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Achievement of air quality goals now more than ever requires careful consideration of alternative control strategies in view of national concerns with energy and the economy. Three strategies which might be used by coal-fired steam electric plants to achieve ambient air quality standards for sulfur dioxide have been compared, and the analysis shows that the desired objective can be achieved using the intermittent control strategy with substantially less impact on the environment, less consumption of energy, and at a much lower economic cost than using either stack gas scrubbing or low-sulfur coal.  相似文献   

Supply curves were prepared for coal-fired power plants in the contiguous United States switching to Wyoming's Powder River Basin (PRB) low-sulfur coal. Up to 625 plants, representing approximately 44% of the nameplate capacity of all coal-fired plants, could switch. If all switched, more than dollars 8.8 billion additional capital would be required and the cost of electricity would increase by up to dollars 5.9 billion per year, depending on levels of plant derating. Coal switching would result in sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions reduction of 4.5 million t/yr. Increase in cost of electricity would be in the range of 0.31-0.73 cents per kilowatt-hour. Average cost of S emissions reduction could be as high as dollars 1298 per t of SO2. Up to 367 plants, or 59% of selected plants with 32% of 44% nameplate capacity, could have marginal cost in excess of dollars 1000 per t of SO2. Up to 73 plants would appear to benefit from both a lowering of the annual cost and a lowering of SO2 emissions by switching to the PRB coal.  相似文献   


Supply curves were prepared for coal-fired power plants in the contiguous United States switching to Wyoming's Powder River Basin (PRB) low-sulfur coal. Up to 625 plants, representing ~44% of the nameplate capacity of all coal-fired plants, could switch. If all switched, more than $8.8 billion additional capital would be required and the cost of electricity would increase by up to $5.9 billion per year, depending on levels of plant derating. Coal switching would result in sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions reduction of 4.5 million t/yr. Increase in cost of electricity would be in the range of 0.31-0.73 cents per kilowatt-hour. Average cost of S emissions reduction could be as high as $1298 per t of SO2. Up to 367 plants, or 59% of selected plants with 32% of 44% nameplate capacity, could have marginal cost in excess of $1000 per t of SO2. Up to 73 plants would appear to benefit from both a lowering of the annual cost and a lowering of SO2 emissions by switching to the PRB coal.  相似文献   

北京市燃煤的空气质量影响及其控制研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
建立了2005年北京市燃煤污染源排放清单,利用MM5-CMAQ模型计算了各区县各行业燃煤对北京市空气质量的影响。研究表明,2005年1月北京市燃煤源对各监测站点SO_2浓度的贡献在70%以上,对PM_(10)和NO_x浓度的贡献约为20%~40%和10%~30%;7月本地燃煤源对SO_2浓度的贡献在40%~50%左右。1月采暖锅炉对空气质量影响最大,占50%~70%;7月电厂的影响最大。依据北京市奥运空气质量保障方案以及"十一五"期间能源规划,建立了2010年燃煤污染源大气排放的规划情景,并模拟了各规划措施对大气质量的改善效果。通过实施电厂脱硫脱硝除尘、炼焦工业停产、钢铁行业和水泥行业搬迁减产、供热锅炉改造、平房用煤改造等措施,与2005年相比,SO_2平均浓度下降30%左右,NO_x和PM_(10)浓度的下降幅度15%。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with uncertainties involved in projecting ambient air quality. Ambient air quality was projected by assuming a linear dependence on estimated future emissions. Future automotive emissions were estimated by a method recommended by EPA. Projections were made for the locations reported to have the highest ambient air concentrations of each pollutant; Chicago for carbon monoxide and the California South Coast Air Basin for hydrocarbon and oxidant. The sensitivity of the projections to several input parameters was determined.

