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Ozone is an ubiquitous air pollutant that affects both human health and vegetation. There is concern about the number of hours human populations in nonattainment areas in the United States are exposed to levels of 03 at which effects have been observed. As improvement in air quality is achieved, it is possible that 03 control strategies may produce distributions of 1-h 03 concentrations that result in different diurnal profiles that produce greater potential exposures to 03 at known effects levels for multiple hours of the day. These concerns have prompted new analysis of aerometric data. In this analysis, the change in the seasonally averaged diurnal pattern was investigated as changes in 03 levels occurred. For the data used in this analysis, 25 of the 36 sites that changed compliance status across years showed no statistically significant change in the shape of the average diurnal profile (averaged by 03 season). For 71 percent (10 out of 14) of the sites in southern California and Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas, that showed improvement in O3 levels (i.e., reductions in the number of exceedances over the years), but still remained in nonattainment, a statistically significant change in the shape of the seasonally averaged diurnal profile occurred. Based on the results obtained in this study, the evaluation of diurnal patterns may be useful for identifying the influence of changes in emission levels versus meteorological variation on attainment status. Using data from the southern California and Dallas-Fort Worth sites, which showed improvements in 03 levels, changes were observed in the seasonally averaged diurnal profiles. On the other hand, for the sites moving between attainment and nonattainment status, such a change in shape was generally not observed and it was possible that meteorology played a more important role than changes in emission levels relative to attainment status.  相似文献   

Meteorological data, particularly 850-MB level temperatures, for Fort Totten, New York (1980) and Atlantic City, New Jersey (1981-1988) were examined for any relationship to seasonal ozone levels. Other radiosonde stations in the Northeast were utilized for 1983 and 1986, years of widely differing ozone levels. Statistics for selected parameters and years are presented.

Emphasis is placed on recurring warm temperature regimes in high ozone years. Successive occurrences or episodes of high temperatures characterize seasonally high ozone years. Seasonally persistent high temperatures are related to seasonally chronic high ozone. An example is presented relating the broad-scale climatologlcally anomalous pattern of high temperatures to anomalous circulation patterns at the 700-MB level.  相似文献   

During the summer of 1976, a comparison was made between ozone measurements for a coastal industrial concentration area (Norfolk/Virginia Beach, Virginia) and an offshore station (Chesapeake Light Station, 15 miles out to sea). The anticipated dominance of high offshore ozone readings with offshore flow was not observed. A surprising number of high O3 concentrations were observed at both the offshore and land sites with northeasterly and easterly winds. This suggests that the phenomenon of long range transport of contaminants from highly urbanized centers in the northeast to the mid-Atlantic states via an offshore sea route must be given careful consideration. The body of information presented in this paper points out the need for a clearer understanding of the complex urban/rural O3 problem coupled with transport effects before costly control strategies are to be implemented.  相似文献   

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in cooperation with the Toronto Harbour Commissioners (THC), conducted a Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) demonstration of the THC Soil Recycle Treatment Train. The treatment train consists of three technologies operated in sequence: a soil wash process, a metals removal process, and a biological treatment process. The THC conducted an extensive demonstration of the treatment train at a 55 tons per day pilot plant in order to evaluate an approach for remediation of industrial/commercial sites that are situated in the Toronto Port Industrial District (PID). Three soils were processed during the THC demonstration. The EPA SITE demonstration project examined, in detail, soil processing from one of the sites being evaluated as part of the overall THC project. Contaminants included organic compounds and heavy metals. It has been estimated by THC that as much as 2,200,000 tons of soil from locations within the PID may require some form of treatment due to heavy metal and/or organic contamination that resulted from various industrial processing operations. The objective of the SITE demonstration was to evaluate the technical effectiveness of the process in relation to THC’s target criteria.

