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The APCA Critical Review entitled "Incineration of Hazardous Waste" was presented by E. Timothy Oppelt, Chief, Thermal Destruction Branch, Alternative Technologies Division of U.S. EPA’s Hazardous Waste Engineering Research Laboratory (Cincinnati). Mr. Oppelt presented his review at the 80th APCA Annual Meeting & Exhibition, held in New York City in June 1987. The Critical Review paper, published in the May 1987 issue of JAPCA, examined the current state of knowledge regarding hazardous waste incineration in an effort to put the technical and environmental issues into perspective. Prepared discussions presented during the Critical Review session are published here, along with additional comments and closing remarks by Mr. Oppelt. Howard M. Ellis, Chairman of the Critical Review Subcommittee of the Publications Committee, served as moderator of the 1987 Critical Review session.  相似文献   

This article is a series of representative case studies of Department of Defense hazardous waste minimization. Each Military Department and the Defense Logistics Agency describe actual accomplishments. Areas covered range from production line modification to product specification change. These efforts are part of a Department of Defense plan composed of individual programs executed independently by each military service and defense agency.

Part VII of the hazardous waste minimization series appears in two separate installments: the first installment, Part VII (A), dealt with Department of Defense waste minimization efforts in vehicle repair operations, explosives manufacturing, and abrasive blasting processes; Part VII (B) covers shipboard mercury wastes, industrial chemical control, solvent reclamation, and hazardous property sales efforts.  相似文献   

Dry scrubbing of the flue gas from chemical waste incineration is becoming an increasingly viable alternative to wet scrubbing. This paper discusses the relative advantages and disadvantages of wet and dry scrubbing systems and compares the relative capital and operating costs. The design parameters of the dry scrubbing process are discussed, including reagent atomization, gas dispersion, gas temperatures, and particulate removal. The history of dry scrubbing process applications is discussed, including the successful European hazardous waste systems. Finally, a comparison is made among three very different hazardous waste incinerators in the U.S. that will utilize dry scrubbing systems.  相似文献   

Regulation to control air emissions of toxic organic compounds require the collection and analysis of effluent gas from low level sources such as hazardous waste incinerators. The standard SW- 846 Method specifies the use of Tenax and Tenax/charcoal adsorbent traps for collection of volatile organics from incinerators. This study evaluates passivated stainless steel canisters as an alternative to adsorbent traps to eliminate some of the problems associated with adsorbent sampling. Initially the stability of 18 nonpolar, volatile organic compounds was determined in Summa-treated stainless steel canisters with greater than 100 ppmv HCI and saturated with water vapor. All 18 components were stable for a twoweek period; however, an Interference caused a 10-fold increase In the FID response of trlchloroethylene, toluene, and chlorobenzene. No Interference of the ECD response was found for any of the 11 compounds detected with the ECD including trlchloroethylene. A pilot scale incinerator was sampled using canisters, and the destruction efficiency of 1,1,1-trichloroethane was determined at a concentration of less than 0.5 ppbv while determining 1,1-dichloroethylene, the major product of Incomplete combustion, at a concentration of 8000 ppbv from the same sample.  相似文献   

This article is a series of representative case studies of Department of Defense hazardous waste minimization. Each Military Department and the Defense Logistics Agency describe actual accomplishments. Areas covered range from production line modification to product specification change. These efforts are part of a Department of Defense plan composed of individual programs executed independently by each military service and defense agency.

Part VII of the hazardous waste minimization series appears in two separate installments: this installment, Part VII (A), deals with Department of Defense waste minimization efforts in vehicle repair operations, explosives manufacturing, and abrasive blasting processes; Part VII (B) will cover shipboard mercury wastes, industrial chemical control, solvent reclamation, and hazardous property sales efforts.  相似文献   

The extractive nature of the petroleum industry sets it apart from other industries in many respects. The nature of this industry places it at somewhat of a disadvantage to other industries when attempts are made to foster waste minimization practices and programs. However, this is no excuse for the industry to not further vigorously pursue minimizing waste. This paper describes the petroleum industry and the products it makes along with their associated waste streams. The industry’s commitment to waste minimization is described with examples of specific minimization projects provided. Although the opportunities for minimization are limited, the economic incentives for reducing waste disposal costs, not to mention long term liability from improper disposal practices, has put the petroleum industry on the road to waste minimization.  相似文献   

The foundry industry is a major consumer of waste materials (scrap). Unfortunately, the recycling of these waste materials can result in the generation of hazardous wastes that must be properly managed at a significant cost. This article focuses on two waste streams in the foundry industry; calcium carbide desulfurization slag and melt emission control residuals. The author presents an overview of how foundries have evaluated different waste management options with the ultimate goal of minimizing the generation of hazardous waste.  相似文献   

Recognizing the need for minimizing the generation of hazardous waste, the chemical industry is experiencing a surge in the initiation of programs for reducing such waste. With a new realization that the cost of handling waste may be many times higher than the value of the materials lost in it, the industry needs to examine a new end-point for optimizing its processes; one that includes the total cost of waste management as well as the conventional cost elements such as raw materials, power and the like. The authors discuss some of the problems that industry is encountering; then describe Du Pont’s approach to waste reduction in terms of administrative and technical activities. They emphasize that, in addition to meeting environmental needs, waste reduction often makes good sense solely from an economic point of view.  相似文献   

