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The odor panel using the syringe dilution technique has been successfully used to judge the effectiveness of control equipment in eliminating industrial odor problems by monitoring stack emissions. Data is presented using this odor panel method for efficiency tests of direct-flame fume incinerators performed in a large variety of industrial process applications, including pulp and paper mills, rubber processing plants, food processing plants, wire enameling plants, glass fiber manufacturing plants, paint bake ovens, brake manufacturing plants, caster manufacturing plants, rendering plants, and chemical plants. Test data shows that this method of measuring odor using the syringe dilution technique is a useful and practical tool in analyzing odor problems and determining the effectiveness of control equipment by monitoring stack emissions.  相似文献   


An airborne lidar was used to study the smoke plume from the burning of a controlled oil spill on the ocean. The ratio of the amount of light (at a wavelength, λ, of 0.532 u.m) backscattered by the smoke to the amount of light extinguished by the smoke was determined by measuring the strength of a laser beam after it had passed through the smoke plume, been reflected from the ocean, and passed through the smoke plume again, and comparing this to the strength of the laser beam reflected directly from the ocean. The optical depth of the smoke (at λ = 0.532 µm) was typically between 0.2 and 0.5. The mass fluxes of smoke particles that passed through four vertical cross sections of the (nonsteady state) smoke plume were estimated from lidar measurements to be 142, 175, 423, and 414 g s-1, compared to an average smoke mass production rate of ~770 g s-1. The spatial distribution of smoke mass along the long axis of the plume was also estimated from the lidar measurements; derived smoke mass concentrations were generally <300 µg m-3, with a few isolated values up to ~800 µg m-3.  相似文献   


An improved portable odor sampling system (OSS) of the wind tunnel type was designed to determine odor emissions from areal sources. The aerodynamics of the odor emission hood was observed using a number of smoke tests and dry ice tests. The velocity profiles were also measured horizontally and vertically in the hood by an anemometer. Modifications in the form of an extension inlet duct, flat vanes, and a baffle were necessary to achieve repeatable, uniform, and steady velocity profiles inside the hood. The optimum velocity for use of the OSS was found to be 0.33 m/s, based upon the aerodynamic performance of the OSS and the sensitivity of the anemometer at a lower velocity.  相似文献   

Lead dioxide cylinders are inexpensive sampling devices commonly used for an assessment of sulfur oxides in the atmosphere. This paper will report the results of basic studies intended to characterize some of the critical parameters of this method. The behavior of the system in the region of the critical loading percentages was determined as well as the effects of lead dioxide particle size, presence of reduced sulfur compounds, and use of different binders. From these studies it has been possible to show a definite relationship between allowable exposure times and atmospheric concentrations of sulfur dioxide with particle size as a major parameter  相似文献   

Biofilter technology has been applied recently to treating rendering odors. Soil beds are one class of biofilter but as yet have not been used for this application. Although wet scrubbers have been a traditional method of odor control, their capital and operating costs are impacting more severely. Soil bed systems are less expensive to install and operate.

A soil bed system was installed at a rendering plant in Arizona and has been in operation since September 1983. The soil bed treats 1100 m3/h (650 cfm) of cooker noncondensables with a surface area of 420 m2(4500 ft2). The pressure drop across the soil bed is 5 cm (2 in.) of water. Odor sensory testing with the MTRI forced-choice triangle dynamic olfactometer indicates an odor removal efficiency of 99.9 percent is obtained with the soil bed. Soil bed odor removal efficiency is equivalent to or superior than that for incineration or scrubbing of high intensity odors from the rendering process. Recent experience during this past winter indicates a soil bed is a viable method for operation in a northern climate with severe winter weather conditions. Also, monitoring of the leachate from a soil bed indicated no contamination.  相似文献   


An improved design for an odor emission hood was examined in the laboratory using ammonia emission from a water surface. The experimental ammonia convective mass transfer coefficients from a diluted ammonia solution were determined at velocities of 0.3 m/s to 0.8 m/s using the odor emission hood. The theoretical ammonia convective mass transfer coefficients were also predicted by boundary layer theory under laminar flow conditions. It was found that experimental data were only 10% below theoretical predictions at an air velocity of 0.3 m/s to 0.6 m/s. The maximum velocity was limited to 0.6 m/s by the geometric size, shape and aerodynamic stability of the hood. At 0.33 m/s, the smallest variation of mass transfer coefficients was measured. The odor emission rate was found to be a function of air velocity to the power 0.5 in accordance with boundary layer theory. An odor sampling system based upon the odor emission hood provides a way to quantify the potential odor emission strength in sewage treatment plants, for odor dispersion modeling and odor control.  相似文献   


