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Air pollution control efforts by federal, State, regional, and municipal agencies and by industry have expanded tremendously within the past few years. That this increased effort is a reflection of elevated public understanding of the problem and rising public insistence upon action is inescapable. Through all media of mass communication, through the efforts of public service organizations, and through the actions and pronouncements of public officials at all levels of government, the popular desire for better control of air pollution is being expressed with mounting frequency and increasing impact. This fact, in addition to generating an unprecedented expansion in control activity, requires that communication between the individuals and agencies responsible for air pollution control and the citizen, to whom this responsibility is owed, be open, comprehensive, and forthright. Any other response to the need for public information and education concerning the problem of air pollution must in the long run seriously jeopardize the air pollution control effort.  相似文献   

Several existing federal and state provisions act to reduce the cost to in dustry of controlling air pollution. Included are the federal corporate income tax, depreciation allowances, investment credits, small Business Administration loans, Economic Development Administration aid, and state tax laws. These provisions give government assistance to industry amounting to as much as 59 percent of the cost of air pollution control. Numerous bills have been introduced in Congress that would give additional government aid to industry in the form of special across-the-board tax allowances for air pollution control equipment. A typical bill of this type would result in the government bearing an additional 11 percent of these costs. There are several possible objectives for this kind of additional aid; however, none of these seem valid when the amount of present assistance is recognized. From this analysis, it would seem that additional across-the-board tax subsidies for air pollution control equipment are neither required nor advisable. Future studies and/or experience may show certain firms or industries for which air pollution control will be too great a burden and for which additional government assistance is advisable. When such cases are found, legislation should be enacted only after the pros and cons of the various assistance methods are considered.  相似文献   

Municipal and state regulations limiting the allowable sulfur content of fossil fuels are having the effect of changing fuel use patterns of many of the nation’s utilities. The utility companies are faced with increased costs of lower sulfur fuels and capital expenditures associated with the fuel changes, as well as with greater uncertainty concerning long term supplies of suitable fuels. Capital costs for air pollution control are mounting. Electrostatic precipitators must be built to meet more stringent air pollution codes, and stack heights may have to be increased to improve discharge patterns. Other capital expenditures for added requirements such as steam and electric tracing and pumping equipment must be made to accommodate distinctive characteristics of low sulfur fuels. Air pollution control costs do not result in increased productivity, improved products, or products that will command a better price in the market. Nevertheless, the expenditures are essential. Nuclear power is the long range solution to which many utilities look but, in the shorter view, the power industry must expect continued cost increases in the areas of fuel and operating expenses, capital expenditures and research and development.  相似文献   

Air pollution has plagued the urban areas of our Nation for many years, both as a serious health hazard and as a costly economic burden. Users of the air as a waste disposal medium have treated it as a free resource with no regard for the damages incurred by receptors of the dirty air. Unfortunately, no self-regulating market forces exist that will bring this diseconomy into an acceptable equilibrium. An outside regulating force, which can affect abatement of air pollution, is needed to achieve control of air pollution to a level acceptable to a community. A prerequisite of any proposed regulatory action to be applied by an outside force, however, is the need to define an acceptable level of pollution. One means of accomplishing the task is to apply an economic evaluation, in the form of a cost-benefit analysis, to the problem. Previous analyses of the economic aspects of air pollution have stressed only one side of the problem. That is, they have dealt only with the cost of control or the damages caused by air pollution. No analysis has combined both aspects into a meaningful analysis of the overall economic impact. The objective of this paper is to present a technique that can be used to find the level of pollution abatement in an area that balances the cost of controlling pollution with the benefits received from its control. To present a clearer picture of this technique and its results, it has been applied to the Washington, D. C. area to find the optimum level of particulate abatement. This method is generally applicable to any area, in which an air pollution problem exists.  相似文献   

The initial state implementation plans concentrated on attainment of the ambient air quality standards in the relatively polluted areas of the country. Many of these plans must now be modified to ensure that the ambient standards will be maintained for the foreseeable future, and to ensure that significant deterioration of air quality in clean areas of the country is prevented.

The existing implementation plans currently contain many measures which are applicable to the maintenance and deterioration efforts, but additional measures must also be developed. Many of these additional measures will involve future planning activities—most common of which will be land use planning activities.

