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An integrated theory is developed to describe the steadystate operation of a suspended-growth bioscrubber for the control of biodegradable, volatile organic gases. The bioscrubber consists of an N-stage absorber and an oxidation reactor. A biomass slurry is circulated between the absorber and the oxidation reactor, t he pollutant is absorbed and partially oxidized in the absorber. Oxidation is completed in the oxidation reactor. Predictions of the theory show that the removal efficiency is a function of Henry's Law constant for the pollutant, the ratio of the liquid flow rate to the gas flow rate, and the number of stages. Since high efficiencies can be achieved for soluble, biodegradable, volatile organic compounds, such systems have the potential to be a low-cost control method.  相似文献   

The diffusion battery, an assembly of circular tubes or rectangular channels, is one of the best devices available for measuring the size and size distribution of submicron aerosols in the diameter range 0.002 to 0.2 µ m. The performance of these batteries is known from molecular diffusion theory, but until now has not been checked experimentally in this size range because of the lack of the necessary monodisperse aerosols. Experimental measurements on singly charged monodisperse aerosols from 0.01 µm to 0.1 µ m are described using a General Electric and a Pollak condensation nucleus counter to measure the aerosol penetration through the stages of a set of portable diffusion batteries in series. Particle sizes in the range tested could be selected at will by adjusting the voltage of an electric mobility classifier. The fraction of aerosol of a given size passing through each battery stage was found to agree closely with the penetration calculated from molecular diffusion theory for that size. This shows that the theory is correct and confirms that the aerosol produced by the electric mobility classifier was monodisperse. In addition, it was found that the difference in penetration between a charged versus a neutralized aerosol was insignificant except for the smallest aerosols used.  相似文献   

环境与经济协调发展理论研究进展   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
简述了协调发展的内涵及其定量化研究概况,综述了协调发展相关理论-可持续发展,环境承载力,生态经济规划等的研究进展,并指出了协调发展理论的研究趋势。  相似文献   

A theory for the rise of a plume in a horizontal wind is proposed in which it is assumed that, for some distance downwind of a high stack, the effects of atmospheric turbulence may be ignored in comparison with the effects of turbulence generated by the plume. The theory, an extension of the local similarity ideas used by Morton, Taylor, and Turner,1 has two empirical parameters which measure the rate that surrounding fluid is entrained into the plume. Laboratory measurements of buoyant plume motion in laminar unstratified cross flow are used to estimate the empirical parameters. Using this determination of the parameters in the theory, the trajectories of atmospheric plumes may be predicted. To make such a prediction, the observed wind velocity and temperature as functions of altitude, and flow conditions at the stack orifice, are used in numerically integrating the equations. The resulting trajectories are compared with photographs, made by Leavitt, et al.,2 of TVA, of plumes from 500 to 600 ft high stacks. Within 10 stack heights downwind of the stack, the root mean square discrepancy between the observed height of the trajectory above ground level and the theoretical value is 14%, which is about the uncertainty in the observed height. The maximum plume rise within the field of observation is within 15% of that predicted by the present theory.  相似文献   

Presently, there is no effective way to interpret or predict dust penetration through a pulse-jet cleaned fabric filter. This paper presents a model which considers penetration straight through the filter and penetration by seepage. A considerable number of studies have been devoted to penetration by the straight through process; however, a comparison of data from the literature with the present model indicates that seepage and not straight through penetration accounts for virtually all penetrating dust. Although insufficient information is presently available to use the model to predict penetration, the model does show trends that should occur with changes in filter operating variables such as filtration velocity and pulse pressure, and suggests areas in which further research is necessary.  相似文献   

