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A steady state mesoscale model developed to predict primary SO2 concentrations from a single point source is presented. The model was validated with data from the Midwest Interstate Sulfur Transport and Transformation (MISTT) project, with root mean square errors of 9.69 μg m?3 and 0.42 μg m?3 for SO2 and SO4 respectively. Wet deposition (washout and rainout), eddy dispersivity, dry deposition of SO2 and mean wind speed were found to be the most important factors controlling sulfur dioxide and sulfate concentrations. Estimation of precipitation acidity was then carried out using scavenging theory. The greatest potential acidification occurred approximately 200 km from the source along plume centerllne, which indicates a rather local effect as opposed to a long distance effect. The cross-plume influence was up to 60 km in width at a distance of 400 km from the source.  相似文献   


In this study, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emissions from two batch-type medical waste incinerators (MWIs), one with a mechanical grate and the other with a fixed grate, both operated by a medical center, were assessed. Both MWIs shared the same air-pollution control devices (APCDs), with an electrostatic precipitator and a wet scrubber installed in series. Results show that when APCDs were used, total PAHs and total benzo- [a]pyrene equivalent (total BaPeq) emission concentrations of both MWIs were reduced from 2220 to 1870 µg/m3 and 50 to 12.4 µg/m3, respectively. We used the Industrial Source Complex Short Term model (ISCST) to estimate the ground-level concentrations of the residential area and the traffic intersection located at the down-wind side of the two MWIs. For the traffic intersection, we found both total PAHs and total BaPeq transported from MWIs to both studied areas were not significant. For the residential area, similar results were found when APCDs were used in MWIs. When APCDs were not included, we found that total PAHs transported from MWIs accounted for <12%, but total BaPeq accounted for >90%, of the on-site measured concentrations. These results suggest that the use of proper APCDs during incineration would significantly reduce the carcinogenic potencies associated with PAH emissions from MWIs to the residential area.  相似文献   

The effect of the general growth of CO vehicular emissions in urban areas on the CAMP station measurements in downtown areas, where vehicular traffic is saturated is considered. With the assumption that the street-level CO concentration is derived from the sum of an urban background term and a local street-effect term, the urban background CO concentration is computed with a diffusion model by introducing a simple area source distribution. The local street-effect term is taken to be constant at a saturation emission level corresponding to a saturation traffic density when the emission per vehicle-mile and meteorological conditions are fixed. The present analysis indicates that the local street-effect term, AC, has a major role in determining street-level concentrations for pollutants, such as CO, whose air quality standard is based on maximum concentrations with averaging times of 1 hour and 8 hours. The relevance of this analysis to the abatement requirements of the Clean Air Amendments and to the driving cycle adopted is discussed.  相似文献   

On December 20, 1989, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed revised new source performance standards for new municipal waste combustion (MWC) units and guidelines for existing sources. The proposed national regulations require tighter particulate matter control and address pre-combustion, combustion, and post-combustion controls, the latter two depending on capacity and age of the facility.

The air pollutants of concern when municipal solid waste (MSW) is burned will be discussed. Generally, particulate control is an inherent part of the systems used to limit the emissions of these air pollutants. The relationships between MWC air emissions (acid gases, trace organics, and trace heavy metals) control and particulate control will be discussed. Test results to quantify air pollutant emissions from MWC units and their control will be presented and compared with the proposed regulations.  相似文献   

The number of gas turbine- (GT-) based power plants is rapidly increasing to meet the world’s power demands. Until a few years ago, fossil fuel, and specifically fuel oil, was considered the major energy source for gas turbine operation. Due to the high amount of pollution that fuel oil generates, natural gas has become a popular source of energy due to its lower emissions compared to fuel oil. As a result, many GTs have switched to natural gas as an alternative to fuel oil. However, pollutants expelled from GT-based power plants operating on natural gas impact surrounding air quality. The objective of this study was to examine the dispersion of nitrogen oxides (NOx) emitted from a GT-based power plant located in the Sultanate of Oman. Supported by CALPUFF dispersion modeling software, six scenarios were investigated in this study. The first four scenarios considered a case where the GT-based power plant was operating on natural gas during winter and summer and for open and combined cycle modes. The remaining two scenarios considered, for both open and combined cycle modes, the case where the GT-based power plant was operating on fuel oil. Whether run by natural gas or fuel oil, CALPUFF simulation results for both seasons showed that NOx concentrations were higher when GTs were used in the combined cycle mode. The concentrations were still lower than the allowable concentrations set by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) standards. In contrast, for the case where the power plant operated on fuel oil, the NOx one-hour average simulated results exceeded the allowable limits only when the combined cycle mode was activated.  相似文献   


