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Particulate emission factors for two wood stove models have been determined for two types of fuel and a range of operating conditions. The emission factors range from 1 g/kg (fuel) to 24 g/kg. A model is presented which represents the emission factor as a simple function of the ratio of fuel load to combustion rate, or the length of time between refueling. This model is felt to be appropriate for evaluating the impact of wood-based residential space heating on ambient air concentrations of particulate matter If certain assumptions can be made about stove operating conditions. An application of the emission factor model to a typical community suggests that the contribution of wood stoves to ambient particulate levels might reach 100 μg/m3 if the entire heating load were carried by wood.

Preliminary analyses of the particulate matter Indicate that benzene extractables range from 42% of the total particulate mass at short refuel times to 67% at longer refuel times. About 45% of the mass of benzene extractables appeared in the neutral fraction of acid base extractions. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are expected to be included in this neutral fraction.  相似文献   


Certification testing of locomotive diesel engines is conducted by testing the locomotive in a series of steady-state conditions, or notches. The aim of this work was to determine whether notch changes, which are made on the order of twice per minute during normal locomotive operation, significantly affect emission rates. Particulate matter (PM) measurements recorded by others over 5, 15, and 30 min immediately at notch change were analyzed. By assuming that PM emissions during steady-state conditions were constant, it was possible to determine the amount of PM emitted because of notch change. Certification line-haul and switching duty cycles were modified to include a representative number of notch changes. The results of these calculations suggest that in test cycles in which a representative number of notch changes were included, ~40% of PM emissions occurred because of notch changes.  相似文献   

Emissions from residential wood burning stoves are of Increasing concern in many areas. This concern is due to the magnitude of the emissions and the toxic and chemical characteristics of the pollutants. Recent testing of standard and new technology woodstoves has provided data for developing a family of particulate and carbon monoxide emission factor curves. This testing has also provided data illustrating the acidity of woodstove emissions. The particulate and carbon monoxide curves relate the actual stove emissions to the stove size and operating parameters of burn rate, fuel loading, and fuel moisture. Curves relating stove types to the acidity of emissions have also been constructed.

Test data show actual emissions vary from 3 to 50 grams per kilogram for particles and from 50 to 300 grams per kilogram for carbon monoxide. Since woodstove emissions are the largest single category of particulate emissions in many areas, it Is essential that these emissions be quantified specifically for geographic regions, allowing meaningful impact analysis modeling to be accomplished. Emission factors for particles and carbon monoxide are presented from several stove sizes and burn rates.

The acidic nature of woodstove emissions has been clearly demonstrated. Tests indicate woodstove flue gas condensate solutions to be predominantly in the 2.8 to 4.2 pH range. Condensate solutions from conventional woodstoves exhibited the characteristic buffering capacity of carboxylic acids when titrations were performed with a strong base. The environmental impact of buffered acidic woodstove emissions is not currently well understood; however, it is possible with the data presented here to make semi-quantitative estimates of acid emissions from particulate and carbon monoxide emission factors and wood use inventories.  相似文献   


Although it has long been recognized that road and building construction activity constitutes an important source of particulate matter (PM) emissions throughout the United States, until recently only limited research has been directed to its characterization. This paper presents the results of PM10 and PM2.5 (particles ≤10 μm and ≤2.5 μm in aerodynamic diameter, respectively) emission factor development from the onsite testing of component operations at actual construction sites during the period 1998 –2001. Much of the testing effort was directed at earthmoving operations with scrapers, because earthmoving is the most important contributor of PM emissions across the construction industry. Other sources tested were truck loading and dumping of crushed rock and mud and dirt carryout from construction site access points onto adjacent public paved roads. Also tested were the effects of watering for control of scraper travel routes and the use of paved and graveled aprons at construction site access points for reducing mud and dirt carryout. The PM10 emissions from earthmoving were found to be up to an order of magnitude greater than predicted by AP-42 emission factors drawn from other industries. As expected, the observed PM2.5:PM10 emission factor ratios reflected the relative importance of the vehicle exhaust and the resuspended dust components of each type of construction activity. An unexpected finding was that PM2.5 emissions from mud and dirt carryout were much less than anticipated. Finally, the control efficiency of watering of scraper travel routes was found to closely follow a bilinear moisture model.  相似文献   

