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Improved understanding of the sources of air pollution that are most harmful could aid in developing more effective measures for protecting human health. The Denver Aerosol Sources and Health (DASH) study was designed to identify the sources of ambient fine particulate matter (PM(2.5)) that are most responsible for the adverse health effects of short-term exposure to PM (2.5). Daily 24-hour PM(2.5) sampling began in July 2002 at a residential monitoring site in Denver, Colorado, using both Teflon and quartz filter samplers. Sampling is planned to continue through 2008. Chemical speciation is being carried out for mass, inorganic ionic compounds (sulfate, nitrate and ammonium), and carbonaceous components, including elemental carbon, organic carbon, temperature-resolved organic carbon fractions and a large array of organic compounds. In addition, water soluble metals were measured daily for 12 months in 2003. A receptor-based source apportionment approach utilizing positive matrix factorization (PMF) will be used to identify PM (2.5) source contributions for each 24-hour period. Based on a preliminary assessment using synthetic data, the proposed source apportionment should be able to identify many important sources on a daily basis, including secondary ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate, diesel vehicle exhaust, road dust, wood combustion and vegetative debris. Meat cooking, gasoline vehicle exhaust and natural gas combustion were more challenging for PMF to accurately identify due to high detection limits for certain organic molecular marker compounds. Measurements of these compounds are being improved and supplemented with additional organic molecular marker compounds. The health study will investigate associations between daily source contributions and an array of health endpoints, including daily mortality and hospitalizations and measures of asthma control in asthmatic children. Findings from the DASH study, in addition to being of interest to policymakers, by identifying harmful PM(2.5) sources may provide insights into mechanisms of PM effect.  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of a major, long-term program for tropospheric gas and aerosol research in the southeastern United States. Building on three existing ozone (O3)-focused research sites begun in mid-1992, the Southeastern Aerosol Research and Characterization Study (SEARCH) was initiated in mid-1998 as a 7-year observation and research program with a broader focus including aerosols and an expanded geographical coverage in the Southeast. The monitoring network comprises four urban-rural (or urban-suburban) site pairs at locations along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico and inland, including two moderately sized and two major urban areas (Pensacola, FL; Gulfport, MS; Atlanta, GA; and Birmingham, AL). The sites are equipped with an extensive suite of instruments for measuring particulate matter (PM), gases relevant to secondary O3 and the production of secondary aerosol particles, and surface meteorology. The measurements taken to date have added substantially to the knowledge about the temporal behavior and geographic variability of tropospheric aerosols in the Southeast. Details are presented in four papers to follow.  相似文献   


Aerosol size distributions were measured during the summertime 1995 Southeastern Aerosol and Visibility Study (SEAVS) in Great Smoky Mountains National Park using an Active Scattering Aerosol Spectrometer (ASASP-X) optical particle counter. We present an overview of the experimental method, our data inversion technique, timelines of the size distribution parameters, and calculations of dry accumulation mode aerosol density and refractive index. Aerosol size distributions were recorded during daylight hours for aerosol in the size range 0.1 < Dp < 2.5 u,m. The particle refractive index used for the data inversion was calculated with the partial molar refractive index approach using 12-hr measured aerosol chemical composition. Aerosol accumulation mode volume concentrations ranging from 1 to 26 u,m3 cm-3 were observed, with an average of 7 ± 5 u,m3 cm-3. The study average dry accumulation mode geometric volume median diameter was 0.27 ± 0.03 u,m, and the mean geometric standard deviation was 1.45 ± 0.06. Using an internally mixed aerosol model, and assuming chemical homogeneity across the measured particle distribution, an average accumulation mode dry sulfate ion mass scattering efficiency of 3.8 ± 0.6 m2 g-1 was calculated.  相似文献   


