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The body of information presented in this paper is directed to those individuals concerned with the effect of urban pollution on downwind areas. Concern has been expressed over the appropriate hydrocarbon and NO x control strategy to be used in minimizing the effects of ozone and NO2 on urban population centers and their downwind environs. O3 and NO2 formation were studied in smog chamber irradiations as a function of the initial NO x concentration at three hydrocarbon concentrations. By carrying out the irradiations for a period of time equivalent to one solar day in a continuously diluting system, smog formation in a chemically reacting pollutant system under transport was simulated. The results of this experimental simulation suggest that hydrocarbon reduction reduces O3 in urban as well as downwind areas while NO x reduction increases O3 in the urban area and has little effect on O3 in downwind areas. Both hydrocarbon and NO x reduction will reduce atmospheric NO2 levels, with the effect of NO x reduction generally being more pronounced.  相似文献   

Forensic analyses of chlorinated hydrocarbon plumes typically entail reviews of site records, flow and transport modeling, and analysis of indicator compounds to gain insights into the behavior of a contaminant plume in the subsurface. Such approaches are directed toward unraveling the specific circumstances associated with the disposal history and hydrogeology of a site. A complimentary approach is to compare the behavior of a particular plume with a population of plumes from other sites that may be influenced by similar mechanisms (e.g. transformation processes such as reductive dehalogenation). In other words, hypotheses pertaining to plume behavior can be tested against a knowledge base of what is typical behavior and what is not. To address this proposed methodology, three example applications of statistical techniques to a multi-site data set are presented to provide background for problems that may be pertinent to forensic analyses. These examples include measuring the frequency of association between selected chlorinated hydrocarbon compounds, assessing the effects of transformation processes on temporal concentration trends in populations of groundwater monitoring wells, and dating plumes, in a relative sense, by concentration correlation analyses. In each case, the results of the statistical analyses are consistent with expectation, indicating that meaningful trends in chlorinated hydrocarbon plume behavior may be discerned from a diverse multi-site data set.  相似文献   

In the summers of 1960 and 1961, groups from the Canada Department of Agriculture, the Meteorological Service of Canada, and the Canada Department of National Health and Welfare conducted a joint study in a tobacco-growing area along the north shore of Lake Erie. The purpose of the study was to determine the causal agent for weather fleck damage to tobacco crops. A number of air pollutants were monitored and the results correlated with extensive observations of meteorological phenomena and effects on rate of growth and fleck damage to leaves of tobacco plants in experimental plots. Ozone concentrations followed a diurnal cycle, rising a few hours after sunrise, peaking in early afternoon at about 5 pphm, and dropping to a minimum of less than 1 pphm during the night. Other measurements indicated the presence of NO2 in the order of 1 pphm, aldehydes about 0.2 pphm or lower, and negligible concentrations of SO2. Cracking of stretched rubber strips followed the ozone values although, in general, the cracking index was greater than could be attributed to ozone (by oxidized KI) alone. The maximum ozone value recorded during the two growing seasons was IS pphm. A dosage of 20 pphm-hr was found sufficient to cause weather fleck or ozone damage to susceptible tobacco leaves. In addition meteorological data could be used to predict weather fleck attacks one to four days in advance.  相似文献   


The main results of an experimental study focusing on the formation and transport of photochemical pollution in the Madrid air basin are presented. This southern European, heavily populated urban area is located on an elevated plateau at a height of 700 m, near a mountain range with maximum heights of around 2,400 m. Daily and seasonal cycles of ozone were documented during a one-year survey at three semi-rural sites located 30 km away from the urban center. Maximum hourly values of up to 140 ppb were measured, and the ozone generated within the urban plume on polluted days (when values exceeded 90 ppb) has been estimated at around 40-50 ppb.A meteorological characterization of these smoggy days pointed out the influence of thermally induced local wind flows on the concentration daily cycles at the measuring sites, denoting a preferred advection of the urban plume. Moreover, during intensive summer field campaigns, the use of meteorological and ozone sondes, as well as an instrumented aircraft, revealed some features about the horizontal and vertical distribution of the polluted air masses, as well as their evolution within the planetary boundary layer. Ozone plumes have been detected up to 100 km away from the city, usually mixed in a layer that reaches a height of 1,000-1,500 m in the afternoon. On some occasions, ozone-enriched layers have been detected as high as 4,000 m during morning hours, suggesting possible tropospheric injection induced by topographydriven flows or convective mesoscale systems that are usually present in the center of the Iberian Peninsula in the summer.  相似文献   

Carbon bond (CB-III) fractions for non-methane organic carbon compounds (NMOC) measured in the background alrmass adverted into several urban areas in the eastern and southern United States are reported. These, together with ozone measured aloft, were used In an Empirical Kinetic Modeling Approach (EKMA) to model urban ozone production and urban ozone control strategies.