In mid-1996, California implemented Phase 2 Reformulated Gasoline (RFG). The new fuel was designed to further decrease emissions of hydrocarbons (HCs), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and other toxic species. In addition, it was formulated to reduce the ozone-forming potential of the HCs emitted by vehicles. Previous studies have observed that emissions from on-road vehicles can differ significantly from those predicted by mobile source emissions models, and so it is important to quantify the change in emissions in a real-world setting. In October 1995, prior to the introduction of California Phase 2 RFG, the Desert Research Institute (DRI) performed a study of vehicle emissions in Los Angeles' Sepulveda Tunnel. This study provided a baseline against which the results of a second experiment, conducted in July 1996, could be compared to evaluate the impact of California Phase 2 RFG on emissions from real-world vehicles. Compared with the 1995 experiment, CO and NOx emissions exhibited statistically significant decreases, while the decrease in non-methane hydrocarbon emissions was not statistically significant.

Changes in the speciated HC emissions were evaluated. The benzene emission rate decreased by 27% and the overall emission rate of aromatic compounds decreased by 22% comparing the runs with similar speeds. Emissions of alkenes were virtually unchanged; however, emissions of combustion related unsaturates (e.g., acetylene, ethene) increased, while heavier alkenes decreased. The emission rate of methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) exhibited a larger increase. Overall changes in the ozone-forming potential of the emissions were not significantly different, with the increased contributions to reactivity from paraffins, ole-fins, and MTBE being offset by a large decrease in reactivity due to aromatics.  相似文献   


This study characterized the emissions of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) from the stack flue gases of 17 industrial sources, which were classified into 10 categories. The results show that the mean PCDD/PCDF concentration of secondary zinc smelter (Zn-S) and secondary copper smelter (Cu-S) is 2.44 ng international toxic equivalent (I-TEQ)/Nm3 (N represents normal conditions at 0 °C, 760 mmHg), which was found to be significantly greater than that of industrial waste incinerators (mean concentration = 0.15 ng I-TEQ/Nm3). These results imply that the controlling of secondary metallurgical melting processes is more important than industrial waste incineration for the reduction of PCDD/PCDF emissions. The mean emission factors of cement production, Zn-S and Cu-S, are 0.052, 1.99, and 1.73 μg I-TEQ/t product, respectively. For industrial waste incineration, the mean emission factors of waste rubber, waste liquor, waste sludge, industrial waste solid (IWI)-1, IWI-2, IWI-3, and IWI-4 are 0.752, 0.435, 0.760, 6.64, 1.67, 2.38, and 0.094 μg I-TEQ/t feed, respectively. Most of the PCDD/PCDF emission factors established in this study are less than those reported in previous studies, which could be because of the more stringent regulations for PCDD/PCDF emissions in recent years.  相似文献   


The conversion of methane to liquid products, hydrogen (H2), and ammonia (NH3) was investigated experimentally using microgap discharge plasma at an environmentally friendly condition. The experimental results indicated that H2 and NH3 were detected as the main gas products. The highest yield and production rate of H2 was 14.4% (v/v) and 2974.6 μmol/min, respectively, whereas the highest yield and production rate of NH3 was 8000 ppm (v/v) and 165.1 μmol/min, respectively. Particularly, the liquid products were collected on the plate and consisted of pyrrole, 2-methyl-1,4-pentadiene, α-amidopyri-dine, 2,5-dimethylpyrrole, methylpyrazine, 1-hexyne, 1,4-heptadiene, and polycyclic organic compounds. Some liquid products were the intermediates of drug, ?avor, dye, and organic synthesis, as well as edible ?avor. The collection efficiency in mass and energy efficiency were 26.3% at once and 22.9 g/kWh, respectively. The whole reaction process was considered to be in line with green chemistry principles.  相似文献   

