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To test the effectiveness of California’s vehicle inspection/ maintenance (I/M) program, exclusive of vehicle-owner intervention, a fleet of more than 1,100 vehicles that previously had failed California’s Smog Check test were sent to randomly selected Smog Check stations in the Los Angeles area for covert inspections and repairs. The two-speed idle test was used for repairs. For those vehicles that were repaired at the first inspection, their FTP emission reductions were 25%, 14%, and 11% for hydrocarbons (HC), carbon monoxide (CO), and nitrogen oxides (NOx), respectively, although emissions testing for NOx was not performed at the Smog Check stations. Idle HC and CO emissions increased for 35% and 43% of the vehicles, respectively, after repairs. This data set shows that most vehicles that fail the Smog Check inspection are only marginal emitters, with 61% and 44% of the total potential for HC and CO emission reductions, respectively, coming from only 10% of the vehicles that currently fail the inspection. When the vehicles were rank-ordered by idle emissions from dirtiest to cleanest, emission reduction costs for the highest-emitting 10% of the fleet averaged $l,100/ton and $250/ton for HC and CO, respectively, attributing all the costs to each pollutant exclusively. For the remaining vehicles, costs increased dramatically.  相似文献   

The presently available standards for measurement of gas flow in stacks and industrial flues are reviewed. Various problems associated with probe traverse techniques using the pitot-static tube, the Type S pitot tube, a directional type pitot tube, and hot wire anemometers are described. Recommendations are made with respect to the selection of velocity measurement station, and the selective application of velocity measurement devices is discussed.  相似文献   

Multistage gas absorption of 1–50% nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, and nitrogen tetraoxide from air with water or caustic solutions can produce colorless stack discharges. The rate at which NO is oxidized to No2 in the gas phase and the solubility rate of No2 in water or solution are highly concentration dependent so that reductions of stack gas concentrations of nitrogen oxides below approximately 200 ppm appear to be impractical. High efficiency absorption combined with elevated discharge of the cleaned, colorless gases is an acceptable method of air pollution control for many troublesome operations. Experiences in the fields of rocketry and nuclear energy are cited. Engineering modifications of metal pickling operations have been found especially helpful in producing effective control at an acceptable cost.  相似文献   

The Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act direct the Environmental Protection Agency to determine the available treatment technologies for a number of hazardous waste streams, including halogenated organics. If it is determined that existing technology and capacity is sufficient for the safe management of the designated halogenated organic wastes, these wastes will be prohibited from land disposal, effective July 8,1987. This article summarizes the general characteristics and treatment alternatives for this waste category.  相似文献   

对TA高效降解菌株的生长培养基进行了5因素2水平标准的正交设计,考察了碳源(精对苯二甲酸PTA)、氮源(NH4Cl)、磷源(K2HPO4)、生长因子(MgSO4、FeSO4、CaCl2的混合物)和酵母膏对菌体生长的影响。并与肉汤培养基相对照,得到TA高效降解菌株生长培养基为:PTA10g/L;NH4Cl 0.5g/L;K2HPO4 0.1g/L;生长因子(MgSO4 0.1g/L,FeSO4 0.01g/L,CaCl2 0.01g/L的混合物);Y.E2.5g/L。  相似文献   

Agricultural wastes from orchards, grain fields, and range lands are burned each year in California as the most practical means of ridding the land of these wastes. In order to determine the relative contribution of the burning of such material to photochemical air pollution, the effluent from 1 23 fires of known weights of range brush, both dry and green, barley and rice stubble, and prunings from various fruit and nut trees were monitored in a special tower which provided an open burning situation. Analyses were made for total hydrocarbon, expressed as C, by flame ionization detection, and for 24 individual hydrocarbons by gas chromatography, as well as for CO and CO2 by infrared spectroscopy. A few analyses were made for oxides of nitrogen. These data, coupled with temperature and airflow measurements, allowed calculations to be made on pounds of effluent per ton of material burned and demonstrated that the emissions from agricultural burning are much less than those from the automobile, a principal source of such emissions.  相似文献   

Successful control of some contaminant sources is extremely difficult to achieve technically and there remains a need for more information specific to control procedures. The cost of air cleaning equipment installations can be exceedingly high depending upon the performance standards to be satisfied and the physical and chemical characteristics of the contaminants. Control of emissions from the foundry cupola, the steel mill, metal refining operations, coal burning utilities, and incinerators still presents imposing cost and operational and performance problems—despite the technological progress made in recent years. The interrelationship of the source, the degree of control necessary, the equipment available to do the job, and the costs are discussed.  相似文献   


The thermal exploitation of wastewood with Greek lignite was investigated by performing tests in a laboratory-scale fluidized bed reactor, a 1-MWth semi-industrial circulating fluidized bed combustor, and an industrial boiler.

