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Food selectivity was examined in amictic female rotifers, Brachionus plicatilis, fed Chlamydomonas sp. and Olisthodiscus sp. Filtering and ingestion rates of the rotifers in a single food suspension were higher with Chlamydomonas sp. than with Olisthodiscus sp. In every mixture of two food species, the apparent filtering rate on Chlamydomonas sp. was much higher than that on Olisthodiscus sp. Total filtering rate and apparent filtering rate in food suspensions containing Chlamydomonas sp. decreased with increasing cell concentration of Chlamydomonas sp. Total and apparent filtering rates were calculated from the decrease in total food concentration as well as from decreases in concentrations of each of the two food algae, respectively. B. plicatilis ingested Olisthodiscus sp. at an extremely low constant rate in all mixtures. The degree of food selectivity of the rotifers fed Chlamydomonas sp. (i.e., selective filtration) from the mixture of two food algae decreased with increasing cell concentration of Chlamydomonas sp. Filtering and ingestion rates of rotifers fed senescent Chlamydomonas sp. were relatively lower than those fed Chlamydomonas sp. in the exponential phase. This indicates that Brachionus plicatilis displays selectivity in regard to condition of cells as well as type of food.  相似文献   

Growth rates of anchovy larvae, Engraulis mordax, reared for 19 days under constant environmental conditions on a diet of laboratory-cultured organisms, exceeded the growth rates of anchovies fed on a diet of wild plankton. The rotifer Brachionus plicatilis was found to be a nutritous food source when fed to the larvae in concentrations of 10 to 20/ml and in combination with the dinoflagellate Gymnodinium splendens (100/ml). Optimum conditions were determined for mass culture of the rotifer. A high food concentration was the most important parameter needed to assure a high yield of rotifers. Large volumes (464 I) of the unicellular flagellate Dunaliella sp. were cultured for feeding the rotifers. The rotifer culture technique described produces approximately 2.5×106 organisms/day, providing a reliable food source for rearing studies. The lengths of B. plicatilis (without eggs) ranged between 99 and 281 , most rotifers being larger than 164 and less than 231 . Individuals weighed 0.16 g and contained 8×10-4 cal.  相似文献   

A salinity dependent mictic response was observed in a clone of Brachionus plicatilis cultured in the 2 to 4 salinity range. This response was related to asexual exponential reproduction rates (G) and could be divided into three categories: (a) no mixis occurred at a salinity of 35 S and above, where G values were lower than 0.30 d-1, (b) low mictic levels in rotifers cultured at 2 and 30 S, where G values ranged between 0.40 to 0.50 d-1, and (c) high mictic levels in rotifers cultured at salinities ranging between 4 and 20 S, where G values ranged between 0.50 to 0.85 d-1. Fluctuations in mictic levels varied with time during the course of the experiments. Results suggest that salinity conditions leading to optimal parthenogenic reproduction also support mixis.  相似文献   

Several live specimens of the blue-ringed octopus Octopus maculosus were collected from the Philippines in November 1985, and from Japan in February 1986, and the distribution of toxicity, along with toxin composition, in the posterior salivary gland and other soft parts were examined. Tetrodotoxin (TTX: 1400 mouse units g-1) was detected in the posterior salivary gland of a Japanese specimen, while not only the salivary gland but other soft parts were toxic in the Philippine specimens. The Philippine specimens contained TTX and anhydrotetrodotoxin, the Japanese specimen TTX, 4-epitetrodotoxin, and an unknown toxin. The posterior salivary gland, intestine and other parts were excised from the Philippine specimens and examined for bacterial flora. Twenty-two dominant strains were isolated and cultured in a 2xORI medium (Ocean Research Institute, Simidu and Tsukamoto 1985) at 20°C for 20 to 48 h. Cells were harvested by centrifugation, and disrupted by ultrasonication. The toxins were partially purified from the cell lyzate by ultrafiltration and Bio-Gel P-2 column-chromatography. Instrumental analyses disclosed that 16 of the 22 strains produced TTX and/or related substances. Six strains which clearly exhibited TTX productivity were identified as Alteromonas (2 strains), Bacillus (2), Pseudomonas (1) and Vibrio (1), based on biochemical and biological characteristics. Of these, one strain each of Bacillus and Pseudomonas produced TTX at a level detectable by the mouse assay.  相似文献   