A stable rare-earth isotopic tracer was used to measure the deposition of KNO3 particles on soybean leaves by direct measurement of the tracer on the plant surfaces by thermal-ionization mass spectrometry. Submicrometer particles, made from a solution containing 3 |mg mL-1 neodymium isotope (148Nd, 87.9%) and 1,000 mg mL-1 KNO3, were dispersed with a two-fluid nozzle and released upwind of a soybean field. Total suspended- and size-fractionated-aerosol particles were collected on an open-face filter and in a micro-orifice impactor, respectively, at a distance of 40 m from the release point. Soybean leaves exposed to the plume were collected at distances ranging from 25 to 100 m. As little as 5.5 pg of the tracer (i.e., excess 148Nd) was detected in soybean leaves at signal-to-noise ratios ranging from 7,500 to 240,000, in the presence of 200 to 2,700 pg of naturally occurring Nd. The dry-particle deposition velocity, determined from the ratio of the aerial concentration and directly deposited aerosol (geometric mass mean diameter, 0.20 mm) flux, and its corresponding analytical uncertainty were 0.30 cm sec-1 and 2.5%, respectively.  相似文献   

A large scale simulation model was employed in evaluating various policy alternatives for reducing SO2 emissions from Illinois electric power plants for a broad range of nuclear power capacity addition scenarios. A dynamic simulation of a transferable discharge permit (TDP) program suggests a market oriented management system can assure an acceptable level of environmental quality while achieving typical cost savings of 40-60 percent over a program based on uniform decreases in existing emission standards. This cost advantage can be realized without any major decline in the demand for coal generally or indigenous coals in particular. Several options for initiating the TDP market are evaluated. The analysis concludes that initiating the market by government sales may not constitute a major financial burden on the electric utilities or their customers.  相似文献   

In the literature for odor threshold, values of phosphine are given which vary between 3 ppm1,2 and 0.02 ppm.3 According to another paper phosphine is odorless even in concentrations up to 200 ppm.4 Since phosphine prepared from metal phosphides is used as a fumigant for foods, feeds, and processed food products, we carried out new investigations to clarify the discrepancy.  相似文献   


The following models of odor intensity for swine units were evaluated: the Weber-Fechner law model, the power law model, the Stevens model, and the Beidler model. Data were collected from four swine rooms (farrowing, finisher, gestation, and nursery) and odor threshold dilution ratios were measured by a panel using a dynamic forced-choice olfactometer. Odor intensity scales were determined by eight panelists using a six-point category scale method. A nonlinear parameter estimation method was used to estimate the parameters in each of the models. The widely used Weber-Fechner law did not adequately fit the data of odor intensity and threshold. Both the power law and the Beidler models described the data effectively, but the Beidler model showed the best fit of the data and was used as the model to represent the relationship between odor intensity and threshold dilution ratio for swine buildings.  相似文献   

The sorption of hydrochloric acid (HCI) by thermally decomposed sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) was investigated using a fixed-bed reactor containing sorbent particles dispersed in a bed of spherical glass beads. The gas flow rate (68° F and 760 mm Hg) was 0.039 cfm (1.1 liter/min) and the bed had a cross-sectional area of 0.0055 sq. ft. (5.1 sq. cm). The influence of particle diameter (10, 45 and 163 μm), temperature (225, 275, 375, 455, and 550° F), superficial gas velocity (11 and 21 fpm at reactor conditions, 375° F), and Inlet HCI gas concentration (415 ppm and 760 ppm in N2, 275 and 455° F) were studied. Results showed that HCI sorption increased strongly with increasing temperature but was only weakly dependent on particle diameter, superficial gas velocity, and HCI gas concentration.  相似文献   

