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Several methods are available for estimating the capital costs of systems and each has its own degree of accuracy. These methods range from presenting overall installed costs on a per unit basis, to detailed cost estimates based on preliminary designs, schematics, and contractor quotes. The least accurate method is the equating of overall capital costs to a basic operating parameter such as tons per hour or cfm since this method only produces accuracies in the "order of magnitude" category, at best. The detailed cost estimate, in turn, can produce accuracies of ±5 % depending on the amount of preliminary engineering involved. These estimates, however, take many months of engineering effort and require process and engineering flow sheets, material and energy balances, plot plans, and equipment arrangement drawings before a cost estimate can be developed. For first-cut estimating purposes, the technique described in this article for developing capital costs for a specific pollution control system is based on the factored method of establishing direct and indirect installations costs as a function of known equipment costs. The cost factors developed are based on both quoted and estimated installation costs of pollution control systems. The annual operating costs for these systems are based on unit costs for utilities and operating and maintenance labor together with fixed percentages of capital costs for the indirect costs.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were banned in the United States in 1979, and since then a significant decline in their release to the environment has been observed. This decline has now reached a plateau. Several new regulatory programs have been put in place to further reduce PCB emissions/releases. However, our ability to measure the effectiveness of these regulatory/voluntary programs and to support regional fate/transport and source/receptor modeling efforts depend on reliable emission information. In this study, we attempt to improve the emission inventory for PCBs by compiling and analyzing the multimedia total PCB emission/release data reported for the U.S Great Lakes states for each year from 1990 to 2000. Although Toxic Release Inventory (TRI), National Emissions Inventory (NEI), Great Lakes Regional Air Toxic Emissions Inventory (GLRATEI), and Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Network (IADN) data formed the basis of estimating air emissions, we used the TRI, National Response Center (NRC), and PCB transformer inventory data to estimate PCB releases to land. We used the Permit Compliance System and NRC data to obtain estimates of PCB discharges to water systems in the Great Lakes states. The Remedial Action Plans for each area of concern were the primary source for estimating PCB loads of dredged sediments. On the basis of the NEI, IADN, and GLRATEI data, the total air emissions within the decade were approximately 126 t. The regionwide discharges to water systems and releases to land in the form of landfills and accidental spills in 1990-2000 were estimated as approximately 170 and 3225 t, respectively. We estimated that approximately 1.3 million t of PCB-contaminated sediment were removed or targeted for removal in five lakes of the U.S. portion of the Great Lakes basin. We stress that these estimates were based on reported amounts and the unreported PCB releases/emissions could result in significantly higher estimates.  相似文献   

In New York State, the calculation of air contaminant emissions from a variety of sources is an essential part of comprehensive air pollution studies. The tables used to calculate emissions were obtained from an extensive literature search and modified to apply to New York State conditions. For example, sulfur dioxide emission factors for coal were selected to reflect the average sulfur content of the coal sold in New York State. Since the literature contains a wide array of emission factors, it was necessary to evaluate the factors and select those which would be most appropriate for the techniques used in conducting the comprehensive studies in New York State. This paper does not present the emission tables themselves but does outline the development of such tables for use in nonprocess calculations, i.e., combustion for heat and power of bituminous and anthracite coal, distillate and residual oil, natural and bottled gas; combustion of gasoline and diesel in internal combustion engines; burning of refuse in dumps and incinerators; and evaporation of gasoline from marketing operations.  相似文献   