Open sources are those stationary sources of air pollution too great in extent to be controlled through enclosure or ducting. Open sources of atmospheric particles include: wind erosion, tilling, and prescribed burning of agricultural cropland; surface mining and wind erosion of tailings piles; vehicular travel on both paved and unpaved roads; construction site activity; and forest fires. It is estimated that in 1976 the total open source emissions of particles in the U.S. amounted to over 580 × 106 ton. These estimates indicate that emissions from the two largest open source classes, travel on unpaved roads and agricultural wind erosion, accounted for 86% of this total. The open source emissions in ten states (AZ, CA, KS, MN, MT, NM, ND, OH, SD, TX) contributed 6 2% of the national emissions for 1976.  相似文献   

Conventional types of municipal incinerators generate enormous quantities of stack gas because of high excess air and high temperatures. Under these conditions the size and cost of equipment to clean the flue gas to low dust contents are large. By burning the refuse in boiler furnaces at low excess air, and generating steam, the volume of flue gas to be cleaned is reduced to a minimum. Where high efficiency of flue-dust collection is required, steam generation from refuse firing permits a major saving on the cost of dust collection.  相似文献   

The body of information presented in this paper is directed to researchers in stack testing methodology and to those concerned with reduction of emissions through equipment upgrading programs. Extensive testing was done using the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Method 5 stack sampling train to obtain emission factors for existing apartment house boilers and incinerators in the City of New York. In addition to calculating emission factors, stack emission data were examined to compare results of simultaneous emission tests and to compare the dry particulate catch of the sampling train with the total particulate catch which included the impinger catch. Conclusions reached as a result of the testing were that published emission factors for boilers burning moderately high-sulfur residual oil are applicable to New York City boilers burning low-sulfur residual oil. In addition, it was found that the back half of the sampling train—the impinger section—collects a relatively constant amount of material when sampling oil-fired boilers. This may be due to absorption of S02 and S03 in the impingers and the subsequent formation of sulfuric acid. Comparison of simultaneous boiler tests indicated that the sampling train may be sensitive to variations in operating personnel, sampling conditions, and boiler operation. From tests of on-site incinerators, it was determined that previously published emission factors may be too high for well maintained and properly operated incinerators. The back half particulate catch was found to be relatively large which may have resulted from condensation of unburned organics from the burning waste material.  相似文献   

Fine participates are the subject of increasing concern as one of the major air pollutants. They contribute to smog formation. They are a health hazard because they bypass the respiratory filters and penetrate deep into the lungs, and because they may act synergistically with other pollutants. The sources of submicron particle size pollutants are discussed.  相似文献   

Evaluation of emerging diesel particulate emissions control technology will require analytical procedures capable of continuous or “real-time” measurement of transient organic and elemental carbon emissions. Procedures based on the flame ionlzation properties of organic carbon and the opacity or light extinction properties of elemental carbon are described, and applied for measurement of particulate emissions from diesel engines. The Instrumentation provided adequate sensitivity and time resolution for observation of the transient emissions associated with typical automobile urban driving conditions. Analytical accuracy is evaluated by comparing Integrated average results to measurements using classical gravimetric filtration and solvent extraction procedures. Mass specifc extinction coefficients are evaluated using the Beer-Lambert law. A simplified linear model relating elemental carbon concentration to opacity is also evaluated.  相似文献   

A linear relationship has been found between oxygen usage and particulate mass emission rate for a basic open hearth furnace. Particulate emissions were found to pass through a minimum at 50% hot metal addition to the furnace which also corresponded to minimum oxygen consumption. Number 2 dealer scrap and hot metal addition were found to have a secondary effect on the particulate emissions. Variation of number 2 dealer scrap from 0 to 15% of the charge and hot metal from 10 to 70% resulted in a maximum 44% increase in particulate emissions. Aerodynamic particle size distributions for all heats and within heats were relatively invariant with an average mass median diameter of 1.4µ  相似文献   