Theory for reactive solute transport through clay membrane barriers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The theoretical development for one-dimensional, coupled migration of solutes with different ionic mobilities through clay soils that behave as ion-restrictive membranes, referred to as clay membrane barriers (CMBs), is presented. The transport formulation is based on principles of irreversible thermodynamics and accounts explicitly for coupling effects of hyperfiltration (ultrafiltration) and chemico-osmotic counter-advection associated with clay membrane behavior in the absence of electrical current. Since, by definition, no solute can enter a "perfect" or "ideal" membrane, the concept of an implicit coupling effect, such that the effective salt-diffusion coefficient, Ds* approaches zero as the chemico-osmotic efficiency coefficient, omega approaches unity is introduced. The theoretical development also illustrates that, even in the absence of membrane behavior, traditional advective-dispersive transport theory based on a constant value of Ds* for the solutes may not be appropriate for simulating transient transport in reactive (ion exchanging) systems. This potential limitation is illustrated through simulations for solute mass flux involving the migration of a binary salt solution (KCl) through a clay barrier with exchange sites saturated with a single exchangeable cation (e.g., Na+) that enters the pore solution upon ion exchange with the salt cation (K+).  相似文献   

区域规划环境影响跟踪评价的理论研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着环境影响评价制度的深入实施,其实施领域已由项目环评向区域环评和规划环评转变,评价内容也由广泛实施的预测评价向后评价和跟踪评价转变。然而,对于区域规划环评的评价层次、评价程序和评价内容,目前还没有明晰的认识;同时,对于促进规划环评有效实施的跟踪评价,其相关的理论和实践研究几乎没有。文中就此问题作了深入探讨。  相似文献   

人工湿地的净化机理及对氮磷的去除效果   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
人工湿地是模拟自然湿地的人工生态系统,它利用生态系统中的物理、化学和生物的三重协同作用来实现对污水的净化,土壤、植物、微生物是其基本构成,因此,从这三个方面介绍了人工湿地的净化机理,综述了人工湿地在N、P去除方面的研究成果和存在问题.  相似文献   

城市污水处理厂提高污泥浓度的理论与实践   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在城市污水处理厂运行中,通过提高污泥回流比实现提高污泥浓度是有限的.分点进水高效脱氮除磷(ECOSUN-IDE)工艺改变了传统的进水方式,在活性污泥系统中进行分点进水,大幅度提高了污泥浓度,从而改进了城市污水处理厂脱氮除磷效率.  相似文献   

论排污许可证制度对点源排放控制政策的整合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国水污染防治政策很多,包括环境影响评价、"三同时"、排污收费等,但各项政策基本是分散和独立执行的,没有核心和基础的政策,不成体系,缺乏效率。基于排污许可证作为政府的执法文件的角度,论证了将分散的点源排放控制政策围绕排污许可证整合为系统的排放控制政策体系。中国已具备实施排污许可证制度的基础条件,以排污许可证制度为基础的政策整合对现有点源排放控制政策进行了修改、补充和改进,将其整合为一个系统的点源排放控制政策体系,使各级管理部门可以各司其职,协调合作;协调整合不同类型的政策手段,使命令控制、经济激励和劝说鼓励3类手段相互补充,进一步提高政策执行效率,降低政策执行成本,提高排放控制政策效果、效率,降低执法和守法成本。  相似文献   

在污水生物脱氮工艺中,硝化过程是由自养硝化菌和异养硝化菌共同完成的.2类细菌的N2O生成机理及逸出量与系统中溶解氧的高低密切相关.了解硝化系统中的典型菌种自养菌Nitrosomonas europaea和异养菌Alcaligenesfaecalis生成N2O的机理是控制硝化过程中N2O逸出的理论基础,通过筛选优势菌种构建同步硝化-反硝化作用则是控制N2O逸出的新途径.  相似文献   

In 2012, the four countries hosting the Svalbard population of pink-footed goose Anser brachyrhynchus along its flyway launched an International Species Management Plan for the population. One of the aims was to reduce conflicts between geese and agriculture to an acceptable level. Since 2006, Norway has offered subsidies to farmers that provide refuge areas for geese on their land. We evaluate the mid-Norwegian goose management subsidy scheme, with a view to its adjustment to prevailing ecological and socio-economic parameters. The analysis indicates that the legitimacy of the scheme is highly dependent on transparency of knowledge management and accountability of management scheme to the farming community. Among farmers, as well as front-line officials, outcomes of prioritisation processes within the scheme are judged unfair when there is an evident mismatch between payments and genuine damage. We suggest how the scheme can be made more fair and responsive to ecological changes, within a framework of adaptive management.  相似文献   