The point is made that, after existing sources have reduced their emissions to the lowest practical level, further air pollution control can only be accomplished by implementing rational planning procedures for management of any new sources of air pollution. This will require extensive cooperation among the air pollution control community; regional, state, and local planning agencies; state and local governments; and the general public in order to ensure that future land use plans include appropriate air quality considerations.  相似文献   

A poll conducted by Opinion Research Corp. in 1965 has indicated to the chemical industry that there is substantial public concern with air pollution only in areas where the problem is critical, that industries are considered among the prime villains, and that there is only limited public awareness of industrial efforts to deal with pollution problems and of the economic factors in community pollution control programs. Other surveys have also pointed to rising public concern with industrial pollution, coupled with a lack of wider standing of the problem. The chemical industry believes that pollution control programs will be greatly handicapped without widespread public understanding and support.  相似文献   

In the last 10 yr, Beijing has made a great effort to improve its air quality. However, it is still suffering from regional coarse particulate matter (PM10) pollution that could be a challenge to the promise of clean air during the 2008 Olympics. To provide scientific guidance on regional air pollution control, the Mesoscale Modeling System Generation 5 (MM5) and the Models-3/Community Multiscale Air Quality Model (CMAQ) air quality modeling system was used to investigate the contributions of emission sources outside the Beijing area to pollution levels in Beijing. The contributions to the PM10 concentrations in Beijing were assessed for the following sources: power plants, industry, domestic sources, transportation, agriculture, and biomass open burning. In January, it is estimated that on average 22% of the PM10 concentrations can be attributed to outside sources, of which domestic and industrial sources contributed 37 and 31%, respectively. In August, as much as 40% of the PM10 concentrations came from regional sources, of which approximately 41% came from industry and 31% from power plants. However, the synchronous analysis of the hourly concentrations, regional contributions, and wind vectors indicates that in the heaviest pollution periods the local emission sources play a more important role. The implications are that long-term control strategies should be based on regional-scale collaborations, and that emission abatement of local sources may be more effective in lowering the PM10 concentration levels on the heavy pollution days. Better air quality can be attained during the Olympics by placing effective emission controls on the local sources in Beijing and by controlling emissions from industry and power plants in the surrounding regions.  相似文献   

Foliar markings on vegetation have proven a highly sensitive criterion for the presence of many air pollutants; proper evaluation of such effects can serve as a valuable and inexpensive tool for delineating an air pollution condition. Injury symptoms from fluoridt, sulfur dioxide, photochemical oxidants and other pollutants have been described and can be recognized by experienced observers. Field studies provide a valuable technique for appraising an air pollution problem when diagnosis is not confused by other factors. Careful inspection can avert difficulties arising in diagnosis where similar symptoms are produced by agents other than air pollutants. Several factors must be considered in appraising injury. These include a knowledge of the relative sensitivity of plant species to various pollutants, the syndrome of injury on a number of plants and species, and distribution and geographic relation of affected plants to the suspected source. Background information on cultural, environmental, disease and insect conditions which might be responsible for, or modify, foliar markings or chronic effects in question must also be understood. For some pollutants a chemical analysis of foliage and air may prove helpful. When these factors are studied, the presence, distribution and magnitude of an air pollution situation can be evaluated, thus providing a sensitive criterion of air quality.  相似文献   


Owners of hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities, and certain major air pollution sources, must conduct several separate ambient air dispersion modeling analyses before beginning construction of new facilities or modifying existing facilities. These analyses are critical components of the environmental permitting and facility certification processes and must be completed to the satisfaction of federal, state, and local regulatory authorities.

The U.S. Army has conducted air dispersion modeling for its proposed chemical agent disposal facilities to fulfill the following environmental regulatory and risk management requirements: (1) Resource Conservation and Recovery Act human health and ecological risk assessment analysis for the hazardous waste treatment and storage permit applications, (2) Quantitative Risk Assessment to support the site-specific risk management programs, and (3) Prevention of Significant Deterioration ambient air impact analysis for the air permit applications. The purpose of these air dispersion modeling studies is to show that the potential impacts on human health and the environment, due to operation of the chemical agent disposal facilities, are acceptable. This paper describes and compares the types of air dispersion models, modeling input data requirements, modeling algorithms, and approaches used to satisfy the three environmental regulatory and risk management requirements listed above. Although this paper discusses only one industry (i.e., chemical demilitarization), the information it contains could help those in other industries who need to communicate to the public the purpose and objectives of each modeling analysis. It may also be useful in integrating the results of each analysis into an overarching summary of compliance and potential risks.  相似文献   