Emissions from the potential installation of distributed energy resources (DER) in the place of current utility-scale power generators have been introduced into an emissions inventory of the northeastern United States. A methodology for predicting future market penetration of DER that considers economics and emission factors was used to estimate the most likely implementation of DER. The methodology results in spatially and temporally resolved emission profiles of criteria pollutants that are subsequently introduced into a detailed atmospheric chemistry and transport model of the region. The DER technology determined by the methodology includes 62% reciprocating engines, 34% gas turbines, and 4% fuel cells and other emerging technologies. The introduction of DER leads to retirement of 2625 MW of existing power plants for which emissions are removed from the inventory. The air quality model predicts maximum differences in air pollutant concentrations that are located downwind from the central power plants that were removed from the domain. Maximum decreases in hourly peak ozone concentrations due to DER use are 10 ppb and are located over the state of New Jersey. Maximum decreases in 24-hr average fine particulate matter (PM2.5) concentrations reach 3 μg/m3 and are located off the coast of New Jersey and New York. The main contribution to decreased PM2.5 is the reduction of sulfate levels due to significant reductions in direct emissions of sulfur oxides (SOx) from the DER compared with the central power plants removed. The scenario presented here represents an accelerated DER penetration case with aggressive emission reductions due to removal of highly emitting power plants. Such scenario provides an upper bound for air quality benefits of DER implementation scenarios.  相似文献   

In this study, emissions of ozone precursors from oil and gas operations in Utah’s Uinta Basin are predicted (with uncertainty estimates) from 2015–2019 using a Monte-Carlo model of (a) drilling and production activity, and (b) emission factors. Cross-validation tests against actual drilling and production data from 2010–2014 show that the model can accurately predict both types of activities, returning median results that are within 5% of actual values for drilling, 0.1% for oil production, and 4% for gas production. A variety of one-time (drilling) and ongoing (oil and gas production) emission factors for greenhouse gases, methane, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are applied to the predicted oil and gas operations. Based on the range of emission factor values reported in the literature, emissions from well completions are the most significant source of emissions, followed by gas transmission and production. We estimate that the annual average VOC emissions rate for the oil and gas industry over the 2010–2015 time period was 44.2E+06 (mean) ± 12.8E+06 (standard deviation) kg VOCs per year (with all applicable emissions reductions). On the same basis, over the 2015–2019 period annual average VOC emissions from oil and gas operations are expected to drop 45% to 24.2E+06 ± 3.43E+06 kg VOCs per year, due to decreases in drilling activity and tighter emission standards.

Implications: This study improves upon previous methods for estimating emissions of ozone precursors from oil and gas operations in Utah’s Uinta Basin by tracking one-time and ongoing emission events on a well-by-well basis. The proposed method has proven highly accurate at predicting drilling and production activity and includes uncertainty estimates to describe the range of potential emissions inventory outcomes. If similar input data are available in other oil and gas producing regions, then the method developed here could be applied to those regions as well.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates environmental bubble policy using abatement cost curves drawn for different abatement measures in Jamshedpur region. Surveys were conducted to estimate industrial emissions of suspended particulate matter (SPM) from different emitting sources in the region, and the characteristics of the existing and alternative abatement devices for each emitting source. The abatement cost functions were developed and used to rank the abatement devices. An environmental bubble with its limit equal to the existing SPM emissions from all selected companies was developed. The abatement costs for the bubble were estimated from abatement cost curves with alternative and best available technologies. The estimated abatement costs were found to be less than those of the existing measures. It was also found that M/s TISCO alone can account for SPM emissions reductions in the selected group with less cost.  相似文献   


An inventory of air pollutants emitted from forest and agricultural fires in Northeastern Mexico for the period of January to August of 2000 is presented. The emissions estimates were calculated using an emissions factor methodology. The inventory accounts for the emission of carbon monoxide (CO), methane, nonmethane hydrocarbons, ammonia, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter (PM). Particulate matter emissions include estimates for fine PM and coarse PM. A total of 2479 wildfires were identified in the domain for the period of interest, which represented ~810,000 acres burned and 621,130 short tons emitted (81% being CO). The main source of information used to locate and estimate the extent of the fires came from satellite imagery. A geographic information system was used to determine the type of vegetation burned by each fire. More than 54% of the total area burned during the period of study was land on the State of Tamaulipas. However, >58% of the estimated emissions came from the State of Coahuila. This was because of the mix of vegetation types burned in each state. With respect to the temporal distribution, 76.9% of the fires occurred during the months of April and May consuming almost 78% of the total area burned during the period of study. Analysis of wind forward trajectories of air masses passing through the burned areas and 850-mb wind reanalyses indicate possible transboundary transport of the emissions from Mexico to the United States during the occurrence of the major wildfires identified.  相似文献   

