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An iterative regression procedure is presented to estimate missing air pollution measurements when the data are measured at two or more sampling stations in the same vicinity. The procedure utilizes the measurements taken at other stations, on neighboring days, and of other pollutants.

The procedure is applied to a set of Philadelphia pollution data with from five to seventeen per cent of the observations missing. The method is tested by comparing the known observed pollutant values, with their estimates given by the procedure. Correlations between the observations and their estimates are uniformly high, ranging from 0.87 to 0.91. These correlations compare favorably with those estimates given by a simple linear interpolation. The magnitude of the correlations suggests that estimates given by this iterative regression procedure may be used where missing observations pccur without fear of undesirable effects on subsequent work. Therefore, this procedure may be a valuable tool in handling the problem of missing observations in air pollution data.  相似文献   

Under the first Federal Air Pollution Act of 1955, which assigned the responsibility for developing a national program to the Public Health Service, a significant phase of the program involved other federal agencies through a series of contractual relationships. These interdepartmental relationships were limited however, to the objective of capitalizing on the diverse research facilities and specialized competencies within the federal establishment, as a means of accelerating the research and technical assistance program authorized under the act. With the passage of the Clean Air Act of 1963, a major new emphasis has been added to the federal air pollution control program—application of technical knowledge, through broadly accelerated control programs. This emphasis is reflected in current trends in the nature and type of the Public Health Service’s developing relationships with other federal agencies. The emerging PHS programs to prevent and control air pollution from federal facilities, the PHS role in preventing pollution arising from transportation systems aided under the new Urban Mass Transportation Act, and other developing interagency relationships and problem areas are discussed in this context.  相似文献   

The TR-l Research Committee of the Air Pollution Control Association conducted a survey during 1969–70 to determine what air pollution research problems require attention. All APCA committees were requested to contribute topics to this survey, especially within their area of activity. Other professional societies were contacted through liaison representatives of APCA. The responses to the survey have been reviewed, categorized, selected, and edited for inclusion in this report. Additional material and concepts have been contributed by members of the TR-l Committee.  相似文献   

The fundamental capabilities and limitations of the lidar (laser radar) in observing particulate concentrations in the atmosphere are discussed. The advantages of the lidar technique stem from its ability to obtain measurements remotely and at a high density in space and time. The quantitative application of the technique is limited by the accuracies with which: (1) the separate effects upon the return signal of back-scatter and attenuation may be identified; and (2) the optical parameters may be related to the characteristics of the aerosol. The main areas of utility for lidar in air pollution research and control are: (1) to observe the structure and height of mixing layers; (2) to measure the transport and diffusion of plumes or clouds of particulates; and (3) to remotely determine smoke-plume opacity. These applications are briefly reviewed and exemplified.  相似文献   

An instrumented single engine aircraft is being used to characterize plumes from large emission sources. By cross sectioning these plumes at a number of points we hope to describe the character and concentration of pollution as it ages and travels downwind under known meteorological conditions. This paper reports experimental work thus far completed on aerosol measurement. Flights have been made through plumes from a large coal-fired power station, forest fires, and a gravel plant. Particle counts in various size classifications were made with a Bausch and Lomb 40–1 Dust Counter which was carried in the aircraft. Selected meteorological parameters were recorded. Results show the aerosol concentrations in various size classifications that are found at successive distances downwind from these sources for distances up to 32 miles. Background aerosol concentrations are also reported, and variations in these can be noted with respect to time, location and altitude.  相似文献   

Light aircraft and helicopters have been occasionally used to conduct aerial traverses for a single pollutant or atmospheric tracer. The continuous analyzer or sample collector is temporarily tied down with a seat belt or hand held. Flight variables are visually observed and written on the recorder chart, a notebook or possibly voice-recorded on a portable tape recorder. The versatile airborne instrumentation package described can measure and record up to 27 pollutant and flight variables from a Cessna Skymaster center-line thrust, light twin. Real-time analysis instrumentation include non-dispersive infrared analyzers for CO2, CO, and hydrocarbons, conductivity and coulometric analyzers for sulfur dioxide and sulfur-containing gases, and Charlson-Ahlquist visual range nephelometer. A Battelle “bulk sampler” is used to collect particulates for weighing and microscopic examination. Indicated air speed, altitude, rate of climb, magnetic heading, temperature, and relative humidity are continuously measured. All variables are sequentially recorded on a 7-track, 200 bit per second, 27-channel, magnetic tape data logging system. Measured variables are recorded once each 0.3 to 0.8 sec—equivalent to 33-100 ft of traversedepending upon the number of variables recorded (i.e., between 9 and 27) when flying at 90 mph. Tape data are reduced directly by IBM 360 computer to a digital print-out or from tape to an X-Y analog plot.  相似文献   

