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This is the second of a two-part article that reviews electrostatic precipitation theory, presents size estimating methods, and gives costing procedures for a variety of electrostatic precipitator (ESP) types and sizes. Part I of the article, which appeared in the April 1988 issue of JAPCA, discussed theory and sizing; this part presents costing. Information is given for estimating total capital investment including separate costs for the bare ESP (five types) and auxiliaries. Factors are given for installation and for indirect costs. Direct and indirect annual costs are discussed. An example problem is given.  相似文献   

A general background is offered to the potential sources and solutions of maintenance difficulties Involved with the electrostatic precipitator. The purpose of the discussion is not only to show the Inherent complexity of the situation, but to stress areas of problem identification and activity for the user of this equipment. The information contained in this paper should provide an overall base for the details covered in the subsequent papers of this conference.  相似文献   


Membrane collection surfaces, developed and patented by researchers at Ohio University, were used to replace steel plates in a dry electrostatic precipitator (ESP). Such replacement facilitates tension-based rapping, which shears the adhered particle layer from the collector surface more effectively than hammer-based rapping. Tests were performed to measure the collection efficiency of the membranes and to quantify the potential improvements of this novel cleaning technique with respect to re-entrainment. Results indicate that even semiconductor materials (e.g., carbon fibers) collect ash nearly as efficiently as steel plates, potentially indicating that collection surface resistivity is primarily dictated by the accumulated ash layer and not by the underlying plate conductivity. In addition, virtually all sheared particles separated from the collecting membranes fell within the boundary layer of the membrane, indicating extremely low potential for re-entrainment.  相似文献   

Despite this country’s scientific advances, most communities in the United States are still disposing of solid wastes the way they did 50 years ago. The problem is advancing faster than the solution. Less than half the cities in this country with populations over 2500 dispose of their wastes by an approved sanitary and nuisance-free method. Do you realize that every 60 seconds people in the United States drop 251 tons of trash into their garbage cans. At the end of the day, 362,000 tons have accumulated. This means each of the 190 million people in the US disposes of 43½ lb of rubbish daily. By the year 2000 population is expected to double, while the per capita rate of increase in refuse production rises about 2% annually.

As the population booms and spreads to the suburbs, and suburbs expand into further suburbs, we will rapidly use up the land once used for waste disposal. Thus, sanitary landfill sites will disappear because by the year 2000 three-fourths of our population will live in urban areas.

The answer to this enormous problem faced by large and small communities is central incineration. Only this system can provide a maximum reduction in the volume of refuse. It is for this reason that communities are turning to incineration as the best solution. However, a growing public awareness plus changing municipal, state, and federal laws necessitate the need for a modern incineration plant that incorporates the most advanced and proved method of air pollution control. Where efficiencies of 60 to 80% were acceptable in the past, 90 to 95% are sought at present, and soon 96 to 99% will be required.

This paper deals with the effective control of particulate emissions from municipal incinerator exhaust gases.  相似文献   

A severe problem has developed with respect to the efficiency of certain hot-side electrostatic precipitators. The problem is manifested by a time dependent degradation of performance in which back corona related to a condition of high ash resistivity is the influencing factor. Performance can be restored by thorough cleaning of the precipitator only to experience the degradation once again. This paper hypothesizes an explanation for these observations. Experiments with both high and low resistivity ashes using resistivity test cells and a laboratory corona discharge device have been run to prove the validity of the suggested explanation. Data substantiate the idea that in the precipitation process a thin layer of ash more or less permanently remains on the collection plates and that the sodium ions serving as charge carriers in the conduction process through the layer are depleted leaving a thin layer of ash having extremely high resistivity. This phenomenon is called electrode polarization, sodium depletion, or an ash layer space charge depending on one's scientific discipline. Suggestions of remedial steps which may be of benefit in counteracting this difficulty are given.  相似文献   

The application of wet electrostatic precipitators is rapidly gaining popularity. The emission regulations are becoming more and more stringent and they are being enforced. The emphasis on removal of fine particles and organic liquid droplets in the submicron range is increasing. In order to meet the required outlet loadings and opacities, the pressure drop that has to be applied across a conventional scrubber has increased exponentially. The wet electrostatic precipitator is emerging as an economic alternative by virtue of its very low power consumption and its potential for removal of submicron particles with efficiencies in the high nineties. Several applications of the wet electrostatic precipitator will be reviewed in this paper.  相似文献   

One of the important cohesive forces acting on the precipitated layer in an electrostatic precipitator Is that due to the effect of the electric field established in the air gaps between adjacent particles by the corona current as it flows through the layer. A theoretical expression for this force is developed for an idealized dust layer which takes into account the increase in effective contact area between adjacent particles due to elastic deformation and the limiting of the electric field in the airgap to a maximum allowable value. It is shown that the cohesive force is approximately proportional to the electric field established across the layer. This relationship is in general agreement with measurements made in the laboratory using industrially produced dust samples.  相似文献   