In an effort to better quantify wintertime particulate matter (PM) and the contribution of wood smoke to air pollution events in Fresno, CA, a field campaign was conducted in winter 2003–2004. Coarse and fine daily PM samples were collected at five locations in Fresno, including residential, urban, and industrial areas. Measurements of collected samples included gravimetric mass determination, organic and elemental carbon analysis, and trace organic compound analysis by gas chromatograph mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The wood smoke tracer levoglucosan was also measured in aqueous aerosol extracts using high-performance anion exchange chromatography coupled with pulsed amperometric detection. Sample preparation and analysis by this technique is much simpler and less expensive than derivatized levoglucosan analysis by GC/MS, permitting analysis of daily PM samples from all five of the measurement locations. Analyses revealed low spatial variability and similar temporal patterns of PM2.5 mass, organic carbon (OC), and levoglucosan. Daily mass concentrations appear to have been strongly influenced by meteorological conditions, including precipitation, wind, and fog events. Fine PM (PM2.5) concentrations are uncommonly low during the study period, reflecting frequent precipitation events. During the first portion of the study, levoglucosan had a strong relationship to the concentrations of PM2.5 and OC. In the later portion of the study, there was a significant reduction in levoglucosan relative to PM2.5 and OC. This may indicate a change in particle removal processes, perhaps because of fog events, which were more common in the latter period. Combined, the emissions from wood smoke, meat cooking, and motor vehicles appear to contribute ~65–80% to measured OC, with wood smoke, on average, accounting for ~41% of OC and ~18% of PM2.5 mass. Two residential sites exhibit somewhat higher contributions of wood smoke to OC than other locations.  相似文献   


The field-deployable Sunset Semi-Continuous Organic Carbon/Elemental Carbon (Sunset OCEC) aerosol analyzer utilizes the modified National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health thermal-optical method to determine total carbon (TC), organic carbon (OC), and elemental carbon (EC) at near real-time. Two sets of OC and EC are available: thermal OC and EC, and optical OC and EC. The former is obtained by the thermal-optical approach, and the latter is obtained by directly determining EC optically and deriving optical OC from TC. However, the performance of the Sunset OCEC is not yet fully characterized. Two collocated Sunset OCEC analyzers, Unit A and Unit B, were used to determine the pooled relative standard deviation (RSD) and limit of detection (LOD) between September 18 and November 6, 2007 in Richland, WA. The LOD of Unit A was approximately 0.2 μgC/m3 (0.1 μgC/cm2) for TC, optical OC, and thermal OC, and 0.01 μgC/m3 (0.01 μgC/cm2) for optical EC. Similarly, Unit B had an LOD of approximately 0.3 μgC/m3 (0.2 μgC/cm2) for TC, optical OC, and thermal OC, and 0.02 μgC/m3 (0.01 μgC/cm2) for optical EC. The LOD for thermal EC is estimated to be 0.2 μgC/m3 (0.1 μgC/cm2) for both units. The pooled RSDs were 4.9% for TC (carbon mass loadings 0.6–6.0 μgC/cm2), 5.6% for optical OC (carbon mass loadings 0.6–5.4 μgC/cm2), 5.3% for thermal OC (carbon mass loadings 0.6–5.3 μgC/cm2), and 9.6% for optical EC (carbon mass loadings 0–1.4 μgC/cm2), which indicates good precision between the instruments. The RSD for thermal EC is higher at 24.3% (carbon mass loadings 0–1.2 μgC/cm2). Low EC mass loadings in Richland contributed to the poor RSD of EC. The authors found that excessive noise from the nondispersive infrared (NDIR) laser in the Sunset OCEC analyzer could result in a worsened determination of OC and EC. It is recommended that a “quieter” NDIR laser and detector be used in the Sunset OCEC analyzer to improve quantification. Future work should re-evaluate the precision of the EC parameters in an environment favorable for EC collection. Investigation among quantification differences using various thermal-optical protocols to determine OC and EC is also in need.  相似文献   


The organic fraction of aerosol emitted from a vegetable oil processing plant was studied to investigate the contribution of emissions to ambient particles in the surrounding area. Solvent-soluble particulate organic compounds emitted from the plant accounted for 10% of total suspended particles. This percentage was lower in the receptor sites (less than 6% of total aerosol mass). Nonpolar, moderate polar, polar, and acidic compounds were detected in both emitted and ambient aerosol samples. The processing and combustion of olive pits yielded a source with strong biogenic characteristics, such as the high values of the carbon preference index (CPI) for all compound classes. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) detected in emissions were associated with both olive pits and diesel combustion. The chromatographic profile of dimethyl-phenanthrenes (DMPs) was characteristic of olive pit combustion. Organic aerosols collected in two receptor sites provided a different pattern.