This article describes the “nuts and bolts” of implementing a waste minimization program at an industrial facility which has made a commitment to carry out such a program for waste reduction and/or elimination. Under EPA sponsorship, a waste minimization assessment methodology has been developed and applied in a total often such assessments at industrial and DOD facilities. The article reviews the eleven distinct steps that represent the preferred procedure for carrying out a waste minimization assessment at an industrial site. This procedure is presented in detail in the recently published “The EPA Manual for Waste Minimization Opportunity Assessments.” Two case studies are presented which have employed this methodology to develop waste reduction options in the areas of source reduction and recycle/reuse. Lessons learned during the development and application of this methodology are also presented.  相似文献   

An overview is provided of the production processes, waste generation, and waste management of the electronics products industries. Chosen product areas include electron tubes, semiconductors, capacitors/resistors, and printed circuit/wiring boards. Examples are given of specific processes and associated waste streams. Waste minimization activities are identified, and specific examples of successful applications provided. While faced with a wide variety of waste streams, many opportunities for waste minimization exist and await only application.  相似文献   

The metal finishing industry uses over 40 production processes to produce a wide range of metal products. Waste streams generated include wastewater, waste oils, spent solvents, and spent process solutions. Currently a wide variety of techniques which minimize waste are available. Cost-effective methods to reduce electroplating wastewater contamination include water conservation and drag-out reduction, recovery and management. Ways to cost-effectively reduce the generation of spent metal-working fluids include establishing a fluid management program and installing a fluid recovery system. However, before any techniques are selected, a waste reduction survey should first be conducted.  相似文献   

Waste minimization in the automotive repair industry is characterized by the large numbers of small quantity generators (SQG) producing solvent, alkaline and detergent hazardous wastes. On-site management of multiple processes which vary depending on the size of shop make the administration of hazardous waste policies particularly complex. This paper presents the quantities and types of hazardous materials typically produced. Guidelines are presented to allow generators to organize a waste minimization program.  相似文献   

The pesticide formulation industry is dependent upon the basic manufacturers for the main raw materials. Waste minimization efforts are, therefore, limited to process/handling sources. The economic incentive for waste reduction has mandated significant changes throughout each facility. There are waste problems, however, that require industry-wide action, e.g., empty containers. The ongoing regulatory actions affecting this business will require continuing efforts to maintain operations.  相似文献   

The current hazardous waste incinerator permitting process is highly uncertain, complex, and unnecessarily restrictive, which makes a permitted facility very difficult to operate on a continuous basis without permit violations. This paper discusses the problems in the current regulation and enforcement practices. Some solutions are suggested. It is suggested that the current highly conservative permitting approach of disallowing any operating conditions or banning any waste feeds which the permit writer may have the slightest doubt of failing to meet the four-9s destruction and removal efficiency (DRE) requirement for even a few seconds, should be reevaluated. It is suggested that a more reasonable approach, using practical engineering judgment to allow those operating conditions and waste feeds which should be able to meet the DRE requirement, should be considered by the regulatory agencies.  相似文献   

The U.S. Congress and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency believe that treatment and recovery techniques should be given maximum priority when considering methods for managing the nation's generated hazardous waste. A prohibition for the disposal of certain categories of hazardous wastes either directly onto or into the land without being treated to an accepted degree prior to such disposal practice has been promulgated.1 Wastes containing toxic metals and cyanide complexes have been selected as a group to be restricted. Due to the high generation rate associated with this category, a large capacity of waste treatment processing will be required. Existing and emerging treatment alternatives which are or have the potential to be employed for waste treatment of metal bearing wastes are presented in this paper.  相似文献   

A viable chemical surrogate for monitoring the effectiveness of hazardous waste incinerators must include high thermal stability and low toxicity among its characteristics. The relationship between sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) and hazardous constituent thermal stability for a mixture of chlorinated hydrocarbons indicates that SF6 has the potential to satisfy the basic requirements of a chemical surrogate for hazardous waste incineration.  相似文献   

The 1984 amendments by Congress to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) resulted primarily from a sense of frustration with EPA's apparent lack of progress in addressing the myriad problems associated with hazardous waste management. The amendments were also a manifestation of Congress’ clear sense of purpose in wanting to steer a radically different course at much greater speed. Whether this bold experiment works remains to be seen. EPA appears to be committed to carrying out both the letter and spirit of the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984, but no one should underestimate the magnitude of the task.  相似文献   

The California Air Resources Board (ARB) completed a series of source tests of eight operating biomedical waste incinerators (BMWI) under conditions of typical operation. The emissions of certain metals, and chlorinated dioxins and furans in the flue gases of BMWI are relatively high in comparison to emissions from other combustion sources, such as hazardous waste or municipal waste incinerators of modern design. This study reports on an analysis of the status of the existing regulatory framework and the California data base. Clarification of definitional issues at the federal level is needed to effectively treat BMWI management issues. Although few relationships among combustion parameters and emissions were uncovered, patterns of emissions were evident, suggesting commonality and relationships among the waste stream constituents and emissions. Potential implications for future research, operation of BMWI, controls and source reduction and waste segregation strategies are also discussed.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional flow model of a hazardous waste incinerator kiln and vertical secondary combustion chamber arrangement was constructed to evaluate critical system parameters. The chamber wall configuration, location and arrangement of burners, and the positioning of the outlet duct were examined to determine the critical secondary combustion chamber gas residence time and mixing of the combustion flows. The scale model consisted of the rotary kiln as a primary combustion chamber, the secondary combustion chamber, two burners, and the exhaust ducting. Flue gas velocities in the model inlets and outlet were maintained to provide a Reynolds numbers equal to the full size unit. Patterns of smoke which were injected into the model inlets were viewed to evaluate flow mixing. Slow motion playback of video tape was used to determine the minimum residence time of flow in the high temperature combustion zone. The results of the model study were used to complete the engineering of a waste incineration system.  相似文献   

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