Gold smelters near Yellowknife in Canada's Northwest Territories have emitted large quantities of sulfur dioxide and arsenic since inception of roasting in 1941. Although particulate wastes are well contained by baghouse fitters in the one remaining operating smelter, significant gaseous emissions continue. Soil and vegetation were sampled at 52 sites over an area of about 40 km radius from the source. Plant ecology was studied at 43 of those sites. After preliminary multi-element screening that indicated only arsenic was a serious persistent contaminant, x-ray fluorescence was used to measure arsenic content in sampled materials. The plant ecology data were synthesized into an Index of Vitality with numerical ratings of pertinent factors. In the marginal forests and rocky outcrops of the area, indicator species of vegetation permitted a division into zones of severe, moderate, mild, or no impact in order of increasing distance from the current center of emissions. Severe impact, including killing of trees, is local only. Analyses of foliage indicate little uptake of arsenic which, together with the presence of S02 symptoms, point to S02 as the main factor causing decline of vegetation. A separate study, abstracted here, supports this view by providing data that show a frequency of at least 2 significant fumigation episodes per growing season. Soil analyses indicate extremely high arsenic contamination near the stack. A monotonie pattern of dispersion yielded a function explainable in terms of rapid condensation of gaseous emissions. The relationship of arsenic in surface soil and vegetation to distance is approximately an inverse square.  相似文献   

A long-term dispersion model is presented for traffic and space heating emissions in urban areas, allowing fast assessment of the spatial-averaged and center-maximum pollutant concentrations.

The assumption of study areas with circular shape and normal emissions density profiles is made for the purpose of streamlining model inputs with the inventory data normally available. In addition, the rather typical assumptions of Gaussian dispersion, narrow plume, flat or gently rolling terrain, homogeneous wind field and nonreactive pollutants are made. Values of σz from Briggs correlation are used with an initial value of 30 to account for building effects.

Meterological data inputs are reduced to six parameters, inventory data inputs to two, while computations are simplified to a degree that use of a digital computer is not required.

The model is well suited to yield separate assessments for individual types of sources and control measures, as well as to reveal sensitivities from parameters such as city size, or emission density levels and distribution patterns. Its predictions are virtually identical to those of the CDM-2 UNAPMAR model for study areas with circular shape and normal emissions density profiles, and as results do not appear overly sensitive to shape and distribution patterns, the model is believed to be valid for most urban areas.  相似文献   

A background of ozone (O3), principally of stratospheric origin, is present in the lower free troposphere. Typical mean O3 levels of 50 ppb, 40 ppb, and 30 ppb are encountered here in spring, summer, and fall, respectively. Maximum hourly O3 concentrations which are twice these mean values can be expected. Ozone from the free troposphere is routinely brought down to ground level under turbulent atmospheric conditions. Deep and rapid Intrusions of stratospheric air into the lower troposphere are associated with low-pressure troughs and occur regularly. In the mid troposphere, O3 levels as high as 300 ppb are found within these intrusions. Observational data showing these intrusions, containing high O3 concentrations, to directly reach ground level are currently lacking. Over the United States, an intrusion was present aloft on 8 9% of the days in 1978. The frequency, however, is somewhat reduced in summer and a northward movement is evident. During 1978, no intrusion occurred south of 30°N between June and August and none south of 40 °N in August.

The hypothesis that low levels of stratospheric O3 produce disproportionately large amounts of O3 in the polluted atmosphere cannot be supported from currently known chemistry but should be studied further. The experimental technique involving a 7Be/O3 ratio to estimate the daily stratospheric component of ground level O3 is unverified and considered to be inadequate for air quality applications. Estimates resulting from such a technique are considered uncertain by a factor of more than three. Specially designed aircraft studies provide the best means to determine quantitatively the impact of stratospheric O3 on ground level air quality.  相似文献   