The uncertainty in projection of air quality due to the use of a maximum, once-per-year concentration is large. For example, the reduction in total CO emissions in Chicago in 1975, necessary to meet the air quality standard, was as high as 68% or as low as 26%, depending on whether the historic high, 8 hr average concentration of 44 ppm or the 1970 maximum of 21 ppm was used. The effects of uncertainties in growth rates and fraction of emissions attributed to the automobile were also sizeable. Differences in automotive growth rate had a large near-term effect on projected concentrations, while differences in nonautomotive growth rate or fraction of emissions attributed to the automobile had a large long-term effect. The effect of 1975 interim automotive emission standards on projected air quality was negligible when compared with projected air quality based on the previous Federal automotive emission standards for 1975.  相似文献   

Federal new source performance standards to control air emissions of sulfur dioxide from new industrial boilers were proposed by EPA on June 19, 1986. These standards would require boiler owners to reduce SO2 emissions by 90 percent and meet an emission limit of 1.2 lb/MM Btu of heat input for coal-fired boilers and 0.8 lb/MM Btu for oil-fired boilers. In developing these standards, several regulatory options were considered, from standards that could be met by firing low sulfur fuels to standards that would necessitate flue gas treatment. The environmental, economic, and cost impacts of each option were analyzed. National impacts were estimated by a computer model that projects the population of new boilers over the 5-year period following proposal, predicts the compliance strategy that will be used to comply with the particular option (always assuming that the lowest cost method of compliance will be selected), and estimates the resulting emission reductions and costs. Impacts on specific industries and on model boilers were also analyzed. This paper focuses on these analyses and their results. The Agency's conclusions from these analyses, which led to the decision to establish percent reduction standards, are provided, and the proposed SO2 standards are summarized. The proposed standards also include an emission limit for particulate matter from oil-fired boilers (0.1 lb/MM Btu). However, this article focuses only on the SO2 standards.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of multivariate regression models developed to estimate the properties and cost of U.S. coals washed for varying degrees of sulfur removal using commercially available physical coal preparation processes. The models allow washed coal characteristics to be predicted from information on coal origin, heating value, ash, and sulfur content. The models were developed by first "processing" each of the 710 coals in the U.S. Bureau of Mines (USBM) coal washability data base through a coal preparation plant computer model which optimizes plant performance to achieve a desired washed coal quality. Washability data are adjusted to account for the inefficiencies of coal washing equipment, and the actual coal sizes treated by various plant wash streams. Since different plant designs may be capable of achieving a given level of sulfur removal, three nominal levels of plant complexity (Levels 2, 3, 4) were included to identify the most economical alternative. The washed coal characteristics thus derived were then analyzed using standard statistical techniques to develop regression equations linking washed coal properties and cost to raw coal properties for each of 18 geographical regions encompassing the entire U.S. These regression models are incorporated in the Advanced Utility Simulation Model (AUSM) to estimate the economic potential of coal washing as a sulfur abatement strategy, in conjunction with other options available to coal-fired power plants. Modeling results for Pennsylvania showed that washed coals frequently were selected as part of a cost-effective control strategy, accounting for 10 to 30 percent of the total emissions reduction, and that "local coal" restrictions significantly increase the use of washed coal as an SO2 control strategy. Hypothetical requirements for mandatory coal cleaning, however, were found to be costly and ineffective.  相似文献   

Gaseous wastes and particulate emissions are produced in the process of burning coal to produce electrical energy. In attempting to control these gaseous wastes, changes in the operation efficiency of boilers and secondary equipment are likely to result, and in addition liquid and solid waste streams are produced. The interrelationships among the various forms of wastes and the effects of air quality control on process efficiency are often overlooked in studies of environmental quality management.

The study was undertaken to evaluate the technical alternatives for handling gaseous and particulate emissions from coal-fired boilers and to determine the feasibility of meeting several standards simultaneously. The gaseous emissions of major importance in the combustion of coal are parti culates, oxides of sulfur, and oxides of nitrogen. Particulates can be controlled by a tradeoff among further preparation at the mine (for additional ash removal), type of boiler, use of dust control equipment and high stacks for dispersion of residual emissions, if ambient air standards are considered. Oxides of sulfur reduction depends currently on fuel substitution, limestone additives in the boiler and some form of contact process such as wet scrubbing, or the use of high stacks. Oxides of nitrogen control in coal fired boilers is restricted to small reductions by either changes in boiler operation, such as lower excess air levels, adsorption during wet scrubbing or by dispersion from high stacks.  相似文献   