T. W. Snell 《Marine Biology》1986,92(2):157-162
The reproductive response of sexual and asexual female Brachionus plicatilis (Muller) was examined over temperatures ranging from 20° to 40°C, salinities from 5 to 40 S, and food levels from 0.25 to 20 g Chlorella vulgaris dry-weight per ml. Reduced food levels, as well as temperature and salinity extremes, reduced reproduction of both sexual and asexual females, but did so differentially. Reproduction by sexual females was reduced to a greater extent at environmental extremes than asexual females. The broad, flat reproductive response curve of asexual females extended beyond the limits of the narrower, more sharply peaked curve of sexual females. Thus zones of exclusively asexual reproduction exist at environmental extremes where sexual reproduction is physiologically restricted. These results are corroborated by a comparison of the lifetime fecundity of individual sexual and asexual females over a 20°C temperature range. No differences in lifetime fecundity occurred between sexual and asexual females at 18° and 28°C. At 38°C, however, asexual female fecundity reached its highest level, while sexual female fecundity declined 15%. The appearance of sexual females in rotifer populations in the result of both inducible and repressible factors.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2005,186(3):326-344
We present a model framework for the simulation of growth and reproduction of Daphnia at varying conditions of food concentration and temperature. The core of our framework consists of an individual level model that simulates allocation of assimilated carbon into somatic growth, maintenance costs, and reproduction on the basis of a closed carbon budget. A fixed percentage of assimilated carbon is allocated into somatic growth and maintenance costs. Special physiological adaptations in energy acquisition and usage allow realistic model performance even at very low food concentrations close to minimal food requirements. All model parameters are based on physiological measures taken from the literature. Model outputs were thoroughly validated on data from a life-table experiment with Daphnia galeata. For the first time, a successful model validation was performed at such low food concentrations. The escalator boxcar train (EBT) was used to integrate this individual level model into a stage-structured population model. In advance to previous applications of the EBT to Daphnia we included an additional clutch compartment into the model structure that accounts for the characteristic time delay between egg deposition and hatching in cladocerans. By linking two levels of biological organisation, this model approach represents a comprehensive framework for studying Daphnia both at laboratory conditions and in the field. We compared outputs of our stage-structured model with predictions by two other models having analogous parameterisation: (i) another individual level Daphnia model (Kooijman–Metz model) and (ii) a classical unstructured population model. In contrast to our Daphnia model, the Kooijman–Metz model lacks the structure to account for the optimisation of energy acquisition and maintenance requirements by individual daphnids. The unstructured population model showed different patterns of population dynamics that were not in concordance with typical patterns observed in the field. Thus, we conclude our model provides a comprehensive tool for the simulation of growth and reproduction of Daphnia and corresponding population dynamics.  相似文献   

The filtration rates of Mytilus edilis (=galloprovincialis; 40 mm) were determined in relation to food concentration and temperature, using pure suspensions of the unicellular alga Platymonas suecica in concentrations ranging from 3x105 cells/l to 1.5x108 cells/l. The rate of filtration (ml/h/mussel) generally decreased as cell concentrations increased, and dropped to low values when concentrations above 5x107 cells/l were supplied. The amount of water swept clear varied continuously, and noticeable differences in the filtration activity of M. edulis were observed over short time intervals (5 min). Fluctuations of filtered volumes per unit time were greater with lower than with higher concentrations of algae. The influence of temperature on filtration activity was highest between 5°–15°C and 25°–30°C. A temperature increase from 15° to 25°C resulted in only a slight increase in filtration rate. At 5° and 30°C, filtration dropped to very low values, namely 350 and 100 ml/h, respectively. The temperature coefficients for the filtration rates of M. edulis were determined as: Q10 (5° to 15°C)=4.96; Q10 (10° to 20°C)=1.22. The amount of algae cells ingested per mussel per hour is directly related to food concentration. The maximum number of cells filtered/mussel/h in an algal suspension of 70x106 cells/l was 21.5x105 cells/h. Cell concentrations of up to 40x106 cells/l were swept clear without producing pseudofaeces. The critical cell density for M. edulis was reached at algal concentrations of 70 to 80x106 cells/l. Above these concentrations no normal filtration activity was observed.  相似文献   

The combined effects of two food levels (0.5 x 10(6) and 1.5 x 10(6) cells ml(-1) of Chlorella vulgaris) and five concentrations (0, 0.000625, 0.00125, 0.0025, 0.005 mg l(-1) of HgCl2) of mercury on the population growth of the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus was evaluated. The growth experiments were conducted for 18 days at 23+/-1 degrees C under continuous fluorescent illumination. For each food level - heavy metal combination, we maintained 3 replicates. Our data showed that regardless of food level, increase in the heavy metal concentration in the medium resulted in decreased population growth of B. calyciflorus. At any given heavy metal concentration, B. calyciflorus grown under higher food levels had higher population abundance. The rate of population increase was significantly influenced by both the heavy metal concentration and the algal level. The highest population growth rate (0.435+/-0.003 per day) was observed in controls at 1.5 x 10(6) cells ml(-1). The results of this study were discussed in relation to the protective role of algal density against heavy metal toxicity.  相似文献   