Blends of natural wood, demolition wood, railroad sleepers, medium-density fiberboard residues, and power poles with lignite were used, and the co-combustion efficiency and the effect of wastewood addition on the emitted pollutants were investigated. Carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and oxides of nitrogen emissions were continuously monitored, and, during the industrial-scale tests, the toxic emissions (polychlorinated dibenzodioxins and dibenzofurans and heavy metals) were determined. Ash samples were analyzed for heavy metals in an inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy spectrophotometer.

Problems were observed during the preparation of wastewood, because species embedded with different compounds, such as railway sleepers and demolition wood, were not easily treated. All wastewood blends were proven good fuels; co-combustion proceeded smoothly and homogeneous temperature and pressure profiles were obtained. Although some fluctuations were observed, low emissions of gaseous pollutants were obtained for all fuel blends. The metal element emissions (in the flue gases and the solid residues) were lower than the legislative limits. Therefore, wastewood co-combustion with lignite can be realized, provided that the fuel handling and preparation can be practically performed in large-scale installations.  相似文献   


Ozone dry deposition fluxes and velocities were measured in 1994 in a semi–arid steppe of central Spain and in a forest in southern France during the period of photochemical activity using the gradient method. Downward fluxes were systematically obtained in both sites, with lower values at nighttime and maximum values during the central period of the day, which showed the important role of stomata in ozone uptake. The range of deposition velocities was –0.005 to 1.160 in the forested site and 0.001 to 1.430 cm s–1 in the semi–arid steppe. The nocturnal deposition velocities observed in the semi–arid steppe were considerably higher than in the forest, with values up to 0.35 cm s–1.

A single layer canopy model was applied and validated at both sites. The model fitted the daily patterns well but underestimated the observed values by 34% in the forest and by 10% in the semi–arid steppe. To improve the accuracy of the model, both soil and internal stomatal resistances, Rsoil and Ri, were estimated using a least square technique. The interdependence of both parameters and the relative humidity, rH, was evaluated through a statistical analysis of the residual between the observed deposition velocity and the aerodynamic, sub–layer, and stomatal resistances. The comparison between the parameter estimates under wet and dry conditions in both sites showed (1) the influence of rH on stomatal parameter and soil resistance, (2) the large contribution of stomatal conductance to ozone uptake during the daytime, and (3) the importance of soil as an additional pathway for ozone exchange, especially in the steppe. Taking into account the parameter estimates, the underestimate of the modeled results was 3% in the forest and 5% in the semi–arid steppe.  相似文献   

A procedure for calculating the concentration at any point and time under varying emissions and mean wind conditions is developed based on exact integration of the governing conservation equation. The procedure is simple, easy to use and has no numerical instability difficulties. Application of the procedure shows the fast achievement of steady state concentration under steady chimney emissions and mean wind conditions. It is also suggested that the procedure be used to calculate the correction factor to the time-averaged concentrations determined by conventional computer or physical modelling for constant wind condition to account for the actual fluctuating mean wind direction condition. If the wind databank does not contain detailed minute-to-minute data for exact calculation of the correction factor, the sinusoidal wind assumption should give good approximation without adversely affecting the margin of safety for environmental protection. It is also suggested that the meteorological data bank should contain information on hourly amplitude and standard deviations of wind directions if storage is insufficient to store minute-to-minute wind data.  相似文献   

为解决医疗行业废物排放量核定难的问题,通过对医疗机构废物产生量的调查、统计、分析,在确定医疗废物排放统计变量的基础上,得出相应的医疗废物排放系数,以供排污申报医疗废物排放量的核定。  相似文献   

In the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto which covers 240 square miles there are over 600,000 automobiles, 350,000 domestic and industrial oil and coal-burning installations, 5000 apartment and industrial incinerators, and other numerous sources of air pollution, many of which create serious problems and contribute to the total air pollution level. The area includes 13 municipalities comprising Metropolitan Toronto and 13 additional surrounding urban and rural localities in an area of 720 square miles. The population of the planning area is 1,965,000 and is expected to increase to 2,800,000 by 1980. The Planning Board showed its recognition of the problem by a statement of policy designed to reduce pollution from fuel-burning equipment and incinerators, to develop a coordinated transportation system, to encourage central heating plants, and to control apartment development in mixed commercial areas. The Board advises and assists the individual planning boards, and building and property departments.  相似文献   

Analyte concentrations in aqueous leachates from polyethylene tanks filled with five different solid wastes were compared with those in extracts from five laboratory batch procedures. Solid wastes used in the study included: electroplating sludge, electric arc furnace dust, paint Incinerator ash, mine tailings, and municipal refuse incinerator ash. Batch extraction procedures used to extract the solid wastes Included: Monofilled Waste Extraction Procedure (MWEP), U.S. EPA Extraction Procedure (EP), Ham Procedure C (HAM-C), Acetate Buffer Extraction Procedure (ABEP), and Saturated Paste Procedure (PASTE).