Thermal venting is a remediation technique suitable to the liquid unsaturated zone to enhance recovery of less-volatile residual hydrocarbon contaminants. Thermal venting is different to traditional soil venting because heated air instead of air at ambient conditions is applied to the contaminated zone. The vapor pressure of a less-volatile contaminants is typically increased by temperature causing the gas-phase concentrations to increase by three- to five-fold over a temperature increase of 20–30°C. The work described in this first paper provides the theoretical framework of analysis related to thermal venting. The analysis included nonisothermal gas flow, thermal energy transport and multicomponent mass transport in a multiphase porous medium. The transient gas flow analysis included the effect of temperature on fluid properties and gas compressibility. The heat energy transport analysis was performed under the thermodynamic equilibrium condition with phase-summed effective thermal properties. Multi-component mass transport was performed under local equilibrium for partitioning between phases. Model verification was performed to the extend possible using analytical and available experimental data for different physical processes. The second paper of this two-part series will demonstrate the applicability of thermal venting technique through numerical simulations of hypothetical laboratory and field-scale scenarios.  相似文献   

A tall passive flux chamber with a height significantly greater than its horizontal dimensions is proposed for measuring fluxes of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) at the soil surface. The main feature of this tall chamber is the presence of a vertical concentration gradient of the target gas in the chamber. The emission and transport behavior of the target gas in the soil-chamber system are analyzed using the diffusion theory. A mathematical model is developed to estimate the flux from the soil into the tall chamber, providing the target gas establishes a detectable vertical concentration gradient in the chamber. To obtain the data required for calculating flux, only two gas concentrations (C1 and C2) at two heights (h1 and h2) within the chamber need to be measured at the end of a short chamber placement time (tp). To evaluate the applicability of the tall chamber for measuring flux, several laboratory tests have been conducted, using CH2Cl2 and CH3Br as the target gases. The results indicate that the proposed tall chamber has promising potential as a method for measuring fluxes of VOCs at the soil surface.  相似文献   

An electromigration transport model for non-reactive ion transport in unsaturated soil was developed and tested against laboratory experiments. This model assumed the electric potential field was constant with respect to time, an assumption valid for highly buffered soil, or when the electrode electrolysis reactions are neutralized. The model also assumed constant moisture contents and temperature with respect to time, and that electroosmotic and hydraulic transport of water through the soil was negligible. A functional relationship between ionic mobility and the electrolyte concentration was estimated using the chemical activity coefficient. Tortuosity was calculated from a mathematical relationship fitted to the electrical conductivity of the bulk pore water and soil moisture data. The functional relationship between ionic mobility, pore-water concentration, and tortuosity as a function of moisture content allowed the model to predict ion transport in heterogeneous unsaturated soils. The model was tested against laboratory measurements assessing anionic electromigration as a function of moisture content. In the test cell, a strip of soil was spiked with red dye No 40 and monitored for a 24-h period while a 10-mA current was maintained between the electrodes. Electromigration velocities predicted by the electromigration transport model were in agreement with laboratory experimental results. Both laboratory-measured and model-predicted dye migration results indicated a maximum transport velocity at moisture contents less than saturation due to competing effects between current density and tortuosity as moisture content decreases.  相似文献   

The performance features of both industrial and experimental fabric filter systems with respect to the concentration and particle size properties of the collector effluents are examined. From a qualitative viewpoint the factors that should influence significantly the collection characteristics of a fabric filter are dust properties, fabric properties, operating parameters, filter cleaning method, and critical interdependencies. The quantitative prediction of performance and the establishment of design parameters are limited for a generalized approach but data have been reported that provide excellent support for limited applications.  相似文献   

近岸海域环境综合治理是典型的公共产品和公共服务,需要多个主体协同治理。连云港湾长制已实施两年多,虽取得了一定成效,但从协同治理理论来看,仍存在治理主体相对单一、公众参与不足问题。因此,今后应以协同治理理论为指导,形成多元的治理主体,树立各个治理主体的权威性,加强各治理主体的协同性,充分发挥各治理主体的积极性,共同推进湾长制的实施。  相似文献   

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