A. C. Anil  J. Kurian 《Marine Biology》1996,127(1):115-124
Influence of food concentration (0.5, 1 and 2 x 105 cell ml–1 ofSkeletonema costatum), temperature (20 and 30°C) and salinity (15, 25 and 35) on the larval development ofBalanus amphitrite (Cirripedia: Thoracica) was examined. The mortality rate at 20°C was lower than at 30°C in general. Increase in food concentration from 0.5 to 1 x 105 cells ml–1 improved the survival rate, but this was not evident when food concentration was increased to 2 x 105 cells ml–1. The results indicate that food availability and temperature jointly determine the energy allocation for metamorphic progress. It was observed that the influence of the tested variables varied with instar. At 20 °C the mean duration of the second instar exceeded 3 d and was much longer than other instar durations. The fourth, fifth and sixth instars and the total naupliar period showed that the effect of different salinities at given food concentrations was negligible at 20°C, while at 30°C there was a marked decrease in duration with increasing salinity.  相似文献   

Papakostas  S.  Triantafyllidis  A.  Kappas  I.  Abatzopoulos  T. J. 《Marine Biology》2005,147(5):1129-1139
Recent reports indicate an extensive amount of molecular evolution separating cryptic taxa as well as significant population structure at a microgeographical scale. Appropriate molecular markers are particularly suitable for distinguishing cryptic biological species. In this study, we examine the phylogenetic utility of 16S rRNA in elucidating the evolutionary relationships within the recently described euryhaline Brachionus plicatilis species complex. In addition, we assess the applicability of this marker in the genetic identification and monitoring of rotifer populations. We have sequenced a 378-bp fragment of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene in laboratory reference strains, hatchery clones as well as collections from a wild population of the subsaline Lake Koroneia (Northern Greece). Also, restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis was performed with eight restriction endonucleases. Rotifer samples are distinguished into six genetically divergent lineages. Average sequence divergence between lineages is 0.1038. The evolutionary relationships and divergence time-scales revealed with the 16S sequence data are in agreement with previous analyses using different mitochondrial and nuclear markers. The 16S region appears to have several advantages over other regions of the genome regarding use of species-specific primers, ease of amplification from single specimens and undiluted informational content over both recent and more ancient separations. It has also exhibited maximum discriminatory power (100% success) between lineages during RFLP analysis. The 16S assayed region has proven especially informative and consistent in detecting, supporting and establishing the lineage status within the B. plicatilis species complex both from a phylogenetic perspective and as an identification tool.  相似文献   

乐果是一种农业生产上广泛使用的有机磷农药,在对病虫害防治的同时也会对非靶生物带来一定的生态环境效应,轮虫是淡水生态系统中连接食物链的初级生产者与高级消费者的重要环节,考察乐果对轮虫的作用对于研究有机磷农药对水生生态系统的影响有着十分重要的意义。以常见淡水种萼花臂尾轮虫(Brachionus calyciflorus)为受试生物,考察了亚致死剂量乐果对淡水种萼花臂尾轮虫(Brachionus calyciflorus)生殖的影响,主要考察的实验指标有:轮虫总产卵量、总产后代量以及生活史各时期历时。结果表明乐果对轮虫的性成熟和生殖都有显著的影响。一方面,在任意的虫龄段1.0、1.4和1.8 mg·L-13个质量浓度乐果都显著地抑制了轮虫的生殖输出,总产卵量和总后代量有了明显地下降,3个质量浓度组轮虫总产卵量依次为(10.33±0.14)、(9.48±0.27)和(8.71±0.31)个,仅为对照组的78.69%、72.23%和66.34%,而总后代量依次为(7.64±0.12)、(6.85±0.25)和(5.69±0.13)个,仅为对照组的75.61%,67.83%和56.31%;另一方面乐果扰乱了轮虫正常的生活史周期,性成熟时间被推迟,1.0、1.4和1.8 mg·L-13个质量浓度组轮虫的幼年期依次为(24.28±1.17)、(30.31±0.32)和(28.50±0.40)h,占整个生活史的时间分配比例由16.99%(对照值)延长至21.23%、26.44%和27.16%,分别比对照组增加了13.78%、42.03%和33.55%。但轮虫的生殖期历时被缩短,3个质量浓度组轮虫的生殖期历时依次为(69.77±3.78)、(63.98±2.99)和(58.22±0.83)h,分别为对照组值的89.71%、82.27%和74.86%,占整个生活史的时间分配比例依次下降了1.02%、6.14%和6.45%。但低质量浓度的乐果(0.2和0.6 mg·L-1)对轮虫却有一定的刺激作用。0.2和0.6 mg·L-12个质量浓度组轮虫总产卵量分别比对照组提高了38.90%和22.99%,所产的后代总数分别比对照组提高了36.62%和34.22%,2个质量浓度的乐果显著地缩短了轮虫的幼年期(P<0.01)而延长了轮虫的生殖期历时(P<0.01)。本研究结果表明有机磷农药乐果对轮虫有一定的生殖干扰作用,影响个体发育与性成熟时间、产卵量和产后代量。  相似文献   