Emissions from the potential installation of distributed energy resources (DER) in the place of current utility-scale power generators have been introduced into an emissions inventory of the northeastern United States. A methodology for predicting future market penetration of DER that considers economics and emission factors was used to estimate the most likely implementation of DER. The methodology results in spatially and temporally resolved emission profiles of criteria pollutants that are subsequently introduced into a detailed atmospheric chemistry and transport model of the region. The DER technology determined by the methodology includes 62% reciprocating engines, 34% gas turbines, and 4% fuel cells and other emerging technologies. The introduction of DER leads to retirement of 2625 MW of existing power plants for which emissions are removed from the inventory. The air quality model predicts maximum differences in air pollutant concentrations that are located downwind from the central power plants that were removed from the domain. Maximum decreases in hourly peak ozone concentrations due to DER use are 10 ppb and are located over the state of New Jersey. Maximum decreases in 24-hr average fine particulate matter (PM2.5) concentrations reach 3 microg/m3 and are located off the coast of New Jersey and New York. The main contribution to decreased PM2.5 is the reduction of sulfate levels due to significant reductions in direct emissions of sulfur oxides (SO(x)) from the DER compared with the central power plants removed. The scenario presented here represents an accelerated DER penetration case with aggressive emission reductions due to removal of highly emitting power plants. Such scenario provides an upper bound for air quality benefits of DER implementation scenarios.  相似文献   

The existing and emerging international and European policy framework for the reduction of ship exhaust emissions dictates the need to produce reliable national, regional and global inventories in order to monitor emission trends and consequently provide the necessary support for future policy making. Furthermore, the inventories of ship exhaust emissions constitute the basis upon which their external costs are estimated in an attempt to highlight the economic burden they impose upon the society and facilitate the cost–benefit analysis of the proposed emission abatement technologies, operational measures and market-based instruments prior to their implementation.The case of Greece is of particular interest mainly because the dense ship traffic within the Greek seas directly imposes the impact of its exhaust emission pollutants (NOx, SO2 and PM) upon the highly populated, physically sensitive and culturally precious Greek coastline, as well as upon the land and seas of Greece in general, whereas the contribution of Greece in the global CO2 inventory at a time of climatic change awareness cannot be ignored. In this context, this paper presents the contribution of Greece in ship exhaust emissions of CO2, NOx, SO2 and PM from domestic and international shipping over the last 25 years (1984–2008), utilizing the fuel-based (fuel sales) emission methodology. Furthermore, the ship exhaust emissions generated within the Greek seas and their externalities are estimated for the year 2008, through utilizing the fuel-based (fuel sales) approach for domestic shipping and the activity-based (ship traffic) approach for international shipping.On this basis, it was found that during the 1984 to 2008 period the fuel-based (fuel sales) ship emission inventory for Greece increased at an average annual rate of 2.85%. In 2008, the CO2, NOx, SO2 and PM emissions reached 12.9 million tons (of which 12.4 million tons of CO2) and their externalities were found to be around 3.1 billion euro. With regard to shipping within the Greek seas, the utilization of the fuel-based (fuel sales) analysis for domestic shipping and the activity-based (ship traffic) analysis for international shipping shows that the ship-generated emissions reached 7.4 million tons (of which 7 million tons of CO2) and their externalities were estimated at 2.95 billion euro. Finally, the internalization of external costs for domestic shipping was found to produce an increase of 12.96 and 2.71 euro per passenger and transported ton, respectively.  相似文献   

A series of computer models have been developed to predict air quality in the New York/New Jersey/Connecticut Air Quality Region. Efforts have been directed at models which have a shorter time scale than climatological models, and which are capable of providing better recommendations for effective abatement and planning, but use input data presently available.