Currently available information suggests a substantial environmental impact from residential wood combustion emissions. Air pollution from this source is widespread and increasing. Current ambient measurements, surveys, and model predictions indicate winter respirable (<2 μm) emissions from residential wood combustion can easily exceed all other sources. Both the chemical potency and deliverability of the emissions from this source are of concern. The emissions are almost entirely in the inhalable size range and contain toxic and priority pollutants, carcinogens, co-carcinogens, cilia toxic, mucus coagulating agents, and other respiratory irritants such as phenols, aldehydes, etc. This source is contributing substantially to the nonattainment of current particulate, carbon monoxide, and hydrocarbon ambient air quality standards and will almost certainly have a significant impact on potential future standards such as inhalable particulates, visibility, and other chemically specific standards. Emission from this growing source is likely to require additional expenditures by industry for air pollution control equipment in nonattainment areas.  相似文献   

Formaldehyde, acrolein, and low molecular weight aldehydes are collected in 1% NaHSO3 solution in Greenberg-Smith or midget impingers from industrial effluents. Efficiency of collection is excellent when two impingers are used in series. Formaldehyde is measured in an aliquot of the collection medium by the chromo-tropic acid procedure, acrolein by a modified mercuric-chloride-hexylresorcinol procedure, and C2-C5 aldehydes by a gas chromatographic procedure. The method permits the analysis of all C1-C5 aldehydes on a single collection sample. Data on aldehyde concentrations from a variety of effluents are presented.  相似文献   


This paper reports on the analysis of on-road vehicle speed, emission, and fuel consumption data collected by four instrumented vehicles. Time-, distance-, and fuel-based average fuel consumption, as well as CO, HC, NOx, and soot emission factors, were derived. The influences of instantaneous vehicle speed on emissions and fuel consumption were studied. It was found that the fuel-based emission factors varied much less than the time- and distance-based emission factors as instantaneous speed changed. The trends are similar to the results obtained from laboratory tests. The low driving speed contributed to a significant portion of the total emissions over a trip. Furthermore, the on-road data were analyzed using the modal approach. The four standard driving modes are acceleration, cruising, deceleration, and idling. It was found that the transient driving modes (i.e., acceleration and deceleration) were more polluting than the steady-speed driving modes (i.e., cruising and idling) in terms of g/km and g/ sec. These results indicated that the on-road emission measurement is feasible in deriving vehicle emissions and fuel consumption factors in urban driving conditions.  相似文献   

Emissions from a 1988 GM Corsica with adaptive learning closed loop control were measured with 4 fuels at 40, 75, and 90° F. Evaporative and exhaust emissions were examined from each fuel at each test temperature. Test fuels were unleaded summer grade gasoline; a blend of this gasoline containing 8.1 percent ethanol; a refiner’s blend stock; and the blend stock containing 16.2 percent methyl tertiary butyl ether. The ethanol and MTBE blends contained 3.0 percent oxygen by weight. Regulated emissions (total hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and oxides of nitrogen), detailed aldehydes, detailed hydrocarbons, ethanol, MTBE, benzene, and 1, 3-butadiene were determined.

The highest levels of regulated emissions were produced at the lower temperature. Blended fuels produced almost twice the evaporative hydrocarbon emissions at high temperatures as did the base fuels. Benzene emissions varied with fuels and operating temperatures, while 1, 3-butadiene emissions decreased slightly with increasing temperatures. Formaldehyde emissions were not sensitive to fuel or temperature changes. Ethanol fuel blend total aldehyde emissions Increased by 40 percent due to increased acetaldehyde emissions.

Fuel blends had approximately a 3 percent economy decrease. The MTBE fuel blend appeared to offer the most reduction in total hydrocarbon, carbon monoxide, and oxides of nitrogen for the fuels and temperatures tested.  相似文献   

The main emissions from coal combustion at thermal power plants are carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), and airborne inorganic particles such as fly ash and soot; CO2, methane, and CFCs are greenhouse gases. These emissions are considered to be partially responsible for harmful global climate change. This review summarizes the status of thermal power plants in India and their various types of emissions that directly or indirectly produce harmful effects on the environment and human health. Moreover, it focuses on various types of preventive measures used to avoid/minimize emissions.  相似文献   

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