Odor emissions during manure spreading events have become a source of concern, particularly where farms are located nearby urban areas. The objective of the present study was to compare odor concentrations and odor emission rates due to pig manure application using two different types of applicators, a sub-surface deposition system and a conventional splash-plate applicator. Air samples were collected using a Surface Isolation Flux Chamber and the "bag-in-vacuum chamber" techniques, at 0.5, 1.5 and 2.5 hours after manure application. A three-station forced-choice dynamic dilution olfactometer was used by an odor panel for determining odor concentration. Preliminary results indicated that with the sub-surface deposition system applicator odor emission rate was reduced by 8% to 38% compared to that of the conventional splash-plate applicator. The highest reduction in odor strength and odor emission rate was observed in the most offensive period after manure application. The sub-surface deposition system may be a solution for hog producers who wish to reduce odor complaints from applying manure without the cost and problems associated with deep injection systems.  相似文献   


This paper describes a novel odor measurement system for creating arrays of virtual chemical sensors with nonover-lapping responses using ultrahigh-speed gas chromatography with a surface acoustic wave sensor (GC/SAW). This GC/SAW system provides high-resolution two-dimensional olfactory images for easy recognition of many complex odors. Separation and quantification of the individual chemicals within an odor is performed in seconds. Using a solid-state mass-sensitive detector, pico-gram sensitivity, universal nonpolar selectivity, and electronically variable sensitivity are achieved. An integrated vapor preconcentrator coupled with the electronically variable detector allows the system to measure vapor concentrations spanning 6 or more orders of magnitude. The system attributes of high speed, accuracy, and precision provide a cost-effective and complimentary tool for traditional sensory evaluations.  相似文献   

The problems associated with the design and operation of appropriate air pollution control equipment for particulate emissions from dryer-drum hot asphalt plants are discussed by outlining the basic process involved, the quantities of particulate matter being emitted, and possible methods of control. The most difficult problem seems to be the emission of a fine aerosol of unburned hydrocarbons generated as a result of the simultaneous heating and mixing of the asphaltic material. From the information presented, it was concluded that in most circumstances the venturi scrubber would be the most viable alternative to meet the 0.04 gr/dscf limitation imposed by the New Source Performance Standards promulgated by the EPA.  相似文献   

The concentrations and chromatographic profiles of gaseous pollutants emitted from a municipal solid waste (MSW) biological treatment plant were investigated to identify the major odor substances and atmospheric photochemical reactive species (PRS). Four methods were used to measure different gaseous pollutants in this study, including colorimetric tubes, gas chromatography with mass spectrometry/flame ionization detection/pulsed flame photometric detection (GC-MS/FID/PFPD) preceded by cold trap concentration, GC-FID preceded by solid-phase microextraction (SPME), and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) after derivation by 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH). Seventy-five gaseous compounds belonging to nine groups (nitrogen compounds, sulfur compounds, alkanes, alkenes, aromatics, terpenes, alcohols, carbonyls, and volatile fatty acids [VFAs]) were identified. In the pre-biotreatment facility, the total concentration of the gaseous pollutants reached the maximum value on day 7 (317 ppm). During the post-biotreatment process, the total concentration of gaseous pollutants decreased from 331 ppm at the beginning to 162 ppm in the end. The group with the greatest decrease was carbonyls, from 64 to 7.4 ppm, followed by alcohols, from 40 to 4.5 ppm, which were both oxygenated compounds. The proportion of aromatics was notably high in the pre-mechanical treatment facility, accounting for 50.6% of the total, revealing the xenobiotic compounds disseminated by stirring and agitating the waste in the initial stage. The proportions of nitrogen compounds were lower in the pre- and post-mechanical treatment facilities (1.5% and 6.9%) than in the pre- and post-biotreatment facilities (11.9% and 13.8%), suggesting that their generation was closely associated with waste degradation. The major odor compounds in the facilities were acetic acid, butyric acid, valeric acid, isovaleric acid, and dimethyl sulfide. The major PRS in the facilities were aromatics, acetaldehyde, butyraldehyde, hexanal, isopentyl aldehyde, alcohol, α-pinene, limonene, and terpinene. Outside the facilities, VFAs and aromatics were the most important compounds causing an environmental impact.
Implications: The aim of this work is to assess the gaseous environmental impacts of mechanical biological treatment technology. The emission of gaseous pollutants greatly affects the living quality of nearby residents and odor complaints are becoming a major problem now. In this study, the authors utilized various pretreatment and analytical methods to obtain integrated emission information of gaseous pollutants. The results showed the transformation and fate of the gas pollutants during the treatment processes, which would help to improve the processes and to mitigate gaseous pollution.