Gravel and sand that met the THC target criteria for medium to fine soil suitable for industrial/commercial sites was produced. The fine soil from the biological treatment process did not meet the target level of 2.4 ppm for benzo(a)pyrene. However, there was a significant reduction in polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) compounds. The metals removal process achieved reductions of greater than seventy percent for copper, lead, nickel, and zinc.  相似文献   

A stepwise multiple regression procedure was employed to develop the best .fit equation relating maximum afternoon ozone concentrations to meteorological and emission factors along a 24h upwind air parcel trajectory. The equation was developed using ozone data from receptor sites in Northern New Jersey and the resulting correlation coefficient was 0.96. The four most significant variables were the upwind ozone maximum on the previous day, today’s maximum temperature, the previous day’s upwind maximum temperature and the mean wind speed from the surface to 1000 m. The model was also successfully tested at 5 other sites in the Northeastern Quadrant of the United States. The results indicate that the model could be a potentially useful tool for air pollution forecasters in predicting maximum ozone concentrations in this quadrant of the country.  相似文献   

Community odours in the vicinity of an oil refinery and petrochemical industrial area were studied by an observer network throughout an entire year. Odour episodes occurred during 0.86 percent of the time of the study. Odour reports increased closer to the refinery. Within a range of 12.5 km, more than 50 percent of the odours were estimated to originate from the refinery. The most typical odour was that of reduced sulphur compounds (35.2 percent of all observations). Odour episodes occurred during low wind velocities and high humidity. Odours were most frequent during January-April, and were usually reported early in the morning. The odours were evidently due to the general operation of the plants, as no single activity or in-plant factor could be identified as the source of the odours.  相似文献   


Two mathematical models of the atmospheric fate and transport of mercury (Hg), an Eulerian grid–based model and a Gaussian plume model, are used to calculate the atmospheric deposition of Hg in the vicinity (i.e., within 50 km) of five coal–fired power plants. The former is applied using two different horizontal resolutions: coarse (84 km) and fine (16.7 km). More than 96% of the power plant Hg emissions are calculated with the plume model to be transported beyond 50 km from the plants. The grid–based model predicts a lower fraction to be transported beyond 50 km: >91% with a coarse resolution and >95% with a fine resolution. The contribution of the power plant emissions to total Hg deposition within a radius of 50 km from the plants is calculated to be <8% with the plume model, <14% with the Eulerian model with a coarse resolution, and <10% with the Eulerian model with a fine resolution. The Eulerian grid–based model predicts greater local impacts than the plume model because of artificially enhanced vertical dispersion; the former predicts about twice as much Hg deposition as the latter when the area considered is commensurate with the resolution of the grid–based model. If one compares the local impacts for an area that is significantly less than the grid–based model resolution, then the grid–based model may predict lower local deposition than the plume model, because two compensating errors affect the results obtained with the grid–based model: initial dilution of the power plant emissions within one or more grid cells and enhanced vertical mixing to the ground.  相似文献   


Many areas in Jordan suffer from elevated levels of coarse particulate matter (PM10). One potentially significant source of the observed PM is the resuspension of road dust in the vicinity of limestone quarries. To obtain data to assess the impact from this source, PM10 road dust resus-pension factors near Abusiiah, a town to the north east of Amman surrounded by many quarries and brick factories, were measured. Measurements included PM10 mass, particle size distributions, wind speed, and wind direction.The results showed that PM10 concentrations could be as high as 600 µg/m3, and most of the airborne PM is in the coarse fraction. Loading trucks play a major role in resus-pending road dust, with an observed PM10 emission rate of >6000 mg/km.  相似文献   