Six properties appear desirable for any set of ozone attainment criteria: (1) sufficient stringency to protect public health, (2) simplicity and understandability, (3) sensitivity to real changes in air quality, (4) stability against meteorological fluctuations, (5) use of as much data as possible, and (6) equivalence between the stringency the criteria appear to mandate, and what they actually mandate. We consider how the federal attainment criteria might be improved with respect to Properties 4 through 6 while being equally strong on 1 through 3. Whether the federal standard meets Property 1 has been the subject of debate, but our analysis would apply also to a modified standard. We show that there are subtleties in how improvements might be made. In particular, basing the attainment status on a statistic with low variance may not lead to a more stable criterion, and although it is easy to find a criterion that makes it hard for a district with bad air to reach attainment, or a district with good air to get out of attainment, it is hard to find a criterion that does both. This suggests using different criteria for districts that are out of attainment from districts that are in attainment. Initially the burden of proof would be on the district to prove that its air is of attainment quality. However, once the district has achieved attainment the burden of proof would shift; the district would remain in attainment unless there was strong evidence to the contrary.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview on air pollution assessments of new fossil energy technologies for baseload electric generating plants. The discussion is oriented towards those who must understand the broad issues affecting the design and performance of such power plants. It is motivated by the potential air pollution problems caused by the near doubling of coal use projected for the next 15 years.

The paper first reviews the applicable emissions performance standards for these plants, as well as predictions of likely future standards needed to protect the environment. The conclusion is reached that significantly tighter emissions standards will apply in the future.

Next, the cost, emissions performance, and development status of the three major technology groups for coal fired baseload plants are reviewed. It is observed that while all of the technologies can meet the current standards, only the Baseline plant with Advanced Control Technology can meet future standards, without unreasonable increases in electrical generation costs. Furthermore, since Advanced Direct Combustion Technologies and Fuel Conversion Technologies are in very early stages of development, only the Baseline plant with Advanced Control Technology will be available to the utilities in the near term. This is because it will be evolved from the current commercial Baseline Technology.

Hence, it is concluded that the utilities will use mainly the Baseline coal fired plant with Advanced Control Technology to protect the environment for the next 15-20 years.  相似文献   

The fuel shortage has encouraged the utilization of high sulfur fuels in those facilities where they can be used in an environmentally safe manner. A study was undertaken by the State of Iowa to correlate sulfur content of coals, stack heights, and maximum ground level concentrations from power plants. This study revealed that the primary National Ambient Air Quality Standards for SO2 are more restrictive than the secondary standard in almost all cases. This conclusion is contrary to the position that the attainment of the secondary standard could beata later date than the attainment of the primary standards.  相似文献   

Six properties appear desirable for any set of ozone attainment criteria: (1) sufficient stringency to protect public health, (2) simplicity and understandability, (3) sensitivity to real changes in air quality, (4) stability against meteorological fluctuations, (5) use of as much data as possible, and (6) equivalence between the stringency the criteria appear to mandate, and what they actually mandate. We consider how the federal attainment criteria might be improved with respect to Properties 4 through 6 while being equally strong on 1 through 3. Whether the federal standard meets Property 1 has been the subject of debate, but our analysis would apply also to a modified standard. We show that there are subtleties in how improvements might be made. In particular, basing the attainment status on a statistic with low variance may not lead to a more stable criterion, and although it is easy to find a criterion that makes it hard for a district with bad air to reach attainment, or a district with good air to get out of attainment, it is hard to find a criterion that does both. This suggests using different criteria for districts that are out of attainment from districts that are in attainment. Initially the burden of proof would be on the district to prove that its air is of attainment quality. However, once the district has achieved attainment the burden of proof would shift; the district would remain in attainment unless there was strong evidence to the contrary. An evaluation of a set of criteria based on this idea showed improvements over the federal criteria with respect to the last three desirable properties-stability, use of data, and equivalent stringency-with some sacrifice in simplicity and sensitivity.  相似文献   

Atmospheric mercury (Hg) emission from coal is one of the primary sources of anthropogenic discharge and pollution. China is one of the few countries in the world whose coal consumption constitutes about 70% of total primary energy, and over half of coals are burned directly for electricity generation. Atmospheric emissions of Hg and its speciation from coal-fired power plants are of great concern owing to their negative impacts on regional human health and ecosystem risks, as well as long-distance transport. In this paper, recent trends of atmospheric Hg emissions and its species split from coal-fired power plants in China during the period of 2000-2007 are evaluated, by integrating each plant's coal consumption and emission factors, which are classified by different subcategories of boilers, particulate matter (PM) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) control devices. Our results show that the total Hg emissions from coal-fired power plants have begun to decrease from the peak value of 139.19 t in 2005 to 134.55 t in 2007, though coal consumption growing steadily from 1213.8 to 1532.4 Mt, which can be mainly attributed to the co-benefit Hg reduction by electrostatic precipitators/fabric filters (ESPs/FFs) and wet flue gas desulfurization (WFGD), especially the sharp growth in installation of WFGD both in the new and existing power plants since 2005. In the coming 12th five-year-plan, more and more plants will be mandated to install De-NO(x) (nitrogen oxides) systems (mainly selective catalytic reduction [SCR] and selective noncatalytic reduction [SNCR]) for minimizing NO(x) emission, thus the specific Hg emission rate per ton of coal will decline further owing to the much higher co-benefit removal efficiency by the combination of SCR + ESPs/FFs + WFGD systems. Consequently, SCR + ESPs/FFs + WFGD configuration will be the main path to abate Hg discharge from coal-fired power plants in China in the near future. However advanced specific Hg removal technologies are necessary for further reduction of elemental Hg discharge in the long-term.  相似文献   