Supplemental Materials: Supplemental materials are available for this paper. Go to the publisher's online edition of the Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association for information on the concentrations of the nine compound families at different sampling locations in the plant.  相似文献   

This Report, published as Informative Report No. 7 of the Air Pollution Control Association’s TI-5 Public Utilities Committee, began to move through the 14 step approval procedure of APCA’s Technical Council in February 1964 Comments made by members of the Technical Council were considered in the preparation of the final report. It is now published as representing the best thinking of the Association. It is an extremely timely and informative report.  相似文献   

Approximately 25, 000–35, 000 dry cleaning facilities currently operate in the U.S. The release of perchloroethylene and other solvents from these establishments represents a major source of soil and groundwater contamination. The manner in which dry cleaning solvents escape from dry cleaning plants is, for all practical purposes, identical for chlorinated and petroleum hydrocarbon solvents and is related to one of the following events: the catastrophic failure of a component of the dry cleaning system, the improper installation, operation or maintenance of the dry cleaning equipment or a combination of all of these causes. Acceptable customs, codes and regulations can also dictate what is authorized for operation of a dry cleaning facility in a particular community, geographic area during a particular time frame. Environmental litigation dealing with the origin of a solvent release from dry cleaners tends to focus on the design and manufacture of dry cleaning industry machines such as washers, washer extractors, tumblers, solvent filters, water separators, stills and spotting boards. A thorough analysis of the daily operations of dry cleaners often reveals that poor maintenance, failure to follow the manufacturer's instructions and the actions of the operator are the most likely causes of soil and groundwater pollution. In order to forensically evaluate the most probable origins of a solvent release and to examine issues regarding liability, a thorough understanding of the history of dry cleaning and a detailed analysis of the operation and maintenance of the dry cleaning equipment are necessary. The discovery of solvent plumes in the vicinity of dry cleaning plants may suggest that the solvent source is the dry cleaning plant; however, the presence of these plumes does not necessarily indicate that the dry cleaning equipment was defectively designed or manufactured. A thorough review of the type of equipment used over the life of the dry cleaning plant and verifiable solvent mileage records frequently indicates that operators of the plant have disposed of solvent and contaminated solids into the municipal sewer or on ground surfaces.  相似文献   

Approximately 25, 000-35, 000 dry cleaning facilities currently operate in the U.S. The release of perchloroethylene and other solvents from these establishments represents a major source of soil and groundwater contamination. The manner in which dry cleaning solvents escape from dry cleaning plants is, for all practical purposes, identical for chlorinated and petroleum hydrocarbon solvents and is related to one of the following events: the catastrophic failure of a component of the dry cleaning system, the improper installation, operation or maintenance of the dry cleaning equipment or a combination of all of these causes. Acceptable customs, codes and regulations can also dictate what is authorized for operation of a dry cleaning facility in a particular community, geographic area during a particular time frame. Environmental litigation dealing with the origin of a solvent release from dry cleaners tends to focus on the design and manufacture of dry cleaning industry machines such as washers, washer extractors, tumblers, solvent filters, water separators, stills and spotting boards. A thorough analysis of the daily operations of dry cleaners often reveals that poor maintenance, failure to follow the manufacturer's instructions and the actions of the operator are the most likely causes of soil and groundwater pollution. In order to forensically evaluate the most probable origins of a solvent release and to examine issues regarding liability, a thorough understanding of the history of dry cleaning and a detailed analysis of the operation and maintenance of the dry cleaning equipment are necessary. The discovery of solvent plumes in the vicinity of dry cleaning plants may suggest that the solvent source is the dry cleaning plant; however, the presence of these plumes does not necessarily indicate that the dry cleaning equipment was defectively designed or manufactured. A thorough review of the type of equipment used over the life of the dry cleaning plant and verifiable solvent mileage records frequently indicates that operators of the plant have disposed of solvent and contaminated solids into the municipal sewer or on ground surfaces.  相似文献   

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