Background Aims, and Scope. Lead (Pb) is a naturally occurring element that poses environmental hazards when present at elevated concentration. It is being released into the environment because of industrial uses and from the combustion of fossil fuels. Hence, Pb is ubiquitous throughout global ecosystems. The existence of potentially harmful concentrations of Pb in the environment must be given full attention. Emissions from vehicles are major source of environmental contamination by Pb. Thus, it becomes imperative that concentrations of Pb and other hazardous materials in the environment not only in the Philippines, but elsewhere in the world be adequately examined in order that development of regulations and standards to minimize risk associated with these materials in urban areas is continued. The objectives of this study were: (1) to determine the levels of Pb in soil from selected urbanized cities in central region of the Philippines; (2) to identify areas with soil Pb concentration values that exceed estimated natural concentrations and allowable limits; and (3) to determine the possible sources that contribute to elevated soil Pb concentration (if any) in the study area. Methods This study was limited to the determination of Pb levels in soils of selected urbanized cities located in central region in the Philippines, namely: Site 1 – Tarlac City in Tarlac; Site 2 – Cabanatuan City in Nueva Ecija; Site 3 – Malolos City in Bulacan; Site 4 – San Fernando City in Pampanga; Site 5 – Balanga City in Bataan; and Site 6 – Olongapo City in Zambales. Soil samples were collected from areas along major thoroughfares regularly traversed by tricycles, passenger jeepneys, cars, vans, trucks, buses, and other motor vehicles. Soil samples were collected from five sampling sites in each of the study areas. Samples from the selected sampling sites were obtained approximately 2 to 3 meters from the road. Analysis of the soil samples for Pb content was conducted using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. This study was conducted from 2003 to 2004. Since this study assumed that vehicular emission is the major source of Pb contamination in urban soil, other information which the researchers deemed to have bearing on the study were obtained such as relative quantity of each gasoline type disposed of in each city within a given period and volume of traffic in each sampling site. A survey questionnaire for gasoline station managers was prepared to determine the relative quantity of each fuel type (diesel, regular gasoline, premium gasoline, and unleaded gasoline) disposed of or sold within a given period in each study area. Results and Discussion Analysis of soil samples for Pb content showed the presence of Pb in all the soil samples collected from the 30 sampling sites in the six cities at varying concentrations ranging from 1.5 to 251 mg kg–1. Elevated levels of Pb in soil (i.e. greater than 25 mg kg–1 Pb) were detected in five out of the six cities investigated. Site 4 recorded the highest Pb concentration (73.9 ± 94.4 mg kg–1), followed by Site 6 (56.3 ± 17.1 mg kg–1), Site 3 (52.0 ± 33.1 mg kg–1), Site 5 (39.3 ± 19.0 mg kg–1), and Site 2 (38.4 ± 33.2 mg kg–1). Soil Pb concentration in Site 1 (16.8 ± 12.2 mg kg–1) was found to be within the estimated natural concentration range of 5 to 25 mg kg–1. Site 1 registered the least Pb concentration. Nonetheless, the average Pb concentration in the soil samples from the six cities studied were all found to be below the maximum tolerable limit according to World Health Organization (WHO) standards. The high Pb concentration in Site 4 may be attributed mainly to vehicular emission. Although Site 4 only ranked 3rd in total volume of vehicles, it has the greatest number of Type B and Type C vehicles combined. Included in these categories are diesel trucks, buses, and jeepneys which are considered the largest contributors of TSP (total suspended particles) and PM10 (particulate matter less than 10 microns) emissions. Conclusion Only one (San Juan in Site 4) of the thirty sampling sites recorded a Pb concentration beyond the WHO permissible limit of 100 mg kg–1. San Juan in Site 4 had a Pb concentration of >250 mg kg–1. On the average, elevated Pb concentration was evident in the soil samples from San Fernando, Olongapo, Malolos, Balanga, and Cabanatuan. The average soil Pb concentrations in these cities exceeded the maximum estimated natural soil Pb concentration of 25 mg kg–1. Average soil Pb concentration in Site 1 (16.8 mg kg–1) was well within the estimated natural concentration range of 5 to 25 mg kg–1. Data gathered from the study areas showed that elevated levels of Pb in soil were due primarily to vehicular emissions and partly to igneous activity. Recommendation and Outlook The findings of this study presented a preliminary survey on the extent of Pb contamination of soils in urban cities in central region of Philippines Island. With this kind of information on hand, government should develop a comprehensive environmental management strategy to address vehicular air pollution in urban areas, which shows as one of the most pressing environmental problems in the country. Basic to this is the continuous monitoring of Pb levels and other pollutants in air, soil, and water. Further studies should be conducted to monitor soil Pb levels in the six cities studied particularly in areas with elevated Pb concentration. The potential for harm from Pb exposure cannot be understated. Of particular concern are children who are more predisposed to Pb toxicity than adults. Phytoremediation of Pb-contaminated sites is strongly recommended to reduce Pb concentration in soil. Several studies have confirmed that plants are capable of absorbing extra Pb from soil and that some plants, grass species in particular, and can naturally absorb far more Pb than others.  相似文献   