Emissions of sulfur trioxide (SO3) are a key component of plume opacity and acid deposition. Consequently, these emissions need to be low enough to not cause opacity violations and acid deposition. Generally, a small fraction of sulfur (S) in coal is converted to SO3 in coal-fired combustion devices such as electric utility boilers. The emissions of SO3 from such a boiler depend on coal S content, combustion conditions, flue gas characteristics, and air pollution devices being used. It is well known that the catalyst used in the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) technology for nitrogen oxides control oxidizes a small fraction of sulfur dioxide in the flue gas to SO3. The extent of this oxidation depends on the catalyst formulation and SCR operating conditions. Gas-phase SO3 and sulfuric acid, on being quenched in plant equipment (e.g., air preheater and wet scrubber), result in fine acidic mist, which can cause increased plume opacity and undesirable emissions. Recently, such effects have been observed at plants firing high-S coal and equipped with SCR systems and wet scrubbers. This paper investigates the factors that affect acidic mist production in coal-fired electric utility boilers and discusses approaches for mitigating emission of this mist.  相似文献   

The types and rates of pollutant emissions from a coal-fired power plant depend upon plant design, coal characteristics, and environmental control policy. In the past, air pollution regulations were often promulgated without rigorous analysis of the resulting energy penalties and secondary environmental impacts that occur in other environmental media (air, land, or water), which are counterproductive to overall environmental quality. This paper describes a Comparative Assessment Model that has been developed to consider systematically such tradeoffs for conventional and advanced coal-to-electric technologies. The model is applied to quantify the secondary (“cross-media”) environmental and resource impacts resulting from alternative air pollution control policies that reduce sulfur dioxide emissions from a 1000 MW power plant. Multimedia pollutant burdens are presented, together with the increased requirements for coal, limestone, and water that are incurred in generating a fixed net quantity of electricity. The development of sound public policy requires that environmental regulations be sensitive to adverse effects in all environmental media, and that tradeoffs involved in the regulation of specific pollutants to one medium be rigorously and systematically characterized.  相似文献   

Results from a detailed analysis of sulfur dioxide (SO2) reductions achievable through “deep” physical coal cleaning (PCC) at 20 coal-fired power plants in the Ohio-Indiana-Illinois region are presented here. These plants all have capacities larger than 500 MWe, are currently without any flue gas desulfurization (FGD) systems, and burn coal of greater than l%sulfur content (in 1980). Their aggregate emissions of 2.4 million tons of SO2 per year represents 55% of the SO2 inventory for these states. The principal coal supplies for each power plant were identified and characterized as to coal seam and county of origin, so that published coal-washability data could be matched to each supplier. The SO2 reductions that would result from deep cleaning each coal (Level 4) were calculated using an Argonne computer model that assumes a weight recovery of 80%. Percentage reductions in sulfur content ranged from zero to 52%, with a mean value of 29%, and costs ranged from a low of $364/ton SO2 removed to over $2000/ton SO2 removed. Because coal suppliers to these power plants employ some voluntary coal cleaning, the anticipated emissions reduction from current levels should be near 20%. Costs then were estimated for FGD systems designed to remove the same amount of SO2 as was achieved by PCC through the use of partial scrubbing with bypass of the remaining flue gas. On this basis, PCC was more cost-effective than FGD for about 50% of the plants studied and had comparable costs for another 25% of the plants. Possible governmental actions to either encourage or mandate coal cleaning were identified and evaluated  相似文献   

The Commerce Technical Advisory Board (CTAB) Panel on Sulfur Oxide mission Control Technology was established in the spring of_1975 by the Secretary of Commerce in response to the urgent need for the use of coal to meet the Nation’s energy requirements, while maintaining the SO2 emission standards resulting from the Clean Air Act of 1970.