Over a range of zero to double the mean of the measured NMOC concentrations aloft (0 to 70 ppbC) and zero to the highest ozone levels recorded aloft (0 to 65 ppb), it was found that urban ozone production and control strategies were relatively insensitive to NMOC from aloft. However, urban ozone production was sensitive to ozone from aloft, while ozone control strategies were insensitive to ozone from aloft.  相似文献   

A procedure is described for producing a sulfur dioxide (SO2) contaminated atmosphere within a body plethysmograph, exposing man to this atmosphere while maintaining the SO2 concentration at a given level, and measuring the concentration with less than a oneminute lag time. A syringe is used to introduce incremental volumes of SO2 limiting the maximum SO2 concentration in the chamber and assuring safety of the subject. A Titrilog SO2 analyzer with its rapid response characteristics provides quick measurement of the SO2 concentration. The body plethysmograph used in this manner serves simultaneously as a pulmonary function measuring device and as an exposure chamber.  相似文献   

A prototype instrument monitoring ozone or nitric oxide has been used for photochemical smog studies in the laboratory and the atmosphere. The principle of the detector is based on the chemiluminescent reaction  相似文献   


Leakages of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) are suspected to contribute greatly to ozone (O3) formation in Mexico City. We tested such a hypothesis by outdoor captive-air irradiation (CAI) experiments in the two largest Mexican metropolitan areas: Guadalajara (GMA) in 1997 and Mexico City (MCMA) in 2000. O3 was monitored in each city for 20 days (8:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m.) in smog chambers containing unaltered morning air or morning air enriched with either commercial LPG or LPG synthetic mixture 60/40 (propane and butane). Tested additions of both components were 35% (by volume) in GMA and 60% (by volume) in MCMA. The addition effects on O3 (max) were compared with effects from diluting LPG components or total nonmethane hydrocarbons (tNMHCs) by 50%. Diluting tNMHCs had the greatest absolute effect at both cities: it lowered O3 (max) by 24% in GMA and 55% in MCMA. Adding commercial LPG increased O3 (max) by 6% in GMA and 28% in MCMA; whereas adding LPG synthetic mixture 60/40 caused a similar increase in O3 (max), 4 and 21% in GMA and MCMA, respectively. Compared with dilution of tNMHCs, dilution of LPG-associated compounds had a smaller decreasing effect on O3 (max), only 4% in GMA and 15% in MCMA. These results show that commercial LPG and LPG synthetic mixture 60/40 affect O3 formation to a lesser extent than estimated previously.  相似文献   


Understanding ozone response to its precursor emissions is crucial for effective air quality management practices. This nonlinear response is usually simulated using chemical transport models, and the modeling results are affected by uncertainties in emissions inputs. In this study, a high ozone episode in the southeastern United States is simulated using the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model. Uncertainties in ozone formation and response to emissions controls due to uncertainties in emission rates are quantified using the Monte Carlo method. Instead of propagating emissions uncertainties through the original CMAQ, a reduced form of CMAQ is formulated using directly calculated first- and second-order sensitivities that capture the nonlinear ozone concentration-emission responses. This modification greatly reduces the associated computational cost. Quantified uncertainties in modeled ozone concentrations and responses to various emissions controls are much less than the uncertainties in emissions inputs. Average uncertainties in modeled ozone concentrations for the Atlanta area are less than 10% (as measured by the inferred coefficient of variance [ICOV]) even when emissions uncertainties are assumed to vary between a factor of 1.5 and 2. Uncertainties in the ozone responses generally decrease with increased emission controls. Average uncertainties (ICOV) in emission-normalized ozone responses range from 4 to 22%, with the smaller being associated with controlling of the relatively certain point nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions and the larger resulting from controlling of the less certain mobile NOx emissions. These small uncertainties provide confidence in the model applications, such as in performance evaluation, attainment demonstration, and control strategy development.  相似文献   

邓延慧  李娟 《污染防治技术》2007,20(5):64-65,89
简述了目前国内对饮用水中卤代烃类化合物的研究现状,根据对饮用水中卤代产物的形成及浓度受水源水中前驱物、饮用水消毒处理方法等因素的影响,阐述了控制饮用水消毒过程中卤代烃的形成途径。  相似文献   


Data from the 1990 San Joaquin Valley Air Quality Study/ Atmospheric Utility Signatures, Predictions, and Experiments (SJVAQS/AUSPEX) field program in California's San Joaquin Valley (SJV) suggest that both urban and rural areas would have difficulty meeting an 8-hr average O3 standard of 80 ppb. A conceptual model of O3 formation and accumulation in the SJV is formulated based on the chemical, meteorological, and tracer data from SJVAQS/ AUSPEX. Two major phenomena appear to lead to high O3 concentrations in the SJV: (1) transport of O3 and precursors from upwind areas (primarily the San Francisco Bay Area, but also the Sacramento Valley) into the SJV, affecting the northern part of the valley, and (2) emissions of precursors, mixing, transport (including long-range transport), and atmospheric reactions within the SJV responsible for regional and urban-scale (e.g., downwind of Fresno and Bakersfield) distributions of O3. Using this conceptual model, we then conduct a critical evaluation of the meteorological model and air quality model. Areas of model improvements and data needed to understand and properly simulate O3 formation in the SJV are highlighted.  相似文献   


The rate of formation of secondary particulate matter (PM) in power plant plumes varies as the plume material mixes with the background air. Consequently, the rate of oxidation of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) to sulfate and nitric acid, respectively, can be very different in plumes and in the background air (i.e., air outside the plume). In addition, the formation of sulfate and nitric acid in a power plant plume is a strong function of the chemical composition of the background air and the prevailing meteorological conditions.