The basic dispersion model for these investigations is a steady-state,nondivergent Gaussian-type model. A modified inventory of SO2 sources,based on published data for the New York/New Jersey/Connecticut Air Quality Region, was prepared for use with the model. The basic model has been subjected to various internal sensitivity analyses, in which was isolated the variation produced in the pollutant concentration by a given change in each of the factors that contribute, e.g., wind speed, wind direction,mixing depth, stability conditions, source strengths, and grid size for the area sources.

To date, validation tests of the model have been made against the July and August 1969 data for the ten telemetering stations of the New York City Aerometric Network. Hourly as well as averaged concentrations were considered. Various sets of meteorological data from the network stations and the three area airports, were compared and tested. Additional tests, particularly for the winter season, are needed to substantiate the preliminary conclusions suggested by the results to date.

Considerable insight into the relative importance of model components has been acquired from the sensitivity studies. Furthermore the validation results lend support to the belief that a reasonably simple, practical dispersion model can be developed for the region.  相似文献   

The Clean Air Act of 1970 requires each state to submit plans for implementation, maintenance, and enforcement of national ambient air quality standards subsequent to promulgation. Such plans have been geared to meet annual averages and maximum values. Based on experience in implementing the abatement plan it was found that air quality standards for averaging times shorter than one year are needed to shorten the time required to show contravention and to provide a basis for early corrective measures to regulate specific sources. This paper reports on the need and procedures used by New York State to develop such standards for suspended particulates. Daily suspended particulate data were analyzed by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov method goodness of fit technique to determine that the form of the distribution was log normal. A method developed by Larsen for predicting short term maximum concentrations for log normally distributed data was used to determine numerical values for one, two, and three month standards. Monthly, bi-monthly, and tri-monthly suspended particulate standards of 130, 110, and 100 µg/m3, respectively are proposed for the most extensively developed areas of New York State and correspondingly lower values for other areas. The methods used in this development are generally applicable to other air contaminants.  相似文献   

An inventory of air pollutants emitted from forest and agricultural fires in Northeastern Mexico for the period of January to August of 2000 is presented. The emissions estimates were calculated using an emissions factor methodology. The inventory accounts for the emission of carbon monoxide (CO), methane, nonmethane hydrocarbons, ammonia, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter (PM). Particulate matter emissions include estimates for fine PM and coarse PM. A total of 2479 wildfires were identified in the domain for the period of interest, which represented approximately 810,000 acres burned and 621,130 short tons emitted (81% being CO). The main source of information used to locate and estimate the extent of the fires came from satellite imagery. A geographic information system was used to determine the type of vegetation burned by each fire. More than 54% of the total area burned during the period of study was land on the State of Tamaulipas. However, >58% of the estimated emissions came from the State of Coahuila. This was because of the mix of vegetation types burned in each state. With respect to the temporal distribution, 76.9% of the fires occurred during the months of April and May consuming almost 78% of the total area burned during the period of study. Analysis of wind forward trajectories of air masses passing through the burned areas and 850-mb wind reanalyses indicate possible transboundary transport of the emissions from Mexico to the United States during the occurrence of the major wildfires identified.  相似文献   

A general procedure has been described that can be followed for estimating the cost of reducing air pollution emissions within a metropolitan region. The six step procedure examines emission inventories, regional trends, control trends, alternate control schemes, control costs, and optimum cost-effectiveness. The procedure is illustrated for one emission source in the Delaware Valley. By application of “feasible controls,” automobile emissions were shown to be reduced from 4.5 billion pounds per year in the Region during 1968 to 1.5 billion pounds in the year 2000. Annual control costs during the same period will increase from $30 million to over $300 million per year. This represents a cost increase from $15 per registered vehicle in 1968 to about $58 per vehicle per year in 2000. A method was illustrated for determining minimum cost to achieve any desired degree of emission reduction where alternate feasible control schemes are available. This method is especially useful where the allocation of scarce resources is involved. The general procedure is applicable to any number of pollutants and emission sources, and may be useful for calculations in any metropolitan area. The objectives of the present study are to apply this method to other sources within the Delaware Valley and to determine total regional costs for various levels of emission reduction. As one example of a practical application for this type of analysis, the economic impact of regulatory schemes can be evaluated on a cost-effectiveness basis  相似文献   


