on exhaust flow rate rather than concentration, control of VOC and HAP requires large, expansive abatement equipment. Simple, effective designs employing recycling of air have greatly reduced the exhaust flow rate and the cost of the control equipment. However, these designs are not popular because they are burdened by various flaws, notably worker endangerment. The Mobile Zone recirculation system can be incorporated into new construction or retrofitted to existing spray booths and will reduce the exhaust volumes ranging from 65 to 95 percent without adversely affecting the production rate, production quality or worker safety.  相似文献   

Pulse-jet fabric filters (PJFFs) are widely used in U.S. industrial applications, and in both utility and industrial boilers abroad. Their smaller size and reduced cost relative to more conventional baghouses make PJFFs an attractive particulate control option for utility boilers. This article which is the third in a three-part series, compares the cost of PJFFs with electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) and reverse-gas baghouses (RGBs).

This article presents the capital, operating and maintenance (O&M), and level-ized costs for ESPs, RGBs and PJFFs. The particulate control equipment design and pricing are supplied by manufacturers of the control equipment. A comparison of costs for a base case 250-MW boiler indicates that the PJFF capital cost is 22 percent lower than the cost of an ESP with 400 SCA and 12-inch plate spacing; in addition the PJFF is 35 percent lower than the cost of an RGB. The levelized cost for a PJFF is about equal to the cost of the ESP but 14 percent lower than the cost of the RGB. Overall, the attractiveness of a PJFF versus an ESP depends on the coal type and the outlet emissions limit required. PJFF is favored when low-sulfur coal is fired due to the high-resistivity fly ash. Also, PJFF is favored as more stringent outlet emission rates are required.  相似文献   

The U.S. EPA’s Air and Energy Engineering Research Laboratory is responsible for assessing control technology performance and costs under the National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program. A major part of this assessment involves developing site-specific estimates of the performance and costs of retrofitting SO2 and NOx control technologies for the top 200 SO2- emitting (1980) coal-fired power plants in the 31-state eastern region. This effort includes detailed evaluation of a small number of plants (30 or less) representing a cross-section of the top 200 population. In cooperation with the states of Ohio and Kentucky (in conjunction with the U.S. EPA’s State Acid Rain Grant Program), efforts were undertaken to visit and conduct detailed evaluation of 12 coal-fired plants—five in Ohio, seven in Kentucky and the Tennessee Valley Authority System. A variety of commercial and advanced SO2 and NOx control technologies—including precombustion, combustion (in-furnace), and postcombustion (flue gas cleanup) technologies—were applied to each plant through conceptual designs. Retrofit factors (applied to the capital cost of a new pollution control system), cost “adders” (e.g., movement of existing equipment), and costs were developed for applying the control technologies to the boilers of each plant. Results of these and subsequent efforts will be valuable in evaluations of acid deposition control strategies by federal and state agencies and by electric utilities.  相似文献   

The best interest of any company is well served when responsibility for procurement of vapor control equipment is properly fixed. From discovery of need, to final operation of the equipment, many events must occur and much effort must be expended. In many petroleum industry marketing terminals today, decentralization of control has forced terminal managers to become cost center managers as well as distribution facility managers, and this added responsibility is valuable. Who else is in a better position to evaluate the true operating costs of any equipment and to carry out the responsibility of finding the right equipment for the job at hand? Where companies employ central engineering staffs, the necessary support studies should be made available to the terminal manager so that he can understand and review: (1) the capital investment and related depreciation expense; (2) the need for preventive maintenance programs as suggested by bidding equipment suppliers; (3) the need for local contractors to bid on preventive maintenance programs; (4) company maintenance routines and all labor expense involved; and (5) budget preparation for both capital and expense budgets.  相似文献   

The choice of air pollution equipment best suited for a specific foundry cupola involves the consideration of a number of factors.—They are: (1) The design of the cupola, including openings, door enclosures, height of stack, etc. These features greatly affect the size, cost, and efficiency of control systems. (2) The constituents of the effluent gas and the other properties, such as temperature and volume, are extremely important because corrosion, warpage, and low efficiency can result from these variables. (3) Four distinctly different types of air pollution control equipment are available for cupolas. They vary widely in initial cost, operating cost, and maintenance, but also vary widely in efficiency. (4) Local air pollution regulations and community considerations dictate the choice of air pollution equipment. Those regulations now in force are quite stringent in some localities, but quite lenient in others. An incremental approach to installation of systems would make one economically feasible for the small foundry.  相似文献   