The significant contribution of vehicular emissions was identified by CPI values (~1) of n-alkanes and the presence of the unresolved complex mixture (UCM). In addition, PAH concentration diagnostic ratios indicated that emissions from catalyst and noncatalyst automobiles and heavy trucks were significant. The strong even-to-odd predominance of n-alkanols, n-alkanoic acids, and their salts indicated the contribution of a source with biogenic characteristics. However, the profile of DMPs at receptor sites was similar to that observed for diesel particulates. These differences indicated that the contribution of vegetable oil processing emissions to the atmosphere was negligible.  相似文献   


Air quality data collected in the California Regional PM10/PM2.5 Air Quality Study (CRPAQS) are analyzed to qualitatively assess the processes affecting secondary aerosol formation in the San Joaquin Valley (SJV). This region experiences some of the highest fine particulate matter (PM2.5) mass concentrations in California (≤188 μg/m3 24-hr average), and secondary aerosol components (as a group) frequently constitute over half of the fine aerosol mass in winter. The analyses are based on 15 days of high-frequency filter and canister measurements and several months of wintertime continuous gas and aerosol measurements. The phase-partitioning of nitrogen oxide (NOx)-related nitrogen species and carbonaceous species shows that concentrations of gaseous precursor species are far more abundant than measured secondary aerosol nitrate or estimated secondary organic aerosols. Comparisons of ammonia and nitric acid concentrations indicate that ammonium nitrate formation is limited by the availability of nitric acid rather than ammonia. Time-resolved aerosol nitrate data collected at the surface and on a 90-m tower suggest that both the daytime and nighttime nitric acid formation pathways are active, and entrainment of aerosol nitrate formed aloft at night may explain the spatial homogeneity of nitrate in the SJV. NOx and volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions plus background O3 levels are expected to determine NOx oxidation and nitric acid production rates, which currently control the ammonium nitrate levels in the SJV. Secondary organic aerosol formation is significant in winter, especially in the Fresno urban area. Formation of secondary organic aerosol is more likely limited by the rate of VOC oxidation than the availability of VOC precursors in winter.  相似文献   


As part of a pilot study into the chemical and physical properties of Australian fine particles, a suite of aerosol samples was collected at Ti Tree Bend in Launceston, Tasmania, during June and July 1997. This period represents midwinter in the Southern Hemisphere, a period when aerosol sources in Launceston are dominated by smoke from domestic wood burning. This paper describes the results from this measurement campaign, with the aim of assessing the effect of wood smoke on the chemical and physical characteristics of ambient aerosol. A micro orifice uniform deposit impactor (MOUDI) was used to measure the size distributions of the aerosol from 0.05 to 20 n m aerodynamic diameter. Continuous measurements of fine particle mass were made using a PM2.5 tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM) and light scattering coefficients at 530 nm were measured with nephelometers.

Mass size distributions tended to be bimodal, with the diameter of the dominant mode tending to smaller sizes with increases in total mass. Non-sea salt potassium and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were used as chemical tracers for wood smoke. Wood smoke was found to increase absolute particle mass (enough to regularly exceed air quality standards), and to concentrate mass in a single mode below 1 μm aerodynamic diameter. The acid-base equilibrium of the aerosol was altered by the wood smoke source, with free acidity hydrogen ion, non-sea salt sulfate, and ammonium concentrations being higher and the concentration of all species, including nitrate (to differing extents), focused in the fine particle size ranges. The wood smoke source also heavily influenced the aerosol scattering efficiency, adding to a strong diurnal cycle in both mass concentration and light scattering.  相似文献   