Although emission inventories are the foundation of air quality management and have supported substantial improvements in North American air quality, they have a number of shortcomings that can potentially lead to ineffective air quality management strategies. Major reductions in the largest emissions sources have made accurate inventories of previously minor sources much more important to the understanding and improvement of local air quality. Changes in manufacturing processes, industry types, vehicle technologies, and metropolitan infrastructure are occurring at an increasingly rapid pace, emphasizing the importance of inventories that reflect current conditions. New technologies for measuring source emissions and ambient pollutant concentrations, both at the point of emissions and from remote platforms, are providing novel approaches to collecting data for inventory developers. Advances in information technologies are allowing data to be shared more quickly, more easily, and processed and compared in novel ways that can speed the development of emission inventories. Approaches to improving quantitative measures of inventory uncertainty allow air quality management decisions to take into account the uncertainties associated with emissions estimates, providing more accurate projections of how well alternative strategies may work. This paper discusses applications of these technologies and techniques to improve the accuracy, timeliness, and completeness of emission inventories across North America and outlines a series of eight recommendations aimed at inventory developers and air quality management decision-makers to improve emission inventories and enable them to support effective air quality management decisions for the foreseeable future.  相似文献   

While emission rates of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) have been obtained for building materials, furnishings and processes in chambers, field measurements are more difficult. Procedures to estimate emission rates using transient analysis of VOC concentrations are described and applied in a two-story classroom/office building. The analysis employs semi-real-time VOC concentrations determined with a portable GC/FID and simultaneous air change rate measurements using tracer gas decay. The results of the analysis yield consistent values of emission rates for building materials ranging from 0.20 to 0.40 mg m−2 h−1 when normalized by floor area. Occupancy-related emissions were more difficult to estimate and covered a wider range from roughly 0.1 to 1.5 mg m−2 h−1. The test data were also analyzed in an attempt to determine sink parameters, but these efforts were not particularly successful. Furthermore, in these tests, the inclusion of sink effects did not significantly impact the estimated emission rates. While this paper offers a transient analysis approach that may lead to improved field estimates of VOC emission rates, it is not presented as a definitive methodology. Nevertheless, transient analysis has potential for use in other buildings, but simultaneous air change rate measurements are critical in its application in estimating VOC emission rates in the field.  相似文献   

A procedure is developed for determining costs to reduce air pollution emissions in a metropolitan area. Methods are. sufficiently general to be applicable in any region and sufficiently comprehensive to include analysis of all major sources, future trends, control limitations, and other factors of importance in a dynamic community. The analytical procedure examines relationships among emission inventories, regional growth, control trends, alternate control schemes, control costs, and optimum cost-effectiveness.

The cost analysis procedure is tested by application to the Delaware Valley. Costs are determined for reducing emissions to various levels between the years 1960 and 2000. Emissions from private automobiles are projected to decrease below the 1960 emission rate by 1980, at a cost of 150 million dollars per year. Stationary source emissions of sulfur dioxide and particulates can be reduced to 1960 levels by 1980 for 37 million dollars per year if "least cost" procedures are used (selective abatement). Uniform conversion to 0.5% sulfur fuel oil (equiproportional abatement) can effect a similar reduction in emissions for about 94 million dollars per year in 1980. Other cost analysis comparisons are made and projections to the year 2000 are included.  相似文献   

This is the first installment of a 4-part series which will present capital and operating costs of selected air pollution control systems. The objective of the Series is to identify the individual component costs so that realistic system cost estimates can be determined for any specific application. In Part I, cost estimating procedures and curves are provided to develop the equipment costs for electrostatic pre-cipitators, venturi scrubbers, fabric filters, incinerators, and adsorbers.  相似文献   