Hot-mix asphalt paving plant operations and the associated air pollution control problems are presented. Field observations and test data are included for full scale installations. Comparisons are made for various types of control equipment and their effectiveness. The dry cyclonic units offer the least cost expenditures, lowest space requirements, and can collect the fines in a usable condition. Wear can often be a problem, and their efficiency capabilities limit their use as total collection devices. They no longer are suitable as total collection units in many localities. Their role is being relegated to that of primary and secondary collectors. Wet collectors of several types, particularly the more sophisticated and high energy units, are capable of satisfying higher efficiency requirements. They offer space advantages and are in the medium cost range. Wear is generally no problem, however, corrosion can be a problem depending on the amount of sulphur in the rotary dryer burner fuel. Settling tanks, ponus, or pits are necessary for settling of the collected dust. The dust, as collected, is not readily reusable as mineral filler in the mix. Fabric collectors are capable of satisfying the most stringent codes. They offer the greatest cost advantage for material recovery to be used as mineral filler. First cost and space requirements of fabric filters are highest of the three classes of equipment discussed.  相似文献   

This report summarizes the installation and operation of fly ash collection and disposal equipment at the South Charleston Plant and includes installation costs, replacement costs based on present-day cost factors, as well as performance data, and maintenance and operating costs.  相似文献   

Several methods are available for estimating the capital costs of systems and each has its own degree of accuracy. These methods range from presenting overall installed costs on a per unit basis, to detailed cost estimates based on preliminary designs, schematics, and contractor quotes. The least accurate method is the equating of overall capital costs to a basic operating parameter such as tons per hour or cfm since this method only produces accuracies in the "order of magnitude" category, at best. The detailed cost estimate, in turn, can produce accuracies of ±5 % depending on the amount of preliminary engineering involved. These estimates, however, take many months of engineering effort and require process and engineering flow sheets, material and energy balances, plot plans, and equipment arrangement drawings before a cost estimate can be developed. For first-cut estimating purposes, the technique described in this article for developing capital costs for a specific pollution control system is based on the factored method of establishing direct and indirect installations costs as a function of known equipment costs. The cost factors developed are based on both quoted and estimated installation costs of pollution control systems. The annual operating costs for these systems are based on unit costs for utilities and operating and maintenance labor together with fixed percentages of capital costs for the indirect costs.  相似文献   

Several existing federal and state provisions act to reduce the cost to in dustry of controlling air pollution. Included are the federal corporate income tax, depreciation allowances, investment credits, small Business Administration loans, Economic Development Administration aid, and state tax laws. These provisions give government assistance to industry amounting to as much as 59 percent of the cost of air pollution control. Numerous bills have been introduced in Congress that would give additional government aid to industry in the form of special across-the-board tax allowances for air pollution control equipment. A typical bill of this type would result in the government bearing an additional 11 percent of these costs. There are several possible objectives for this kind of additional aid; however, none of these seem valid when the amount of present assistance is recognized. From this analysis, it would seem that additional across-the-board tax subsidies for air pollution control equipment are neither required nor advisable. Future studies and/or experience may show certain firms or industries for which air pollution control will be too great a burden and for which additional government assistance is advisable. When such cases are found, legislation should be enacted only after the pros and cons of the various assistance methods are considered.  相似文献   

污水再生处理微滤-反渗透工艺经济分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,微滤-反渗透(MF-RO)工艺在污水再生处理领域中的应用越来越受到关注,但其设备投资和运行成本较高,需要建立科学、高效的运行管理机制和投入产出机制,以提高其经济效益。系统研究了北京市某再生水厂微滤-反渗透(MF-RO)工艺的设备投资及运行费用等情况。再生水成本主要由设备折旧费和运行成本组成,其中运行成本所占比例较高,而在运行成本中所占比例最高的是膜更换费、电费和药剂费。目前该厂再生水销水量约为7 000 m3/d,运行负荷率仅为33.33%,导致再生水成本较高,总成本约达5.29元/m3,其中设备折旧费为0.83元/m3,运行成本约为4.46元/m3。因此提高运行负荷率,即提高销水量,是降低再生水成本的关键。  相似文献   

Deciding whether the gas should be cleaned by a “dry” system or a “wet” system requires a full consideration of all factors of which the capital cost is only one. Anticipating the various problems which might be expected and designing adequate measures for each calls for major engineering effort,but onlythen can a best choice be made. The principles which govern the above are illustrated by a typical selection of gas cleaning equipment to be used as part of a BOF steel making installation. Two entirely different gas cleaning systems are presently in BOF service in North America. Both will do an excellent job if properly designed. Either system will cost in excess of $2,000,000 and will require careful control and large amounts of electrical power. One system, the dry electrostatic precipitator, requires humidification of the gas; protection against explosions; elaborate electrical controls, insulators, etc.; and a rugged handling system for the bone dry dust collected. The other system, wet washing with water, Is easier to control but uses large quantities of water and electric power. As in the case of the “dry” system, handling the dirt collected is a difficult problem requiring careful study and choice of equipment. In either case the dust may be discarded or reused, but it must be handled with care lest it become an air or stream pollution problem all over again.  相似文献   