In this paper, we examine the changes in ambient ozone concentrations simulated by the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model for summer 2002 under three different nitrogen oxides (NOx) emission scenarios. Two emission scenarios represent best estimates of 2002 and 2004 emissions; they allow assessment of the impact of the NOx emissions reductions imposed on the utility sector by the NOx State Implementation Plan (SIP) Call. The third scenario represents a hypothetical rendering of what NOx emissions would have been in 2002 if no emission controls had been imposed on the utility sector. Examination of the modeled median and 95th percentile daily maximum 8-hr average ozone concentrations reveals that median ozone levels estimated for the 2004 emission scenario were less than those modeled for 2002 in the region most affected by the NOx SIP Call. Comparison of the “no-control” with the “2002” scenario revealed that ozone concentrations would have been much higher in much of the eastern United States if the utility sector had not implemented NOx emission controls; exceptions occurred in the immediate vicinity of major point sources where increased NO titration tends to lower ozone levels.  相似文献   


Ozone prediction has become an important activity in many U.S. ozone nonattainment areas. In this study, we describe the ozone prediction program in the Atlanta metropolitan area and analyze the performance of this program during the 1999 ozone-forecasting season. From May to September, a team of 10 air quality regulators, meteorologists, and atmospheric scientists made a daily prediction of the next-day maximum 8-hr average ozone concentration. The daily forecast was made aided by two linear regression models, a 3-dimensional air quality model, and the no-skill ozone persistence model. The team's performance is compared with the numerical models using several numerical indicators. Our analysis indicated that (1) the team correctly predicted next-day peak ozone concentrations 84% of the time, (2) the two linear regression models had a better performance than a 3-dimensional air quality model, (3) persistence was a strong predictor of ozone concentrations with a performance of 78%, and (4) about half of the team's wrong predictions could be prevented with improved meteorological predictions.  相似文献   

In 1988 a study was undertaken in the vicinity of Tulsa, Oklahoma to determine the characteristics, composition, and relative concentrations of the oil field emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC). Forty grab samples (10-minute) using stainless steel canisters were collected from five different stages of crude oil production over an 80-day period (August-October). The samples were analyzed at the Tulsa City-County Health Department’s laboratory, using cryogenic preconcentration, gas chromatographic separation, and flame ionization detection. The six prevalent components of the oil field emissions were ethane, propane, 2- methyl propane, n-butane, 2-methylbutane, and n-pentane with propane predominating. The composition is unique with higher amounts of propane than ethane and is different from natural gas which has more abundant ethane. Decreases occurred in the amounts of light compounds, namely, ethane and propane from well heads through refinery tanks. The bulk of these losses appeared to be at the well heads and gathering tanks.  相似文献   

It has been recognized for several years that ozone in rural areas can exceed the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for photochemical oxidant whirh was 0.08 ppm for one hour, not to be exceeded more than once per year. During the summer of 1973, the NAAQS was exceeded from 15 to 37% of the time at four rural monitoring sites in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia.1 This is a greater violation rate than is found in many urban areas. Dimitriades and Altshuller2 have enumerated four possible sources for this rural ozone: (a) transport from urban areas, (b) local photochemical generation from urban ozone precursors, (c) local photochemical generation from precursors of rural origin which may be man-made or natural, and (d) injection of stratospheric ozone into the rural area. This paper considers the chemistry pertinent to the first two of these possible sources of rural ozone, namely the long distance (overnight) transport of ozone and ozone precursors.  相似文献   