Particulate mass concentration, particle size distribution, and particle chemical composition measurements have been conducted on the gases exhausting from a chromic acid anodizing process tank. Particle mass concentrations in the 200 to 20,000 μg/m3 range were measured using open-faced filters (47 mm diameter) adjacent to the process tank liquid and with closed filters (90 mm diameter) in the exhaust duct. Particle size distributions, measured using University of Washington Mark 3 and Mark 20 Cascade Impactors, showed the particle aerodynamic mass median diameter was about 3 microns. Chemical analysis of the particle samples obtained by the Modified EPA Method 5 sampling train, the Mark 20 UW Cascade Impactors, and by the 47 mm and 90 mm diameter filters showed Cr+6 concentrations in the 20 to 1,500 μg/m3 range with over 99 percent of the chromium in particles larger than 1.0 microns diameter. An integrating nephelometer was used to measure the light scattering coefficient of the exhaust gases upstream of the wet scrubber. The light scattering coefficient increased by a factor of about 2–3 over the background level during the 40 minute time period while a part was being anodized. The bscat values ranged from 3 × 10?5 to 3 × 10?4 meters?1 for the aerosol particles less than about 6 microns aerodynamic diameter.  相似文献   


Coal slag is one of the widely used abrasives in dry abrasive blasting. Atmospheric emissions from this process include particulate matter (PM) and heavy metals, such as chromium, lead, manganese, nickel. Quantities and characteristics of PM emissions depend on abrasive characteristics and process parameters. Emission factors are key inputs to estimate emissions. Experiments were conducted to study the effect of blast pressure, abrasive feed rate, and initial surface contamination on total PM (TPM) emission factors for coal slag. Rusted and painted mild steel surfaces were used as base plates. Blasting was carried out in an enclosed chamber, and PM was collected from an exhaust duct using U.S. Environment Protection Agency source sampling methods for stationary sources. Results showed that there is significant effect of blast pressure, feed rate, and surface contamination on TPM emissions. Mathematical equations were developed to estimate emission factors in terms of mass of emissions per unit mass of abrasive used, as well as mass of emissions per unit of surface area cleaned. These equations will help industries in estimating PM emissions based on blast pressure and abrasive feed rate. In addition, emissions can be reduced by choosing optimum operating conditions.  相似文献   


Emissions inventories of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) were compared with estimates of emissions based on data emerging from U.S. Environment Protection Agency Particulate Matter Supersites and other field programs. Six source categories for PM2.5 emissions were reviewed: on-road mobile sources, nonroad mobile sources, cooking, biomass combustion, fugitive dust, and stationary sources. Ammonia emissions from all of the source categories were also examined. Regional emissions inventories of PM in the exhaust from on-road and nonroad sources were generally consistent with ambient observations, though uncertainties in some emission factors were twice as large as the emission factors. In contrast, emissions inventories of road dust were up to an order of magnitude larger than ambient observations, and estimated brake wear and tire dust emissions were half as large as ambient observations in urban areas. Although comprehensive nationwide emissions inventories of PM2.5 from cooking sources and biomass burning are not yet available, observational data in urban areas suggest that cooking sources account for approximately 5–20% of total primary emissions (excluding dust), and biomass burning sources are highly dependent on region. Finally, relatively few observational data were available to assess the accuracy of emission estimates for stationary sources. Overall, the uncertainties in primary emissions for PM2.5 are substantial. Similar uncertainties exist for ammonia emissions. Because of these uncertainties, the design of PM2.5 control strategies should be based on inventories that have been refined by a combination of bottom-up and top-down methods.  相似文献   