水样中二甲基乙酰胺的测定方法主要有紫外分光光度法、双波长法、高效液相色谱法及气相色谱法。对前3种方法进行了探讨,结果表明:紫外分光光度法操作简单、使用广泛;双波长法能消除硝酸盐对二甲基乙酰胺测定的干扰;高效液相色谱法可对复杂水样中的二甲基乙酰胺进行测定,但仪器昂贵。3种方法各有特点,要根据具体所测的水样特征和实验条件选择合适的测定方法。  相似文献   

Many best management practices have been developed and implemented to treat the nonpoint source pollution of the aquatic environment in Korea's four major river basins. The performance and cost of these facilities were evaluated and compared using broad categories, including grassed swales, constructed wetlands, vegetated filter strips, hydrodynamic separators, media filters, and infiltration trenches, based on the monitoring and maintenance work undertaken between 2005 and 2012. Constructed wetlands, media filters, and infiltration trenches generally performed better in removing pollutants than other types of facilities, while media filters were the most expensive factor in terms of construction and operational costs. In addition, constructed wetlands incurred the least operational cost, as well as helping to control the quantity of runoff. This illustrates that a high cost facility does not necessarily give a better performance. A slightly more expensive facility, such as wetland, could prove to be a reasonably effective treatment. The selection of the most appropriate treatment for stormwater runoff should be based on an overall analysis of performance and cost.  相似文献   

Volatile organic compounds (VOC) are commonly released from process vents and equipment leaks. These discharges are a threat to the environment, and cost manufacturers millions of dollars in added raw material costs. For these reasons, one may be confronted with the task of evaluating alternatives for reducing VOC emissions from a process plant.

There are two basic approaches for reducing VOC emissions: a) changing the process, or b) installing control equipment.

Methods for changing the process include replacing highly volatile solvents with less volatile ones, making piping changes to reduce the number of vents, tightening the process to eliminate open tanks and leaks, altering process temperature and pressure conditions, etc. Equipment that is applicable to VOC emission control includes incineration, carbon adsorption, scrubbing and condensation.

This article addresses the application of condensers to process vents. A computer spreadsheet model is described, providing a quick screening which indicates whether a vent condenser might be a viable option for controlling emissions. The template provides, for each of a range of condensing temperatures, estimates for the amount of VOC that will be condensed, the condenser size and the tons of refrigeration required.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of multivariate regression models developed to estimate the properties and cost of U.S. coals washed for varying degrees of sulfur removal using commercially available physical coal preparation processes. The models allow washed coal characteristics to be predicted from information on coal origin, heating value, ash, and sulfur content. The models were developed by first "processing" each of the 710 coals in the U.S. Bureau of Mines (USBM) coal washability data base through a coal preparation plant computer model which optimizes plant performance to achieve a desired washed coal quality. Washability data are adjusted to account for the inefficiencies of coal washing equipment, and the actual coal sizes treated by various plant wash streams. Since different plant designs may be capable of achieving a given level of sulfur removal, three nominal levels of plant complexity (Levels 2, 3, 4) were included to identify the most economical alternative. The washed coal characteristics thus derived were then analyzed using standard statistical techniques to develop regression equations linking washed coal properties and cost to raw coal properties for each of 18 geographical regions encompassing the entire U.S. These regression models are incorporated in the Advanced Utility Simulation Model (AUSM) to estimate the economic potential of coal washing as a sulfur abatement strategy, in conjunction with other options available to coal-fired power plants. Modeling results for Pennsylvania showed that washed coals frequently were selected as part of a cost-effective control strategy, accounting for 10 to 30 percent of the total emissions reduction, and that "local coal" restrictions significantly increase the use of washed coal as an SO2 control strategy. Hypothetical requirements for mandatory coal cleaning, however, were found to be costly and ineffective.  相似文献   

There seems to be a general impression on the part of the public and many technical people that dust collecting systems on the open hearth furnace are simply a matter of giving a contract for a duplicate system to that previously installed; signing a check for a sum to cover the cost of the cleaning equipment itself, pressing the start-up button and then sitting back to receive the plaudits of a grateful community. This paper will briefly present some of the problems common to all of the installations to date. It will also explain why the cost of the cleaning equipment itself is such a small portion of the total cost.  相似文献   

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