Studies of visual air quality in the Denver metropolitan region during summer 1979 and winter 1979–1980 are described and results reported. The major objective of the studies was to investigate relationships among four types of variables important to urban visual air quality: (1) individuals' judgements of overall visual air quality; (2) perceptual cues used in making judgments of visual air quality; (3) measurable physical characteristics of the visual environment and (4) concentrations of visibility-reducing pollutants and their precursors. During August 1979 and mid-December 1979 to January 1980, simultaneous measurements of observational and environmental data were made daily at various locations throughout the metropolitan area. Observational data included ratings of overall air quality and related perceptual cues (e.g., distance, clarity, color, border) by multiple observers. Environmental data included routine hourly pollutant and meteorological measurements from several fixed locations within the city, as well as aerosol light scattering and absorption measures from one location. Statistical analyses indicated that (1) multiple perceptual cues are required to explain variation in judgments of overall visual air quality and (2) routine measurements of the physical environment appear to be inadequate predictors of either judgments of overall visual air quality or related perceptual cues.  相似文献   

A simplified aerosol coagulation model has been developed, to determine the mutual coagulation of many discrete size classes. The model has been applied to computation of the growth of light scattering particles from a small monodisperse aerosol, and prediction of aerosol size and concentration downwind of sources. These computations are in good agreement with field observations. This model is sufficiently simplified to allow programming In contemporary desk calculators and is an extremely practical tool for application of aerosol technology to air pollution problems.  相似文献   

Deployment of continuous analyzers in the Southeastern Aerosol Research and Characterization Study (SEARCH) network began in 1998 and continues today as new technologies are developed. Measurement of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) mass is performed using a dried, 30 degrees C tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM). TEOM measurements are complemented by observations of light scattering by nephelometry. Measurements of major constituents include: (1) SO4(2-) via reduction to SO2; (2) NH4+ and NO3- via respective catalytic oxidation and reduction to NO, (3) black carbon (BC) by optical absorption, (4) total carbon by combustion to CO2, and (5) organic carbon by difference between the latter two measurements. Several illustrative examples of continuous data from the SEARCH network are presented. A distinctive composite annual average diurnal pattern is observed for PM2.5 mass, nitrate, and BC, likely indicating the influence of traffic-related emissions, growth, and break up of the boundary layer and formation of ammonium nitrate. Examination of PM2.5 components indicates the need to better understand the continuous composition of the unmeasured "other" category, because it contributes a significant fraction to total mass during periods of high PM2.5 loading. Selected episodes are presented to illustrate applications of SEARCH data. An SO2 conversion rate of 0.2%/hr is derived from an observation of a plume from a coal-fired power plant during early spring, and the importance of local, rural sources of NH3 to the formation of ammonium nitrate in particulate matter (PM) is demonstrated.  相似文献   


Deployment of continuous analyzers in the Southeastern Aerosol Research and Characterization Study (SEARCH) network began in 1998 and continues today as new technologies are developed. Measurement of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) mass is performed using a dried, 30 °C tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM). TEOM measurements are complemented by observations of light scattering by nephelometry. Measurements of major constituents include: (1) SO4 2? via reduction to SO2; (2) NH4 + and NO3 ? via respective catalytic oxidation and reduction to NO, (3) black carbon (BC) by optical absorption, (4) total carbon by combustion to CO2, and (5) organic carbon by difference between the latter two measurements. Several illustrative examples of continuous data from the SEARCH network are presented. A distinctive composite annual average diurnal pattern is observed for PM2.5 mass, nitrate, and BC, likely indicating the influence of traffic-related emissions, growth, and break up of the boundary layer and formation of ammonium nitrate. Examination of PM2.5 components indicates the need to better understand the continuous composition of the unmeasured “other” category, because it contributes a significant fraction to total mass during periods of high PM2.5 loading. Selected episodes are presented to illustrate applications of SEARCH data. An SO2 conversion rate of 0.2%/hr is derived from an observation of a plume from a coal-fired power plant during early spring, and the importance of local, rural sources of NH3 to the formation of ammonium nitrate in particulate matter (PM) is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Observations of visibility and smoke concentration made over 20 years at a single station have been used to determine the long term, seasonal and airmass variations in the single-scattering albedo. These variations have been shown to be physically sensible, thereby providing a suitable method of determining the climatology of the single-scattering albedo when applied extensively to other locations.  相似文献   