Achieving and maintaining continuous, reliable performance in electrostatic precipitators depends critically upon the proper design, application, operation, and maintenance of the high voltage electrical energization system. Common problems among these factors are discussed, and effects on performance are illustrated from field experience. Practical recommendations for solving problems and for preventing their occurrence in the electrical aspects of precipitation are presented for effective use by designers, operators, and maintenance personnel.  相似文献   

The suppression of corona by particle space-charge is of considerable importance in electrostatic precipitators dealing with medium to high concentrations of particulates. However, the effect of the dust concentration on collection efficiency has found no direct answer in the literature. In addition to the expected reduction in corona current due to low mobility dust particles, the presence of these charged particles has two other main effects: 1. The electric field in the vicinity of the discharge electrode is weakened and hence the concentration of ions originating in the ionization zone and forming the charging current is decreased. 2. The resulting space-charge build-up causes an increase in the field strength adjacent to the collecting surface of the precipitator. The importance of each of these effects on the collection efficiency will be dependent on the relative decrease in particle charge as compared to the increase in the collection field. Experiments were carried out under both positive and negative corona with aerosol concentrations having specific surfaces in the range 0 to 44 m2/m3. These results showed: 1. For low values of corona current densities, as the specific surface area increases, the efficiency decreases. In this cqse, the charge per particle decreases as the particle concentration increases and becomes far below the normal charge attainable. Here the increase in the collection field is more than counteracted by the jarge reduction in particle charge. 2. For higher values of initial corona current densities, as the particle specific surface area increases, the efficiency either increases slightly or stays constant, in spite of major reductions in the measured corona current. In this case there should also be a reduction in the charge per particle with the increase in particle concentration, however, this is apparently offset by the increase in the collection field strength. Analysis of the results, coupled with an interpretation of existing theories, indicates that a major parameter that must be considered is the ratio of the initial corona current density and the specific surface of the particles.  相似文献   

The body of information contained in this paper is directed towards individuals concerned with the toxicology and physical state of airborne effluents from pulverized coal-fired stationary sources. A flotation/sedimentation technique was used to separate fly ash from power plant clean-up devices into light, medium, and high density fractions. Large spherical particles were selected from each fraction and examined by optical and scanning electron microscopy. Attempts were made to identify pleurospheres (filled hollow spheres) by crushing the spheres in situ under the optical microscope. In no cases were filled spheres observed, suggesting that they are not a common structure in fly ash. Several phenomena which generate hollow spheres are discussed.  相似文献   

Compliance with particulate standards for utility boilers burning low sulfur western coal has resulted in the installation and proposed installation of several fabric filter collectors where cold or hot electrostatic precipitators would have traditionally been applied. Recently, SO3 conditioning has been used to improve cold precipitator performance resulting in considerable reduction in specific collection area (SCA). All this suggests that trade-offs exist indicating ranges of SCA, A/C ratio, and power plant size (Mw) where fabric filters become competitive with electrostatic precipitators. Conceptual cost models are presented which indicate total capital investment and annual costs for the control devices. Precipitator costs are correlated with collecting area, gas flow rate, and power input and are presented as functions of SCA and Mw. Fabric filter costs are keyed to gross filter area, pressure drop, and gas flow rate. Fabric filters become competitive when a cold precipitator requires SCAs in excess of 600 to 800 and competitive when a hot precipitator requires equivalent cold precipitator SCAs in excess of 600 to 1000 depending on A/C ratio, Mw, and hot precipitator SCA credit allowance. The S03 conditioned precipitator scenario is shown to be economically competitive with fabric filters.  相似文献   

Cost data were analyzed from thirty steam power plant units utilizing electrostatic precipitators with or without mechanical centrifugal collectors. Operational, maintenance, and total costs for the years 1969, 1970, and 1971 were expressed in 1972 dollars as $/cfm-yr and $/cfm-yr-efficiency. The latter parameter is a new one which normalizes the cost of air cleaning by accounting for the amount of particulate matter collected. Large differences in the costs of air cleaning were found between plants and even between units operating in the same plant. Maintenance costs appeared to be the main contributor to large total cost differences, but improved, more specific accounting procedures are required to focus more closely on the reasons for cost differences.  相似文献   

This paper develops an expression for the resistivity of a dust layer which takes into account its particulate nature, dependence of the surface resistivity component on water vapor pressure and temperature, the volume resistivity and the intrinsic properties of the particulate material. A new expression is given for the surface resistivity which, when combined with the equation for volume resistivity, enables the effective resistance of a dust layer to be characterized by five meaningful parameters. These parameters may be determined for a given fly ash sample from a standard set of resistivity curves. Calculated resistivity curves for an industrially produced fly ash are compared with measured curves.  相似文献   

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