Partially speciated hydrocarbon (HC) emissions data from several small utility engines, as measured by a Fourier Transform Infrared analyzer, are presented. The engines considered have nominal horsepower ratings between 3.7 and 9.3 kW. Both side-valve and overhead-valve engines are studied, and four different fuels are used in the engines. The results indicate that the small HCs present in the exhaust tend to be in the form of either methane or unsatur-ated HCs. Other small alkanes, such as ethane and propane, are present in only relatively small concentrations. In terms of ozone formation potential, the HCs in the form of methane will lead to little ozone, but the distribution of the C2 and C3 species is not ideal from an ozone reduction standpoint. It is also found that the presence of oxygen in the fuels appears to lead to somewhat more complete combustion, although the effects are not large. Finally, the overhead-valve engines appear to have lower HC emissions than side-valve engines, which is primarily due to higher operating A/F ratios and the engine geometry.  相似文献   


This paper describes efforts to reduce particulate matter (PM) emissions from restaurant operations, including application of an existing control method to a new equipment type. Commercial charbroiling in the South Coast Air Basin results in emissions of approximately 10 tons/day of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and 1.3 tons/day of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Over a seven-year period, the South Coast Air Quality Management District worked with industry to develop test methods for measuring emissions from various cooking operations, evaluate control technologies, and develop a rule to reduce these emissions.

Of the two basic types of charbroilers—chain-driven and underfired—underfired produce four times the emissions when equivalent amounts of product are cooked. Cost-effective control technology is currently available only for chain-driven charbroilers. The application of flameless catalytic oxidizers to chain-driven charbroilers was found to effectively reduce emissions by at least 83% and is cost-effective. The catalysts have been used worldwide at restaurants for several years. Research efforts are underway to identify control options for underfired charbroilers.

Implementation of Rule 1138, Control of Emissions from Restaurant Operations, adopted November 14, 1997, will result in reductions of 0.5 tons/day of PM2.5 and 0.2 tons/day of VOCs. Future rules will result in reductions from underfired charbroilers and possibly other restaurant equipment when cost-effective solutions are available.  相似文献   


Although the fugitive dust associated with construction mud/dirt carryout can represent a substantial portion of the particulate matter (PM) emissions inventory in non-attainment areas, it has not been well characterized by direct sampling methods. In this paper, a research program is described that directly determined both PM10 and PM2.5 (particles ≤10 and 2.5 μm in classical aerodynamic diameter, respectively) emission factors for mud/dirt carryout from a major construction project located in metropolitan Kansas City, MO. The program also assessed the contribution of automotive emissions to the total PM2.5 burden and determined the baseline emissions from the test road. As part of the study, both time-integrated and continuous exposure-profiling methods were used to assess the PM emissions, including particle size and elemental composition. This research resulted in overall PM10 and PM2.5 emission factors of 6 and 0.2 g/vehicle, respectively. Although PM10 is within the range of prior U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guidance, the PM2.5 emission factor is far lower than previous estimates published by EPA. In addition, based on both the particle size and chemical data obtained in the study, a major portion of the PM2.5 emissions appears to be attributable to automotive exhaust from light-duty, gasoline-powered vehicles and not to the fugitive dust associated with re-entrained mud/dirt carryout.  相似文献   

Initial implementation plans provided for particulate reduction largely through the imposition of emission limitations on industrial processes, large steam generators, and solid waste disposal, requiring, in turn, application of control equipment for compliance. In many urban areas, this approach is not adequate to achieve the secondary air quality standards so that a more general strategy must be employed. Such strategy may include restrictions on fuel burning, combustion equipment, maintenance programs, utility steam distribution, etc. The potential abatement achievable through such strategies is described using Boston as a case study. Cost and technical factors associated with each strategy are discussed.  相似文献   

Particulate matter is characterized by its physical and chemical properties. Federal and state emission standards identify two important physical properties, opacity (visible emissions) and particulate mass concentration. In addition, particle size and particle composition are characteristics that play a significant role in the assessment of health effects, visibility, and control strategy. Systems to monitor these particle characteristics are in various stages of development. Opacity monitors have the longest history of commercial availability and of applicability to various source emissions. Particulate mass monitors have a short history as commercially available systems and are under evaluation in various source applications. Particle size monitors are mainly in the advanced prototype development stage undergoing evaluation. Particle composition monitors are in the early stages of development as research prototypes. Real time size monitoring systems will eventually be wedded to real time particle composition analyzers to give a monitoring system for particle size distributions of chemical constituents.  相似文献   

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