Rates of population increase in early spring and the sizes of overwintering stocks were calculated for the planktonic copepods Pseudocalanus elongatus and Acartia clausi for a set of areas covering the open waters of the north-east Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea for the period 1948 to 1979. For both species, the rates of population increase were higher in the open ocean than in the North Sea and appear to be related to temperature. The overwintering stocks in the North Sea were larger than those in the open ocean and are probably related to phytoplanton concentration. P. elongatus shows higher overwintering stocks and lower rates of population increase than A. clausi, resulting in different levels of persistence in the stocks of the two species. It is suggested that this difference in persistence is responsible for differences between the two species with respect to geographical distribution in summer and different patterns of year-to-year fluctuations in abundance.  相似文献   

J. Widdows 《Marine Biology》1973,20(4):269-276
The heart beat, ventilation rate and oxygen uptake of Mytilus edulis L. were measured simultaneously, in response to changes in temperature and food level. There was no thermal acclimation of heart-beat frequency or amplitude to temperatures from 5° to 25°C. Oxygen consumption and ventilation rate acclimated to 10°, 15° and 20°C, but not to 25°C. Starvation reduced the rate of oxygen uptake and heart-beat frequency to a standard level and, in response to food, the ventilation rate and oxygen consumption immediately increased to an active level. Feeding was maintained after the initiation of active metabolism, and during the following 10 days the heart-beat frequency gradually increased to the level characteristic of fed individuals. There was no direct correlation between the rate of oxygen consumption and heart rate, and an apparent absence of a close nervous coupling between ventilation rate and heart rate in M. edulis.  相似文献   

The use of the egg production rate of herbivorous copepods as an important parameter for understanding population dynamics and as an index of secondary production requires knowledge of the regulatory mechanisms involved and of the response to changes in food concentrations and temperature. Furthermore, the effects of season and generation on egg production have to be studied. In this context data are presented for Calanus finmarchicus from the northern North Atlantic. Prefed and prestarved females were exposed to different concentrations of the diatom Thalassiosira antarctica over 1 to 2 wk at 0 or 5 °C, and egg deposition was controlled daily. Egg production increased with higher food concentrations, but much less when prestarved. The effect of temperatures between −1.5 and 8 °C on egg production was studied in females maintained at optimum feeding conditions. Egg production rate increased exponentially over the whole temperature range by a factor of 5.2, from 14.2 to 73.4 eggs female−1 d−1, and carbon-specific egg production by 4, from 2.1 to 8.5% body C d−1. The response to starvation was also temperature dependent. In both the temperature and feeding experiments egg production rate was regulated mainly by changes of the spawning interval, while changes of clutch size were independent of experimental conditions. Different responses to optimum feeding conditions were observed in females collected in monthly intervals on three occasions between March and May. The March females deposited more clutches than the April and May females. In May, >50% of the females did not spawn at all. Maximum egg production rates were never >25% of the rate expected at 5 °C, indicating endogenous control of egg production in addition to food and temperature effects. Received: 4 August 1996 / Accepted: 11 September 1996  相似文献   

Balanus amphitrite, an acorn barnacle, is distinctly euryhaline, eurythermal and a dominant fouling organism found in warm and temperate waters throughout the world. In this study, the influence of temperature and food concentration on the reproductive biology of this species collected from a tropical habitat was evaluated. Adult barnacles were maintained at 20, 25 and 30°C temperatures at different concentrations of food (50, 100, 150 and 200 Artemia ind−1 day−1). In this previously believed obligatory cross-fertilizing hermaphrodite, self-fertilization was observed. The rise in temperature from 20 to 30°C resulted in a longer interbreeding interval (6–7 days, 200 Artemia ind−1 day−1; 11–13 days, 50 Artemia ind−1 day−1). Computed carbon gained through feeding during the interbreeding interval indicated an inverse relationship to the temperature. At 20°C, although a greater amount of carbon was gained through feeding, the numbers of larvae produced were fivefold less when compared to those raised at 30°C. At 20°C, 2.3 μg C was required to produce a single larva, whereas at 30°C it was 0.4 μg C. A rise in rearing temperature also influenced the molting rate positively. Observations on temporal variation in the gonad development of this species in a tropical coastal environment influenced by the monsoons indicated gonad development to be positively related to chlorophyll a concentration.  相似文献   