本文研究我国目前炭黑工业大气污染控制技术的状况及特点。近十年来,我国炭黑工业大气污染控制技术有了长足的进展,选择合理的工艺过程,采用袋滤器高效净化炭黑烟气,成功地开发了炭黑工业气体余热的回收及利用。为此,我国炭黑工业大气污染控制技术,实现了炭黑微粒和可燃气态污染物的高效净化,炭黑工业气体余热绝大部分得到了回收及利用,余热利用率达60%以上。我国炭黑工业一跃成为低能耗、有效能高效利用,大气污染物高效净化的清洁生产的化工厂,和生产热力及电力的能源部门。  相似文献   

Mortality is the most important health effect of ambient air pollution and has been studied the longest. The earliest evidence relates to fog episodes but with the development of more precise methods of investigation it is still possible to discern short-term temporal associations with daily mortality at the historically low levels of air pollution that now exist in most developed countries. Another early observation was that mortality was higher in more polluted areas. This has been confirmed by modern cohort studies that account for other potential explanations for such associations. There does not appear to be a threshold of effect within the ambient range of concentrations. Advances in the understanding of air pollution and mortality have been driven by the combined development of methods and biomedical concepts. The most influential methodological developments have been in time-series techniques and the establishment of large cohort studies, both of which are underpinned by advances in data processing and statistical analysis. On the biomedical side two important developments can be identified. One has been the application of the concept of multifactorial disease causation to explaining how air pollution may affect mortality at low levels and why thresholds are not obvious at the population level. The other has been an increasing understanding of how air pollution may plausibly have pathophysiological effects that are remote from the lung interface with ambient air. Together, these advances have had a profound influence on policies to protect public health. Throughout the history of air pollution epidemiology, mortality studies have been central and this will continue because of the widespread availability of mortality data on a large population scale and the weight that mortality carries in estimating impacts for policy development.  相似文献   

Solid growth is seen for the air pollution control industry for the rest of the century. Over the next twelve years purchases of particulate control equipment in the U.S. will grow at a rate considerably better than the GNP; growth rates in developing countries will be even higher. The portion of air pollution control expenditures represented by FGD systems is predicted to rise from its current level of 12 percent to 62 percent in 1991 if acid rain legislation is passed as predicted. A significant market is seen also for municipal, industrial and agricultural waste incinerators. Geography plays an important role in the strength of the industry; in the future, industrialized countries will be the sites of new designs and applications, while developing countries will be the life extension of the tried and proven designs. Industrywide, new product development is seen as an underused route to success.  相似文献   

Recent air pollution legislation, introduced as a Clean Air Act into New South Wales, the most populous and most heavily industrialized Australian State relies mainly upon the establishment of maximum limits of emission of air impurities. Regulations made under the Act set out the first of a series of such limits which cover the more commonly encountered pollutants. Other limits will be included later as knowledge is accumulated but, in the meantime, where standards have not been fixed the "best practicable means" of controlling air pollution must be used. To facilitate administration and to provide financial support for scientific and engineering services in the form of the Air Pollution Control Board, industries of significant air pollution potential have been designated as scheduled premises and pay annual license fees. Further technical support for the legislation is provided by an Air Pollution Advisory Committee.  相似文献   

Over the years JAPCA has directed its attention primarily to the scientist and engineer in their roles as industrial air quality managers, consultants, control officials, educators, researchers, and manufacturers of emission control equipment and air pollution instrumentation. Largely overlooked has been the air pollution control contractor who evolved from the sheet metal industry to become a key figure in the environmental marketplace. Let's look "beyond the flange", as it were, at this contractor, his work, his association, and the professional development opportunities being offered to him.  相似文献   

近几年来 ,饮食业油烟污染受到了越来越多的关注。分析了油烟中的主要污染物成分 ,介绍了油烟对人体健康的几种危害 ,同时对现有的 5种处理技术 :惯性分离、过滤分离、洗涤去除、静电沉积、复合技术进行了分析比较 ,并列举了一些应用实例。现有技术都有一定的局限性 ,应尽快研制出实用高效的新的处理技术 ,以减轻城市大气污染  相似文献   