We describe the use of a reactive plume model, the Reactive and Optics Model of Emissions, to simulate sulfate and nitrate formation in a power plant plume for a variety of background conditions. We show that SO2 and NO2 oxidation rates are maximum in the background air for volatile organic compound (VOC)-limited airsheds but are maximum at some downwind distance in the plume when the background air is nitrogen oxide (NOx)-limited. Our analysis also shows that it is essential to obtain measurements of background concentrations of ozone, aldehydes, peroxyacetyl nitrate, and other VOCs to properly describe plume chemistry.  相似文献   

Ozone and forests in South-Western Europe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper provides basic information about background, objectives and structure of O3SWE (Ozone at the permanent monitoring plots in South-Western Europe), an international co-operative project aimed at evaluating O3 concentrations, cumulative exposure, uptake and effects on forest vegetation in four countries of South-Western Europe (France, Italy, Luxenbourg, Spain and Switzerland). The project covers a total of 83 permanent plots of the EU and UN/ECE intensive forest monitoring programme and span over three years of investigation (2000-2002). The O3SWE project aims to demonstrate how, using data collected routinely in an intensive forest monitoring network, O3 exposure, flux and effects can be assessed and exceedances critically evaluated.  相似文献   


Forest, agricultural, rangeland, wetland, and urban landscapes have different rates of carbon sequestration and total carbon sequestration potential under alternative management options. Changes in the proportion and spatial distribution of land use could enhance or degrade that area’s ability to sequester carbon in terrestrial ecosystems. As the ecosystems within a landscape change due to natural or anthropogenic processes, they may go from being a carbon sink to a carbon source or vice versa. Satellite image analysis has been tested for timely and accurate measurement of spatially explicit land use change and is well suited for use in inventory and monitoring of terrestrial carbon. The coupling of Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data with a physiologically based forest productivity model (PnET-II) and historic climatic data provides an opportunity to enhance field plot-based forest inventory and monitoring methodologies. We use periodic forest inventory data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service’s Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) Program to obtain estimates of forest area and type and to generate estimates of carbon storage for evergreen, deciduous, and mixed-forest classes. The area information is used in an accuracy assessment of remotely sensed forest cover at the regional scale. The map display of modeled net primary production (NPP) shows a range of forest carbon storage potentials and their spatial relationship to other landscape features across the southern United States. This methodology addresses the potential for measuring and projecting forest carbon sequestration in the terrestrial biosphere of the southern United States.  相似文献   

Ozone and urban forests in Italy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ozone levels along urban-to-rural gradients in three Italian cities (Milan, Florence, Bari) showed that average AOT40 values at rural and suburban sites were 2.6 times higher than those determined at urban sites. However, O3 also exceeded the European criteria to protect forest health at urban sites, even when the standards for human health protection were met. For protecting street trees in Mediterranean cities, the objectives of measurement at urban sites should extend from the protection of human health to the protection of vegetation as well. A review of forest effects on O3 pollution and of O3 pollution on forest conditions in Italian cities showed that it was not possible to distinguish the effect of O3 in the complex mixture of urban pollutants and stressors. A preliminary list of tree species for urban planning in the Mediterranean area shows the average tree capacity of O3 removal and VOC emission.  相似文献   

Ozone trends have been developed for 50 California sites located in six basins and for 15 Texas sites in two regions. All data were obtained directly from state or local monitoring agencies and have been standardized to the current ultraviolet calibration basis. Rigorous standards of data representativeness and statistical validity have been adhered to throughout. The effect of monitoring variance upon apparent trends is reviewed as well as implications of this work for the ozone control strategy. Trends for 1973-82 for three key robust ozone statistics were developed in detail and analyzed. These are: annual average, annual hours >120 ppb and average daily maximum hour (May through October). Summaries for three other statistics including annual maximum hour are also included as well as composite trends for California basins and Texas regions. The statistical significance of all trends is discussed.  相似文献   

Ozone data from 184 metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) for the time period 1979-1989 were analyzed to: (1) put the large number of O3 exceedances observed in 1988 into perspective, and (2) determine if increasing the averaging time used to calculate the O3 NAAdS violation rate would significantly decrease the number of MSAs that experienced a change in their annual attainment status. The analyses indicate that 1988 had more exceedances in more MSAs than any other year, but 1979-1981 had more O3 NAAQS violations. The analyses also indicate that perceived attainment status flip-flops are significantly reduced by increasing the averaging period from the current three-year period to a longer time period.  相似文献   

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