The limitations of traditional zooplankton grazing rate equations were analysed, and the relative advantages of taking time-series measurements or single end-point measurements of grazing rate examined. For zooplankters with variable feeding rates, the time-series approach is the only acceptable method. Use of end-point measurements to calculate feeding rates results in significant error if clearance rate changes or feeding ceases during the experiment, i.e. when the grazing coefficient is not constant, as is assumed in the clearance rate equations. The use of timeseries measurements is particularly important above the critical concentration for saturated ingestion rate. The functional response plot of ingestion rate versus mean cell concentration is inappropriate statistically and should be modified to avoid compounding variables appearing on both axes of the plot.  相似文献   

J. Vidal 《Marine Biology》1980,56(3):195-202
Weight-specific rates of oxygen consumption of actively feeding copepodite stages ofCalanus pacificus Brodsky were measured under various combination of phytoplankton concentration and temperature. The rate decreased logarithmically with a logarithmic increase in dry body weight of copepods, and the relationship between these variables was described using a log-transformed allometric equation. The body-size dependence of the metabolic rate was independent of changes in food concentration and temperature, but the metabolic level increased linearly with a logarithmic increase in temperature and was not significantly affected by changes in food concentration. Respiration rates measured in this study forC. pacificus were about twice as high as rates reported for unfed closely related species of the same genus. An analysis of the metabolic cost of feeding processes suggests that metabolic models derived from feeding models may be of little ecological value at present.Contribution No. 1129 from the Department of Oceanography, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA  相似文献   

Using 45Ca incorporation into the coral skeleton as a measure of calcification rate, the effect of temperature on clacification rate was studied in the hermatypic coral Pocillopora damicornis. Both immediate and long-term (adaptation) effects were investigated. Temperature has a marked effect on rate — an effect that varies depending on the temperature history of the coral (i.e., temperature adaptation occurs). P. damicornis showed both 27° and 31°C temperature optima, one or the other being dominant depending on the natural water temperature to which the coral was adapted. The two optimum temperatures may indicate two isoenzymes or two alternate metabolic pathways involved in the calcification process.  相似文献   

Feeding, respiration and growth rates of oyster (Ostrea edulis L.) larvae reared at five food levels were measured throughout the entire larval period. Energy budgets were derived as a function of alga (Isochrysis galbana Parke) food concentration. Ingestion rate (IR, cells h-1) and oxygen consumption rate ( , nl h-1) were almost isometric functions of larval size [ash-free dry weight, (AFDW, g)], characterized by the equations: IR=803.9 AFDW1.13 and =4.85 AFDW1.09. Ingested ration was directly correlated to cell concentration up to a maximum at 200 cells l-1, with further increases failing to support higher ingestion rates. Likewise, growth rate linearly increased with food ration up to 100 cells l-1 (max. growth efficiency,K 1=25%) and reached a maximum at 200 cells l-1 (growth rate=5.6 m d-1), with further increases in food not supporting significantly faster growth. Maintenance ration was 2 to 3% daily dry weight (DW); optimum ration increased during larval development from 5 to 20% DW; maximum ration was 20% DW. During larval rearing, an increasing feeding schedule of 50, 100 and 200 cells l-1 from Days 0, 5 and 10, respectively, is recommended.  相似文献   

The effect of sheep grazing on species richness, higher order diversity measures, inequality, species composition, functional diversity and allometric relationships at a coastal dune heathland site was investigated. After a prescribed fire in 2002, the site was divided into two parts, where one of the parts was unmanaged and the other part was fenced and grazed by sheep. Sheep grazing had a positive effect on species richness as well as a significant positive effect on the functional diversity at the coastal dune heathland site. Generally, the cover of dwarf shrubs was negatively affected by grazing, whereas the cover of sedges and grasses was positively affected by grazing. There is a need for comparative investigations of the effect of different management methods not only on floristic biodiversity, but on all relevant kinds of biodiversity as well as on soil structure, soil chemistry and habitat micro- and macrostructure. Consequently, we advocate the initiation of an international systematic investigation of the effect of different management methods.  相似文献   

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