The electronic computer has had a profound effect upon air pollution research activities. This paper discusses some of the ways in which Public Health Service scientists routinely make use of the computer. It is used as a data processor to handle the large volumes of data resulting from continuous air monitoring devices. More importantly, it is used to perform the very complex computations involved in various statistical analyses and mathematical model building. In future years computers may be used on a real-time basis to control the sources which emit pollutants to the atmosphere.  相似文献   

The absorption of hydrogen sulfide and methyl mercaptan by aqueous solutions of chlorine, sodium hydroxide, and chlorine plus sodium hydroxide was studied using a two-inch diameter absorption column packed with ¼ inch Intalox saddles. Absorption rates were noticeably affected by chemical reactions occurring in the aqueous chlorine and hydroxide media. These solutions were studied as a means of controlling sulfur-containing gas emissions from kraft paper mills. The absorption studies indicated that aqueous chlorine solutions at a pH above 12 were effective absorbents for hydrogen sulfide removal in absorption equipment designed to tolerate sulfur in suspension. The absorption of methyl mercaptan in aqueous chlorine solutions appeared to be impractical since dimethyl disulfide was apparently the only product formed and was stripped from the tower by the gas stream. Sodium hydroxide solution was an effective absorbent for both methyl mercaptan and hydrogen sulfide when hydroxide to sulfide or mercaptan feed ratios were greater than 1 or 1.8, respectively. The mercaptan absorption coefficient was approximately twice that for sulfide absorption.  相似文献   

The industrial scientist-engineer is characterized by a high level of interest in solving problems, with the honest expectation that a novel solution to a problem will be rewarded by society with attendant economic benefits to his employer and to himself. Markets for new and improved emission control equipment and techniques are being created by the ever increasing public awareness of the consequences of continuing air pollution and suggest that new emission-free processes and manufacturing techniques and products will similarly find ready acceptance if not outright demand.  相似文献   


Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) analysis of the thermal flow in the combustion chamber of a solid waste incinerator provides crucial insight into the incinerator’s performance. However, the interrelation of the gas flow with the burning waste has not been adequately treated in many CFD models. A strategy for a combined simulation of the waste combustion and the gas flow in the furnace is introduced here. When coupled with CFD, a model of the waste combustion in the bed provides the inlet conditions for the gas flow field and receives the radiative heat flux onto the bed from the furnace wall and gaseous species. An unsteady one-dimensional bed model was used for the test simulation, in which the moving bed was treated as a packed bed of homogeneous fuel particles. The simulation results show the physical processes of the waste combustion and its interaction with the gas flow for various operational parameters.  相似文献   


The destruction of parts per million (ppm) levels of volatile organic compounds in a dry air stream by high–energy electron–beam irradiation has been investigated in a pilot plant at the University of Tennessee Space Institute, Tullahoma, Tennessee. In a series of experiments, dry air contaminated with various VOCs in the concentration range of 50–1000 ppm were treated in the UTSI pilot plant to determine the extent of destruction at various electronbeam dose levels.

The destruction removal efficiency was determined as a function of the electron beam irradiation dose. The results suggest a charge transfer reaction as the major decomposition mechanism. A theoretical foundation of the process, along with a simple first–generation reaction kinetics model, a summary of the results from the pilot plant flow reactor, and a preliminary cost analysis for a fullscale detoxification plant using currently available electronbeam gun technology are presented in this paper.  相似文献   


PM10, PM25, precursor gas, and upper-air meteorological measurements were taken in Mexico City, Mexico, from February 23 to March 22, 1997, to understand concentrations and chemical compositions of the city's particulate matter (PM). Average 24-hr PM10 concentrations over the period of study at the core sites in the city were 75 H g/m3. The 24-hr standard of 150 μ g/m3 was exceeded for seven samples taken during the study period; the maximum 24-hr concentration measured was 542 μ g/m3. Nearly half of the PM10 was composed of fugitive dust from roadways, construction, and bare land. About 50% of the PM10 consisted of PM2.5, with higher percentages during the morning hours. Organic and black carbon constituted up to half of the PM2.5. PM concentrations were highest during the early morning and after sunset, when the mixed layers were shallow. Meteorological measurements taken during the field campaign show that on most days air was transported out of the Mexico City basin during the afternoon with little day-to-day carryover.  相似文献   

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