The Panel’s 20 members and 11 consultants, drawn broadly from industry, government, and academia are highly qualified in the diverse fields pertinent to SOx control technologies. They committed themselves to make an objective analysis of how soon, at what cost, and with what trade-offs commercially available SO2 continuous emissions controls can be installed, with arrangements for waste disposal, in all coal-fifed electricity generating plants in the populous Northeastern quadrant of the United States.

In its final report, submitted on September 10, 1975 to Dr. Betsy Ancker-Johnson, Assistant Secretary for Science and Technology, U. S.Department of Commerce, and Chairman of the Commerce Technical Advisory Board, the Panel concludes that installation and operation of continuous SOx emission controls on all Northeastern coal-fired electricity generating plants cannot be met until the early 1980’s, and then only with a maximum effort beginning immediately. Specific site and market constraints will determine the most economical and practical control technology for any given plant. The Panel believes that coal beneficiation, alone where it meets standards, or combined with lime/limestone flue gas desulfurization, often represents the lowest cost control technique.  相似文献   

The body of information presented in this paper is directed to environmental scientists interested in the detection of vegetation damage from air pollution. A dual 35-mm camera bank, manually operated from a small aircraft, was tested as a sensor system for detecting vegetation damage caused by air pollution. The cameras were filled with color and color infrared film and attached to a frame so that simultaneous exposure was possible. This gave a matched pair of photographs for each scene.

A test site was selected that contained three very large coal-fired power plants and a complex of beehive coke ovens. The power plants burn medium-sulfur coal (2 to 3%) which, after coal preparation, results in stack emissions of between 1500 and 2000 ppm sulfur dioxide (S02). The coke ovens are relatively old and have effectively no pollution controls. The ovens emit hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, a variety of benzene-based organics, and heavily dust-laden smoke. The areas near the power plants and coke ovens were monitored by photographic overflights on a regular basis. A variety of aerial photographs were made to test for optimum light conditions, exposure times, and altitudes. Field trips were carried out to examine photographed areas at the ground level.

Two areas were found to have vegetation damage on a scale that made aerial photographs useful. One area was damaged from effluent from the coke ovens; another area exhibited symptoms characteristic of oxidant-type damage where low sulfur dioxide concentrations may have been a contributing factor. In each case the 35-mm camera system was a success in terms of detecting and recording the stress. The chief advantages of such a technique are ease of operation, flexibility, and economy. Compared with conventional aerial photography, the savings are considerable. The disadvantages are small area coverage per photograph and difficulty in obtaining vertical photographs that would have a uniform scale. However, for this particular project, these were not serious drawbacks.  相似文献   

Simplified algorithms are presented for estimating the cost of controlling sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions from existing coal-fired power plants on a state-by-state basis. Results are obtained using the detailed Utility Control Strategy Model (UCSM) to calculate the Impacts of emission reductions ranging from approximately 30 percent to 90 percent of projected 1995 emissions for 18 different scenarios and 36 states. Scenarios include the use of two dry SO2 removal technologies (lime spray dryers and LIMB) as potential options for power plant retrofit, in addition to currently available emission control options including coal switching, coal cleaning and wet flue gas desulfurization (FGD). Technical assumptions relating to FGD system performance and the upgrading of existing cold-side electrostatic precipitators (ESP) for reduced sulfur levels are also analyzed, along with the effects of interest rates, coal prices, coal choice restrictions, plant lifetime, and plant operating levels. Results are summarized in the form of a 3-term polynomial equation for each state, giving total annualized SO2 control cost as a function of the total SO2 emissions reduction for each scenario. Excellent statistical fits to UCSM results are obtained for these generalized equations.  相似文献   

To preserve and improve environmental quality in a prosperous industrialized nation like the United States, we must use efficient control technology to reduce the pollution which would otherwise accompany our growth. The need for control is especially great in our use of energy. In the near term our country must depend increasingly on coal to meet our energy needs. In his 1977 energy message President Carter declared that it would be this Administration’s policy to require the use of best available control technology for all new coal burning plants. EPA is implementing this policy by adopting a rule that will require such controls on new coal-fired power plants.  相似文献   

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