In many locations in Eastern Canada, ambient levels of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and surface ozone (O3) depend on airflow direction and synoptic scale meteorological conditions. In this study, a cluster analysis was performed on 10 yr (1994 –2003) of back-trajectory data for 11 locations in Eastern Canada, resulting in the identification of 10 unique back-trajectory clusters (or airflows) for each location. The airflows were then used to characterize and identify spatial and temporal trends in the daily maximum 8-hr average O3 (dmax 8-hr O3) and the daily average PM2.5 levels. Results showed that airflows from the southwest passing over Michigan and Southern Ontario were associated, on average, with the highest O3 levels at most locations in Eastern Canada.For PM2.5, the highest levels occurred with airflows from the Eastern Ohio River Valley. At major urban locations in Ontario and Quebec, the warm season mean (May to September) dmax 8-hr O3 and the annual mean PM2.5 were, on average, 12 parts per billion and 7.6 μg/m3 higher, respectively, than airflows from the north. Elevated levels of O3 and PM2.5 also occurred under light airflows, and, on average, the levels under light airflows were higher than their nonlight counterparts. At several locations in Canada, including Toronto, Montreal, Quebec City, and Kejimkujik, the annual warm season mean dmax 8-hr O3 experienced a statistically significant (95% confidence) increasing trend over the 10-yr period. When airflow direction was considered, a number of locations experienced statistically significant upward trends in O3 for airflow from the north and northwest. Several locations also showed significant upward trends associated with airflow from the southwest passing over Michigan and Southwestern Ontario. Although there are no statistically significant downward trends, airflows from the southwest have shown a reduction in O3 levels in Southwestern Ontario in more recent years.  相似文献   

In this paper ozone measurements carried out at six alpine and prealpine sites, located in the Italian region of Central Alps are shown. The stations are placed at altitudes between 800 and 1900 m a.s.l., far away from local sources of pollution. Ozone concentrations appear to be quite uniform, with summer mean values varying from 40 to 47 ppb and winter ones from 19 to 35 ppb. The number of hours exceeding the 75 and 100 ppb WHO thresholds and the AOT40 (Average Over Threshold 40 ppb of ozone) are evaluated for the growing season. The temporal variability of weekly ozone cycle at alpine stations provides useful informations to assess an emission control strategy.  相似文献   


Temperature-adjusted trends in 1-hr and 8-hr ozone averages were calculated for ten sites near Lake Michigan for 1980-1995. Results show that ozone trends declined similarly according to both metrics for sites on the west side of the lake. This suggests that the factors underlying the trends were similar. These factors include, among others, ozone control programs designed to address the 1-hr standard. Thus, these control programs may have been similarly effective in moving these sites toward compliance with the 8-hr standard.  相似文献   

A continuous ambient automobile pollution monitoring pr1ogramme was initiated in the Johannesburg region in May 1982 and shows that automobile pollution levels which give rise to photochemical smog have slowly increased since this date. Non-methane hydrocarbons in the city centre exceed the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) standard for more than 50% of the time. Downwind of the city centre, ozone hourly averages have exceeded the USEPA standard on 8 days during the 1984/85 season. In comparison, ozone concentrations of the Sydney region exceeded the USEPA standard on 7 days during the wet 1983/84 season (NSW, 1984). From site comparisons it is found that O3 data are very similar at out of town stations. It is concluded that these results only arise because the O3 is formed in a well-mixed layer over the region, leading to a high degree of correlation between O3 peaks.  相似文献   

Ozone measurements (daily maximum values) from the Aerometric Information Retrieval System database are analyzed for selected sites, during 1980 to 1988, in southeastern USA. Frequency distributions, for most sites during most years, show a typical bell-shaped curve with the higher frequency around the yearly daily maximum ozone mean of about 100 to about 110 microg m(-3) (50-55 ppbv). Abnormal years in ozone concentration may skew the distribution as the mean shifts. A correlation of daily maximum ozone concentrations above 140 microg m(-3) (70 ppbv) between sites shows a division between the sites in the northern protion of the region and those in the southern portion of the region. Variations in ozone levels are well correlated over distances of several hundred kilometers, suggesting that high values are associated with synoptic scale episodes. An ozone exposure analysis also shows higher ozone exposures (250-300 ppm days) in the northerly sites as compared to the southerly sites (150-170 ppm days).  相似文献   

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