Aerosol light-scattering in The Netherlands   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The relation between the (midday) aerosol light-scattering and the concentrations of nitrate and sulfate has been assessed at a site near the coast of the North Sea in The Netherlands. Midday was selected for the measurements because this is the time at which the aerosol is most effective in the scattering of solar radiation. Automated thermodenuders were used for the hourly measurement of the concentration of nitrate and sulfate with a lower detection limit of 0.1 μ m−3. The site is operational since October 1993. The first-year average dry aerosol light-scattering (measured with an integrating nephelometer at a wavelength of 525 nm) was 0.71 × 10−4 m1&#x0304;. In arctic marine air the aerosol light-scattering was a factor of 10 lower than the average value, in polluted continental air it was up to a factor of 10 higher. The ratio of the total aerosol light-scattering to the concentration of sulfate was 20 m2 g−1. The contribution of nitrate to the aerosol light-scattering was higher than that of sulfate in the winter and of about equal magnitude in the summer period. In November and December of 1993, the humidity dependence of the aerosol light-scattering was investigated. Two types of (continental) aerosol were found with respect to the humidity behavior. One type showed a significant increase in light-scattering at the deliquescence points of ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate, with that of ammonium nitrate the most pronounced. The second type of continental aerosol did not show deliquescence, but followed the typical humidity dependence of aerosol in a supersaturated droplet state. In this latter aerosol type, nitrate dominated over sulfate. It was concluded from the study that the aerosol light-scattering in The Netherlands, in particular its humidity dependence, is governed by (ammonium) nitrate.  相似文献   

The Southeastern Aerosol Research and Characterization Study (SEARCH) was implemented in 1998-1999 to provide data and analyses for the investigation of the sources, chemical speciation, and long-term trends of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and coarse particulate matter (PM10-2.5) in the Southeastern United States. This work is an initial analysis of 5 years (1999-2003) of filter-based PM2.5 and PM10-2.5 data from SEARCH. We find that annual PM2.5 design values were consistently above the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) 15 microg/m3 annual standard only at monitoring sites in the two largest urban areas (Atlanta, GA, and North Birmingham, AL). Other sites in the network had annual design values below the standard, and no site had daily design values above the NAAQS 65 microg/m3 daily standard. Using a particle composition monitor designed specifically for SEARCH, we found that volatilization losses of nitrate, ammonium, and organic carbon must be accounted for to accurately characterize atmospheric particulate matter. In particular, the federal reference method for PM2.5 underestimates mass by 3-7% as a result of these volatilization losses. Organic matter (OM) and sulfate account for approximately 60% of PM2.5 mass at SEARCH sites, whereas major metal oxides (MMO) and unidentified components ("other") account for > or = 80% of PM10-2.5 mass. Limited data suggest that much of the unidentified mass in PM10-2.5 may be OM. For paired comparisons of urban-rural sites, differences in PM2.5 mass are explained, in large part, by higher OM and black carbon at the urban site. For PM10, higher urban concentrations are explained by higher MMO and "other." Annual means for PM2.5 and PM10-2.5 mass and major components demonstrate substantial declines at all of the SEARCH sites over the 1999-2003 period (10-20% in the case of PM2.5, dominated by 14-20% declines in sulfate and 11-26% declines in OM, and 14-25% in the case of PM10-2.5, dominated by 17-30% declines in MMO and 14-31% declines in "other"). Although declining national emissions of sulfur dioxide and anthropogenic carbon may account for a portion of the observed declines, additional investigation will be necessary to establish a quantitative assessment, especially regarding trends in local and regional emissions, primary carbon emissions, and meteorology.  相似文献   