Analyte concentrations in leachate from the large columns were reproducible and characteristic of each solid waste. In most Instances, analytes in column leachate reached a peak concentration at a liquld-to-solid ratio of 1:1 followed by a gradual to rapid decrease with continued leaching. Analyte concentrations found in large column leachate were related qualitatively to those found in extracts from the batch procedures which used delonlzed water as the extraction medium (i.e., MWEP, HAM-C, and PASTE). Batch extraction procedures using leaching medium containing acetic acid (I.e., EP) or sodium acetate buffer (i.e., ABEP) generally did not reflect analyte concentrations in leachate from the large columns. These results suggest that batch extraction procedures using acetic acid or acetate buffer are less effective for assessing the teachability of monofilled wastes than extraction methods using deionized water as the extraction fluid.  相似文献   

Of many available methods for limiting ground level pollutant concentrations, tall stacks are many times the simplest, most effective, and least costly. Although this is theoretically explicit, field validation of the soundness of this approach is often hampered by lack of comparable "before" and "after" data. In this study at the Alma Power Plant, appropriate air quality and meteorological measurements were made for several years before and after conversion from short to tall stacks. Comparison of these data show that the tall stack has reduced ambient levels of SO2 by from 50 to 95 % in the vicinity of the plant. This study also found that use of a Turner-Briggs dispersion model in a valley situation gave fairly accurate and reliable estimates of air quality. The model was useful in designing the tall stack, assessing its impact and locating air quality monitors.  相似文献   

Laboratory evaluation of the efficacy of soil phase photodegradation of recalcitrant hazardous organic components of wood treating wastes is described. The photodecomposition of anthracene, biphenyl, 9H-carbazole, m-cresol, dibenzofuran, fluorene, pentachlorophenol, phenanthrene, pyrene and quinoline under UV and visible light was monitored over a 50-day reaction period in three test soils. Methylene blue, riboflavin, hydrogen peroxide, peat moss and diethylamine soil amendments were evaluated as to their effect on the enhancement of compound photoreaction rates in the test soil systems. Dark control samples monitored over the entire study period were utilized to quantify non-photo mediated reaction losses. Compounds losses in both the dark control and irradiated samples were found to follow first order kinetics, allowing the calculation of first order photodegradation reaction rate constants for each test soil/compound combination. Degradation due to photochemical activity was observed for all test compounds, with compound photolytic half-lives ranging from 7 to approximately 180 days. None of the soil amendments were found to improve soil phase photodegradation, although photosensitization by anthracene was shown to significantly enhance the rate of photodegradation of the other test compounds. Soil type, and its characteristic of internal reflectance, proved to be the most significant factor affecting compound degradation rates suggesting the necessity for site specific assessments of soil phase photodegradation potential.  相似文献   


The key to any QSAR model is the underlying dataset. In order to construct a reliable dataset to develop a QSAR model for pesticide toxicity, we have derived a protocol to critically evaluate the quality of the underlying data. In developing an appropriate protocol that would enable data to be selected in constructing a QSAR, we concentrated on one toxicity end point, the 96 h LC50 from the acute rainbow trout study. This end point is key in pesticide regulation carried out under 91/414/EEC. The dataset used for this exercise was from the US EPA-OPP database.  相似文献   

The U.S. Congress and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency believe that treatment and recovery techniques should be given maximum priority when considering methods for managing the nation's generated hazardous waste. A prohibition for the disposal of certain categories of hazardous wastes either directly onto or into the land without being treated to an accepted degree prior to such disposal practice has been promulgated.1 Wastes containing toxic metals and cyanide complexes have been selected as a group to be restricted. Due to the high generation rate associated with this category, a large capacity of waste treatment processing will be required. Existing and emerging treatment alternatives which are or have the potential to be employed for waste treatment of metal bearing wastes are presented in this paper.  相似文献   

垃圾的TOC含量是评价垃圾矿质腐殖化机理研究的重要指标,以本课题组模拟垃圾填埋系统中的垃圾样品为研究对象,以土壤TOC测定方法为基础,通过单因素实验和正交实验(L25(56))对垃圾样品的TOC的测定方法进行优化。结果表明,TOC测定优化条件为:风干样品(0.1±0.0005)g,Ag2SO40.075 g,0.4 mol/L(1/6K2Cr2O7)-H2SO4溶液(含1/2H2SO412.6 mol/L)10 mL,180℃的砂浴加热45 min。此条件下,RSD小于3.23%,表明该方法精密度高,可行性强。  相似文献   

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