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The visual impact of primary particles emitted from stacks is regulated according to stack opacity criteria. In-stack monitoring of the flue gas opacity allows plant operators to ensure that the plant meets U.S. Environmental Protection Agency opacity regulations. However, the emission of condensable gases such as SO3 (that hydrolyzes to H2SO4), HCl, and NH3, which may lead to particle formation after their release from the stack, makes the prediction of stack plume opacity more difficult.

We present here a computer simulation model that calculates the opacity due to both primary particles emitted from the stack and secondary particles formed in the atmosphere after the release of condensable gases from the stack. A comprehensive treatment of the plume rise due to buoyancy and momentum is used to calculate the location at which the condensed water plume has evaporated (i.e., where opacity regulations apply).

Conversion of H2SO4 to particulate sulfate occurs through nucleation and condensation on primary particles. A thermodynamic aerosol equilibrium model is used to calculate the amount of ammonium, chloride, and water present in the particulate phase with the condensed sulfate. The model calculates the stack plume opacity due to both primary and secondary particles. Examples of model simulations are presented for three scenarios that differ by the emission control equipment installed at the power plant: (1) electrostatic precipitators (ESP), (2) ESP and flue gas desulfurization, and (3) ESP and selective catalytic reduction. The calculated opacity is most sensitive to the primary particulate emissions. For the conditions considered here, SO3 emissions showed only a small effect, except if one assumes that most H2SO4 condenses on primary particles. Condensation of NH4Cl occurs only at high NH3 emission rates (about 25 ppm stack concentration).  相似文献   

An on-stack transmissometer system which is designed to provide a precision measurement of the opacity of visible emissions is described. The sources of error in opacity measurements with regard to recent EPA emission monitoring requirements and planned specifications are discussed. Sources of error are voltage changes, temperature changes, light source and detector aging and effects of ambient light. Other major operational errors are caused by alignment drift and soiling drift. The methods employed to minimize these errors achieve an accuracy of ±3% of span and a maintenance free operational period of 3 months. The relationships between optical density, opacity and transmittance are described. The instrument measurement can be correlated with dust loading provided the particle size distribution is constant. Examples are given of correlations obtained between optical density and particulate concentration in the gas on various types of emission sources and the observed error margins are summarized.  相似文献   

燃煤倒焰窑烟尘治理,因其本身结构特点,若单纯采用末端治理,则投资大,治理效果不稳定,在治理上存在一定难度。通过实践,采用炉头增氧,尾部喷淋的治理工艺可以达到好的治理效果,而且投资少,工期短,运行费用低,易于操作。  相似文献   

Information presented in this paper is directed to individuals concerned with emissions from combustion of waste crankcase oil for space heating. Studies were performed to characterize gaseous and particulate emissions and vaporizing pot solid residues resulting from the combustion of waste crankcase oil. Two types of waste oil burners were tested. One was a vaporizing oil burner rated at 35.2 kW (120,000 Btu/h heat input), and the other was an air atomizing oil burner rated at 73.3 kW (250,000 Btu/h heat input). Except for NOX and SOX, gaseous emissions were similar to those from conventional distillate oil combustion. NOX and SOX emissions were higher due to higher fuel nitrogen and sulfur concentrations. Waste oil from automotive use showed higher inorganic levels than crankcase oil used for truck engine lubrication. Both burner types discharged high levels of metallic species, but the air atomizing unit had much higher stack emission levels than did the vaporizing pot system. Also, particulate loading levels were an order of magnitude higher for the air atomizing burner than for the vaporizing pot burner when firing the waste oils. However, the vaporizing pot burner generated a waste residue containing the majority of its elemental emissions. Elements which exceeded threshold limit values for one or both heaters were cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, iron, lead, nickel, phosphorus, and zinc. However, the nickel and much of chromium appeared to be a sampling artifact caused by the stainless steel sampling system.  相似文献   


Diesel particulate matter (PM) is a significant contributor to ambient air PM10 and PM2.5 particulate levels. In addition, recent literature argues that submicron diesel PM is a pulmonary health hazard. There is difficulty in attributing PM emissions to specific operating modes of a diesel engine, although it is acknowledged that PM production rises dramatically with load and that high PM emissions occur during rapid load increases on turbocharged engines. Snap-acceleration tests generally identify PM associated with rapid transient operating conditions, but not with high load. To quantify the origin of PM during transient engine operation, continuous opacity measurements have been made using a Wager 650CP full flow exhaust opacity meter. Opacity measurements were taken while the vehicles were operated over transient driving cycles on a chassis dynamometer using the West Virginia University (WVU) Transportable Heavy Duty Vehicle Emissions Testing Laboratories. Data were gathered from Detroit Diesel, Cummins, Caterpillar, and Navistar heavy-duty (HD) diesel engines. Driving cycles used were the Central Business District (CBD) cycle, the WVU 5-Peak Truck cycle, the WVU 5-Mile route, and the New York City Bus (NYCB) cycle. Continuous opacity measurements, integrated over the entire driving cycle, were compared to total integrated PM mass. In addition, the truck was subjected to repeat snap-acceleration tests, and PM was collected for a composite of these snap-acceleration tests. Additional data were obtained from a fleet of 1996 New Flyer buses in Flint, MI, equipped with electronically controlled Detroit Diesel Series 50 engines. Again, continuous opacity, regulated gaseous emissions, and PM were measured. The relationship between continuous carbon monoxide (CO) emissions and continuous opacity was noted. In identifying the level of PM emissions in transient diesel engine operation, it is suggested that CO emissions may prove to be a useful indicator and may be used to apportion total PM on a continuous basis over a transient cycle. The projected continuous PM data will prove valuable in future mobile source inventory prediction.  相似文献   