Expansion of blast furnace slag causes emissions of hydrogen sulfide, creating an air pollution problem common throughout the steel industry. This paper describes a new process, called pelletizing which eliminates the air pollution problem while at the same time producing a superior slag product.  相似文献   

The objective of the study is to examine the long-run and causal relationship between climate change (i.e., greenhouse gas emissions, hydrofluorocarbons, per fluorocarbons, and sulfur hexafluoride), air pollution (i.e., methane emissions, nitrous oxide emissions, and carbon dioxide emissions), and tourism development indicators (i.e., international tourism receipts, international tourism expenditures, natural resource depletion, and net forest depletion) in the World’s largest regions. The aggregate data is used for robust analysis in the South Asia, the Middle East and North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, and East Asia and the Pacific regions, over a period of 1975–2012. The results show that climatic factors and air pollution have a negative impact on tourism indicators in the form of deforestation and natural resource depletion. The impact is evident, as we have seen the systematic eroding of tourism industry, due to severe changes in climate and increasing strain of air pollution. There are several channels of cause–effect relationship between the climatic factors, air pollution, and tourism indicators in the World’s region. The study confirms the unidirectional, bidirectional, and causality independent relationship between climatic factors, air pollution, and tourism indicators in the World. It is conclusive that tourism industry is facing all time bigger challenges of reduce investment, less resources, and minor importance from the government agencies because of the two broad challenges, i.e., climate change and air pollution, putting them in a dismal state.  相似文献   

This review has attempted to evaluate the present state of our knowledge of the effects on health in man of environmental exposure to oxides of sulfur, sulfates, and particulate matter. There has been a great deal of activity in this field over the last 15 years, and therefore any collation of this material will represent the selected biases of the reviewer. The conclusions reached can be summarized as follows: (1) These pollutants, as they have been measured in epidemiological investigations, can only be considered as indirect indices of general air pollution and in many cases cannot be separated from each other. Therefore, we cannot incriminate a specific source of any one pollutant as the producer of the most harmful substance to reach the ambient air. Conversely, we cannot excuse any specific source of one pollutant because that specific pollutant has not been found to cause disease at a given concentration. The measurements in ambient air are the net results from all sources of pollution in combination with factors influenced by weather and meteorological considerations. (2) Direct effects from acute, high ambient air pollution disasters have been adequately demonstrated. Significant excess mortality has occurred in association with particular air pollution episodes. All of these episodes have occurred during cold weather, and the effects of temperature must also be considered along with elevated levels of smoke and sulfur oxides. (3) Specific working groups exposed to unusually high levels of these pollutants do not demonstrate dramatic effects. This is presumably related to the fact that susceptible people are self-selected out of these environments. (4) Associations between the prevalence of chronic respiratory disease in the general population and specific levels of these air pollutants have been demonstrated. The major thrusts of epidemiological investigations have been to study the effects of chronic exposure to ambient levels of smoke and sulfur dioxide. The studies to date have collected and analyzed point-prevalence data and information obtained from retrospective investigations. Although epidemiological investigations cannot prove a cause-and-effect relationship, the consistency of the results is such that one must conclude that a causal association is likely. In this reviewer’s opinion we have reached the stage at which we no longer need to demonstrate the effect of past exposure to these pollutants. What is needed now is to demonstrate the effects of current and continued exposure. This will require a better understanding of the natural history and pathophysiology of the diseases thought to be associated with chronic exposure to smoke and sulfur dioxide. Because of the nature of chronic respiratory disease, groups of subjects for whom exposure is known, must be followed over extended periods of time. The logical extension of these observations will be the follow-up of large populations for whom exposure has been reduced. Only by studies of this kind may we be able to prove the cause-and-effect relationship which most likely exists.  相似文献   

Informative Report No. 7 on the inedible rendering industry is one of a series of survey reports prepared by APCA’ TI-2 Committee on air pollution problems and control methods encountered in the chemical industry today.  相似文献   

Informative Report No. 11 dealing with the air pollution potential of phthalic anhydride manufacture is one of a series of survey reports prepared by APCA’s TI-2 Chemical Committee on air pollution problems and control measures encountered in the chemical industry today. Phthalic anhydride, typical of those intermediate synthetic organics produced for and used in the manufacture of many consumer products, is used in the production of paints, plastics, and synthetic resins.  相似文献   

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