The Southeastern Aerosol Research and Characterization Study (SEARCH) was implemented in 1998–1999 to provide data and analyses for the investigation of the sources, chemical speciation, and long-term trends of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and coarse particulate matter (PM10–2.5) in the Southeastern United States. This work is an initial analysis of 5 years (1999–2003) of filter-based PM2.5 and PM10–2.5 data from SEARCH. We find that annual PM2.5 design values were consistently above the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) 15 µg/m3 annual standard only at monitoring sites in the two largest urban areas (Atlanta, GA, and North Birmingham, AL). Other sites in the network had annual design values below the standard, and no site had daily design values above the NAAQS 65 µg/m3 daily standard. Using a particle composition monitor designed specifically for SEARCH, we found that volatilization losses of nitrate, ammonium, and organic carbon must be accounted for to accurately characterize atmospheric particulate matter. In particular, the federal reference method for PM2.5 underestimates mass by 3–7% as a result of these volatilization losses. Organic matter (OM) and sulfate account for ≥60% of PM2.5 mass at SEARCH sites, whereas major metal oxides (MMO) and unidentified components (“other”) account for ≥80% of PM10–2.5 mass. Limited data suggest that much of the unidentified mass in PM10–2.5 may be OM. For paired comparisons of urban-rural sites, differences in PM2.5 mass are explained, in large part, by higher OM and black carbon at the urban site. For PM10, higher urban concentrations are explained by higher MMO and “other.” Annual means for PM2.5 and PM10–2.5 mass and major components demonstrate substantial declines at all of the SEARCH sites over the 1999–2003 period (10–20% in the case of PM2.5, dominated by 14–20% declines in sulfate and 11–26% declines in OM, and 14–25% in the case of PM10–2.5, dominated by 17–30% declines in MMO and 14–31% declines in “ other”). Although declining national emissions of sulfur dioxide and anthropogenic carbon may account for a portion of the observed declines, additional investigation will be necessary to establish a quantitative assessment, especially regarding trends in local and regional emissions, primary carbon emissions, and meteorology.  相似文献   


The Aerosol Research and Inhalation Epidemiology Study (ARIES) was designed to provide high-quality measurements of PM25, its components, and co-varying pollutants for an air pollution epidemiology study in Atlanta, GA.

Air pollution epidemiology studies have typically relied on available data on particle mass often collected using filter-based methods. Filter-based PM2.5 sampling is susceptible to both positive and negative errors in the measurement of aerosol mass and particle-phase component concentrations in the undisturbed atmosphere. These biases are introduced by collection of gas-phase aerosol components on the filter media or by volatilization of particle phase components from collected particles. As part of the ARIES, we collected daily 24-hr PM2.5 mass and speciation samples and continuous PM2.5 data at a mixed residential-light industrial site in Atlanta. These data facilitate analysis of the effects of a wide variety of factors on sampler performance. We assess the relative importance of PM2.5 components and consider associations and potential mechanistic linkages of PM2.5 mass concentrations with several PM2.5 components.

For the 12 months of validated data collected to date (August 1, 1998-July 31, 1999), the monthly average Federal Reference Method (FRM) PM2 5 mass always exceeded the proposed annual average standard (12-month average = 20.3 ± 9.5 ug/m3). The particulate SO4 2- fraction (as (NH4)2SO4) was largest in the summer and exceeded 50% of the FRM mass. The contribution of (NH4)2SO4 to FRM PM2.5 mass dropped to less than 30% in winter. Particu-late NO3 - collected on a denuded nylon filter averaged 1.1 ± 0.9 ug/m3. Particle-phase organic compounds (as organic carbon × 1.4) measured on a denuded quartz filter sampler averaged 6.4 ± 3.1 ug/m3 (32% of FRM PM2 5 mass) with less seasonal variability than SO4 2-.  相似文献   

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