Since the early seventies, hospital waste incineration has been an ever increasing issue in Alberta because of the emissions of particles, hydrochloric acid and chlorine which result from burning plastic-rich hospital waste. These stack emissions were measured from various hospital incinerators in the Province of Alberta and most were found to be above the standards adopted by the Alberta Department of Environment. Compliance with particulate and HC1 emission standards are mandatory in order to receive final approval for a hospital incinerator in Alberta. Adequate control measures are available to meet Alberta Environment requirements for hospital incinerator emissions.  相似文献   


This paper compares three analytical methods that are often used to analyze composition of atmospheric aerosol: Ion Chromatography (IC), Proton Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE), and X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF). Three monitoring studies are discussed: (1) a comparison of air particulate data collected by several independent sampler/ analytical technique suites run by different laboratories; (2) a study involving two identical samplers and a single suite of analytical techniques; and (3) analysis of identical aerosol samples by two different techniques (XRF vs. PIXE). While the XRF versus PIXE project shows a very good agreement for most elements, the first interlaboratory study demonstrates the “real-life” noise introduced into the final data set by various sampling complications and different collection characteristics of the samplers used. The XRF versus PIXE study also revealed an unexplained deviation in measured sulphur concentrations for very lightly loaded samples. In the five-sampler comparison, two data sets provided by IC were approximately 20% lower than the three data sets obtained by PIXE and XRF. When two identical IMPROVE-compat-ible samplers were used and samples were subjected to similar procedures and the same analytical techniques, the variability between the two air concentration data sets significantly decreased.  相似文献   

The Public Health Service and the Bureau of Mines are conducting a joint study to evaluate a number of flue-gas-stream components from coal-burning power plants. Emissions of fly ash, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, polynuclear hydrocarbons, total gaseous hydrocarbons, formaldehyde, certain metals, and carbon dioxide are determined. A previous paper covered air pollutant emissions from vertical-fired and front-wall-fired power plant boilers. This paper includes a comparative evaluation of emissions from a tangential-fired and a turbo-fired power plant boiler.  相似文献   

Receptor models have evolved rapidly over the past 13 years but have just recently been recognized as a distinct discipline. The general category of receptor models includes both microscopic and chemical methods of apportioning source contributions to ambient air particulates. The number and variations of these methods have grown rapidly over the past few years and include such methods as automated scanning electron microscopy, chemical mass balance and multivariate procedures. These methods as well as hybrid procedures such as target transformation factor analysis, are reviewed and their boundary conditions, strengths, and weaknesses discussed.  相似文献   


Emissions from municipal sewers are usually omitted from hazardous air pollutant (HAP) emission inventories. This omission may result from a lack of appreciation for the potential emission impact and/or from inadequate emission estimation procedures. This paper presents an analysis and comparison of the models available to estimate volatile organic HAP (VOHAP) emissions from sewers. Comparisons were made between the different theoretical foundations of the models, as well as between the emissions predicted by the models for a single sewer component. Sewer gas concentrations predicted by the models were also compared to measured sewer gas concentrations reported in the literature. Two of the models were compared in their ability to estimate sewer VOHAP emissions for a large U. S. city using National Pollution Discharge Effluent System data for the influent wastewater to the city's municipal wastewater treatment facilities. This estimate showed that, regardless of the model used, sewer emissions are a potentially significant source of VOHAP emissions in the urban environment. The choice of model, however, is thought to be less critical to sewer emission estimates than the source of sewer wastewater VOHAP concentration data.  相似文献   


The removal efficiency of granular filters packed with lava rock and sand was studied for collection of airborne particles 0.05–2.5 μm in diameter. The effects of filter depth, packing wetness, grain size, and flow rate on collection efficiency were investigated. Two packing grain sizes (0.3 and 0.15 cm) were tested for flow rates of 1.2, 2.4, and 3.6 L/min, corresponding to empty bed residence times (equal to the bulk volume of the packing divided by the airflow rate) in the granular media of 60, 30, and 20 sec, respectively. The results showed that at 1.2 L/min, dry packing with grains 0.15 cm in diameter removed more than 80% (by number) of the particles. Particle collection efficiency decreased with increasing flow rate. Diffusion was identified as the predominant collection mechanism for ultrafine particles, while the larger particles in the accumulation mode of 0.7–2.5 μm were removed primarily by gravitational settling. For all packing depths and airflow rates, particle removal efficiency was generally higher on dry packing than on wet packing for particles smaller than 0.25 μm. The results suggest that development of biological filters for fine particles is possible.  相似文献   