Regional estimates of both anthropogenic and biogenic emissions are important inputs for models of atmospheric chemistry. A disaggregated emissions inventory of all relevant pollutants for an area of 100 x 100 km2 centered in Burriana (Castellon, Spain) has been worked out. Time and spatial resolutions were hourly and 1 x 1 km2, respectively. Estimates were made for all relevant sources of anthropogenic emissions. The pollutants considered were SO2, NOx, NMVOCs (nonmethane volatile organic compounds), CH4, CO, CO2, N2O, and NH3. Thus, the emissions inventory includes up to 18 different NMVOCs. Emissions were computed for a typical sunny workday in June when strong photochemical activity could be expected. A "top-down" methodology was applied, taking as a starting point official annual and provincial estimates based on CORINAIR emission factors. This procedure is a very useful tool, particularly for those cases where a lack of sufficient local detailed information about the main emission-generating activities, such as road traffic, makes the use of a "bottom-up" approximation inadvisable. Moreover, updating these emission inventories is easier and they could be used to evaluate the impact of possible abatement strategies.  相似文献   


The benefits and costs of past nitrogen dioxide (NO2) control policies were calculated for Tokyo, Japan, using environmental, economic, political, demographic, and medical data from 1973 to 1994. The benefits of NO2 control were estimated as medical expenses and lost work time due to hypothetical no-control air concentrations of NO2. Direct costs were calculated as annualized capital expenditures and 1 year's operating costs for regulated industries plus governmental agency expenses. The major findings were as follows:

(1) Using Tokyo's average medical cost of pollution-related illness, the best net estimate of the avoided medical costs due to incidence of phlegm and sputum in adults was 730 billion yen ($6.08 billion; 1 U.S. dollar = 120 yen).

(2) The best net estimate of the avoided medical costs due to incidence of lower respiratory illness in children was 93 billion yen ($775 million).

(3) Using Tokyo's average duration of pollution-related illness and average wages, the best net estimate of the avoided costs of lost wages in workers was 760 billion yen ($6.33 billion).

(4) The best net estimate of the avoided costs of lost wages in mothers caring for their sick children was 100 billion yen ($833 million).

(5) Using Tokyo-specific data, the best net costs were estimated as 280 billion yen ($2.33 billion).

(6) Using human health and productivity benefits, and annualized capital cost and operating cost estimates, the best net benefits-to-costs ratio was 6:1 (upper limit 44:1; lower limit 0.3:1). Benefit calculations were sensitive to assumptions of mobile source emissions and certain health impacts that were not included. Cost calculations were highly dependent on assumptions of flue gas volume and fuel use. For comparative purposes, we identified other studies for air pollution-related illness. Assumptions that formed the basis for most of the inputs in the present study, such as duration of illness, medical treatment costs, per person illness in children, and lost wages for working mothers, were similar to those recommended in the literature. Lost wages in sick workers and per capita illness incidence in adults were higher than numbers reported elsewhere. Further advances in cost-benefit analysis (CBA) procedures to evaluate the economic effectiveness of NO2 controls in Tokyo are recommended to estimate impacts and values for additional human health benefits, ecosystem health and productivity effects, and nonliving system effects, as well as benefits of ancillary reductions in other pollutants. The present study suggests that Tokyo's past NO2 control policies in total were economically quite effective.  相似文献   

The Pesticide Environmental Accounting (PEA) tool provides a monetary estimate of environmental and health impacts per hectare-application for any pesticide. The model combines the Environmental Impact Quotient method and a methodology for absolute estimates of external pesticide costs in UK, USA and Germany. For many countries resources are not available for intensive assessments of external pesticide costs. The model converts external costs of a pesticide in the UK, USA and Germany to Mediterranean countries. Economic and policy applications include estimating impacts of pesticide reduction policies or benefits from technologies replacing pesticides, such as sterile insect technique. The system integrates disparate data and approaches into a single logical method. The assumptions in the system provide transparency and consistency but at the cost of some specificity and precision, a reasonable trade-off for a method that provides both comparative estimates of pesticide impacts and area-based assessments of absolute impacts.  相似文献   

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