The current status of the mathematical modeling of atmospheric particulate matter (PM) is reviewed in this paper. Simulating PM requires treating various processes, including the formation of condensable species, the gas/ particle partitioning of condensable compounds, and in some cases, the evolution of the particle size distribution. The algorithms available to simulate these processes are reviewed and discussed. Eleven 3-dimensional (3-D) Eulerian air quality models for PM are reviewed in terms of their formulation and past applications. Results of past performance evaluations of 3-D Eulerian PM models are presented. Currently, 24-hr average PM2.5 concentrations appear to be predicted within 50% for urban-scale domains. However, there are compensating errors among individual particulate species. The lowest errors tend to be associated with SO4 2-, while NO3 -, black carbon (BC), and organic carbon (OC) typically show larger errors due to uncertainties in emissions inventories and the prediction of the secondary OC fraction. Further improvements and performance evaluations are recommended.  相似文献   

This paper deals with modeling observed frequency distributions of air quality data measured in the area of Venice, Italy. The paper discusses the application of the generalized gamma distribution (ggd) which has not been commonly applied to air quality data notwithstanding the fact that it embodies most distribution models used for air quality analyses. The approach yields important simplifications for statistical analyses. A comparison among the ggd and other relevant models (standard gamma, Weibull, lognormal), carried out on daily sulphur dioxide concentrations in the area of Venice underlines the efficiency of ggd models in portraying experimental data.  相似文献   

Particulate mass concentration measurements have been made on environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) for the purpose of assessing the relative accuracy of several measurement procedures. ETS over a range of concentrations was generated in an environmental chamber by three methods. Mass concentration was measured by a gravimetric/spectrophotometric collection procedure, piezoelectric particle mass monitors, two nephelometry-based mass monitors, and a particle counting and sizing system. Two-hour average mass concentrations were determined by each method for concentrations ranging from very low levels up to those achieved by smoking one entire cigarette in the chamber. Statistical comparisons were made among procedures employing the gravimetric filter measurement as the basis for comparison. One nephelometry-based procedure gave significantly higher and the other significantly lower values than the filter determination. In one case, a correction for the difference between the particle mass density of the calibrating aerosol and that of ETS brought the nephelometry-based procedure into reasonable agreement with the filter measurement, while for the other, the correction did not resolve the discrepancy between methods. Statistically significant differences between the responses of two supposedly identical piezoelectric mass monitors were found, as was some slight dependence of the nephelometry- based procedures on method of ETS generation. In summary, the results indicate that significant errors can be expected if the instruments studied are used “off the shelf,” even for ETS generated under controlled laboratory conditions. Caution should be employed in field measurements where numerous sources and types of particulate matter can be encountered.  相似文献   


Efforts to understand and mitigate the health effects of particulate matter (PM) air pollution have a rich and interesting history. This review focuses on six substantial lines of research that have been pursued since 1997 that have helped elucidate our understanding about the effects of PM on human health. There has been substantial progress in the evaluation of PM health effects at different time-scales of exposure and in the exploration of the shape of the concentration-response function. There has also been emerging evidence of PM-related cardiovascular health effects and growing knowledge regarding interconnected general pathophysiological pathways that link PM exposure with cardiopulmonary morbidity and mortality. Despite important gaps in scientific knowledge and continued reasons for some skepticism, a comprehensive evaluation of the research findings provides persuasive evidence that exposure to fine particulate air pollution has adverse effects on cardiopulmonary health. Although much of this research has been motivated by environmental public health policy, these results have important scientific, medical, and public health implications that are broader than debates over legally mandated air quality standards.  相似文献   

在常用燃煤锅炉污染物排放量计算经验公式的基础上,结合循环流化床锅炉中石灰石与二氧化硫反应的原理,推算出其污染物排放量及排放浓度的计算公式,并对锅炉污染物排放量的环评计算提出了原则性的建议。  相似文献   


Title III of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 has increased the need for well defined and tested stationary source emission sampling and analysis methods. The Methods Branch of the Air Measurements Research Division of U.S. EPA's Office of Research and Development is responsible for a major methods development and evaluation program intended to help fill that need. This paper summarizes recent developments from several of the component projects of that program. Primary emphasis is placed on status and references for methods for organic hazardous air pollutants, such as phosgene, methanol, chloroform, acetonitrile, isocyanates, aldehydes, halogenated organics, non-halogenated organics, and volatile organic material  相似文献   

Because of the synergistic effects which take place from the mixing of gases and particulates in ambient air, it is important that the determination of air contaminants be carried out on the sample in its native state without imposing any further chemical recombination during the analysis. Since x-ray diffraction provides a chemically passive method of analysis and yields molecular rather than elemental information, we have undertaken the siudy of, and have successfully employed crystal diffraction lines as a qualitative and quantitative means for determining such materials as lime, calcium carbonate, road salt, coke dust, and aerosol from sinter emissions as well as several other less common industrial particulates in samples obtained from dustfall as dispersed in a matrix of powdered amorphous glass. Correlative to the above investigation this method was also extended to the study of such gases as sulfur dioxide which may be selectively fixed to an active surface.  相似文献   

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